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Apocalypse X-Men Apocalypse News and Discussion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 44

Shawn Madden who has sources at fox says he expects shift in focus and says he would be surprised if Lawrence and fassbender return.

Thing to remember about shawn madden is that yeah he has sources but not everything he says is based on sources, just more his own speculating

Someone asked him whether he felt archangel would return which shawn replied he doubts it and then someone said singer left it open that he could return and shawn just said it possible but he just doesn't think he will.

Thats the reason i only post certain things from him on here because unless he sounds totally sure about it then there is no point making speculating sound like anything but that.
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Speaking of Angel coming back...he has come back from plane explosions before.


I think you meant traumatized?

I would've bought it if Mystique knowingly tried to be deceitful. After all this is why fans love to hate Mystique. She's not a goody two shoes. She might do good things but ultimately it benefits number 1: Mystique.

Missed opportunity...
not sure you can really compare her to the Mystique of the comics... as this is a Mystique of an alternate timeline... where she picked a different path in life... so there really isn't a precedence for how she should or would act

just saying
Thing to remember about shawn madden is that yeah he has sources but not everything he says is based on sources, just more his own speculating

Someone asked him whether he felt archangel would return which shawn replied he doubts it and then someone said singer left it open that he could return and shawn just said it possible but he just doesn't think he will.

Thats the reason i only post certain things from him on here because unless he sounds totally sure about it then there is no point making speculating sound like anything but that.

I never said he knows everything but based on him having sources i feel like he is good for getting idea on what fox is thinking.
As for being the leader, i sometimes think people way over think the whole leader thing because in Apocalypse there was nothing that directly officially put her in the leader position, she is an elder experienced character yeah but at what point did they say she was the leader of the X-Men? you are all creating that idea yourselves.


You're in denial.

The synopsis told us she's the leader. She was barking orders to Jean, Scott, Nightcrawler, Beast, and Quicksilver in the X-Jet while flying over Egypt, telling every single one of them what to do. At one point Quicksilver had to defer to her telling her what he should do and getting an "Ok" from her.

She led the Danger Room session, giving a pep talk to the team, with a mute Beast off to the side.

Who are you kidding?

At what point did they say Cyclops was the field leader in X-men? And yet we know he was.

not sure you can really compare her to the Mystique of the comics... as this is a Mystique of an alternate timeline... where she picked a different path in life... so there really isn't a precedence for how she should or would act

just saying

I understand that. But just because she ultimately chose the right path all those years ago doesn't mean she should be nice to everyone.

You're in denial.

The synopsis told us she's the leader. She was barking orders to Jean, Scott, Nightcrawler, Beast, and Quicksilver in the X-Jet while flying over Egypt, telling every single one of them what to do. At one point Quicksilver had to defer to her telling her what he should do and getting an "Ok" from her.

She led the Danger Room session, giving a pep talk to the team, with a mute Beast off to the side.

Who are you kidding?

I never said she didn't do any leading, she did do abit but it didn't define her purpose or her role in the climax since she was taken out of play so she didn't exactly lead the attack on apocalypse but alot of you guys tend to make mountains out of mole hills, you assume X-Men: apocalypse set her up as official leader of the X-Men because she led the kids into a fight but not everything is black or white and not everything is all or nothing.
Only in this instance it is *that* black and white (the saying is black and white, not black or white) as the synopsis told us she was leading with the help of Xavier and the movie showed us on top of that.

Stop AlternativeFact-ing this whole thing. It does a disservice to the mute and minor X-men characters in the movie who would kill to have the same amount of screentime/role/line as Mystique.
Only in this instance it is *that* black and white (the saying is black and white, not black or white) as the synopsis told us she was leading with the help of Xavier and the movie showed us on top of that.

Leading the team with the help of xavier, well yeah that is exactly what happened right?

Black or white, Black and white, whatever.

Stop AlternativeFact-ing this whole thing. It does a disservice to the mute and minor X-men characters in the movie who would kill to have the same amount of screentime/role/line as Mystique.

Now you just sound bitter and you can't debate with someone's whose just being bitter.
I never said she didn't do any leading, she did do abit but it didn't define her purpose or her role in the climax since she was taken out of play so she didn't exactly lead the attack on apocalypse but alot of you guys tend to make mountains out of mole hills, you assume X-Men: apocalypse set her up as official leader of the X-Men because she led the kids into a fight but not everything is black or white and not everything is all or nothing.

I don't know why you keep trying to deny she was the leader. Of course she was.

Offical synopsis:

"Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a God. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel's X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto, to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven - with the help of Professor X - must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction."

