Web Of Spiderman season 1

Season 2, Episode 3: Gang war part 2
It starts right where the last episode left off. Spiderman’s spider-sense tingled, so he spun around and hit bull’s-eye. He then went to fight Dock Ock as Bull’s-eye went to fight Daredevil. Daredevil was eventually knocked out and Bull’s-eye brought him to the Kingpin. Spiderman tried to follow Bull’s-eye, but lost him. The next day, Peter saw Harry holding hands with Maryjane at school. Peter then talked to Harry who revealed that he started to date Maryjane. Peter said that he disapproves of it which shocks Harry since Peter was dating Gwen. Finally Peter gave in and let Harry date Maryjane. Meanwhile, the Hobgoblin arrived at Fisk Towers and introduced himself to Bull’s-eye. When he left, the Kingpin said that he didn’t trust the Hobgoblin. The next day, Maryjane, Peter, Harry, and Gwen all ate lunch together. Then Harry and Gwen had to go to study for their AP chemistry test. So then Peter talked to Maryjane for a bit. Then he stole a kiss. Maryjane rejected him and told him that this was completely wrong. So Peter apologized and Maryjane promised not to tell Gwen. However, Eddie Brock was watching the whole time and he had his camera phone. Later, Spiderman tracked his Spider-tracer that he put on Bull’s-eye. He found the Kingpin’s base of operations. He started to fight the Kingpin and Bulls-eye. Then the Hobgoblin attacked. The four fought until Spiderman was being beaten so he left. The next day, Eddie Brock went to talk to Gwen. He asked Gwen to leave Peter for him, but she refused. Then he showed Gwen the picture of Peter and Maryjane kissing. Then Gwen started to cry. Later, Gwen knocked on Maryjane’s door. She opened it the Gwen started to yell at her. She said that Peter kissed her, but she didn’t believe her. So then Maryjane called Peter to tell him that Gwen found out. So then Peter went to talk to Gwen. Gwen broke up with Peter and left. Peter realized that Brock told Gwen. So then Spiderman went to rescue Daredevil. When he got there, Dock Ock and Hammerhead were fighting Bull’s-eye and the Hobgoblin. Spiderman rescued Daredevil and then they joined in on the fight. It ended up with Bull’s-eye being defeated, so Daredevil, Spiderman, Hammerhead, and Dock Ock retreated. Later, Dock Ock talked to Silvermane. He said that he didn’t want any part in this war and that he quits. So then Silvermane hit him with a bat knocking him out. He then called the police who arrested Dock Ock. In the last scene, Harry knocked on Peter’s door. He then said that he was done with Peter because he kissed Maryjane. It is then revealed that Eddie Brock was watching and then he smirked at Peter. Peter decided that it was time to get revenge.
Season 2, Episode 4: Gang war part 3
It starts with Peter pondering about a decision. He then decides that he couldn’t do anything legally to get revenge on Eddie, but Spiderman could. So then he broke into Eddie’s house. Eddie wasn’t there at the time, so Spiderman looked for dirt on Eddie. He then found a file and smiled. He then swung away. While swinging away, he ran into the Hobgoblin. The two fought until Spiderman got worried that the file would be messed up in the process, so he left. So then the Hobgoblin flew to Silvermane’s place. The two talked for a bit revealing that the Hobgoblin was working for Silvermane all along since he offered more money. Meanwhile, Peter gave Eddie a call. He revealed that he found a file in Eddie’s house. It was about a lawsuit where Eddie’s ex-girlfriend sued him for child support after he got her pregnant. However, Eddie fled to the east coast to get away from her and took upon a new name. The file contained lawsuit papers, his new and old ID cards, and letters from his ex-girlfriend. Eddie begged Peter not to tell anyone, but Peter didn’t care. So then Peter showed the file to the police. The police thanked him and Peter left. The next day, Spiderman met Daredevil at a clock tower. They discussed a plan for a bit until the Hobgoblin arrived. He said he did not want to fight then offered a truce. They could all work together for Silvermane to bring down the Kingpin. They both rejected and the Hobgoblin left. However, Daredevil then said to Spiderman that he was going to consider doing it as he has a horrible hatred for the Kingpin. Spiderman got angry about that swung away. Then he went to the Kingpin’s tower. He told him that the Hobgoblin was working for Silvermane. Infuriated, the Kingpin said that he was going to kill the Hobgoblin, then asked Spiderman for a momentary truce until the war was over, in which Spiderman accepted. Meanwhile, police showed up at Eddie Brock’s house. They said that they had a warrant for his arrest. Then they brought Brock into custody. So the next day, Peter showed up at Gwen’s apartment. He brought candy and flowers to her and begged for her forgiveness. She said no and slammed the door on him. Later, Brock was talking to the police. They said that they had enough evidence to convict him and they would have a trail soon, but for now he is free to go. The next day, Peter dressed up as Spiderman. He went to go with the Kingpin and his thugs to attack Silvermane. So then Spiderman invaded Silvermane’s place. The thugs