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What are your complaints? What would you do differently? *SPOILERS* - Part 1

How I'd change some of the third act (with some second act thrown in).

In the part with Woodburn on the news, have Lois flipping through channels briefly beforehand, showing the seeds of how the world could change (for the worse) because of the Kryptonian's existence. Religious turmoil, Lexcorp weapons development, etc.

Before meeting the Kryptonians, Clark talks to Jor El, who tells him not to trust Zod. Jor El tells Clark about the codex in his blood and about how to destroy the Black Zero if and when their phantom drive is brought online. Clark seems resistant to the plan as it involves killing. Jor El also tells Clark to destroy the genesis chamber, but Clark refuses, as he holds out hope that Jor El is wrong, or that he'll be able to defeat Zod. Jor El warns Clark if he is prepared to do what is necessary when the time comes.

-When Clark meets the military, he relays the information.

-At the runway, the military refuse to hand over Superman as they all know what will happen if Zod gets his hand on the codex, and so they demand other options. The Kryptonians attack, and Superman leaps into action to save their asses. During the fight, Superman has the opportunity to kill one of the Kryptonians, but he hesitates, leading to the deaths of several soldiers. Faora ends the fight by capturing Lois, and Superman surrenders and boards their ship as a prisoner.

Act 3

-Zod speaks with Clark
-The Black Zero descends.
-Zod retrieves the Scout ship.
-Lois, using the key, breaks out and rescues Clark. They sneak around inside the Black Zero in order to escape (squeezing through many a tight space together ;)), but before they can escape, the world engine comes online. Lois convinces Superman to leave her so that she (with the help of Jor El) can make sure the phantom drive stays online when they bomb it, the only way to send the kryptonian army back. Superman zooms off to the world engine.

-When Supes arrives, Zod intercepts him with the Scout ship. The two battle it out with the world engine as a backdrop. When it seems like Zod has Clark beat, Clark fires his heat vision at the scout ship, the genesis chamber, distracting Zod, and Clark is able to turn the tide of the battle. When Zod attempts to kill a family, Clark reluctantly kills Zod. After a brief moment of disbelief he angrily leaps up to attempt to destroy the world engine, but he falls to the ground. He tries again, and falls. He lets out a guttural yell over this hell, having just killed and failing to save everyone around him. Cut to Metropolis, where Jenny is trapped. Clark is now crawling, almost in tears. Eventually, brief flashes of his father are triggered, then his mother, Lois, people who have shown kindness, Pete extending his hand out to him, and lastly the image of his father with his hand raised, and in a burst of effort, Clark zooms up to destroy the world engine.

-The gravity field lowers. Faora commands them to turn off the phantom drive, but it doesn't respond. Lois has done her job. In the same moment the aircraft (which has been flying way above the Black Zero all this time) bombs the Black Zero, sending the Kyptonians back. As everything from Krypton gets sucked in, the ground beneath Lois' feat dissipates and she falls, screaming.

-Superman is seemingly unconscious, but a faint echo of a scream wakes him. BOOM, off to the other side of the world. Cut back to Supes flying, back to Lois, back to Supes, etc, and he manages to catch her just in time. They fly through the air for a brief celebratory moment before they land on the Daily Planet rooftop. While Lois is overjoyed, Clark still looks distressed. "..Zod,..I..". Lois lifts his chin and directs his attention to the people below, who despite this chaos are happy that it's over, happy to be alive. Clark, having been inspired by Lois once again, thanks Lois, and he flies off. "Job's not done Ms. Lane. Just getting started here". Superman proceeds to help others in need. Folks up on buildings, a school bus full of children, etc. Fade out.

In the drone scene, the shot of the drone coming down is not so loud and kinetic, like another action scene, but rather a far away shot and a faint sound.

In the ending montage, when Clark walks in, some Daily Planet staff are fixated on the tv, where Superman had just performed some heroic deed minutes ago. Lombard makes some sarcastic remark about how they can't trust him. Jenny makes some witty comeback/insult. Perry introduces them to Clark.
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Give Cavill some more dialogue. I can't remember any of his lines except the "yer a monster Zawd" line and when he says "you're not my father" to Uncle Ben, before the wrestling match.

I don't know who the guy is. Maybe I'll get to know him better in BS.
Maybe a bit late, but I watched Superman vs Batman, and this sort of reminded me of an issue I had with this movie, which I haven't seen addressed much.

Clark Kent's profesional life is treated essentially as a total after thought. I don't just mean his job, but how he got to be a journalist. In a lot of stories, that is a major deal, which I feel it should be.

