Please rank Inception, The Matrix, Dark City, and The Truman Show


Psychological Anarchist
Jan 25, 2008
Reaction score
I'm curious how other people rank these films best to worst. They are all are beloved, intelligent, sci-fi with similar themes about the nature of reality and are often compared to each other.

and please explain the reasoning behind your rankings if you can.
1. The Matrix - The Matrix didn't only make people ask themselves "what if all this was real?" but it struck a chord with people when it was released. The theme of The Matrix was to WAKE UP. View the world around you while questioning everything. Question authority, question the rules. It engaged people like very few movies since. The Matrix was just RIGHT, it felt relevent to the times, and still is. The movie was really released at the perfect time though, right before the dawn of a new decade, and it created a spark in the general ennui of movie going audiences, it gave them something to think about, in a legitimate manner. In addition to that its also just an amazing action film, one of the best even today, incredible choreography and effects. The Matrix is a Sci-Fi classic, period.

2. The Truman Show - Another movie that tackled the idea that everything around us isn't real. Only The Truman Show did so on a much more personal scale. What if we found the world we lived in was false..yet the world outside of it...was just more of the same. The movie didn't have the luxury of contrasting to a post-apocalyptic setting. As a drama, as a character study, and as a look into how what we percieve as real affects our development as people, The Truman Show was just a stunning, and underrated film.

3. Dark City - A stylish noir sci-fi film. Dark City differs from the Matrix in that it wishes to maintain its almost dreamlike and surreal feel throughout the movie. Dark City is about keeping audiences as in the dark as the main character, it makes us question not our own lives but that of its character or its world. I feel that Dark City is much more of a straight forward sci-fi thriller than The Matrix, and that is why I would rank it lower, despite it being a great film.

4. Inception - Although narratively incoherent and convoluted, Inception wants audiences to relate to the fact that in the end, our own salvation, our own ambitions are all that matter. If we've finally found what we've been searching for, does it really matter if we are awake or asleep? Overall, I find the thematic contents of Inception to be pretty damn terrible, and its ideas are ones that I cannot suscribe to at all. And while The Matrix naturally allowed audiences to question reality through the world they had just seen on the screen, Chris Nolan only accomplishes this through a parlor trick. Of coure there is only one natural outcome to Inception, but with that final shot, Nolan dangles the carrot in front of the audience, and immediately pulls it away from them. Would people really have been discussing what was real and coming up with one inane theory after another if the movie ended as its obviously supposed to? I don't believe so. The worst part of Inception is that to justify many of the ridiculous explanations of it being a dream, or the ending being a dream, etc, is that all of these scenarios stretch the credibilty of the script to almost comical levels. The movies script only works if the ending is reality, thus the forced ambiguity is nothing more than a cheap ploy. This movie doesn't even deserve to be mentioned along The Matrix.
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You had me up until "The Truman Show". That one just doesn't seem to fit on this list. You couldn't find a better film to add in it's place? And I wouldn't consider it intelligent. Just off the top of my head, I would put "Equilibrium" way before "The Truman Show"'s more of a drama than sci-fi.
I went ahead and went with The Matrix. Was totally blown away by it, and it's one of those movies that just clicked in all the right ways (to this day, the only film I've seen three times in the theater). Even it people will argue that it cribs from certain sources a little too liberally, to this this day, I feel there's nothing like it.

I like the others, too. I would probably rank Inception/Dark City in a tie for second place. They are got great films in different ways (the former's great dream scape and reality bending awesomeness, and the latter for it's dark and brooding atmosphere), but there was a certain feel of awe that The Matrix had that neither captured for me.

Not thought much about The Truman Show, honestly.
The Matrix - All though I love all these movies equally, and can view them all at least once a week, this one holds top. Inception had a pretty amazing original concept and action. The dreams were confusing the first time through, but still held your attention. But the ending of the Matrix is still one of the best action scenes in recent years.

Dark City- Is second place, and it barely beats Matrix, only because the ending fight scene seemed kinda rushed. The tone of the movie is what I love the most about it. The look of the city, people, and often their personalities really sells the noir effect to me.

Inception - While it's a fantastic movie, and I would gladly recommend. It takes 3rd, just because the other two films appeal more to what I want in a sci-fi film.

And I've already said my thoughts about The Truman Show.
Inception - If you thought too much of this... your head hurts, It is exactly what The Matrix is:

The Matrix - It questions reality... with really kewl Kung-Fu... and makes you truly think of your self worth...

Dark City - A pure "What If...?" story if ever I saw one!

The Truman Show - A good idea: What if you had the power of God? and all you did was create a reality t.v. show about ONE guy? Yeah I know, the "power of God" thing was a stretch... but it does question who you really are; reality fodder for someone else's amusement...
You had me up until "The Truman Show". That one just doesn't seem to fit on this list. You couldn't find a better film to add in it's place? And I wouldn't consider it intelligent. Just off the top of my head, I would put "Equilibrium" way before "The Truman Show"'s more of a drama than sci-fi.
I disagree. All four movies share the same "what is reality" theme. In fact, they all also share a "control your fate" theme except Inception.