fought the Hobgoblin. Spiderman ended up fighting Daredevil. Spiderman knocked him out then went to fight the Hobgoblin. The two fought until Spiderman knocked them both out with a pipe. He was about to kill them until Daredevil stopped him. The two fought until Spiderman noticed that all of the Kingpin’s thugs were gone. Then daredevil said that he heard something ticking and he realized that it was a bomb, so they both flew. They managed to rescue Hammerhead and the Hobgoblin, but Silvermane died in the process. So then Spiderman realized that the Kingpin set a bomb and all of his men were in on hit except for Spiderman. So then Spiderman swung to the Kingpin’s headquarters. When the got there, he fought the Kingpin for a bit before knocking him out. He then said he had enough of him, so he took a gun and got ready to kill him. However, Daredevil arrived and told Spiderman to stop. After some debate, Spiderman decided to let the Kingpin live, so he left. Then Spiderman and Daredevil shake hands as Daredevil leaves. In the last scene, Brock is holding a gun then shoots a picture of Peter Parker.
Season 2, Episode 5: Return of the Burglar
It starts with a man running away from the police. Then he sees the vulture and jumps onto his back. The Vulture flies him away and he is revealed to be the Burglar who killed Peter’s Uncle Ben. The next day, Peter woke up and went to talk to Eddie. He bragged at him about being able to get the last laugh. Brock got angry and violently attacked him. However, Peter had his spider powers and managed to knock Brock out. Everyone was watching and was all shocked at what Peter did, including Gwen. So then she woke him up and said that she was going to bring him to the hospital. Peter didn’t care and left. Later, Spiderman went to swing around and then ran into the Black Cat. He chased her for a bit until he lost her and just gave up. However, she then came back to him. She said that she liked his new costume much more, and then offered for him to work with her to steal stuff. Spiderman actually agreed and they went to go steal some Jewels. However, they ran into the Vulture who was also stealing jewels. The two fought the Vulture for a bit until the Vulture decided to retreat. The next morning, Peter woke up to realize that his Aunt wasn’t home, but she never left at that time. He realized that someone must have kidnapped her. Peter immediately blamed Brock. So then he got a gun and drove over to Brock’s house. He aimed the gun at Brock demanding to know where his aunt was, even though Brock denied any involvement. Meanwhile, the Burglar was talking to the Vulture. They had Aunt May tied up. The Vulture asked him why they decided to capture May Parker. The burglar said that it would attract Spiderman to his place, then they could both kill him. After that, Flash gave Peter a call. He just wanted to let Peter know that Eddie was seen kissing Gwen. This infuriated Peter, so he marched over to Gwen’s house. He said that he forbade her to date a man who Peter hated so much, but she didn’t care and slammed the door on him. So then Peter realized that two could play at that game. He dressed up as Spiderman and found the Black Cat at her usual place. He showed affection towards her and the two kissed. Then she was about to unmask him before he decided that he couldn’t trust anyone with his secret identity, so he swung away. Meanwhile, the mysterious man from a few episodes ago was talking to his friend. His friend worried that the suit hasn’t killed Spiderman yet. Then the man revealed that the suit wasn’t suppose to kill him, it was suppose to slowly turn him evil, and that was all the revenge they needed on him. Later, the burglar showed up at Eddie Brock’s house. He said that he heard that there was some bad blood between him and Peter Parker. Then he told him to show up at a certain church the next day and then continued with an unknown plan. So later, Peter receives a note at his house from the Burglar. It said that if Peter wanted to see his Aunt May again, he would have to meet them at a church. So Peter dressed up as Spiderman and swung to meet the Black Cat. The two talked for a bit until Spiderman asked for her help in fighting the Vulture and Burglar. She said that she owed him for saving her life, so she agreed. The two swung to the church. When they got there, they fought the Vulture for a bit. Then they defeated him, so Eddie Brock and the Burglar came out and started to shoot at Spiderman. The Black Cat stopped Eddie Brock, took away his gun, knocked him out, and left. So then Spiderman went to confront the Burglar. He knocked the gun out of his hand and shoved him against the wall. He repeatedly hit him until he bled really hard. So then he got a gun and was about to shoot him. Then Spiderman came to a realization. The new black alien symbiote was turning him into an evil killer, so he realized that he had to get it off. He tried to rip it apart, but then he fell onto the church bell. However, the bells vibration weakened the symbiote which moved off Peter. Peter ran away to get away from the symbiote. However, the symbiote moved onto the nearest host, Eddie Brock, who then realized that Peter Parker was Spiderman and transformed into Venom.
