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World Ultimate Spider-Man animated series discussion thread

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I don't really follow rating trends, is that unusual for animation? What would one make of that? Probably bad, but nothing would surprise me at this point.
I watched the first episode, thought it was okay but I don't know if I'm really going to pursue this show. Hope it does get cancelled thinking they could do better!! Why cancel a great show when storywise it was onto to something fantastic (talking about TSSM here, obviously).

So many Animated Shows facing the axe these past 10 years along with TSSM.

Wolverine and the X-Men
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe

Damn the Toy Companies!!!! :(
The best part of this episode was that it was the most spider-man centric episode of the season so far. Hulk was kind of clumsy but he sounded good.

Hand-held cam perspective sucked. The spider-man/peter/mj interactions were pretty okay.

Still, just middle-of-the-road for me.
This episode wasn't too bad.

No team mates made it better from the get go.

Hulk's didn't look great, but I enjoyed this take on him nonetheless.

Peter and MJ shared a nice moment or two which made this show actually feel like a Spider-Man show.

I didn't like the camera POV.

Spider-Man showing off constantly in front of the camera while people were in danger, bugged me, no pun intended.

This show suffers from character overload. I mean how long has it been since we saw Nova?, Coulson?, Aunt May? Too many central characters with no purpose and too much of a gap time between appearances. This was the first real MJ appearance and probably the last for a few episodes. The show needs to narrow down on some characters and develop them; show Harry being tempted with the Venom, show me the other team members struggling with life, show me Aunt May dealing with the loss of Ben etc
As I predicted, Spider-man is drowning in a deluge of other Marvel properties.
Two weeks from now is that episode with Wolverine, and [blackout]Mesmero[/blackout]
No team mates made it better from the get go.
I agree

Hulk's didn't look great, but I enjoyed this take on him nonetheless.
I like his design here more than his Avengers design

Peter and MJ shared a nice moment or two which made this show actually feel like a Spider-Man show.

Spider-Man showing off constantly in front of the camera while people were in danger, bugged me, no pun intended.
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"ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN" is now 7 episodes deep, and it might be a fair statement that the show has gradually improved in every episode. The pilot was dreadfully atrocious, with the second episode only slightly better. The previous episode and this one, however, bring things up to the level of "average". This episode, "EXCLUSIVE", succeeds mostly because the format reduces the amount of nerve wrackling, tone shattering animation antics the show can do, which keeps the story mostly grounded.

In this show, Mary-Jane Watson (Tara Strong) is the one who seeks a journalism career at the Daily Bugle, not Peter Parker. That not only flies in the face of the comics, but in every media adaptation ever. Quite why this show has chosen to do so is a mystery. I presume that because Peter/Spidey is busy with SHIELD, they decided tacking on a career as a freelance photographer would be a bit much. Or, they decided Nick Fury would be wary of allowing someone with media ties to enter a top secret agency like SHIELD. Or, the show's writers and producers could think of nothing else to do with MJ in a show where Spidey doesn't rely on her or Harry as much for the supporting cast as this one, so it gives her something to do. At any rate, it was while looking at the credits at the start of the episode that I perhaps gleamed why this show is the way it is - too many cooks in the kitchen. The sheer volume of producers, executive producers, consulting producers, story editors, writers, and so on numbers more than the starting line on a football team. While many TV shows are like this, this show seems to be more so than others - which may explain the lack of focus, vision, or consistent tone. This is a show where an entire TEAM of some 4-6 writers are collectively considered a single producer/editor/whatever.

At any rate, this show sees MJ attempt to win a contest to become part of the Daily Bugle - a plot we've seen done better by Spidey in "SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN". Of course, every plot in this show was done better by that. In any case, this means the gimmick of the episode is 90% of it was filmed from her camera and her POV. This means there are less moments where Spidey freezes the show sitcom style, no Spider Angels or Devils, no weird fantasy moments, and the episode is FORCED to maintain a consistent tone. And guess what? It works a lot better that way. That isn't to say this is a masterwork; just a work which is more consistent from start to finish. I'd argue one of the most annoying parts was MJ's "sign on" at the start; there's some Brian M. Bendis dialogue translated to the small screen, folks - ain't it "innovative"?

