The Last Jedi What loose ends do you want tied up in VIII?

I think that's exactly what we're gonna get. Screencap this comment, because I'm making a prediction right here and now :

JJ Abrams said in the beginning process of making TFA, him and Kasdan made some changes that would connect with Rian Johnson's story for Episode 8. I bet you any money Han Solo saying "People believed he (Luke) went to find the first Jedi Temple" is one of those changes. Luke went to look for the very first Jedi Temple because he doesn't believe that Anakin's prophecy was correct. That Anakin was the one to bring balance to the Force. And how could it be, to be fair, when there is still a great murderous evil in the galaxy?

Luke is looking to see where this prophecy first came about. What and who exactly led everyone to believe that such a prophecy was even true or real. And through that search, he or Rey will connect and speak to the Force ghost of Anakin.

I wouldn't even be surprised if the title for Episode 8 has the word "Prophecy" in it. "The Prophecy Strikes Back!" LOL (just kidding with that one haha).


You had me until "Force Ghost Anakin" because I do not want to see Hayden Christensen again lol. Maybe if there was a different actor playing him...
You had me until "Force Ghost Anakin" because I do not want to see Hayden Christensen again lol. Maybe if there was a different actor playing him...

In the Art book for TFA its revealed that in the early preproduction days of TFA, when they were brainstorming story ideas, one of the ideas was for Force Ghost anakin to appear in the film.. They even did concept art of him shifting between young anakin and a force ghost of vader. The idea was that Vader was so much a part of what Anakin was for so long that even in death that part of him lingers on so his force ghost would at times have Vaders mask and other elements. It was a cool inage, but as we know force ghost anakin didnt make it into the film.

But at some point its likely we will see Anakin again. The franchise has a habit of using preproduction elements that didnt make it into previous films and the character isnt exactly one that can just be swept under the rug.

We know he is a gorce ghost so for him to never appear to luke again would seem very strange. Same with Obi-Wan and Yoda. Its a safe bet that Ewan will play Force Ghost Obi. He already recorded audio for TFA. And Lucasfilm is likely to ask Hayden back as well. Hayden isnt a good actor imo. But he is the live action Anakin and is still alive. And Lucasfilm has already brought back the actors that played Mon Mothma and Bail Organa even for small cameos so they have some respect for the people that played the characters in the PT. My guess is they wont snub Hayden if they ever decide to have Force Ghost Anakin appear in a film. He may decline to return in which case theyd probably recast. But if he does return we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed that the director can pull a decent performance out of Hayden.
Maz getting the saber

Luke's academy and if the knights of ren are other Jedi students Ben convinced to join the dark side with him as to not be slaughtered

Rey parentage.

Where was Snoke during the original trilogy and how did he turn Ben. And did Luke give him that scar on his head?

Don't you know? Snoke is Darth Plagueis. He can control life and death.

Also Rey's staff is a lightsaber and it was Plagueis' staff.
In the Art book for TFA its revealed that in the early preproduction days of TFA, when they were brainstorming story ideas, one of the ideas was for Force Ghost anakin to appear in the film.. They even did concept art of him shifting between young anakin and a force ghost of vader. The idea was that Vader was so much a part of what Anakin was for so long that even in death that part of him lingers on so his force ghost would at times have Vaders mask and other elements. It was a cool inage, but as we know force ghost anakin didnt make it into the film.

But at some point its likely we will see Anakin again. The franchise has a habit of using preproduction elements that didnt make it into previous films and the character isnt exactly one that can just be swept under the rug.

We know he is a gorce ghost so for him to never appear to luke again would seem very strange. Same with Obi-Wan and Yoda. Its a safe bet that Ewan will play Force Ghost Obi. He already recorded audio for TFA. And Lucasfilm is likely to ask Hayden back as well. Hayden isnt a good actor imo. But he is the live action Anakin and is still alive. And Lucasfilm has already brought back the actors that played Mon Mothma and Bail Organa even for small cameos so they have some respect for the people that played the characters in the PT. My guess is they wont snub Hayden if they ever decide to have Force Ghost Anakin appear in a film. He may decline to return in which case theyd probably recast. But if he does return we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed that the director can pull a decent performance out of Hayden.

Thank you for telling me that, I didn't they had kicked that idea around prior.