Season 2, Episode 6: Enter Venom
It starts with Peter leaving his house. He goes to a florist to buy flowers and then decides to spend two months worth of daily bugle salary to buy a diamond necklace. Then he goes to Gwen’s apartment. He sincerely apologizes and then gives her the necklace. She says that she wants to forgive him, but she needs some time to think, which was perfectly fine with Peter. So then he goes to swing around as Spiderman feeling good about his old costume. So then he sees another Spiderman standing on top of a building. He goes down there to check it out. The other Spiderman claimed to be the real Spiderman until the suit turned into the symbiote suit. He then said “why be Spiderman when you could be Venom”. So then he turned into Venom and attacked Spiderman. The two fought until Venom was winning, so Spiderman retreated. So then Peter went home. He decided that before he could deal with Venom, he had to talk to Harry. So he stopped by Harry’s house to talk to him. He sincerely apologized to Harry. Harry decided to forgive him and Peter was thankful. Meanwhile, the mysterious man from the previous episode was watching on the news that Venom was battling Spiderman. He was furious that someone else took his suit. The next day, Peter gets a call from Gwen. She said that she wants to talk to him and set up a talk with him at a Coffee shop for the next day. Later, Spiderman went to swing around. He was very happy about Gwen’s call. He was ready to be forgiven by her. However, Venom then attacked. Spiderman swung away and a long chase ensued. Finally, Spiderman led Venom to the bell tower, so Venom ran away. When Peter got home, he found Eddie Brock at his house talking to Harry. Peter demanded that Eddie left and Harry wondered why Peter was being so rude. So then Eddie left, but then he whispered to Peter that he’ll be back. Meanwhile, the mysterious man was given a new green suit by his assistant. The assistant said it could be used to kill both Spiderman and Venom. The man put on the suit and decided to call himself the Jackal. The next day, Peter met up with Gwen at the Coffee bean. The two chatted for a bit until Gwen said that she forgives Peter, but thinks that they should just be friends. Then Eddie Brock arrived to torment Peter. He made insulting remarks about him and Gwen calling her a ****e. Peter then attacked Eddie. Security arrived and held Peter down. Then Eddie ran away and came back as Venom. He fought off the police and then attacked Peter. He webbed Gwen up and tied her to his back. Then he carried Peter with one hand and swung away with his other. He brought him to the top of a tall building. People started to watch. Venom dared Peter to fight back, and then the whole world will know who he is. Then he said that he will murder Gwen slowly. So then Peter violently attacked Venom. The two fought until Peter kicked Venom and he fell off the building, but then swung away. Then Gwen kissed Peter and said that she never wanted to lose him ever again. So Peter put a piece of cloth around his mouth to cover his identity and swung away. In the last scene, a man walked to Eddie Brock’s apartment. Eddie opened the door and the man aimed a gun at him.
