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Star Trek: The HYPE Generation--Episode II

Part 12--

Mee and Norman entered 10 Forward...

Mee: Whoa, see what we miss when we're actually doing our jobs?

I/P: Popcorn?

Norman: Of course.

Erz: Hey A-Man...this uh...this is not cool.

A-Man: Shut up! Leave me and my woman in peace.

Norman: Should we do something?

Mee: Nah. See Bella's face? That's her "I'm about to kick you in your baby maker" face. I would know. :csad:

Bella: Oh A-Man, dear...

A-Man: Yes...?:heart:


A-Man fell to the floor in pain, and blacked out.

Erz: Spoons, take em to the Brig. Now Bella, where were we...?

Bella: Pfft, nowhere. You should've stood up for me.

Bella stormed out of 10 Forward.

Erz: Wha- but- I- uh...

Norman: See Hal, it's times like these where we need REAL BOOZE! :cmad:

Hal: Yeah you whining about that is totally not getting old. :o


Fire: Captain's Log, Stardate 555.666: We're being called back to Starbase 45 to recieve medals for our efforts against the Romulans and Klingons. We've prevented a war. I don't know how this crew did it. I might be dreaming. Probably am.


Meanwhile, back on GoldenAgeColony...

GAH: LoneleEEe...I'm Mister LoneleeeE...and I have nobodeEeeE...for my own...:csad:


Not this time. :)
I finally took the time to read this from the first page and... I can definitely say it was a time well spent. Excellent work, Noodles! :up: I am now hooked and look forward to the next chapter.
nice to see you stop by, DBella :)

that was awesome, Mee... I love these Star Trek stories.
you know, Mee... you should make an RPG of this in the games thread.

I'd so be there. :up:
Heh, I'd have no idea how to set it up, and wouldn't have the time or attention span to keep it going. :(
I was basically an extra. :csad::down
We all have our parts to play. :csad: :up:

I didn't plan anything that happened, I just...wrote it. :huh: But all those who didn't get too much time in the first two eps, I would try to feature more if I do the epic third part and make it a trilogy to go up there with LOTR and Indiana Jones!

...Or at least the X-Men movies.:o
I was basically an extra. :csad::down

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