Whether she was in the key action scenes is NOTHING to do with this. She was leader of the team and had a dominant role in the movie.

This is now the sneaky Fox method to try to say someone isn't dominating. Same with Wolverine not having action in the future part of DoFP and not really having much action in the past. But he still led the movie.

Now the filmmakers are trying to do the same with Mystique so they - and you - can try to wriggle out of accusations by saying someone wasn't in the main action scenes.
Pretty sure fox don't feel they need a sneaky method for any decisions they make.
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Pretty sure fox wouldn't need a sneaky method for anything.

It's becoming quite clear that they think by removing a dominant/leading character from the main action scenes (which gives others time to shine) that we'll be happy.

We're not.

Those other characters need more than cool action scenes. They need dialogue and characterisation.
It's becoming quite clear that they think by removing a dominant/leading character from the main action scenes (which gives others time to shine) that we'll be happy.

That's more Bryan and kinberg, I doubt fox would be as subtle if these things really mattered to them.

Sadly It just seems like people believe being the leader makes them the most important character of the film which is total crap.
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That's more Bryan and kinberg, I doubt fox would be as subtle if these things really mattered to them.

Sadly It just seems like people believe being the leader makes them the most important character of the film which is total crap.

She was among the most dominant and significant characters in the movie. These First Class films have been about Xavier, Magneto and Mystique.

Beast has been along for the ride but has had hardly any development or arc at all.

As for the others, they are all replaceable really at this point.

Still waiting for a proper Storm origin scene after 17 years. What are the chances, do you reckon?
She was among the most dominant and significant characters in the movie. These First Class films have been about Xavier, Magneto and Mystique.

Beast has been along for the ride but has had hardly any development or arc at all.

As for the others, they are all replaceable really at this point.

Still waiting for a proper Storm origin scene after 17 years. What are the chances, do you reckon?

You seriously thought Jean was replaceable?
You seriously thought Jean was replaceable?

Pretty much.

Magneto has taken down Apocalypse in the comics and in the cartoons. It didn't have to be Jean having a Phoenix moment.

So you are admitting that everyone else (except Jean, you argue) was indeed replaceable?
Well obviously unless you are the leader you are replaceable.

In all seriousness if you want to get technical they are all replaceable except for Xavier, everyone around him is replaceable with other characters.
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Pretty much.

Magneto has taken down Apocalypse in the comics and in the cartoons. It didn't have to be Jean having a Phoenix moment.

So you are admitting that everyone else (except Jean, you argue) was indeed replaceable?

Magneto has defeated Apocalypse in AoA and HoM. In the former he needed help from X-Man to weaken Apocalypse. In the latter that was a reality where Wanda was giving him everything he wanted. So there was always someone OP backing him up. Don't recall him ever doing that in the cartoons.

I'm not talking about just defeating Apocalypse. The movie was centered around Xavier's optimistic change according to Singer. It's the reason why Moria is there, so he can release his control over her. Jean was there to show how he is not holding her powers back like in the original timeline and instead believing her eventually controlling her powers.

"I've gotten to explore Professor X when he was an older, bald, wise man, when he's insecure, when he's defenseless, when he's powerful. He's more of a Christ figure,” Singer said. “He chooses to be a teacher. He could go inside Cerebro and rule the world, but he chooses not to. He chooses to teach and preach and hope that people follow his message: peace and unity. And I've gotten to see him as a drug addict and a loser, and in this movie you're going to get to see him prosperous and almost blindly optimistic, and how he changes.”
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Leading the team with the help of xavier, well yeah that is exactly what happened right?

And yet you deny the fact that she was basically the leader. Maybe they should've had a scene where she's Knighted in front of the other X-men lol

Black or white, Black and white, whatever.

It's distracting when someone types in run-on sentences, doesn't use proper punctuations, spellings and grammar. Calls Nick Hoult "Hoults."

It's distracting when after getting corrected, still calls them Hoults.

It makes your opinions ring less valuable when you don't even care about correcting yourself after the fact and just shrugs it off.

I can describe it in a different term but distracting is about the nicest way I can say it. LOL

Now you just sound bitter and you can't debate with someone's whose just being bitter.

You've already accused me of being that but yet here you are debating with me.

You can call me that term but that doesn't make it untrue that Mystique still had a bigger role than the likes of Beast, Nighcrawler, Storm, Psylocke, Angel and Jubilee. Probably even Cyclops and Jean.

Sadly It just seems like people believe being the leader makes them the most important character of the film which is total crap.

