Who Misses Pierce Brosnan As 007?

I don't miss Brosnan but i would have been interested to see him him do one more after DAD. Something more serious and written by anyone other than Purvis And Wade.

But not for Casino Royale. I don't miss the gadgets either, and i don't miss Moneypenny, but i think since they are tradition they should be re-introduced. But the relationship with both should be witty and intelligent. Less clowning around and low-key gadgets(althoguh not sure a Q scene with low key gadgets would work?)
Y'see I'm not defending Brosnan. Go ahead and prefer one over the other. But someone in this thread already said it best. By saying they compare it to not being able to stand Tim Burton's Batman and Keaton anymore now that BB is out.

I agree but from a diff. POV. I prefer Bale and Nolan, but what Burton did was revolutionary. He made comic books films serious and mature in theme. People no longer went "Pow and bam" with Batman. Keaton was great in the role and Nicholson WAS the Joker, etc. But now that something better and newer comes out it is "silly" and "outdated" and there is a need for fanboys not just to say they prefer the new movie but to state disdain for something they previously liked but like a kid with a new toy has now disgarded as old and weak.

It is a commentary on the mindset of some and the overall theme, just not Brosnan. I myself am not sure if I did prefer Craig over Brosnan. I think they were both quite good for different reasons. You say you are a fan of all the Bond movies and Brosnan's "one good one," well that is fair. I respect your opinion. I would say I think all of Dalton's movies (or rather both of them) were terrible and below TWINE standrads, but I'm sure you'd disagree.

I respect your opinion to do so. But you aren't jumping up and down after seeing CR saying "Craig is the best Bond ever" and "Brosnan was a pansy" or "Forget Sean Connery" and other such nonsense.

It is an annoyance of fanboy mindsets. Same as when SM2 was better therefore all other superhero movies are ****, including the popular SM1 and X2, which ahd just turned SM1 and X1 into crap. Then BB comes out and SM2 is no longer cool. It is the same mindset that when DD came out it was better than SM1 and B'89 (in a poll in 2003 B'89 lost 3 to 1 to DD on which was better). No one thinks that now. When X1 came out it was the first "really good movie, not a comic book movie," then when Spider-Man came out it was "the first really good movie, just not a superhero movie," but then the same was said about X2, Hulk, Spider-Man 2 and now Batman Begins is the first "really good mature movie, and not a silly comic book movie."

It is the simple ficklness and hypocracy that annoys me. I was just using the current example of those who once may have liked Brosnan to bash him as weak because the new toy just came off the shelf.

That is my point, not that Brosnan is better or wrose than Craig. I'm not sure either way and liked them both in the role. I was talking about the bandwagoning fans do and not the particulars of who is better. If I was to state my point of view I'd agree that Brosnan suffered from poor screenplays after Goldeneye, albeit TWINE was a helluva a lot better than half of Connery and Moore's shtick (I think DAF, YOLT, Moonraker, Octopussy, AVTAK were awful movies) and thought Dalton was as bland and dull as his films were.

You may disagree and that is fine. That wasn't what I was talking about. Fine though.
I love Brosnan to death, but as of now, Craig IS Bond.
Casino Royale is the first time I've been excited enough to go see a James Bond movie.
and it paid off. This will definitely be the first James Bond movie I add to my DVD collection. This movie was absolutely amazing, and Daniel Craig made the movie.

He IS james Bond. Perfect acting and he brings such a sense of realism to the role. i salute him.
happy feet beat it domestically at the BO but CR did over $80 million worldwide this weekend. That's great!
Pierce will always be my first Bond (Goldeneye was the first Bond I ever saw) But Craig is the Bond for the 21st century. I wish all the James Bond movies had the sense of scale that Casino Royale did. Can't wait for Bond 22!
Goldeneye was the first Bond I ever saw, so i will always have a soft spot for Pierce, he was a great Bond. But, Craig OWNS that role now. Casino Royale was simply incredible.
I definitely miss Brosnan. He had such an air about him. He had some REALLY bad movies, but he emoted fantastically - better than any other Bond, I'd say. And he had immediate charisma. He brought a definite strength to the role in the form of his own personality.

Casino Royale was great in the writing department, but Craig's portrayal was lacking... really, anything to make it distinct. He reminds me of George Lazenby - a personality-free face who's perfectly servicable, but in no way memorable. None of the immediate PRESENCE that the other Bonds uniquely brought to the role. Ironically, Lazenby and Craig can both claim to star in two of the best Bond movies to date, so... that's not really the end of the world.
Daniel Craig IS James Bond.

