Venom Stand Alone Film Moving Forward!

I understand. The Venom portrayed in the movie is not exactly the same as the comic version. I have already stated that the connection to SM3 is not entirely necessary. I have stated that it is possible that the character from the movies is redeemable. That there is no reason to rewrite the history of Venom for the sake of fan boys. That there is no reason that a villain who appeared at the end of a movie under false direction cannot be saved by 2seconds of dialogue. The only thing I disagree with is that the character introduced at the end of a bad movieis defined by that appearance. Do not compare me to a 5 year old! I have always accepted your way of thinking to some degree and only opposed your fanboy elitism of neglecting what happened in SM3 just to meet your own needs. You arethinking like Quesada right now. Sorry if i wasnt always clear about it before.

EDIT- In retrospet, I would like to apologize if I came off harsh. Im from MA and the Patsjust lost the SuperBowl plus imkinda drunk. But i think I amgoing to stick to my convictions.
1 - the character wasn't defined by his looks, was defined by his evil deeds;
2 - I'm not neglecting SM3, because this is relevant to show everything Venom can't be in his own movie.
3 - I'm not doing this to meet my needs, I'm saying all this because it's the right and more intelligent move.
4 - I'm not thinking like Quesada because I'm not a idiot. Quesada led Spidey in the worst and more stupid way. reseted him by magic. I'm talking about doing the right Venom, because the SM3 one...just wasn't him. was some other villain under his name and with his powers.
5 - at least we had the Iron-Man tv spot in the superbowl. one thing good came out of this.
1 - the character wasn't defined by his looks, was defined by his evil deeds;

I never mentioned his looks. I liked the way he looked espeially since i didnt think he was gonna look right in the first place.

2 - I'm not neglecting SM3, because this is relevant to show everything Venom can't be in his own movie.

Obviously not what i meant. Its a big **** you to Raimi

4 - I'm not thinking like Quesada because I'm not a idiot. Quesada led Spidey in the worst and more stupid way. reseted him by magic. I'm talking about doing the right Venom, because the SM3 one...just wasn't him. was some other villain under his name and with his powers.

You are thinking like Quesada because you are rewriting history and voiding one creative teams work. Iwould rather see no Venom movie then see Marvel do that again.
You are thinking like Quesada because you are rewriting history and voiding one creative teams work. Iwould rather see no Venom movie then see Marvel do that again.
rewriting a story for better is the same of thinking like Quesada, now?
so, by your theory, the crew that are restarting Punisher and Hulk to do something better also think like Quesada?
no. cause Quesada screwed. when someone try to renew it to bring something better and fresh in a intelligent way (cause Quesada ****ed everything with the dumbest idea ever) is the opposite.
and I rather see a Venom movie than see a Venom-thatisnottherealVenombroughtbackfromthedeadbythestupidestideaever movie.
Been reading this thread, and no-one seems to have mentioned the symbiote sample left in Doc Connors lab.
For Venom to exist he has to have elements of Spiderman, which means the symbiote must have been in contact with Spidey. Which the sample in Doc Connors lab had.
Also the hatred for Spidey came from Brock did it not? So if the sample was to attach to someone else, then the hatred for Spiderman wouldnt be there and the film could carry on without needing SM.

I`m just wondering how they will portray Venom, will they take the anti-hero route or not? I dont see how they can make him a pure villain as I cant think of any films where the main character was the villain. ( well, apart from the original Terminator I guess, and I`m sure someone will think of loads more that have slipped my mind for now! )
Been reading this thread, and no-one seems to have mentioned the symbiote sample left in Doc Connors lab.
For Venom to exist he has to have elements of Spiderman, which means the symbiote must have been in contact with Spidey. Which the sample in Doc Connors lab had.
Also the hatred for Spidey came from Brock did it not? So if the sample was to attach to someone else, then the hatred for Spiderman wouldnt be there and the film could carry on without needing SM.

