Apocalypse Who should direct?


Aug 8, 2009
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The deal hasn't been signed off to Singer yet as he had mentioned but the idea was to have him direct it. Despite this if the off chance appears that he is not available for the job who else would you like to see take up the mantle on this project.

Out of the directors that we have had I would say my top choice would be Bryan singer but I would take James Mangold if he was available. Vaughn was good too but I felt like James brought more of an emotional depth, fresh approach and richer story with his version with plenty of nice comic book superhero elements.

The Wolverine felt like a comic book movie but it also felt like a character driven drama too and had a good blend of action, development and effects that I would like to see cross over to the ensemble films.

I would like to see the film embrace more of the team work side of things and have epic battles and destruction like the film is said to have also the 80s is a great setting aesthetically and in the right hands could provide a great comic book tone in the right hands.
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I would want Singer to direct but that's only if A) DOFP is directed better than FC and B) his name is cleared. If Singer is out, I'd want Vaughn back. Or someone new but passionate about the source material.
Vaughn's a bit quirky and inconsistent. He brought some great energy to First Class, but also some weird stuff like the look of Beast and Mystique.
Yeah. New blood is welcome, but not some no-name last minute replacement type. I mean someone with a vision!
The Rat-Man!

Matthew Vaughn is too flakey for me. He's left two X-Men projects now so I don't know I don't want him on board and then decides to leave again. I want Bryan at least to do apocalypse. Yes still with everything. Because he has a vision for it and it's all planned out.
The Rat-Man!


*before scrolling all the way down* Oh, but he's not....
*after scrolling all the way down* Oh, but he is.:dry:

Anyway, if Singer can clear his name and Fox still wants him, then I prefer that he direct Apocalypse.
Bryan Singer is the easiest choice, DOFP looks very promising, the VFX & fighting scenes are bound to be epic but given the recent allegations, I hope Fox won't sack him for that he is clearly the BEST director of this franchise.

Matthew Vaughn might replace him though, if Fox is smart, move X-Men: Apocalypse on 2017 so the issue will fade away
First off Bryan Singer may already have signed deal to direct APocalypse.

Second Singer Issues are a lawsuit and too many are willing to condeem him

Fox firing Singer from Apocalypse could mean more lawsuits if he's signed a
deal to do Apocalypse. remember CBS had to pay Charlie sheen for 2 and a half men after firing him while he was under contract

That puts entire film In question since he devolped story

Some are using this to push their singer is overrated director Matthew Vaughn Is better director line. Of course some forget singer devolped stpry for FC and was hands on producer and may have even ghost directed a few scenes In film.Back In 2011 Vaughn keep going on and on about how he wanted to make 60's bond film. He spoke less about wanting to make a X-Men movie.

If fox acts as hasty as some here Apocalypse is thrown into question.
Matthew Vaughn.

First Class is of course my favorite X-Men movie though.
Unless Fox announces he's off the project, it will be Singer.
Singer's not going to be on it anymore I don't think.

Regardless of whether he's guilty or not.
Apocalypse could very well be scrapped and a different FC3 devolped.

No it won't. They aren't going to scrap an entire script because the director behind it is booted off.

They'll continue working on it under a new director if it comes to that. Singer doesn't own the property and the writers are paid by Fox, not him.
From an artisitc standpoint, I'd like to answer this after I see Days of Future Past.

From a standpoint of factoring in the legalities and the documentary, then artistic merit might not matter. If he has to leave the project or is forced to, I'd say Vaughn is my first pick, but if he says no, give Mangold a shot. I like him a lot. I see tons of potential in him down the line.

I will say I think Vaughn is a better director than Singer based of the examples of their work I have seen. He has a better sense of story, pacing, and is MUCH more imaginitive in the camera work. I think he'd make a better movie than Singer. But, that said, I haven't seen DoFP yet. First Class I think is vastly superior to Singer's 2 existing X-Men films, but at the same time, he did develop the story for Apocalypse. I admit that I wished Vaughn did DoFP, and was hoping maybe he'd somehow land Apocalypse. But, not like this.
Hopefully Bryan will still direct, but in the unfortunate case that he's unable to do so, hopefully he would still be able to oversee and have full control over the production, like he did with First Class.

Here's a crazy idea, one that Fox would never go for. Give it to Michael Dougherty.

He's already involved with the project, as he's currently writing the script with Dan Harris & Simon Kinberg and even though he's only directed one film, it was extremely well received and of the best horror movies made. He's one of Singer's close collaboraters, so it would be a smooth transition and Bryan could still guide him behind the scenes (in a producer role, a la First Class)

This would never happen though. It's just something that crossed my mind...
I would think that there is no way Singer will direct Apocalypse unless his lawyer gets his name cleared in the next few months. The script for the movie has already likely been written so I'm sure Fox would hire a journeyman director to execute Kinberg's script and keep things moving along at a certain pace. Vaughn and Mangold would probably want to take a crack at the script which means they're out. Rupert Wyatt is a director that makes a lot of sense for the movie based on his work with Fox on Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
I'd say Singer, because he has made the only truly great X-Film to date

but even he has been far from perfect, so I say "Other" let someone else have a shot at it.
I'm going with anyone but Singer. I would love to enjoy these movies and my favorite marvel characters without feeling icky or guilty or thinking about whether that young man had to screw Singer to get the part in future movies.

Since I liked FC so much, I wouldn't mind MV directing another. Marvel studio has no problem finding these new directors and matching them up with their movies and I think that Fox needs to find new talents and not get stuck with the same one or two directors. I think its always good to bring in fresh ideas and vision to your franchise otherwise it will get stale.

Maybe they should try and get a female director than maybe the x-women might actually get some attention.
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