What scenes could have made Spider-Man 3 better?

Every villain has died except Sandman who knows exactly who Spiderman is and he got away scott free. He will continue to commit crimes. He is still a wanted fugitive. The wife still hates his guts. And he is probably on his way to steal more money. Way to go Spidey.

EXACTLY! What the hell?
Though I liked the movie on the second viewing I really felt 1 and 2 were better. Here are the things that needed to be done.

1. Cut all the Harry MJ, Peter triangle BS, we have known about this since the first 2. It would easily give us 45 minutes of more interesting things.
2. Cut the Harry and Peter regaining friendship, and having amnesia. Just have him kinda going after Pete through out the film.
3. Have Harry himself fight the bad inside of him, not through the butler, but fighting with his father in the mirror.
4. Cut out a lot of the TV stuff.
5. All the symbiote stuff they had, that made him cocky.
6. cut the MJ drama stuff, it's about Peter Parker, not her. As well take out Peter being so happy. I think this one should of really showed his dark side.

With that you have a lot of room for a masterpiece story. You could of easily developed way more of Flint, and Eddie, make Eddie the reason Peter hates and gets angry to connect the two better. Show how it really ruined Eddies life in more then one way through out time.

The symbiote should of been added earlier on, and not make him cocky, make him angry, filled with revenge, almost making him a monster, so that would truly be the villian within himself to fight. And show him taking it out on petty thugs, him getting mad yelling screaming, turning into Venom technicaly.

Way more of Venom, and have him terrorize more of Pete.

Over all make it much more of a serious movie, they were afraid to get dark, get really dark and serious. We have all the love stuff done in the second one get rid of that, it was excess fat.

I liked the movie, but man, Sam did drop the ball on this one. An entertaining movie, but I think the fans "wanting it to be more comic book" rants got to him, and he made it way too much so.

But I still like the movie, but wish they could re-make it.
Harry gets impaled by his own glider. Like father Like son.
I am starting to think that if the movie just focused on Peter, MJ, Harry, Symbiote and Eddie, it would have been better.

Sandman was awesome but that whole sand storm stuff was kind of lame, and since it looks like they cut out most of his motivation and back story, he seemed pretty useless. Same with Gwen and her father. They all took up time that could have been given to the symbiote's proper landing, evil Peter, and ofcourse Eddie's struggling life, his hate for Peter, and Venom.
Eddie suffered the most to me. I felt nothing for his troubles. He didn't give one iota about Gwen. Had she died he probably would have just taken a picture. He did the most unprofessional thing a guy could do and Peter exposes him and now he wants him dead. Praying in church to kill the guy. Horrible. And to top it all off he dies to protect the precious symbiote.
-Added a bit of length to the prayer scene, the book I believe, had more about his insecurities and such

-Show the effects of the symbiote on peter's abilities. (Enhanced strength, uber spider sense)

-More Spider-man starting to lose it and become a danger/liability to justice
- While I loved Harry's story, I think it would be a lot more interesting if he DIDN'T get amnesia, and just messed with Peter's head. Perhaps, he could have pretended to forgive Peter and played mind games with him the entire movie. That could have accented the sinister bastard character that he already did pretty well. Okay maybe that doesn't make sense, but either way, I'd say drop the amnesia bit.

- No "emo hair." It's funny, but it was to the point where you could no longer take the story seriously. Tongue-in-cheek may have been what Raimi was going for, but it didn't work for me.

- Eliminate one of the symbiote dance scenes. I'd say keep one or the other, for humor's sake, but two was overkill.

- Get rid of either Venom (and maybe save the symbiote for 4 or for a cliffhanger,) or Sandman. Church and Grace were awesome, but not enough time for both.
-Cut the camp in half e.g-The whole news/tv thing, Harry and Peter team-up
-Lessen the amount of characters. Venom shouldn't have been in the film.
-Better editing
-The score. Sorry but I felt like I was watching a bad Batman movie with Chris Youngs score the only time I loved the music was during Danny Elfman's classic music ya know?

HOWEVER I did like:

-The opening credits
-The fights. Especially the Peter versus Harry mansion one
-The whole bad Spidey/Peter montage
-Kicking Venom's unwanted ass
-Harry's sacrifice
-The ending scene

I'm not sure about a fourth one, I mean if they hire David Koep(spelled right?) I'm sure it will be good because I'd like them to end it on a high note and not a least favorite.
I suppose if they had kept it simple-Sandman and Green Goblin 2 as villains-it would've worked out better. Sandman could have been a desperate man, whom Harry decides to take advantage of-having him go after Spider-Man in exchange for money to finance a cure for his daugter.

But for such a scenario, what would Peter's lesson be for the 3rd movie, or where would his journey take him?
Another great route for the symbiote's introduction could have been the shuttle crash in place of the crane accident. Plus, rather than have Eddie be trying to take Peter's job, have him as an investigator of sorts that Jonah hired to try and discover why Mary Jane left John for Peter. Eddie ends up pissing off Spider-Man, who decides to show him what fer...
cut everything out, and put the trailer in as the movie.
A better question is 'What couldn't have been done better?'

Of course, I don't think there would be many valid replies.

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