If any movie doesn't belong it's Inception because it doesn't share the two themes like the rest.

and I feel The Truman Show is underrated and deserves to be ranked with the others.
1. The Truman Show
2. The Matrix
3. Inception
4. Dark City

The Truman Show is my favourite film of the 90s. The final 30 minutes or so is pure cinematic bliss. The other three are pretty interchangeable depending on my mood.
Haven seen Dark City but I rank them
1. The Truman Show
2. The Matrix
3. Inception

but they are all almost equally awesome.
I refuse to choose I like them all equally. & why Dark City & the Matrix are constantly compared baffles me. These 2 movies are very different in theme & story. It is completely idiotic.
I refuse to choose I like them all equally. & why Dark City & the Matrix are constantly compared baffles me. These 2 movies are very different in theme & story. It is completely idiotic.

Outside force alters reality and a hero must figure out how to reject/control that reality and fight back.

Seems pretty similar to me. Not to mention the look-a-like sets and lighting.
I loved inception but the truman show is the movie that has made me question my actual reality for the past decade plus.
I really like the Truman show, but it is annoying to me, because with a bit of editing it could have made for a much better movie experience , akin to the Matrix, where you don't know what the twist of the movie is, just like the central character.
But, in the Truman Show, they have those annoying parts where people who watch the tv show suddenly pop up and start talking about Truman and stuff.
I wish they had just left all that stuff out, and let us discover the truth along with Truman.

Yeah, ok, it would not have had the same effect as the Matrix when released, as the advertising told you the story, and the name of the movie gave it away too, but they should have just called it 'Truman', and over the years folk who missed it first time round would have caught it on tv(old age pensioners who do not venture out, people who have been stuck on deserted islands, etc), and got a huge kick out of the Twilight Zone type twist.

I have not seen Inception yet, so will not vote on the poll, but rank them...
1. The Matrix
2. Dark City
3. The Truman Show

If they had tweaked TTS like I was saying I may have ranked it above DC.
1. The Truman Show - Brilliant film. Acting, writing, directing. The whole idea is just amazing
2. Inception - Well I have written tons of post about it. Great film with an amazing realization.
3. The Matrix - Never really liked it.

Dark City I have never watched.
Outside force alters reality and a hero must figure out how to reject/control that reality and fight back.

Seems pretty similar to me. Not to mention the look-a-like sets and lighting.

I think some of the old building sets from The Matrix ARE some of the sets used for Dark City.

But yeah, Comparing the two films is absolutely justified. Right down to the machines in The Matrix trying to figure out what humanity is. They went through similar trial and error compared to the Strangers in Dark City, although their process of trial and error was much more frequent.
You forgot Vanilla Sky.

1. Inception/Matrix - They are both great. I truly can't say one is better than the other. Dicaprio is a better actor than Reeves, but Matrix had a way better fight scenes and on and on and on....Odd Infinitum.

2. Vanilla Sky - Tom Cruise's best film next to A Few Good Men. Vanilla Sky made me wonder at the end of our lifetime, what truly matters? What we remember happened or what actualy happened? At the end, he had a choice to live happily in the DREAM World and to NOT KNOW it's a dream OR wake up to Reality filled with uncertainties of life. He chose reality. Life is not as sweet without the bitter.

Dark City was good and probably be the best IF none of those movies ever existed. After the Matrix came out...Dark City really became obsolete.
You forgot Vanilla Sky.
I love Vanilla Sky.

"Technical support!!!"

But I didn't want too many movies to be ranked and polled.

But it does share themes with the others. Especially Inception.
1. The Matrix
2. Inception
3. The Truman Show
4. Dark City
This is my third time coming in here. I. Just. Can't. Pick.
I think Inception had the same impact on the world that Matrix had in the 90's, so it's hard to rank those against each other. If I had to pick a better movie, I'd go with Inception, because the filmmaker is much more talented, but Matrix was a one hit wonder for the Wachowski brothers. In my opinion they haven't made anything even close to as good as the Matrix. Dark City, while a guilty pleasure, still would come 3rd. I don't own the Truman Show.
We're not voting the makers. We're voting the films. Don't let the people behind the camera sway you.

Yeh, says the guy who can't pick!
We're not voting the makers. We're voting the films. Don't let the people behind the camera sway you.
I agree. Should we rank Phantom Menace over Empire Strikes Back simply because George Lucas has a better overall filmography than Irvin Kershner?
Director's create the film, the film presented a better director. If that helps clarify.
I think Inception had the same impact on the world that Matrix had in the 90's, so it's hard to rank those against each other. If I had to pick a better movie, I'd go with Inception, because the filmmaker is much more talented, but Matrix was a one hit wonder for the Wachowski brothers. In my opinion they haven't made anything even close to as good as the Matrix. Dark City, while a guilty pleasure, still would come 3rd. I don't own the Truman Show.

Eh, that remains to be seen, but I kind of doubt it will, honestly.
Eh, that remains to be seen, but I kind of doubt it will, honestly.

In terms of story and quality of story I think both will be remembered the same. But people will remember The Matrix more so simply for it's "Bullet-time" scene that was copied and used so much afterwards. So from a technical standpoint is the main reason I think it still resides with people more so.

But this is hard to say. I will have to give more reasons later because I'm running late, but I would say Inception and The Matrix are tied for me, both are superb films in their own ways, and bring two very different aspects of "what is reality" to the table.

Then I would say The Truman Show, and lastly Dark City.

1. The Matrix/Inception
2. The Truman Show
3. Dark City.

I own all of them on Blu so they are all good in my mind.

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