Season 2, Episode 7: Claws of the Jackal
It starts right where the last episode left off. Eddie then knocks the gun out of the man’s hand and turns into Venom. He then knocks the man out. Then the Jackal arrives and fights Venom. After a big fight, Venom is knocked out and the Jackal took him away. Meanwhile, Peter and Gwen went on a double date with Harry and Maryjane. They had all forgiven him and every thing was back to normal. Then they hear on the news that Venom was seen fighting the Jackal in broad daylight ending up with the Jackal capturing Venom. Peter wondered what this was about. Later, Peter went to visit Jameson. Jameson was angry that Peter didn’t have any pictures for him. He then said that he believed that Venom was just Spiderman buffed up. Then he said that maybe the Jackal was the good guy arresting Spiderman. Peter tried to convince him otherwise, but Jameson wouldn’t listen. Meanwhile, the Jackal had Eddie tied up. He told Eddie that he could kill him right now, but then if the host dies, the symbiote will also die. So then he activated a sonic blaster on Eddie. The symbiote was forced off of him. So then the Jackal took it and put it in a jar. He then stated that he was going to kill Spiderman himself. Later, Spiderman went to stop a bank robbery. When he finally thwarted the robbers, the Jackal attacked. The two fought until Spiderman was losing so he retreated. So then the Jackal went to talk to a tied up Eddie Brock. He demanded that he would get his suit back. He said that he couldn’t force the suit off and said that he needed the person to willingly rid himself of the suit. Brock refused saying that now he and the suit are one. Then the Jackal proceeded to torture Brock until he got his suit back. Meanwhile, Peter went to pay Jameson another visit. He brought pictures of Spiderman fighting the Jackal in an effort to prove that Spiderman and Venom are different people. Jameson still didn’t believe him saying that Spiderman could switch between costumes any time. So then Spiderman went to visit Eddie’s apartment to investigate. However, then a man pointed a gun at him. Spiderman managed to subdue the man and forced him to tell him where the Jackal was. Later, Peter went home to a frantic Harry. Harry said that a Green man broke into the apartment and took Gwen away. Peter got worried, so he dressed as Spiderman and swung to the Jackal’s hideout. When he got there, he found the Jackal torturing Eddie. Spiderman pulled a switch to let Eddie go. So then the Jackal attacked. Eddie finally turned into Venom. He went to attack the Jackal, but then he threw Gwen off a building. The Jackal subdued Spiderman, so the Venom jumped off the building to save Gwen. He saved her, and then went to fight the Jackal. After a big fight, the Jackal escaped. Spiderman went to thank Venom, but Venom said that this doesn’t change anything and he will come back to kill Spiderman. Then he left.
Season 2, Episode 8: Kraven the Hunter
It starts with Peter talking to Gwen. Gwen was hanging out with Peter and Harry at their apartment. Then Maryjane arrived. They watched the news together and then saw that a new man arrived in New York. His name is Sergey Kravenof. He is Russian and arrived to hunt new prey. Peter didn’t trust this guy and went to go check him out. The next day, Peter went to Jameson who demanded that Peter got pictures of Kraven for him. Peter realized that the most exciting picture would be of Spiderman along with Kraven. So then, Spiderman followed Kraven. Kraven realized Spiderman was following him and attacked him. Spiderman insisted that he didn’t mean to bother him, but Kraven didn’t care and continued to fight Spiderman. Spiderman eventually retreated because he was being beaten. The next day, Peter went to Doctor Connor’s office to do community service. The two talked for a bit, but Peter sensed that Connors was acting unusual. The next day, Peter went to show Jameson photos of Spiderman fighting Kraven. Jameson loved these pictures and loved them. He then said that he was going to write a column explaining how Kraven is hero who is going to turn Spidey in. This made Peter wonder why he even works for Jameson. So later, Peter paid Connors another visit. He asked if he could apply for a part time job. Connors said that would be good since he is going out of town for a bit and he needs all the help he can get. So later, Peter realized that the only way Spiderman would look like the hero is if he turned Kraven in. So he swung around the city waiting for Kraven to attack him. Kraven arrived and confronted Spiderman, but didn’t attack him. He apologized for their previous encounter and stated that he didn’t come here to fight Spiderman, but someone else. So later, Spiderman swung to Jameson’s office. He told him to retract his column and that he and Kraven made peace. Then he left. Jameson at first said that he was not going to do it, but then Joe Robertson tried to convince Jameson to do it saying that this column would make him look bad and Jameson finally agreed. The next day, Peter went to work for Dr. Connors. When he got there, he saw that Eddie Brock was working there. It is then revealed that Brock now works for Connors. Peter left not wanting to work with Brock. As he was driving away, he then saw Kraven running to Dr. Connors’s lab. Peter rushed back to find Kraven. When he found him, Kraven was about to kill Connors. Peter and Eddie teamed up to fight Kraven, but they were both beaten. Eddie and Peter left. Peter changed and went to fight Kraven. It is then revealed that Kraven didn’t come to kill Connors, but the Lizard. The two fought until Connors received so much stress that he transformed into the Lizard.