Craig made the role his own in a way Brosnan never did. And, to be fair, was Brosnan was never really given that opportunity. But the bottom line is that Craig is absolutely fantastic.
Pengiuns beat OO7 but Craig wins out globally as i expected. Casino was edged out by Happ Feet at the american box office but its a global hit and it will make more and more. Happy Feet and Casino Royale should make another good hall over the thanksgiving holiday and its weekend after that. I see Casino not edging out Happy Feet for its a kids movie. I say both will make a good buck but i doubt Casino will make Die Another Day american numbers. Simply because more peole were going in 2002.
Whye were more people going in 2002. Was it because of the film itself or other factors?

I mean if people would rather watch DAD than CR then there is no hope for them, but maybe it's because of other things?
Well, the hype for DAD was better in the US, partly because a famous American actress more or less starred in it.

Casino Royale is, by all accounts (I still won't get a chance to see it until this weekend) a much better film in every way- but it is also a more "difficult" film. It has controversial (though excellent) casting, it is a reinvention, it is "stripped down" where DAD layed it on as thick as possible. There's an analogy to be made between Batman Begins and Batman and Robin.

The popularity of Happy Feet just shows that America's children need more red meat in their diets.
I miss Brosnan as Bond and I had hopd he got to do one more before they went with a "new" Bond. 5 movies would've been a great number of movies for him, 4 just seems like it's not enough.

After Sean Connery I thought he was the ideal look and style for Bond.
Tojo said:
Whye were more people going in 2002. Was it because of the film itself or other factors?

I mean if people would rather watch DAD than CR then there is no hope for them, but maybe it's because of other things?

Attendance is down. With BT & Renting people aren't hitting theatres the same way they used to.
Still, CR kicked so much Butt and as I posted several posts up it only took second place in NorthAm. It was #1 World Wide. So Happy Feet can do a backflip.
Oh and to answer the thread. No, I don't miss Brosnan. I thought he was a great Bond and I wish he had gotten one more in '04 that was more down to earth like this one as I think Brosnan's potrayal of 007 would have benefitted greatly from it, but by now he is too old and Craig was very good.

I won't say Craig was better than Brosnan....yet. But Craig was damn amazing. Not going to start bashing the old movies over it though. ;)
BloodyWolverine said:
Pengiuns beat OO7 but Craig wins out globally as i expected. Casino was edged out by Happ Feet at the american box office but its a global hit and it will make more and more. Happy Feet and Casino Royale should make another good hall over the thanksgiving holiday and its weekend after that. I see Casino not edging out Happy Feet for its a kids movie. I say both will make a good buck but i doubt Casino will make Die Another Day american numbers. Simply because more peole were going in 2002.

to make a fair comparison. this is the most any james bond movie with a new actor has made. and dad also starred halle berry.

And there is a huge possibility it could beat dad numbers. Attendance is not down, you make a quality movie, people will see it. Quite possibly, the great word of mouth could keep it at number 2 this coming weekend.
Yeah i f-ukin hate bit torrent....and Happy Feet. No, really i hate those stupid kids who want to see happy feet. Go watch torture, sex and violence instead!
I really loved Pierce as Bond. But after just seeing Daniel Craig as Bond, I don't miss Brosnan at all.

Craig owned the role IMO.
Also keep in mind that Craig got (unfair) bad buzz in the role as did CR. And it is a new Bond, DAD came out when for all intensive purposes Brosnan was James Bond to the massive public. Let the word of mouth spread and this will do fabulously well. Then when Craig's next picture comes out in '08, it will be received much better and between Craig now being accepted as Bond and inflation, it could have even bigger numbers than DAD then.
To those who say pierce got bad movies:

Movies205 said:
I bought the two volumes of James Bond, and when you watch the films objectively, you quickly realized how deluded James Bond fans are especially those who pledge allegiance to a specific Bond. "Timothy Dalton is a ***" ... "Pierce Brosnan was metrosexual and a pansy", etc... What's really even funnier is how godlike people make Sean Connery out to be... When in actuallity every Bond has unique qualities that were good and bad. I just watched Tommorrow Never Dies and Goldeneye, I can say I prefer Tommorrow Never Dies simply because it's more fun and that it gelled more with Pierce's style than did Goldeneye. For all those who say that Pierce never got any good movies, blah blah it simply the flavor of his nature in the same way that Timothy Dalton was a stern and realistic bond, and Roger Moore was tongue in cheek. Pierce fit best in campy movies, just look at every movie he stars in MAtador, Remmington Steele(TV), After Sunset, etc... In many ways Pierce harkened back to Sean Connery which was silly yet it still touch based with realism and the character was played with dignity. I've got Diamonds are Forever next up... Then I need to get around to World is Not Enough and DIe ANother Day, which I've seen before but I need to watch again. But I tend to appriciate all the bonds for what they bring to the table. And as for Casino Royale it's a different approach, and in another 10 years we'll probably be back to where we are now, bickering over the new bond and how cool Craig was...

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