Obviously not since people witnessed an adaptation of the Dark Phoenix Saga where Cyclops was so easily killed off.

Well obviously unless you are the leader you are replaceable. In all seriousness if you want to get technical they are all replaceable except for Xavier, everyone around him is replaceable with other characters.

Everyone else being replaceable is not really something to be proud of.
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And yet you deny the fact that she was basically the leader. Maybe they should've had a scene where she's Knighted in front of the other X-men lol

The way some of you guys go on you would think she had.

You can call me that term but that doesn't make it untrue that Mystique still had a bigger role than the likes of Beast, Nighcrawler, Storm, Psylocke, Angel and Jubilee. Probably even Cyclops and Jean.

Depends on your point of view i guess, storm,psylocke,angel and jubilee maybe but the other are debatable.

Obviously not since people witnessed an adaptation of the Dark Phoenix Saga where Cyclops was so easily killed off.

Yep and cyclops wasn't the stand out character in X1 either.

Everyone else being replaceable is not really something to be proud of.

Depends on what your expectations are i guess as even alot of the captain america: civil war characters are replaceable apart from iron man,cap and bucky but the rest have a purpose to be there.
Well alot of mid 50 year olds ain't grey or covered in wrinkles, its just a young people expectation of 50 year olds being super incredibly old

Although funny enough about the age thing is that Xavier in Logan says he is 90 which would him something like 21 - 23 in FC so he would be early 40s in apocalypse, so i imagine Magneto wouldn't be far from the same age

If they weren't so fascinated by giving Xavier's baldness an origin, then it could have been very easily used to make McAvoy look older. We don't need to know what "a lot of people in their mid-50s look like" because we have seen Xavier in the 1980's already:


Logan's age goof is just another ripple in the continuity whirlpool. How they got Xavier's age wrong based on First Class is beyond me.
Magneto has defeated Apocalypse in AoA and HoM. In the former he needed help from X-Man to weaken Apocalypse. In the latter that was a reality where Wanda was giving him everything he wanted. So there was always someone OP backing him up. Don't recall him ever doing that in the cartoons.

I'm not talking about just defeating Apocalypse. The movie was centered around Xavier's optimistic change according to Singer. It's the reason why Moria is there, so he can release his control over her. Jean was there to show how he is not holding her powers back like in the original timeline and instead believing her eventually controlling her powers.

Yes, the fans (on here, but i doubt those anywhere else) see the themes they were going for with Xavier's redemption and Magneto's redemption and everything rounding off.

I mentioned all that to a non-geek friend and former co-worker, who loves X-Men. She didn't notice any of that stuff and felt those ideas were self-indulgent and came at the expense of many other things (like Storm, Psylocke etc getting more dialogue and personality). We can't care about characters we don't know. Same happened with the new future mutants in DoFP, who were better served by the deleted extended scenes than by the theatrical version of the movie which left them quite poorly characterised (and thus difficult to care about when they bit the dust).

XM:A tried to juggle so many things but some were overcooked and others underdone. I commend them for adding those themes, and for drawing elements from the comics, but the overall film was not very well-balanced. It has as many frustrations as it has great moments.
Well alot of mid 50 year olds ain't grey or covered in wrinkles, its just a young people expectation of 50 year olds being super incredibly old

Although funny enough about the age thing is that Xavier in Logan says he is 90 which would him something like 21 - 23 in FC so he would be early 40s in apocalypse, so i imagine Magneto wouldn't be far from the same age

If they weren't so fascinated by giving Xavier's baldness an origin, then it could have been very easily used to make McAvoy look older. We don't need to know what "a lot of people in their mid-50s look like" because we have seen Xavier in the 1980's already:


Logan's age goof is just another ripple in the continuity whirlpool. How they got Xavier's age wrong based on First Class is beyond me.
what year is Logan set in? I thought it was only 2020 something?

maybe Xavier is just going senile an still thinks it's 2000
what year is Logan set in? I thought it was only 2020 something?

maybe Xavier is just going senile an still thinks it's 2000

It's set in 2029.

In First Class, the child Xavier was aged 12 in 1944. That would make him 30 at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, and thus 97 in 2029.

However, the adult version of Xavier in First Class was said to be 24, because the writers can't add up, lol... that would make him 91 in 2029.
^oh, well either way he's still in his 90's even if he only said "90" doesn't necessarily mean he meant exactly 90... he was more just speaking relatively... him saying "I am... 97" vs "90" would be kinda redundant, as he's just trying to make the point that he's ****** old

another case of people taking things too literally

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