Season 2, Episode 9: The Hunter and the Hunted
Spiderman, the Lizard, and Kraven fight in a three-way battle. Then Kraven was about to kill the Lizard, so Spiderman took him away. He left and the Lizard changed back into Curt Connors. So then Peter left and went to meet up with Gwen. When he got to Gwen’s house, he saw Flash there. Peter asked Gwen what Flash was doing there and Gwen just said that she needed tutoring from Flash. Peter said okay, but secretly didn’t believe it since Gwen was much smarter than Flash. Meanwhile, Kraven went to talk to his wife, Calypso. He said that he saw the Lizard change into Curt Connors. He was worried that if he killed the Lizard, he would turn right back into Curt Connors and he won’t have any proof that he killed the Lizard. Then Calypso said she would do something about it. Later, Peter asked Gwen out on a date. Gwen said that she can’t because she was busy. So then Peter asked to have coffee with Harry and MJ. When the two got there, they saw Flash with Gwen. Peter stormed out in anger. When he got outside, he saw Kraven chasing the Lizard. So Peter dressed up and went to stop them. He fought the two until Kraven escaped with the unconscious Lizard. Later, Peter went home and Gwen knocked on the door. She tried to explain what happened, but Peter didn’t listen so Gwen decided to come back when Peter decides to listen. Meanwhile, Calypso returned to Kraven with a serum that could make Dr. Connors the Lizard permanently. After that, Peter went to confront Flash. He demanded to know what was doing with his girlfriend. Flash promised that it wasn’t a date, but refused to tell Peter what it was about. So then Peter went to talk to Gwen again. He forgave Gwen saying that he knew she wasn’t cheating on him, but asked what her talk with Flash was about. Gwen said that she just needed money from Flash and he had so much more money than Peter, but she still said that Peter offered much more than Flash could ever offer even without money. So later, Spiderman invaded Kraven’s hideout. He found out that Kraven already poured the serum in the Lizard’s mouth. He attacked Kraven and the Lizard broke free. Spiderman beat Kraven and the Lizard. Then he took the Lizard to his lab. He got a serum that could be used to cure the Lizard and poured it down his mouth. Dr. Connors thanked Spiderman. In the last scene, Gwen was talking to Flash. Gwen said that Peter could never know the real reason why she and Flash were talking.
Season 2, Episode 10: The Sinister Six
It starts with Spiderman fighting Dock Ock. Spiderman beats Dock Ock and turns him into the police. Dock Ock becomes enraged and decides that now is time to do something about Spiderman. The next day, Peter goes to Jameson’s office to give him pictures of the Lizard and Kraven fight. However, Jameson doesn’t accept them because he starting to think Peter is selling him fake pictures since he always gets the right pictures. Peter doesn’t know what to say, so he leaves. Meanwhile, Dock Ock gave the Vulture a call. He said that he was going to start a team-up and he needed the Vulture to break him and four other villains out. The Vulture agreed to the idea. The next day, Peter went to talk to Harry. He said that he would be short on cash for a bit because Jameson fired him. Harry gave Peter advice saying that he should just find a way to prove to Jameson that his photos aren’t fake. Later, the Vulture broke into Ryker’s Island and stole the suits and equipment for the prisoners that he was going to break out. He broke out Doctor Octopus, Kraven the Hunter, Electro, Mysterio, and the Scorpion. Meanwhile, Peter went to talk to Jameson. He told him that he needed a way to prove to him that he wasn’t selling fake photos. Jameson was about to offer an idea, but then Electro broke into his office and demanded that he would find Spiderman for him. Peter left, changed into Spiderman, and attacked Electro. Then the rest of the villains arrived calling themselves the sinister six. They all attacked Spiderman. After a big fight, Spiderman retreated because he was losing. Peter went home in extreme fear. He didn’t know how to stop six villains. He then decided to swing by the X-men’s mansion to see if they could help. However, they weren’t there, so Spiderman left. He then decided that maybe he could get the police’s help. However, when he got there, the Police attempted to arrest him. Peter finally decided that he should just wait until some other superheroes stop the villains. Later, Peter went to Jameson’s office and showed him a picture of Spiderman fighting the sinister six. Jameson decided that whether Peter’s photos are fake or not, they still make him money, so they are worth it. Meanwhile, the sinister six had a meeting. They debated on who came the closest to defeating Spiderman until finally Kraven came up with an idea. They could each try to kill Spiderman individually and see who prevails. However, they needed a way to lure Spiderman. So the Scorpion volunteered to do something. Later, Peter was at home and they he got a call. It was the Scorpion who told him that he took his Aunt May away and if he wanted her back, he should tell Spiderman to meet the Sinister six at a certain place. Peter was infuriated, so he dressed as Spiderman and went to attack the six. He found them. He fought each one by one and ended up defeated all of the villains and turned them all in. Peter then brought his Aunt May back home. In the very last scene, the Kingpin was talking to a henchman saying that Spiderman just helped him a lot by putting away six of his enemies.