The plot is basic, as they all are. MJ scores an "exclusive" interview with Spider-Man, which if memory serves came up in "VENOM". What was that about Jeph Loeb hating shows with continuity? Oh, that's right, I think he just hates shows with continuity which he himself didn't exclusively produce from the inception. At any rate, despite the disapproval of his SHIELD chums, Spider-Man does give her an interview. Unfortunately, in the middle of it the Hulk (played by Fred Tatasciore as usual) bounds into Midtown and starts his usual smashing. While Spider-Man is unable to stop or reason with the lug, he eventually figures out that the Hulk is really battling an "invisible energy monster" - Zzzaxx (or however it is spelled), who is only visible via night-vision lenses or when he absorbs enough energy. A villain with this gimmick may have seemed more amusing if Living Laser hadn't done it in "IRON SPIDER", and this continues the trend of no actual Spider-Man villains appearing besides Venom (Norman Osborn and Doc Ock are just background plotters for now). Spider-Man has to cooperate with the brutish Hulk as well as avoid getting blasted by SHIELD to stop the menace. Once the "overload him" plan is in effect and someone mentions to throw in any and every electronic device, one can guess what will happen. Fortunately, because this is a show which avoids harsh moral lessons, MJ still gets her video made and still wins the contest - albeit awkwardly.

The trend of Spider-Man having passive aggressive concerns for the lives of his friends continues to stagger me. In the pilot, Spider-Man thought noting of endangering the lives of his pals as well as his entire campus roster by encouraging a food fight with the Fearsome Four - which resulted in Harry getting zapped and hospitalized for a day or so. In this episode, Spidey makes only token attempts to get MJ out of the direct line of fire and at one point ENCOURAGES her to continue to film and risk her life even when MJ has finally had enough and wants to flee for safety. While the ending does hint at some consequences for this, it turns out alright and I don't think Peter regretted it here. While Spider-Man's jokes are more annoying than funny most of the time - and they're not helped by his tendency to attempt to oversell or explain them - the lack of crazy animation stuff is helpful. The Hulk himself is in his child-persona and has the modern Romita Sr. style character design that Spidey has; thus he's not massively huge but still very big. The camera gimmick did get somewhat annoying since the awkward cuts are by design; it seems deliberately tacked on to spice up what may have been a duller episode. Also, things may have gone smoother if the heroes suggested to the cops to employ night-vision. The plot of battling a monster nobody else could see could actually be nuanced, but this show is too simple for that so ZZzzrraaxx is visible for the final act.

At this point Drake Bell is not winning me over as Spider-Man. I think they went for TOO much of an obnoxious kids feel for the character, and the result is him being obnoxious to the audience. It reminds me of some of the awful casting choices chosen for Spidey in some recent video games. As for the Hulk, he had a few good lines but has more to do and say in "AVENGERS: EARTH'S MIGHTIEST HEROES". Without the other SHIELD heroes to balance out Spidey, his full annoyance factor is on display even without the animation antics or audience monologues. However, without that there was some occasional sense of danger, which is something this show has rarely achieved.

Overall, this is a middle of the road, grade C, 5 out of 10, 2 stars out of 4 episode like the last. While it is improvement from the pilot, that doesn't say much. This show exists to remind me that in all my criticisms of "YOUNG JUSTICE" on other forums, that show at its worst is still better than this one at its best. This episode made me feel that this show seems to genuinely wish to be like one from the 1980's, when expectations were lower and times were simpler, and where a show could destroy the 4th wall yet still be taken seriously. The problem is that the 1980's ended 23 years ago and both expectations and audiences have changed. While "BATMAN: BRAVE AND THE BOLD" also attempted to channel that "magic", it also had more wit, more successful humor and satire, and more awareness. Granted, I also lost interest in that show midway through Season 2 and never looked back. As much as I criticized "WOLVERINE & THE X-MEN", that show kept me coming back for more.

"ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN" has gotten better, but not to the degree that I'd recommend it to anyone besides the most die-hard Heroes For Hire fan. Instead it's merely become more tolerable to endure in my own attempt to watch as many episodes of this as I did of the far more horrid "SPIDER-MAN UNLIMITED" in 1999-2000 and thus maintain my "geek stamina" score. It is a show which seems to wish to introduce fans to a universe instead of characters, and often doing a dull or dumb job at both.
Fans take ultimate spider-man cartoon hate to jeph loeb's facebook page


This is definitely good. I encourage everyone of you to do the same. maybe then they will fix this abomination by season 2, or even better they cancel it for a new spectacular like show
the Spider-Man I know would have never let MJ be in constant danger just because she might record something that might prove he is not a menace. but this spider-man only says something like "keep filming".by the way this was the most underwhelming Hulk I have ever seen in any media. he was throwing objects (mostly rocks) all the time!
Hulk throwing rocks is great TV. Jeph Loeb said so....................
Another disappointing episode. Spider-Man seems to contradict himself a hell of a lot.

