When Did 616 Hulk Start Killing?

DBM said:
And if he does, don't Reed/Tony/Everyone know about this? And if they know about this, don't they know he always finds his way back? And if so, why did they bother with this?

It's comics everything almost always resets!! Why bother with any of it??

DBM said:
Maybe this has already been discussed, but I haven't been keeping up on this thread or any other Hulk ones.

Doesn't the Hulk have some kind of "sixth sense" or something that allows him to always find his way back to the place the accident originally occured at that gave him his powers? And if he does, don't Reed/Tony/Everyone know about this? And if they know about this, don't they know he always finds his way back? And if so, why did they bother with this?
Maybe they figured the Hulk wouldn't be able to figure out a way off the planet. Although that's a stupid assumption for anyone to make, especially people as smart as Reed, Strange, Tony, et al. I'm sure Bruce Banner could build a spaceworthy vessel out of materials the Hulk could procure from any inhabitable planet.

When you get right down to it, if they were going to do an exile on the Hulk right, the plan would've started and ended with Dr. Strange and his catalogue of uninhabited dimensions he could magically transport the Hulk to with ease. Unless the Hulk starts drifting back into his ******ed habit of developing nonsensical powers like punching through time, he'd have literally no way of making it across a dimensional gap, whereas any spatial gap is pretty easy for someone as smart as Banner and as powerful as the Hulk to overcome.
Maybe they just don't know about his sixth sense. Also, remember, the sixth sense came from the fact that Maestro's spirit was haunting the sight. Since Maestro reformed himself, it's quite possible that that sense is no longer a factor.
I still don't see how Banner, who's among the smartest people in the world, couldn't find his way back to Earth from pretty much anywhere. A normal genius might have some trouble, but we're talking about comic book standards and a guy who's a colleague and consultant to Reed Richards.
Very true. I'm sure he'd be able to do it eventually, since he's on an inhabited planet. The main problem, however, would be finding Earth. And I don't know how adept at electronics and computer porgraming Bruce is, seeing as how both would be necesairy to locate Earth.
Comic book geniuses are adept at everything. It doesn't matter what their field of specialization is. :p
Are you sure? I mean, Stark only ever shows in depth knowlege of engineering and some biology. I've never seen Bruce being that knowlegable with electronics or computers. The only Marvel genius who seems to be smart in multiple feilds is Reed (who's so damn smart he's probably a mutant in that regard, or his streatchyness increased his inteligence as explained in Marvel Mangaverse and Ultimate FF), but even then he mostly sticks to physics and engineering. His knowlege of biology, while impressive, seems to be a bit more lacking that his other feilds. He;s yet to come even close to curing Ben.
It's not as prominent anymore, but a while ago it seemed like every scientist type could build pretty much anything for any purpose. Beast was a top-notch geneticist, for example, but he seemed to build lots of random junk just as well as an engineer. Anyway, I was just joking. The scientist types have become more specialized lately. One of the few things I liked in "The Other" was the fact that Tony and Hank wanted to consult Bruce Banner on Peter's radiation disease, since no one was better versed in all things nuclear and radioactive than Bruce (except Dr. Doom and Reed).
i think we're examining it a little too closely they wanted a catalyst for planet hulk its that simple and it's a reasonably sound idea.

Heck anything in comics falls down if you apply TOO much analysis over it.

Besides there could NEVER be a full proof method as hulk needs to get back SOMEHOW!
The Question said:
Are you sure? I mean, Stark only ever shows in depth knowlege of engineering and some biology. I've never seen Bruce being that knowlegable with electronics or computers. The only Marvel genius who seems to be smart in multiple feilds is Reed (who's so damn smart he's probably a mutant in that regard, or his streatchyness increased his inteligence as explained in Marvel Mangaverse and Ultimate FF), but even then he mostly sticks to physics and engineering. His knowlege of biology, while impressive, seems to be a bit more lacking that his other feilds. He;s yet to come even close to curing Ben.

I agree about Reed but Banner has always been a master of many fields.

Throughout his career he has built numerous Gamma devices and improved on others tech.
KAD said:
I agree about Reed but Banner has always been a master of many fields.

Throughout his career he has built numerous Gamma devices and improved on others tech.

Doesn't mean he's a master of engineering. Just that he's familiar with devices used in nuclear physics and knows how to build them. I doubt he could design a working jet fighter.
The Question said:
His knowlege of biology, while impressive, seems to be a bit more lacking that his other feilds. He;s yet to come even close to curing Ben.

Not entirely true. He has come up with a working cure a couple of times: The first I can recall would work but only on Ben's earlier lumpy form (so Ben went back in time and forced it on his younger self) and the second would have worked but for a powerful psychological block Ben had (so powerful even Franklin with his full powers couldn't get past it) but yes, when it comes to certain fields Reed himself admits there are specialists in them who are better (like when he called on Doc Ock for help when Sue was being blasted by radiation from their unborn child. Somewhat Ironically, for that he had also called on Banner's aid too).
Yeah, Reed's had issues that he couldn't overcome on his own. I think Dr. Doom's pretty much the only scientist left who can do literally everything as well as or better than every other top-notch scientist.
I'm fairly certain that I'd count Doom as a mutant. He's so ****ing smart, he's probably got a super brain.
He's probably smarter than the Leader, who does, in fact, have a super brain. :D
TheSumOfGod said:
I wonder what Hulk will do when he returns from Planet Hulk... tie Mister Fantastic into a knot, perhaps?
He already did once.
DBM said:
Maybe this has already been discussed, but I haven't been keeping up on this thread or any other Hulk ones.

Doesn't the Hulk have some kind of "sixth sense" or something that allows him to always find his way back to the place the accident originally occured at that gave him his powers? And if he does, don't Reed/Tony/Everyone know about this? And if they know about this, don't they know he always finds his way back? And if so, why did they bother with this?
Hulk has that ability on earth. But I'm not sure if it remains when he's on another planet.
Mr. Green said:
Give me an example FROM THE COMICS where Hulk topples a building that would be full of people and nobody got hurt. Wait... YOU CAN'T. YOU WON'T.

Everyone keeps mentioning him knocking over buildings full of people when it's never happened.

Bruce has mpd and Hulk is one of those personalities. (I know some of you know this) So without Banner there is no Hulk. Therefore it was just the Hulk's body. That's an important point because it shows this: Using the mindless Hulk as an example of how Savage Hulk is an uncontrolable killer is a fallacy. It DOESN'T prove your point. Quit using it to do so.
The comics have 'never' shown Hulk killing people when buildings get destroyed by him. Sure we can assume it's possible, but it cannot be stated as a fact.
I have a question about Planet Hulk. I was flipping through an issue earlier this week and I noticed some alien stone guy kicking the Hulk's ass, then befriending him. Was that guy a Kronan (or as they were originally known, the Stone Men from Saturn)?
TheCorpulent1 said:
I have a question about Planet Hulk. I was flipping through an issue earlier this week and I noticed some alien stone guy kicking the Hulk's ass, then befriending him. Was that guy a Kronan (or as they were originally known, the Stone Men from Saturn)?
It doesn't say, but I think you may be right. I didn't notice the remarkable similarity. Good work!

Seriously, I haven't heard of a single person who HASN'T loved Planet Hulk so far. Every aspect of it is pretty much great. Check out the first two issues at least. It's worth it! :) :up:
No, thanks. I'm not interested in the Hulk at all, really. Plus I'm already buying the Annihilation event in full, and that pretty much covers my quota for Marvel events.

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