Season 2, Episode 11: Return of the Sandman
It starts with the Kingpin talking to a woman who calls herself Silver Sable. The Kingpin said that said that he wanted to have a partnership with her gang who she calls the woolfpack. She agreed. In a small corner, we see the Sandman watching the whole conversation. Meanwhile, Peter was watching a movie with Gwen and then Captain Stacy arrived. He talked to Peter for a bit saying that if he got any pictures of the Kingpin and Silver Sable’s crimes; he should immediately give them to him. Peter agreed. Peter then went to swing around to look for trouble. Then he found Silver Sable leading a group of men to rob a rich man. Then Spiderman came and attacked Sable and her henchmen. After a battle, Sable and her men got the money, so they retreated. So then Spiderman left. It is then revealed that the Sandman was watching the whole time. He then found the man who was robbed and talked to him. In a negotiation, the man told the Sandman where Sable lived. Meanwhile, Gwen was sitting by herself, then looked at an unknown object and was shocked. Later, Peter went to talk to his Aunt May. Peter was going to graduate high school the next day and was really excited. Aunt May then revealed to Peter something very exciting. He has gotten a scholarship to Empire State University for his great grades. Peter was thrilled by this news. Meanwhile, Gwen called Flash. She told him that she needed to tell him something. After this, Spiderman went to talk to Captain Stacy. He told Spiderman where Silver Sable lived and asked him to go turn her in. So Spiderman went to Silver Sable’s house. He had to go through guards as she was very wealthy. He was about to arrest her, but then the Sandman attacked. Spiderman found himself having to fight to save Sable. He then was knocked out by the Sandman who then took Sable away. Later, the Sandman had Sable tied up and told her that he knows that she knows dirt on the Kingpin. The Sandman then forced her to tell him. Later, Peter was at home and then went to talk to Gwen. He told her that he got a scholarship to the Empire State University. Gwen was also going there, but not by a scholarship. Peter then went home and talked to Harry. Harry said that Gwen has been acting weird recently and asked Peter why, but Peter didn’t know. Later, Spiderman went to confront the Kingpin. He said that they had to work together if they were going to beat the Sandman. The Kingpin said that in a few hours, the Sandman will attack him because Silver Sable sent him a message saying so. So Spiderman stayed and a few hours later, the Sandman attacked. They fought him until Spiderman knocked him out of the tower. They looked out and the sandman was gone. The Kingpin assumed that he fell in the sewer, but Spiderman wasn’t so sure. In the very last scene, Gwen was talking to Flash at her house. Gwen was crying and flash asked why. Gwen said that she is pregnant.