-In the first episode, MJ expresses her desire for an interview with Spider-Man, and Peter thinks "No way, she would recognize me immediately." I liked his logic there, but he changes his mind for reasons unknown in this episode. Why does he change his mind? Edit: Is this explained in Venom? I don't remember the episode very well.

-Repeating Dread's point, Spider-Man cares more about having his public imaged fixed by the video than Mary-Jane's life. She wants to turn it off, and he says NO. It's a miracle she doesn't die at the end. Spider-Man is reckless and selfish. I do not like him at all.

-The episode is boring because there's no emotional investment in anything going on. Well, the show as a whole is boring for that reason, but this episode is particularly so. Spider-Man is unlikable, the rest of his team has no personality, the people in Peter's social life barely have any screen time (Is Aunt May even alive?)...and so on.
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Terrible. "I'm the best Spider-Man there is!!" "I am Venom!!" Really? :whatever:

And Drake Bell's Spidey acting like he has a cold or something, not the best sick Spidey lol.
Ugh. Spidey's voice there is so annoying. He probably has a cold, so I'm not bashing Drake, but it's bugging the hell out of me. Venom's art is really inconsistent too. In the beginning, he's sorta thin and evil looking. Then there's that shot of him standing face-forward and the camera pans up and it looks terrible. He's far bigger than eh was in the beginning of the video and he's completely out of proportion. Also, this show is all disjointed. Venom's episode was only 2 episodes ago. Character's shouldn't appear that quickly; they have all these other Spider-Man characters to use!
5/10 is a C?

Usually if you list letter grades from F at the lowest to A+ at the highest, the grade at the center is roughly a C, which indicates the base average. For some people/schools it could actually be C+, but maybe I was feeling generous. ;)
Usually if you list letter grades from F at the lowest to A+ at the highest, the grade at the center is roughly a C, which indicates the base average. For some people/schools it could actually be C+, but maybe I was feeling generous. ;)

5/10 in school is an "F"
Terrible. "I'm the best Spider-Man there is!!" "I am Venom!!" Really? :whatever:

And Drake Bell's Spidey acting like he has a cold or something, not the best sick Spidey lol.

''Well, it wouldn't be difficult, believe me'' -- Pretty much sums this Spider-Man up.

Also, on Marvel's site:

But wait, who's in possession of the symbiote now, and why's he picking a fight with Spider-Man? We wish we could tell you, but you'll have to watch this Sunday to find out!

More on Marvel.com: http://marvel.com/news/story/18700/ultimate_spider-man_episode_8_preview#ixzz1uSqO1WaW

Let me take a wild guess...Harry? Now how did I even guess that Marvel?
Usually if you list letter grades from F at the lowest to A+ at the highest, the grade at the center is roughly a C, which indicates the base average. For some people/schools it could actually be C+, but maybe I was feeling generous. ;)
A C is generally a 7

5/10 in school is an "F"
Pretty much
90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
59 and below = F

Some schools might adjust that a few points depending on the way things are curved but thats how most American schools scale things
And the ultimate Spider-man TV show hate continues. After checking the show runners facebook pages and twitters today, i was surprised by how many more negative comments the Ultimate Spider-man show has been getting.

More surprisingly, is Marvel's total silence regarding the ratings data for the show. Usually if a show is successful, the network (in this case DisneyXD) and the show creators (Marvel) will brag by how well their baby is doing, which is definitely not the case here.

Another new addition to the Ultimate Spider-man hate is a petition i stumbled upon on change.org, that calls for the show's cancellation: http://www.change.org/petitions/marvel-cancel-ultimate-spider-man-cartoon

While this is definitely not the first time Marvel makes a show that people do not appreciate, this definitely is the first to be hated to this degree, and also the first where the fans seem to be taking a stand and letting their voice heard through social media.

