What Are The Blind Spots Of Your Own Fanboy/Fangirl Resume?

You were there when Cap had a see through shield.
oh yeahhhhh Krypton man! that plexiglass shield was the best!!with the wings on his motorcycle helmet... now that how we did it back in the good ole days.kids today with their new CGI whatma-do-dads!all we had back then was spandex with zippers and loved it!:cwink:
ooooooooooooooooooooo i hope i dont get stoned for this or worst have to give up my nerd card but...
-Harry Potter( i dont get it)
-Walking dead ( i hate zombies!)
-Dr.Who!( who is that guy!)
-WWE wrestling( i head it was fake!)
-Breaking Bad( i like dude better on Malcolm in the middle!)
-Game of thrones(i am not really into those type of "games" but now twister is a"different story!)
-World of Warcraft, halo whatever number, assassin creed any type of those games( again see statement above!)

please please dont take my card!

There are worse things than being fake like all scripted TV hahaha. Like the writing/character development being in the toilet, basically wasting their talented performers, which is the case with current WWE.
There ism't much I don't 'indulge' in or isn't of interest to me genre-wise, but probably if pushed, got to say, I'm not overly keen on Game of Thrones, read the books but only watched season 1 of the series. I like it, but it's a 'take it or leave it' for me, not a 'must watch at all costs' thing.
OK. I'm going to get roasted for this but here goes:

Harry Potter: Never read the books & saw a couple of movies, decided it's not for me.

Anime: Not much into it except DBZ.

World Of Warcraft: Never bothered with that particular game.

Doctor Who: Never seen a single episode, consider it boring.

WWE: Was into back in the day when it had better characters & wrestlers, now not so much.

Game Of Thrones: I've got better things to spend on than HBO.

Breaking Bad: Never seen a single episode, but somewhere, sometime, in the future I'll try & remedy the problem.
Sometimes speaking just for myself I think things get So built up that I can't see the thing that is being recommended to me being so amazing as others have let on. Honestly I kind of was like that with FIREFLY. A friend got me the collected version on dvd and then he was all, "I know you liked FIREFLY..." And I told him no, I was into FARSCAPE, had never been into BUFFY/ANGEL either. I think I had that did collection in my locker at work for like a year before I gave it a shot and ended up loving the show and the SERENITY film, that was a case of the property living up to the fan hype, again, for myself anyway.
Potter stuff
Anything by Joss Whedon
Stargate series
Doctor Who
Dragon Ball Z
Despite so many being into I am starting to think POTTER is a real generational thing.
Despite so many being into I am starting to think POTTER is a real generational thing.

That's what I'm thinking too. If everyone saying they never got into Harry Potter are in their 30s or older, you guys were never the target audience. I read the first book when I was 11, which was the same age as Harry was in the book. The last book came out when I was 19, so I essentially grew up with the character. I really enjoyed the series and I own the movies, but I don't revisit it often like I do with the Star Wars films or the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I think the last time I watched all the Harry Potter films was when the last one came out nearly five years ago. You really do enjoy it more the younger you are, but that's not to say people of all ages can't enjoy it.
That's what I'm thinking too. If everyone saying they never got into Harry Potter are in their 30s or older, you guys were never the target audience. I read the first book when I was 11, which was the same age as Harry was in the book. The last book came out when I was 19, so I essentially grew up with the character. I really enjoyed the series and I own the movies, but I don't revisit it often like I do with the Star Wars films or the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I think the last time I watched all the Harry Potter films was when the last one came out nearly five years ago. You really do enjoy it more the younger you are, but that's not to say people of all ages can't enjoy it.

No doubt the POTTER franchise has a nice slice of older fans, heck because it was such a big deal at the time I read the first two books and saw the first two movies but... It just didn't take with me for whatever reason. I do know a fair share of peeps over 29 that enjoy it but I do think it really needed to have hit me when I was younger. It's like that for a lot of things in the fan world I suppose.
I do know a fair share of peeps over 29 that enjoy it but I do think it really needed to have hit me when I was younger. It's like that for a lot of things in the fan world I suppose.

That's true. Part of me wonders if I would have still liked Star Wars, Batman, etc. as much if I had experienced them for the first time as an adult rather than as a kid.
I haven't been into wrestling since I was 8.
That's true. Part of me wonders if I would have still liked Star Wars, Batman, etc. as much if I had experienced them for the first time as an adult rather than as a kid.

I have always maintained, I please forgive me if this is offensive, it is just how I, an atheist see it...

These sort of big franchises, often fantasy based, are usually introduced to us as kids which is also when a lot of us, the majority really, get introduced to the concept of God and religion and nationality. I don't think it is coincidental that the language used for these properties in conversation is similar to that of religion or talks of gods, "mythology", "canon" and the like. Belief is what fuels the fandoms and I think like religion it's a belief usually forged during our early to teen years.
We all get introduced ton stuff as kids and we get into it because it's how we're expected to and everyone else we know (usually) is totally into it as well. As we get older we see the flaws on our terms and decide by ourselves if it merits to be something we continue to like.
I have always maintained, I please forgive me if this is offensive, it is just how I, an atheist see it...

These sort of big franchises, often fantasy based, are usually introduced to us as kids which is also when a lot of us, the majority really, get introduced to the concept of God and religion and nationality. I don't think it is coincidental that the language used for these properties in conversation is similar to that of religion or talks of gods, "mythology", "canon" and the like. Belief is what fuels the fandoms and I think like religion it's a belief usually forged during our early to teen years.

You might be right. I was 10 when I start reading Harry Potter. Today, I probably wouldn't make it past the first book. Likewise, I came late to a lot of more popular Batman comics - the ones that inspired Nolan's trilogy - and of the lot, the only one I enjoyed and kept on my shelf is DKR. Not knocking those who enjoyed the other stuff like YO, TLH, DV, and Knightfall - they just didn't resonate with me as I read them.

On the other hand - I was several decades late to Robert Howard's and Michael Moorcock's fantasy - and I find that I enjoy them more than many of the recent releases in the genre.
Doctor Who and the X-Files are a couple that come to mind that I never was interested in.
  • Elder Scrolls games.
  • Doctor Who.
  • Transformers.
  • Star Wars. (sorry Erz, but I don't need those to find joy in my life.)
  • Dragon Quest games.
  • God of War game series.
  • Grand Theft Auto. (so I played the GBA game and enjoyed it, and I played Saints Row 3 and 4 and enjoyed them, and Just Cause 2 is fun, but yeah, not a big fan of stealing cars and shooting people kind of games)
I find your reactions to STAR WARS so odd Aziz. It sometimes comes off as though the franchise offends you in some way.
I don't know what reaction is that. :huh: :confused:

I know when someone tells me how wrong I am for not being a fan (not in a humorous way), or translating my disinterest as "hate", that is annoying.
I don't know what reaction is that. :huh: :confused:

I know when someone tells me how wrong I am for not being a fan (not in a humorous way), or translating my disinterest as "hate", that is annoying.

I'm just saying that when the subject has come up sometimes I find the language you have used to feel oddly, I don't know, angry or something. True, if someone is actually telling you something absurd like you could only be happy in life by being a fan, that's over the top, but I think I have seen you comment on the franchise sometimes and... I don't know... I sometimes is like you aren't immune to it's charms but actively dislike it or something.

There's a new Star Wars movie out.

Go watch it.

Watch it a million times until you love it.
It's on Blu-ray and DVD April... *looks it up* Uh, April fifth. Go buy it. Go buy five copies for friends and family.

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