Season 2, Episode 12: Graduation
It starts with Peter talking to Harry. The two were very excited to be graduating. Today was the day of graduation. Peter had a scholarship to Empire State University and Harry was going to the University of New York Manhattan. It was early in the morning, so Peter went as Spiderman to swing around before school starts. Then it flashes back to the previous night. Mark Raxton, a businessman, was talking to Norman Osborn. He was demanding that Osborn give him the money that was owed to him. Osborn realized that Raxton was right, no he shoved Raxton into a batch of chemicals to keep him from suing him. He left and later, Raxton crawled out. He later discovered that his skin had turned golden yellow and now he had the power of fire and to control flames around his body. Now in present time, Spiderman was swinging around, and then noticed a fire in Oscorp. He went in to save a bunch of the people. He left and then Raxton arrived who now called himself the Molten Man. He attacked Spiderman for saving all those people. Spiderman fought back and after a fight scene, and then Spiderman realized that he was going to be late for graduation and retreated. He then arrived at graduation right on time. Students got their diplomas and the scholarships were announced. Then after Graduation was over, the people had a chat. Jameson met Peter’s very proud Aunt May. Harry was worrying about his father and Oscorp. Peter saw Gwen talking to Flash and began to worry about her. Then Norman talked to Peter saying congratulations. Then the Molten Man attacked the Graduation. He tried to kill Norman Osborn, so then Spiderman suited up and went to fight the Molten Man. He led him away from the graduation. After a big fight, Spiderman opened a fire hydrant on the Molten Man knocking him out. Then he turned him into the police. Then Spiderman went to Oscorp. He revealed to Osborn that he took a security video showing Osborn shoving Raxton into the chemicals and that he was going to show it to the police. He then left. Osborn went into his basement and then pulled out his Goblin mask saying that it is time to rid himself of Spiderman. Later, Peter went to talk to Harry who was still worried about his father. Peter realized that it wouldn’t be right to turn Osborn in for Harry’s sake. In the very last scene, Gwen is talking to Flash. Flash asks why she won’t tell Peter. She says that she won’t tell Peter because the baby isn’t his.
Season 2, Episode 13: Double-Goblin
It starts with Peter walking with Gwen. The two had a chat and then they ran into Norman Osborn. Peter and Gwen attempted to leave the conversation. Osborn gave off a little smirk and walked away. Later, Peter dressed up as Spiderman and went to patrol the city. Then he heard on his pocket radio that Ryker’s island was being broken into. So then Spiderman went to stop it. At Ryker’s island, the Green Goblin was breaking Roderick Kingsley (the Hobgoblin) out of prison. He asked Roderick for a truce to bring down Spiderman. Then Spiderman arrived and attacked the Green Goblin. After a fight, the Green Goblin escaped with Roderick Kingsley. Later, Norman Osborn was talking to Kingsley. Kingsley accepted the truce and the two decided to work together to kill Spiderman. Later, Peter went to talk to Gwen. She said that Osborn is the Goblin again and they have to do something about this fast. So then Gwen went to confront Osborn. She asked what Osborn wanted saying that he should be attacking Doctor Octopus, not Spiderman. However, Osborn said that he realized Dock Ock isn’t his real enemy, Peter is. Osborn refused to tell Gwen why. Later, Spiderman went to Oscorp to confront Osborn. However, when he got there, the Hobgoblin attacked. During the fight Osborn dressed up as the Green Goblin and attacked. The two worked together to try to kill Spiderman. Spiderman was losing, so he then retreated. Meanwhile, Gwen went to talk to Flash. Gwen finally revealed who the father of the baby was: it was Osborn blood. After that, Peter went to talk to Gwen. Peter looked at Gwen and foolishly pointed out that she might be pregnant because of her gaining weight. Gwen took it as an insult and stormed away to distract Peter from the fact that she really is pregnant. Later, Flash went to confront Harry. He said that Peter was his friend and it was horrible of him to do what he did. Harry claimed not to know what Flash was talking about. Flash then stormed away. Meanwhile, Osborn and Kingsley were talking. Then Kingsley knocked out Osborn and betrayed him. When Osborn woke up, Kingsley said that he was going to take control of Oscorp and Osborn would cooperate or die. Then Spiderman arrived and fought the Hobgoblin. He eventually beat him, but Norman Osborn escaped. Spiderman turned the Hobgoblin in. In the very last scene, Norman went to confront Gwen. He said that Harry told him that Flash accused him of having sex with her. Gwen realized that she wasn’t clear on which Osborn got her pregnant. Norman then said that wanted Gwen to get an abortion. Gwen agreed.
