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The Amazing Spider-Man Who Should Direct The Reboot?

okay, its your opinion but why do you think the fountain was a masterpiece, it was almost nonsensical.

I think it's one of those films that leaves you to make sense out of it. A very inteligent film that can be interpreted in different ways. That leaves you to think and imagine your story and your comperhension of the story as you see fit.
In my opinion Transformers 2 is a nonsensical film (and a lot more).
I think it's one of those films that leaves you to make sense out of it. A very inteligent film that can be interpreted in different ways. That leaves you to think and imagine your story and your comperhension of the story as you see fit.
In my opinion Transformers 2 is a nonsensical film (and a lot more).

well that we can all agree on. well actually the GA likes the nonsensical :doh:

thank goodness for avatar, the biggest movie of 2009 otherwise that utter piece of **** would have taken that accolade
Just make sure the director watches The Spectacular Spider-Man Animated Series. Bryan Singer watched the entire X-Men 90's series prior to making X-Men.
well that we can all agree on. well actually the GA likes the nonsensical :doh:

thank goodness for avatar, the biggest movie of 2009 otherwise that utter piece of **** would have taken that accolade

hehe and now there is a talk of a sequel to Avatar. Now that's the thing I want to see. Avatar was great film. Meant to appeal to everyone with strong visible messages that concern every living being.

While Fountain concerns with much deeper philosophy and presents it in abstract way. I would choose this approach for a Silver Surfer film. Whenever I see Fountain with Tom floating in space in search of Xibalba I see Norrin Radd on his quest for Zen La. You cannot deny that Silver Surfer is one the most serious and most philosophical characters ever created in comics. With a right approach SS film could be "A Space Odyssey 2001" of our time.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer the show basically was what Spider-Man should be. Total balance of comedy, horror, action and drama. He actually is one of the few that can have characters bust out quips in mid-fight and not have it be goofy.
just something form 109

We hear Sam Raimi's already picked his replacement director for the Spider-Man movie series: Predators director Nimrod Antal. Which is a much more pleasant rumor than the idea that Robert Pattinson will play Peter Parker. Stop these rumors now!

According to Quiet Earth, Sam Raimi really wants Nimrod Antal to take over the teen Spider-Man reboot. Why? Because because everyone loves Predators, that's why.

Sam Raimi met Nimrod on the Sony lot before his first US film, Vacancy. They clicked, so Sam hired him to direct Armored. Now, Predators is getting some great word-of-mouth around tinsel-town. Warners loves it and now Sam Raimi and Sony want the director back at the studio to helm Spiderman.

This is what we call a believable rumor - as opposed to the talk that Robert Pattinson will be the next Peter Parker, via Reelz Channel. Forget the fact that Pattinson looks like James Franco's mopey brother, and that he had to get muscles spray painted on to his torso for New Moon, according to MTV - he's too old. By the time this movie goes into production, he'll probably be 24. There's just no way he could get cast as the dorky teenage Peter Parker. No chance, let's kill this meme now.
Gah, not Antel. I want to see Predators first. But I think we'll get a director before that.

500 Days of Summer comes tomorrow for me. I want to see what it is about. See if Webb is right.
Raimi is seriously going to have no say in who gets to direct anyways, so I doubt that article very much.
Seriously, who would be the best yes-man director to respect Sony's vision of Spidey on the big screen? I'd say Ratner for Part I, Story for Part II, Goyer for Part III.
Seriously, who would be the best yes-man director to respect Sony's vision of Spidey on the big screen? I'd say Ratner for Part I, Story for Part II, Goyer for Part III.

what do you work for fox or something? lol

any way, i just saw Kontroll, and i would deffinitely love for Nimrod Antal to direct this, either him, Webb or Anderson.
Matthew Vaughan.

Matthew Vaughan.


Stardust is a phenomenally well directed film. A movie that got screwed up by horrible marketing. If you actually watched the movie and don't think it was good, I'm going to slap you, then go have sex with your mother and sister and make you listen over the phone. :doh: Even if you dont like the story, don't tell me the directing wasn't great. It was incredibly self-assured.

He directed Mark Millar's Kick-Ass, which looks phenomenal. Studios refused to even consider a movie with little kids going nuclear on bad guys - then they saw the movie and were converted

He stepped away from X3 because he thought the script sucked. 'Nuff said.

He is a big comics fan.

He doesn't overpower movies with his own style.

He is, according to reports, lobbying for the film.

i have to agree. for the most part at least...............
I think he thinks we can't read Matthew Vaughn or something.
I'm leaning towards vaughan as well. I loved stardust and kick ass looks, well, kick ass.
From the way Webb and Maguire talked last night at the Globes. It seems like he's already in the lock.
I'd be happy with Webb. Haven't seen 500 days yet but I've heard he handles the whole teenager thing without getting all mushy and melodramatic. But I still think throwing a guy who has never down action before into a Spidey film is like throwing a baby into the deep end without arm bands.

My first choice is Vaughn, but like I said, I'd be happy with Webb and it seems I'll have to be.

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