To end this write-up, Below are some of the best written of funniest hate comments towards the controversial show on Jeph Loeb's facebook page:

"I'm a huge fan of your work, Jeph. From Smallville to Heroes, Spider-man;Blue to Batman Long Halloween. You truly are a master at storytelling which is why I'm convinced that you couldn't have any part in this Ultimate Spider-man show. Its just the worst interpretation of Spider-man to date...and I've seen the MTV Spider-man show and that horrible Spider-man Unlimited show. This show feels so dumbed down that I'm inclined to think that is what you thin of its viewers. That we are so simple that we couldn't handle a show that can tell challenging stories. Need proof that it can be done? Look at the DC Nation line up. Young Justice (a show about sidekicks) is more adult themed and engaging than any Marvel show out there right now. Why cant we have that show for Marvel? Oh wait, we did. It was called Spectacular Spider-man."

"Mr. Loeb, I've watched a lot of Marvel animation over the years and I have to say that this USM is one of the most meager attempts I have ever seen. I can respect what you are attempting to do with the show, but it is coming up woefully short. Though the animation is good, the characters are either outright annoying or totally bland and the voice acting for the title character (no offense to Drake Bell) is way off. The cut-aways really come off as cheap attempt at grabbing some of the 'Family Guy' popularity, mostly because it is not funny and quite jarring. I've watched 5 episodes I believe and have a couple more DVR'd but I really have no urge to watch them, certainly not like I have with Avengers: EMH, which is quite compelling and keeps me coming back. USM is not engaging in the slightest and it is all the more glaring coming on the heels of the prematurely cancelled TSSM."

"The new Spider-Man show sucks. Please remove yourself from anything Spidey related."

"I am totally shocked that you would endorse keeping the crap that is Ultimate Spiderman and cancel such a great show as Avengers EMH! "
"SO you get the superb talents of Paul Dini, Brian Michael Bendis, Jeph Loeb and Man of Action Studios together to make a Spider-man cartoon.. what happened guys? this thing is really unforgivable.. I am shocked by the poor quality. Maybe someday we will know who forced you all to do this shlock."
"Maybe you should just tell the guys to bring back Spectacular Spider-Man, I love ya Jeph. Huge fan but its really breaking my heart to watch Ultimate Spider-man, I miss Spectacular Spider-Man so much"

"Not a fan of the newest Spider-Man show. Guess the problem with it for me is, it doesn't really represent the Peter Parker we all know and love. Instead, we are supposed to accept a Parker that's doesn't get the meaning of ''with great power comes great responsibility.''. Characters like Aunt May and Mary Jane don't influence anything. The SHEILD team are generic, one dimensional characters that don't offer anything that's worth cheering for....The best of the show? Coulson."

And finally: "f#ck you (Jeph Loeb) way to ruin everything we love budd your a joke"

There are many other, well written and coherent, comments that really make their point on both Jeph Loeb, Man of action and Biran Michael Bendis facebook pages, while others on Joe Quesada's and paul dini Twitter make sure to click on the links below to visit all of them.

Jeph Loeb's Facebook page
Man of action Facebook page
Joe Quesada's Twitter
Paul Dini's Twitter
Brian Michael Bendis facebook page

I suggest, all of you who dislike this show, to drop a message to the showrunners.

Sorry to have written such a long post, but to sum up my idea in a picture:

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Episode 9 will be the best one for sure. people will def complain but i'm sure more will enjoy it than hate it. it's the Wolvie episode.

and before anybody gets smart with em saying "Well how do u know if it's good? blah blah blah"

They showed it to us at C2E2, and it was great and the crowd loved it
If episode 9 is Venom related, then my interest is instantly lowered.
Episode 9 will be the best one for sure. people will def complain but i'm sure more will enjoy it than hate it. it's the Wolvie episode.

and before anybody gets smart with em saying "Well how do u know if it's good? blah blah blah"

They showed it to us at C2E2, and it was great and the crowd loved it

I'm looking forward to this one since I like Spider-Man/Wolverine teamups, it's only Spidey and no dumb teen-team, and it's written by Bendis (now he's not one of my favorite writers but he was always great on USM).

If episode 9 is Venom related, then my interest is instantly lowered.

That's the next episode, 8. Wolverine is going to be in the 9th which was supposed to air on May 20th.

It looks like is going to be pushed back later in favor of airing an episode with Thor and Loki instead on the 20th. Great... It's got Frog-Thor and the whole dumb SHIELD teen team as evidenced by the leaked storyboards. Now Frog-Thor is cool, but in the hands of this show's creative team it doesn't sound appealing at all.
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