I`m just wondering how they will portray Venom, will they take the anti-hero route or not? I dont see how they can make him a pure villain as I cant think of any films where the main character was the villain. ( well, apart from the original Terminator I guess, and I`m sure someone will think of loads more that have slipped my mind for now! )
good point, man. well thought, but how can we have a Venom without Brock since he is more than dead?
only if they put another Brock. the one in SM3 was Ed Brock Jr. would be a lot weird, though, to have another host with the same name.
that's really the only way I could see it being connected with SM3.
rewriting a story for better is the same of thinking like Quesada, now?
so, by your theory, the crew that are restarting Punisher and Hulk to do something better also think like Quesada?
no. cause Quesada screwed. when someone try to renew it to bring something better and fresh in a intelligent way (cause Quesada ****ed everything with the dumbest idea ever) is the opposite.
and I rather see a Venom movie than see a Venom-thatisnottherealVenombroughtbackfromthedeadbythestupidestideaever movie.

I liked the Tom Jane Punisher and Im sad to see him leave. Imnot sure what the deal is with these two movies. I keep reading different things about the setup for these movies, if in the end they void the first ones then I will say that they are disrespectful. But I get so heated of your narrow minded way of thinking that i keep losing my original point which is the connection is possible but not necessary. The character wasnt irredeemable,development is a possibility.

I definitely jumped the gun saying No Venom because if it looked good Iwould prolly see it

Im a fan. I'll always take the good with the bad
good point, man. well thought, but how can we have a Venom without Brock since he is more than dead?

See, thats the real catch here. To allow Venom to continue in canon with the SM3 you will need the symbiote from Connors lab. If you follow this route then you cant have Brock as he died in SM3.
If you start afresh you have to create an origin somehow, and Venoms comic origin came about because of Spidey. So, a `relaunch` of Venom will need Spidey in there somewhere to explain the Spiderman type powers of Venom.
It`s a tough one, but I`d say the easiest solution would be to go with the symbiote from SM3, and have it host to a new character. It wont be in keeping with the comics, but you still get Venom and you lose the Spiderman hatred aspect which means you can keep Spidey out of the film.

Either way, alot of fans are going to be unhappy with the solution I think.
I`m looking forward to seeing how they get round it.

Something always gets tweaked in superhero films these days, they would have to do this here to get round Raimi`s ill treatment of Venom in SM3. Personally, I think Raimi should have left Venom out of SM3 completely and saved it for a fourth film. Fair enough, use the black suit, but Venom needed more screen time, and the best screen time for Venom would be fighting Spiderman, BUT done properly. That window of opportunity has gone now, unless we get a reboot in 20 years!
I liked the Tom Jane Punisher and Im sad to see him leave. Imnot sure what the deal is with these two movies. I keep reading different things about the setup for these movies, if in the end they void the first ones then I will say that they are disrespectful. But I get so heated of your narrow minded way of thinking that i keep losing my original point which is the connection is possible but not necessary. The character wasnt irredeemable,development is a possibility.

I definitely jumped the gun saying No Venom because if it looked good Iwould prolly see it

Im a fan. I'll always take the good with the bad
I loved the first Punisher. but it could be more...Punisher.
Hulk is a dramatic film. the new one is a superhero movie. and that's what everyone want to see. this is not disrespect things, man. this is a manner of tell the story with a different and better view. if something doesn't work, then let's try to make it different and better next time. that's what they're doing for Punisher and Hulk. and also what they need to do for Venom, cause the SM3 one didn't work. the general audience complained about this Venom, so they would be disrespecting the character AND the audience if they bring more of the same.
also, if you say that "the connection is possible but not necessary" then why make a connection!? there's no logic in what you're saying.
better start things fresh and right then disrespect the character and make him wrong again.
See, thats the real catch here. To allow Venom to continue in canon with the SM3 you will need the symbiote from Connors lab. If you follow this route then you cant have Brock as he died in SM3.
If you start afresh you have to create an origin somehow, and Venoms comic origin came about because of Spidey. So, a `relaunch` of Venom will need Spidey in there somewhere to explain the Spiderman type powers of Venom.
It`s a tough one, but I`d say the easiest solution would be to go with the symbiote from SM3, and have it host to a new character. It wont be in keeping with the comics, but you still get Venom and you lose the Spiderman hatred aspect which means you can keep Spidey out of the film.