I just...I have such an issue with Hayden. I would rather see Force Obi-Wan as it makes more sense to Luke and Ewan is a far better actor. Hayden has had good performances before (Life as a House) so I don't doubt a good director could pull one out of him. I'm just afraid to see them try.
I think Obi-Wan's ghost was a Luke thing, but he was the one who spoke to Rey in her vision, so there's that. The one thing I can dig about Anakin's being present is that it would provide an interesting contrast to Kylo. He's on his star destroyer, praying to his grandpappy's burned head, worshipping a somewhat false image (dark) of who Anakin was at his core (light). To have Anakin's truer form come to Rey to guide her would further add conflict to Kylo's inner struggle. That's just me spitballing. I'm sure Rian has got some killer stuff written. I just hope he screws with Kylo and twists his story as much as possible over the next two films.
Is Finn Force Sensitve?

A little more info on the galaxay's status quo. They got a little too gun shy after Lucas' prequels, and I find myself asking wtf happened politically between RotJ and TFA?

Old Republic stuff like the First Jedi Temple is a good start.
I think Obi-Wan's ghost was a Luke thing, but he was the one who spoke to Rey in her vision, so there's that. The one thing I can dig about Anakin's being present is that it would provide an interesting contrast to Kylo. He's on his star destroyer, praying to his grandpappy's burned head, worshipping a somewhat false image (dark) of who Anakin was at his core (light). To have Anakin's truer form come to Rey to guide her would further add conflict to Kylo's inner struggle. That's just me spitballing. I'm sure Rian has got some killer stuff written. I just hope he screws with Kylo and twists his story as much as possible over the next two films.

Do we know how exactly force ghosts work? My apologies, I'm not well versed in the EU or if they touched up on it at all. Because if a force ghost could appear, why doesn't Anakin appear to Kylo and be like "Hey, I'm not bad anymore?"
Do we know how exactly force ghosts work? My apologies, I'm not well versed in the EU or if they touched up on it at all. Because if a force ghost could appear, why doesn't Anakin appear to Kylo and be like "Hey, I'm not bad anymore?"

Qui-Gon was the first to look for the knowledge and he passed it on to Yoda and Yoda to Obi-Wan.

That's why we get a Qui-Gon name drop from Yoda in RotS.

In Clone Wars (which is canon) they go deeper into that storyline. But it's never explained how Anakin learned. The assumption has always been that Anakin was just "that good".

Damn, my nerd is showing...
Don't you know? Snoke is Darth Plagueis. He can control life and death.

Also Rey's staff is a lightsaber and it was Plagueis' staff.

I thought Snoke was Jason Todd :huh:
Qui-Gon was the first to look for the knowledge and he passed it on to Yoda and Yoda to Obi-Wan.

That's why we get a Qui-Gon name drop from Yoda in RotS.

In Clone Wars (which is canon) they go deeper into that storyline. But it's never explained how Anakin learned. The assumption has always been that Anakin was just "that good".

Damn, my nerd is showing...

That's okay, I quit early on The Clone Wars. I was one of those that saw Ahsoka call Anakin "Sky Guy" and immediately turned me TV off. I ended up really liking her on Rebels, so I should go back.

If they bring back force Ghosts, I hope they explain exactly how they're able to do that and if any Jedi has the power to listen to them, etc. It sort of feels like how in Harry Potter they can talk to paintings of dead wizards.
Is Finn Force Sensitve?

It's possible. It could be the thing that set him apart from the rest of the Stormtroopers. But I kind of hope he isn't. Of all the new characters Finn is the closest thing to a regular guy. He's not strong with the force like Rey or an incredible pilot like Poe. He's a good soldier but he's kind of the perpetual underdog. In over his head. I think making him force sensitive would detract from that.
I think being force sensitive would enhance it. I want them to focus more on the fact that Finn is a good fighter.

I think I've gotten too used to the Stormtroopers being so derpy on Rebels that I just want one to represent being a BA fighter. :funny:
Qui-Gon was the first to look for the knowledge and he passed it on to Yoda and Yoda to Obi-Wan.

That's why we get a Qui-Gon name drop from Yoda in RotS.

In Clone Wars (which is canon) they go deeper into that storyline. But it's never explained how Anakin learned. The assumption has always been that Anakin was just "that good".

Damn, my nerd is showing...