Season 2, Episode 14: Goblin’s Venom
It starts with Eddie Brock walking to Gwen’s house. He goes to talk to her asking her for forgiveness for the things he has done. Gwen grants him the forgiveness saying he deserves it for saving her life. Then Brock leaves and the Green Goblin takes him to the top of a building. He then offers Brock a truce. He wants to work with Brock and the two could work together to kill Spiderman. Brock reluctantly agreed. Meanwhile, Peter went to talk to Flash. He said that he is starting to think that Gwen is keeping something from him and demands to know what. Flash still maintains that she is keeping nothing from him. So then Peter goes walking on the sidewalk and then Venom attacks him. Peter fights him on top of buildings where no one can see. In fear of losing his secret identity, Peter retreats. Meanwhile, Gwen went to see an abortionist. She got her abortion. Later Peter went to confront Eddie. He begged Eddie to leave him alone, but Eddie said that after Peter ruined his life, he refuses to. After that, Gwen went to talk to her dad, Captain Stacy. She reveals to him everything that happened. So then Captain Stacy gave Norman Osborn a call. Later, the Green Goblin kidnapped Captain Stacy. He held Stacy over a tall building which was being covered on the news. Peter saw this, dressed as Spiderman, and then went to attack the Green Goblin. When he found him, the two fought until the Green Goblin knocked him out then killed Captain Stacy with a razor blade. Then he took Spiderman away. When the Goblin got back to Oscorp, Venom was there. He was very angry that Osborn killed Captain Stacy saying that it was a completely unnecessary death. The Goblin lied that Stacy knew who he was. Meanwhile, Gwen went to talk to Harry and Maryjane. She was crying because her father died and Peter is no where to be found. Harry claimed that Peter always disappears like that. They comforted Gwen. Jameson heard about Captain Stacy’s death and actually shed a tear for his great friend. When Flash heard about this, he was absolutely enraged and knew who did it. Meanwhile, Peter was unmasked and tied up. The Goblin said that he was going to torture him. Then he told Peter what happened. He told Peter about how he raped Gwen Stacy and got her pregnant. However, this infuriated Venom who then attacked the Green Goblin. The Green Goblin managed to subdue Venom, but then Spiderman broke free and Venom and Spiderman worked together to fight the Green Goblin. The Green Goblin was losing, so he retreated. Then Venom and Spiderman made a deal. Venom won’t try to kill him and Spiderman won’t try to arrest Venom. Then they both left. In the last scene, Peter went to talk to Gwen. They kissed and then Gwen and Peter talked about the previous events.
Season 2, Episode 15: Turning Point
It starts with Peter and Gwen on date. They have a great time and both completely forget about all their problems. The next day, Gwen went to confront Norman Osborn. She said that she is going to the police about what Osborn did to her and tell them that he is the Green Goblin who killed her father and they will find enough evidence to convict him. Then she said that she is also going to tell Harry so he can know about the monster his father is. Meanwhile, Spiderman went to stop a bank robbery by a group of thugs. He defeated the thugs and turned them in. Later, Gwen went to talk to Harry. She was about to reveal what Norman did to her and who he was, but then the Green Goblin came in and took Gwen away. Harry then called the police. On the news, Peter heard that Gwen was taken away by the Green Goblin. Horrified, he dressed up as Spiderman and went to stop the Green Goblin. He found the Green Goblin on the Brooklyn Bridge with an unconscious Gwen. He put up a fight with the Goblin. However, the Goblin threw Gwen off the Bridge. Spiderman swung and saved her. However, she was still dead. The Green Goblin revealed that he stabbed and killed Gwen before Spiderman got there. This infuriated Spiderman who violently attacked the Green Goblin. After a big fight, the Goblin retreated in fear of his life. After that, the cops arrived and Spiderman had a dead Gwen Stacy with him. The police believed that Spiderman killed her and tried to arrest him, but Spiderman fought them off. Then Peter went home and Harry asked if Peter knew what happened to Gwen. Peter revealed that she was killed by the Green Goblin. Then he said that he is going to kill the Goblin and Harry gave him his consent. Peter took a knife and then swung away. Harry saw Spiderman swing away and decided to follow him. Spiderman arrived at Oscorp and went to the Goblin’s layer. He found the Goblin there and violently attacked him again. Then he was about to stab him with the knife, but then realized that what he was doing was wrong. He decided to let the Goblin live, but then the Goblin mentally made his glider rush towards Spiderman to kill him. Spiderman’s spider-sense tingled and he jumped out of the way and the glider hit and killed the Green Goblin. Spiderman pulled the glider out of the Goblin right when Harry arrived and that was all Harry saw. Spiderman left and Harry unmasked the Goblin to realize that the Goblin was his father and Peter is Spiderman because Peter said that he was going to kill the Goblin. Later that night, Peter turned the news on to hear that Spiderman killed the Green Goblin and Gwen Stacy much to Peter’s disappointment.

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