Superman Returns Way to much looks to have been cut from the movie!!!

Oh man, this hurts my eyes!!!!!!!!! It seems like so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! and damn it, I have a hard time forgiving that we dont get to see clark with the spacecraft in daytime!!!!! and the sequence of Clark taking out the picture with Glen Ford in it (great reminder of SMT!) and the suit lying behind!!!
looking back, i can see how a lot of these scenes weren't necessary and would have possibly messed with the general flow of the movie...

but it still kept me up for a portion of the night analyzing the scenes and their importance...however, if i had never even known about the scenes, i think i wouldn't have been so analytical.

so i guess, in essence, the exposure to the movie on the internet so much prior to the release made me go in with higher expectations than i should have. and that's just my own damn fault.

nonetheless, i still enjoyed it immensely. the ending scene at richard's/lois' house kinda dragged, but that was okay.

and man, i cringed during the whole superman-beating portion. i can definitely say i won't be freeze-framing or replaying that part when the dvd comes out.
I don't have a problem with most of the cuts except for perhaps Kal's time on the farm. That felt rushed. I totally forgot about all the rest of these scenes, but that portion of the movie needed more.

Somebody, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me, that this shot is in the movie!! That as Clark returns to Metropolis, we see this very image of Clark standing in front of the DailyPlanet... It's kind of like, ok, let's go to it!!! We see this right!:confused:

It's not just like seen in the 2'nd domestic trailer, is it!? I mean like, we see Clark at the kent farm, and next he's in the DailyPlanet hucking Lois!... What about the footage that's seen in the blogs, where the elevator doors open up, and we see Clark coming out with his suitcase.. WE SEE THIS RIGHT!:(
If the first time seeing the DailyPlanet isn't from out front, then it sucks HUUUUUUUGE!!! That's such a beautiful set, and the first time seeing it, we should see it from outside (from Clark's perspective, as he first arrives back), before moving INside! So please tell me, that this is the case.
If I remember correctly the first shot of the Daily Planet is the elevator opening and shows Clark's hands holding his luggage, then he walks foward, then we see his face as he's walking into the Daily Planet office.
CGHulk said:
If I remember correctly the first shot of the Daily Planet is the elevator opening and shows Clark's hands holding his luggage, then he walks foward, then we see his face as he's walking into the Daily Planet office.
WHY OH WHY??? That seems so dumb.. why the heck couldn't they take a few seconds to show Clark from outside of the planet and then move inside??? it's sad... now I begin to understand why it's B-A-D pacing in the begining!
Please see the movie before deciding on a verdict, the movie is very good, but I think it would be great in an extended cut! :)
One question that might sound stupid, but given all that's been cut out, I have to ask. We DO see superman in the fortress of solitude, right!! Dont tell me that we only see Lex in there.
Yes we see Superman in the Fortress of Solitude. The only scenes that have been cut out are the ones I've shown above, I'm sure I've listed all of them.
i think we should all stop answering naite. the constant barage of questions is starting to feel irksome.
^I'm sorry, I truely am... if I could see this movie now, than I wouldn't make such a big deal out of it.. but knowing that there's over a month until I see it for my self, the curiousity is killing me... and I'm afraid that I'll end up so disapointed if something I thought was in there, WASN'T when I see it.. therefor I'd rather know now.
this is the only thing i would have to complain about the movie... way too much is gone. i was really looking forward to seeing clark conflicted on bringing superman back or not. they also took out way too much from the farm. oh well thats whats dvds are for right? i would sit through a 3hr plus superman movie at home.
Naite22 said:
^I'm sorry, I truely am... if I could see this movie now, than I wouldn't make such a big deal out of it.. but knowing that there's over a month until I see it for my self, the curiousity is killing me... and I'm afraid that I'll end up so disapointed if something I thought was in there, WASN'T when I see it.. therefor I'd rather know now.

hey, naite, i know how excited you are for this movie...but just keep in mind (and i've already posted something like this in another thread), the more you spoil the movie for yourself, the worse it's gonna be when you finally watch it. i know this because it happened to me. the whole time i was watching last night, i kept thinking 'where's this scene? where's that scene? i thought this was supposed to happen...'

overexposure leads to over-anticipation which ultimately leads to disappointment.

to make sure you're disappointed as little as possible, i would just hold your breath and wait it out just a little longer. looking back, i wish i had.

cheers, mate.
LiLbOiYAmZ said:
this is the only thing i would have to complain about the movie... way too much is gone. i was really looking forward to seeing clark conflicted on bringing superman back or not. they also took out way too much from the farm. oh well thats whats dvds are for right? i would sit through a 3hr plus superman movie at home.
You mean giving the character of Superman some depth in this movie besides just flying around and saving people?
CGHulk said:
You mean giving the character of Superman some depth in this movie besides just flying around and saving people?

yea... extended edition doesnt necessarily mean more action for me. more depth. and its not about wanting more but just wanting what was there put back.
LiLbOiYAmZ said:
this is the only thing i would have to complain about the movie... way too much is gone. i was really looking forward to seeing clark conflicted on bringing superman back or not. they also took out way too much from the farm. oh well thats whats dvds are for right? i would sit through a 3hr plus superman movie at home.

Alot of People at my Theater I heard were saying as we were leaving that the beginning was to long but they loved the Movie

Great Jonathan's ghost!

Cant wait to see these scenes on the dvd and extended edition. Gives me 30 more mins of movie time to look forward to :)
Well, it's always interesting to hear other's thoughts, but my feelings are this movie was way too long. Granted, I'd rather have seen some of these scenes than the stupid Heart and Soul duet.

I thought X3 suffered because it felt rushed and incomplete. I felt this movie suffered because it dragged for long periods, had numerous unessesary scenes that didn't add anything to the film.

Both movies had editing problems, but for opposite reasons.
dabilee01 said:
hey, naite, i know how excited you are for this movie...but just keep in mind (and i've already posted something like this in another thread), the more you spoil the movie for yourself, the worse it's gonna be when you finally watch it. i know this because it happened to me. the whole time i was watching last night, i kept thinking 'where's this scene? where's that scene? i thought this was supposed to happen...'

overexposure leads to over-anticipation which ultimately leads to disappointment.

to make sure you're disappointed as little as possible, i would just hold your breath and wait it out just a little longer. looking back, i wish i had.

cheers, mate.
I'll try and do that.. thanks for the reply:up:
did they cut those comic-panel scenes? they were supposed to be during the opening credits, right?
Naite22 said:
Way to much looks to have been cut from the movie!!!

I agree. however the movie was three hours long .[I believe that's over the limit] That's pretty long, anyways I believe the dvd with have all of the deleted scene's .

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