Tomatometer predictions on this film?

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I reckon it'll end up at around 16-20% by the time all the reviews are in.
I honestly never expected the reviews to be this bad (even though I knew it wasn't a film I would be interested in seeing), I figured at worst it might end up in the 40% bracket but this...

Yeah, this is pretty shocking.
Willie Lumpkin, to be fair, as much as we all dislike it, filmmakers usually do not set out to make the worst movie ever.

Unless this was like a Producers esque situation where everyone was like purposefully trying to mock the fans and stick it to Marvel by keeping the property from going back to them. Metaphorically, it feels that way, but we can't be so arrogant to believe Josh Trank wanted that to happen.

This whole ordeal has hurt his career and credibility. Going by the reports, it got him fired from a dream Star Wars gig.

Of course not, and I actually blame Kinberg and Fox more than I blame Trank. Trank just had a really bad vision, but Fox put him in charge. (when a toddler plays with matches and burns the house down, do you blame the toddler or the person who gave him the matches?)

We saw from the beginning that Fox used a script from a complete unknown hack (Jeremy Slater), they hired an unproven director, they offered very little in the way of support or budget, and they didn't get in the way when dumb, arbitrary changes were being made to the source material that they should have known would turn off fans, and based on what we now know, any fool should have been able to read that script and say 'no'.

Fox may not have set out to make the worst movie ever, but they didn't make the choices or put the controls in place to make a good one.
The reason Fox didn't say no IMHO was because they needed this movie out this year, hell or high water.
I reckon it'll end up at around 16-20% by the time all the reviews are in.

I don't. Look at the trend. Yesterday we had 13 reviews and three of them were positive. That was based on the big reviewers who tend to be polite and know the studio people and want to keep their 'ins'.

When the truly independent reviews started coming in, we didn't see a single positive one. We now have 26 reviews and still only 3 positive. With more independent reviews due today, I expect it to slide even lower.
The reason Fox didn't say no IMHO was because they needed this movie out this year, hell or high water.

Yep. Absolutely. Consider the rumors in March of last year that they were looking to scrap Trank and start over.

I think you hit the nail on the head, and if they weren't under the gun they would have scrapped this project.

With that in mind, how can I forgive them? I'm like Mrs. Kitner in Jaws, and I just found out that Brody knew there were sharks in the water, but he didn't close the beaches.
I don't. Look at the trend. Yesterday we had 13 reviews and three of them were positive. That was based on the big reviewers who tend to be polite and know the studio people and want to keep their 'ins'.

When the truly independent reviews started coming in, we didn't see a single positive one. We now have 26 reviews and still only 3 positive. With more independent reviews due today, I expect it to slide even lower.

Possibly, possibly.

I think I'm struggling to fathom a modern day CBM potentially being worse than Catwoman. :oldrazz:
Possibly, possibly.

I think I'm struggling to fathom a modern day CBM potentially being worse than Catwoman. :oldrazz:


To be fair, perspective is factored into that. Catwoman was made at a different time with different expectations. Now that we're seeing much better comic-book films, the bar is being raised.
Catwoman came out at a time where comic book movies were becoming more prominent but they hadn't quite exploded yet. But it was fun to have a summer of Spider-Man 2, one of the best ever and then of the worst ever.
I won't hear a word said against Patience Phillips and her catnip.

The critical mauling this is receiving is unbelievable and hilarious. I expected a generous 30-40%.
Surprised by the lack of reviews, both on RT and from users here. I guess Australia is practically a day ahead of the US though..
12%! Hawt. It was only a few days ago that some people here were saying that they didn't expect it to do much better than 80% :funny:
This is not a movie we're going to go on Rotten Tomatoes and it's going to be at 80 or 90 per cent.
Indeed. :sly:
Miles Teller is wrong, the movie has reached the 80 or 90 per cent on RT... but it's 80 or 90 per cent of rotten review ! :woot:
What if it's a conspiracy? The Reptilians know that the movie is so good that it will open our minds and give us the power to beat them.
Based on the sweeping comments regarding the fundamental issues of this film in relation to story structure, inconsistencies in effects, and short run time, I don't see the rotten tomato score recovering to give it a final rating that is remotely respectable. Clearly the film has issues that far outweigh the normal measures one might contribute to subjective points of view. So it appears the only thing left to do is sit back and watch the slow motion train wreck.

The one consideration left to reflect upon is how much will this impact the weekend tracking that originally had it grossing somewhere in the mid 40's. If these incredibly bad reviews make more buzz than the trailers, should we throw out those numbers and consider something less? Or is that a front loaded number that is essentially critic proof?

Ok seriously, how do you feel about the things you have heard thus far?

I'm disappointed that the film is being torn apart by the critics. Its pretty embarrassing that it will be the worst reviewed Marvel film since Elektra. The first hour of the film wasn't even that bad and a lot of people here (who already saw it) said the same thing.
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