Superman Returns What did you like better? Routh's Superman or Routh's Clark?


Oct 7, 2003
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I know there is already a thread voting on a 1 to 5 scale about Kal-El, Clark, and Supes as portrayed by Routh but I wanted to make it a little simpler. The two main personas of Superman are Clark and Supes.

Which version did you like better?

I have to go with Clark. It's not that I disliked Routh's Superman version, it just didn't give me much to go on. I think it's the writer's fault more than Routh's fault. As others have mentioned, he was too much of a brooding silent type, which IMO, is the exact opposite of the Superman I imagine. Clark, on the other hand, even though it was ripped from Christopher Reeve's interpretation, I still thought Routh did a great job! :up:

One of my favorite moments of the film is Routh as Clark when Jimmy Olsen asks, "How pissed do you think Superman would be if he knew that?" OMG, terrific timing by Routh on that line! :up: :up:
I actually thought Routh did okay as Clark. His Superman was not to my liking but I blame Singer for that.
Both sucked.

His Superman was lame, he did nothing amazing.(No, saving a plane is outdated to be considered "amazing")

His Clark was a complete rip-off of Chris Reeve's. Was "swell" necessary, he didn't even deliver it good enough.

Superman wins by default because atleast it was his own
OMG! STOP with the "his Clark is a rip-off of Reeve"! That's such a stupid generalization. Unlike Mr. Reeves version, Routh didn't play Clark over the top and overtly wimpy...sure there were some homages but for the most part his Clark Kent was very different.

But back on topic, I voted for Routh's Clark Kent, he was awesome. And his Superman was well...Superman.
I liked both, Routh did a superb job. But I have to say it was nice to see [Mild Mannered Reporter : Clark Kent] not The Bumbling idiot.

I can Actually see Lois falling for this version of Clark, more so than the bumbling idoit .
Kal-El 8 said:
I liked both, Routh did a superb job. But I have to say it was nice to see [Mild Mannered Reporter : Clark Kent] not The Bumbling idiot.

I can Actually see Lois falling for this version of Clark, more so than the bumbling idoit .
I have to agree with that. Honestly though, I think the reason why Reeve's Clark came across so nerdy is because he's just that good of an actor. I don't think Routh is a bad actor, he just isn't Julliard trained like Reeve.
They didn't have enough screen time. But whenever they were on, I sure was enjoying it.
Well, both had horrible material so i can't really vote.
Clark. he felt genuinely human and approachable.

his superman has a robotic stiffness to him except when he spoke to superboy.
I know little about Superman. What was Clark Kents personality? Was he meant to be awkward and shy? If so, then he did a good job.
I liked Routh's Superman better...I hope they give him a lot more dialogue in the sequel (there will be one...have faith) because I know he can shine. He has great presence.

Mr. Socko said:
Both sucked.

His Superman was lame, he did nothing amazing.(No, saving a plane is outdated to be considered "amazing")

His Clark was a complete rip-off of Chris Reeve's. Was "swell" necessary, he didn't even deliver it good enough.

Superman wins by default because atleast it was his own

Agreed...Except I didn't like his Superman either.
All the Routh haters...who is your ideal Superman? And if you say Welling then we at least know where the hate is stemming from.
Both were fine. Clark wasn't too nerdy, but still rather awkward. I liked how he had those certain looks where you could see Superman looking back, and other times it was just Clark. His Superman seemed a little cold, but that's more of a writing flaw I think. Otherwise he seemed pretty right on.

In Superman II, when he reveals himself to Lois in that Niagara falls hotel room....he's standing there with his back to her, in his Clark Kent nerd wear. He turns around, and takes his glasses off, and it's soooo amazing. It's an instant transformation to Superman. It's one of Reeve's finest moments in all the films. I want to see Routh able to shine like this.
I belong to the few. i liked him better when he was superman.
nosebleed said:
All the Routh haters...who is your ideal Superman?

I think I have a good idea who they're gonna say and it rhymes with "heave". :rolleyes:
I'm gonna vote for his Clark I guess, although I thoroughly enjoyed both. His Clark was funny, i loved the horror movie reaction.
LostSon88 said:
I think I have a good idea who they're gonna say and it rhymes with "heave". :rolleyes:

Well, I meant to ask who they would rather play Superman NOW, instead of Routh.
though i REALLY liked him as Clark...when i think of Routh in SR, i think of him as Superman more than i do of him as Clark. he was a great Clark and an even better Superman. i look forward to seeing him again!
nosebleed said:
Well, I meant to ask who they would rather play Superman NOW, instead of Routh.

Ah, gotcha. (Oh and the rollseyes isn't directed to you...its to those Reeve fanatics who hate Routh cuz he isn't Reeve) :)
LostSon88 said:
Ah, gotcha. (Oh and the rollseyes isn't directed to you...its to those Reeve fanatics who hate Routh cuz he isn't Reeve) :)

Oh...I understood who you meant it for. I am pretty good at detecting sublety on the internet for some reason.
nosebleed said:
All the Routh haters...who is your ideal Superman? And if you say Welling then we at least know where the hate is stemming from.

Id have to see Routh with a much better written script that requires him to truly act before I can make a final say on my opinion of him as Superman/Clark Kent, or who else should have played him.

My problems don't lie with Brandon Routh, or any of the cast for that matter. I mean, Parker and Tristan can't help that they were cast for characters that weren't needed.

I do know that Routh was very cardboard like in the scene with Ma Kent, the one scene he didn't have Reeve to work off of. Oh wait, the writing was just very wooden in that scene. My bad :down
I put Superman because that was the main purpose for me seeing the movie, and the biggest risk. If he didn't work, the movie wouldn't.

Not to say Clark isn't important. I love Reeve to death, but I've always HATED his Clark Kent. It just seemed...fake to me, like it was all just an act and nothing more.

Routh's Kent seemed much more natural. Yes, he's ackward and shy, but I think those are traits in his personality...he just might be exaggerating them a little.

I loved both.

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