Anakin never learned how to return from the neatherworld of the Force. Qui-Gon only taught Yoda, who then passed the knowledge to Obi-wan so there was no way Anakin would know how to do what they did. We all saw how confused Anakin looked when he watched Obi-wan's body disappear after he struck him down with his lightsaber and he had to step on his robes to see what just happened. Furthermore, Return of the Jedi never showed Anakin disappearing upon his death and in the funeral pyre scene, his Darth Vader suit and helmet still looked full as if his body was still inside. My guess is Obi-wan and Yoda helped Anakin return from the neatherworld of the Force so that Luke could see him.
It's possible. It could be the thing that set him apart from the rest of the Stormtroopers. But I kind of hope he isn't. Of all the new characters Finn is the closest thing to a regular guy. He's not strong with the force like Rey or an incredible pilot like Poe. He's a good soldier but he's kind of the perpetual underdog. In over his head. I think making him force sensitive would detract from that.
I think Finn should be kinda like Han in the original series, doesn't posses the force but is still a good fighter and character etc.
If Rey is not related to anyone important then explain how she is Force sensitive explain to me just how she was able to hold her own against Kylo Ren in a lightsaber battle explain how she was able to overpower him without any Force training? She has to be related to a Jedi that is the only thing that makes any sense at all
1) What does The Force Awakens mean? I'd love to see a little explanation because it seems so vague with a million interpretations right now. I feel like if they had more time to work on TFA and didn't change so many things last minute this might have been fleshed out.

2) What Luke is looking for or doing.

3) And of course, Rey's lineage.
1) What does The Force Awakens mean? I'd love to see a little explanation because it seems so vague with a million interpretations right now. I feel like if they had more time to work on TFA and didn't change so many things last minute this might have been fleshed out.

2) What Luke is looking for or doing.

3) And of course, Rey's lineage.

It's pretty well explained that it's more metaphorically of the dark and light eternal battle of the Force is reigniting, and Rey and Ren have been awakened. It's actually quite clear in the film. In the Blu ray commentary with JJ he does say that they cut out the back story of the Knights of Ren/Snoke, Rey's lineage and the background of Luke's lightsaber and apparently this stuff was pushed onto VIII. But the awakening like "A New Hope" is mainly centered though on the hero. Rey has discovered her powers. Some may go into her back ground more. But even with just this one film it's quite obvious what the title means.

The others I think will be explained.
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It's possible. It could be the thing that set him apart from the rest of the Stormtroopers. But I kind of hope he isn't. Of all the new characters Finn is the closest thing to a regular guy. He's not strong with the force like Rey or an incredible pilot like Poe. He's a good soldier but he's kind of the perpetual underdog. In over his head. I think making him force sensitive would detract from that.

Someone on YouTube came up with theories that he could be force sensitive. Like when Starkiller base destroyed the Hosnian System, Finn suddenly turns around and sees it being destroyed. Just before that happens, you hear the screams of the people. Almost like when Yoda felt a disturbance in the force in ROTS and Obi-Wan in A New Hope.

It was almost if he heard the screams before it was destroyed. Obviously this could be just how the movie was made, but it's interesting to hear the theories. Here's the video.

That's a well done theory.
Personally, I really hope they take the opportunity to rectify the inconsistencies of the Force, brought about by TPM. I'd really like them to address midichlorians and explain how there is a biological component, as well as a spiritual component.
Who made the map to find Luke? How did he know where to find Luke?
Who made the map to find Luke? How did he know where to find Luke?

That was partially explained already, though through interviews rather than the movie itself-- The map isn't specifically to Luke, it's to the first Jedi Temple.... Which is where the people that knew him best believe him to be. The portion of the map that the First Order had (from the old Imperial Archives) was also in Artoo, thanks to his jacking into the Death Star computer in ANH.

Don't know how Lor San Tekka got his part of it, but I believe his backstory is that (as well as being a leader for one sect of the Church of the Force) he was an explorer or archaeologist. So maybe it was him who helped Luke track down the Temple in the first place?
Personally, I really hope they take the opportunity to rectify the inconsistencies of the Force, brought about by TPM. I'd really like them to address midichlorians and explain how there is a biological component, as well as a spiritual component.

Midichlorians are one of the most reviled things in the franchise. And pretty much everyone that works on the films and books that have spoken about the Force seem to consider the Force a mystical thing beyond technical explanations. That is to say, how the Force was presented before Lucas had the hairbrained idea to try to "explain" the Force in TPM with pseudo biology. It's very likely that Midichlorians will never be mentioned in the films, or the canon, again.


That's the only explanation the Force needs.

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