Either way, alot of fans are going to be unhappy with the solution I think.
I`m looking forward to seeing how they get round it.
that's a way of working with it.
in the sony boards, they mentioned something about bringing the symbiote to Earth. make it bound to Brock and that's it. doesn't need to explain why he stick to walls or has super strenght...just that the symbiote gave it to him. it's quite simple and there is no connection to won't need to explain why he hates Spidey or nothing related. would be just Venom.
that's a way of working with it.
in the sony boards, they mentioned something about bringing the symbiote to Earth. make it bound to Brock and that's it. doesn't need to explain why he stick to walls or has super strenght...just that the symbiote gave it to him. it's quite simple and there is no connection to won't need to explain why he hates Spidey or nothing related. would be just Venom.

I agree as well with what you are saying.
Personally, I wouldn't mind of they revisited David S. Goyer's script from years ago. I liked how he was going to do that. Venom with a Jekyll-Hyde thing against Carnage. Carnage would be great to introduce in a Venom movie instead of Spidey movie. The other classic villians could shine there.
But if they did reference Spidey just do flashback of a Spidey- Venom fight ( not having to be Magiure or Grace) or how he got the symbiote then you say that is changed now as he is an anti-hero or vigilante.
I would like to see a Venom movie, but it needs to have a quite low budget and i dont know how they would take Spiderman 3 out of the mix.

If they do it in a stupid way, the movie could be doomed from the start. I hope they keep his SM3 look though.
Meh. It's confusing how they made a FF sequel, a hulk reboot after the 1st one tanked, and now a venom spinoff. Yet there's no progress on a Captain America movie yet. Double You Tea Eff.
^I imagine Venom will only be a small budget venture though, were as i doubt CA would, less risk with a Venom movie really.
this film would suck worse then catwoman and hulk put together
Awesome. I'd like the plot to be something like this:
Takes after Spider-Man 4.
The symbiote quickly rejoined with Brock before the explosion & they barely escaped. Venom limped off wounded. The symbiote heals Brock. He begins to think over his ways. He decides to help who he sees innocent, though he wants revenge on Peter Parker. Meanwhile, Cletus Kassidy, a mass murderer is on the run from the cops. He hided from the cops in Dr. Connors class. While shooting at he cops he shoots the case where the piece of symbiote is. Connors has been toying with the symbiote & changed it's color to red. Kassidy runs out of the class & hides in an alley. The symbiote finds him & Carmage is born. Then the movie goes along the lines of Venom tries to kill Spidey, Carnage goes insane, blah, blah, blah...
Here's all you have to do to have it be a spin off...

Show the final fight scene, where he gets skeltonized. Then cut to underneath the building, later, and have the symbiote stuck to the roof in a big gooey pile. It lowers down, and reveals Eddie. Eddie talks to the symbiote, and finds out that to fool Spider-Man into thinking it killed him, it made it self look like bones, and disconnected that part of it, so it only looked like he got vaporized. Problem solved.
Okay, that's be awesome.
I'd rather see a Deadpool movie 10x more than a Venom, as much as I like him.
Ditto. Deadpool's my favorite comic character, Venom's second.

I want Spidey to be in this so he can fight Carnage. Have Toxin in the second.
I think an edgy Venom movie would work. I mean, if they keep it dark, and maybe make it horror-type movie? I don't mean, gory horror, but a dark "not for the kids" type.

Then again... they would never do that, its the kids that make Spider-man movie what they are today...
Here's all you have to do to have it be a spin off...

Show the final fight scene, where he gets skeltonized. Then cut to underneath the building, later, and have the symbiote stuck to the roof in a big gooey pile. It lowers down, and reveals Eddie. Eddie talks to the symbiote, and finds out that to fool Spider-Man into thinking it killed him, it made it self look like bones, and disconnected that part of it, so it only looked like he got vaporized. Problem solved.

Even though it would stretch credibility, not to mention the imagination to do it this way, i could actually see it working, i hope they take this approach as no links to Spiderman 3 would be confusing for the general audience.

I think an edgy Venom movie would work. I mean, if they keep it dark, and maybe make it horror-type movie? I don't mean, gory horror, but a dark "not for the kids" type.

Then again... they would never do that, its the kids that make Spider-man movie what they are today...

I think they need to go dark and edgy with a Venom movie if Carnage is going to be in it, i also hope they dont go overboard on the budget also, the budget for a Venom movie should be over $60 million IMO, and i would love Francis Lawrence (Constantine, I Am Legend) to direct.

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