Seriously in the movie, he just gets a job at the Daily Planet with no apparent background or interest in journalism. Not even a throwaway line about majoring in journalism in the past, or some other subject that would indicate that he is qualified or interested in a job at a major newspaper.

Did this bother anyone else?
Would have liked for Superman to be a freelance writer/blogger at the beginning of the movie and traveling around the world instead of just doing odd jobs and then spontaneously being a reporter at the end.
The past is the past and nothing can be done about it. But in the future the movie version of Superman needs to become more like the TV version. Hopefully a new director is hired that likes Superman.
Sorry to bump this thread, but here's something I'd have done differently & obviously the elements connected to this point of the story:


I'd have kept that scene, but I'd have had Clark save his father or it doesn't even have to be his father, just someone with the whole crowd of people seeing him blatantly doing it. Before MoS was even released I thought it would be kinda cool if a portion of Smallville knew/know Clark is Superman or that he has powers.

It might seem like a small thing in relation to the rest of the movie, but it's just something I'd have done differently I think just to show more of people caring about Clark/Superman as opposed to the picture they do paint which is one of hesitance & potential fear of Clark.

I still would have killed Jonathan Kent off, but I'd have done it more subtly like this:

Superman is way too much a reluctant hero, only debuting because the other Kryptonians forced him to.

Even if there had to be bad Kryptonians in the first movie, he should have made his public debut after he got the suit. Then the public and maybe government would be a lot less fearful and suspicious of him. It felt real contrived that he got the suit and Jor-El's blessing but still didn't use it in public so that the public would be really fearful and untrusting.
Man of Steel and Dark Knight Rises are 2 movies I keep going back to and as much I as I try to get a new perspective on them, I still have too many issues with both. After seeing Justice League, I can really see what Cavill was capable of. I found he lacked both charm and any sort of real inspirational moments in the film. Specifically, I hated that he killed Zod. I can forgive the lousy pa kent death (wouldn't have minded seeing him live for a change), found most of the characters to be bland, the look of krypton was a huge let down and found the story to be basically a mashup of superman 1 and 2. I could have probably looked past most of this stuff had only 1 element been captivating...whether it be the story itself or the characters, but just nothing seemed to work to make this special. Such a shame as its all right there....but it just didn't work for me.
I liked the way Krypton looked but felt we spent too much time there.

If there's anything the movie spent too little time on it was the flashbacks. I could probably watch a whole Boyhood vers of this MoS.
If there's anything the movie spent too little time on it was the flashbacks. I could probably watch a whole Boyhood vers of this MoS.

Yes, the stuff when he was a kid. I just recently read Superman: American Alien for the first time and the first couple of chapters there put me in mind of MoS. Not exactly the same, but a very similar feel.
I liked the way Krypton looked but felt we spent too much time there.

Ya, I don't know why but especially when I saw Jor El riding that lizard all I could think of was obi wan riding his in attack of the clones. Meh, I couldn't get into Krypton.
Aside from that Superman should have debuted earlier, the movie should have had a Lex Luthor.
Regarding Krypton, I would have sliced up the intro and placed some of it later during Jor El’s storytime with Kal El.

As is, there was a feeling of repetition, or giving the audience information they already know.
I would have started on earth.. fishing trawler scenes - had a 'jaws' like moment with the crew all chatting at night, stars out - Clark chatting about who he is, being kinda vague - it's a cool comparison to his pod travelling though the stars as we see flash backs to his escape from krypton. We learn so much from those scenes, fact he is a nomad, fakes his ID, he knows his past etc then the distress call just as the sun breaks - new day, dawn for clark - we see him rescue the workers.

This then cuts to lois watching it, at the DP and making notes about a 'super man'.

Then we follow clark at the bar, we see him build a relationship with the chick there, he lives above and we learn more about clark.

We also see a scene where Clark is walking through that town, when he hears a train speed through the barriers, it's out of control and heading towards a bend - it will derail. We see Clark chase it, detach the carriages and stop the engine.
We see lois read up on this article, she narrates her journal on this super man, we hear her views and what's he has done to find him.

I wouldn't have had lois at the military scene - too coincidental, have clark there but he only got there after he saw an article about it, again too coincidental that he was in a pub that military talk about his ancestors craft. Clark gets in, steals it.

Sets off Zod.

You are not alone - alien disclosure - we see how the world reacts, alien fans on roof tops, people claiming they are kal el. It's cool.

The craft gets surrounded by military - superman bursts out in his flight... this sets off a chase, top gun style... they attack him through fear, he takes it, shows his hands are up - he comes in peace. He then works with the military as zod negotiates then all hell breaks loose.

I would not have had a neck snap.... I would have Zod die though suicide and have faora in the zone for the future..

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