Discussion: The REPUBLICAN Party V

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Or like when Fox Host Eric Bolling said of an African visiting the White House, "So, what's with all the hoods in the Hizzy?" in June.

Or when Republican Darling, "Dr." Corsi, published a "Where's The Birth Certificate?" book in May.

Or when Donald Trump challenged his academic records in April, suggesting that he only got into Columbia and Harvard because of affirmative action....saying he had a basic high school level intelligence. Let's not forget he also suggested he wasn't born here and was a thief, as well.

This can go back to the "terrorist fist jabs" Fox reported of in June 2009, if not before.

The Fox News quotes are idiotic, but there was nothing racist about the birth certificate and Donald Trump is Donald Trump.

Well Obama is the shizzle dizzle...

That's racist.

What's sad is there is so much vulnerability right now with those awful jobs reports and chances are the economy will only get worse. Yet, they need to code and tinge their attacks in this way.

Again, nothing racist about "tar baby", it was a correct use of the term. Anybody in the GOP who associates with Barack Obama is tarnished by that connection.

Instead of being intellectually dishonest and playing the race card you should be attacking what that implies - that a GOP member is admitting that there is no way the leading party in the House is willing to work with the administration (not that this is a new reality, but rarely so explicitly stated).

But no, continue to find hidden alternative motives - that is real helpful.
So ABC news tried a decently lame "Gotcha!" segment where they looked into what countries the GOP candidates' campaign shirts were made in. If I rember correctly only Romney's were U.S. made.

They sent someone to question Ron Paul directly at a campain stop about the fact that his shirts were made somewhere in Central America. Their attempt to corner him failed. Unlike the other the candidates, Paul hardly skipped a beat. He quickly quipped that he simply lets the market decide what shirts he uses. I assume he means he just went with the lowest priced ones.

I have to say the man's quick on his feet, and hes deeply principled. I can respect that, even if I disagree with some of the ramifications of the sentiment of favoring the drives of the overall market rather than the needs of the country, support for locally hiring companies.
So ABC news tried a decently lame "Gotcha!" segment where they looked into what countries the GOP candidates' campaign shirts were made in. If I rember correctly only Romney's were U.S. made.

They sent someone to question Ron Paul directly at a campain stop about the fact that his shirts were made somewhere in Central America. Their attempt to corner him failed. Unlike the other the candidates, Paul hardly skipped a beat. He quickly quipped that he simply lets the market decide what shirts he uses. I assume he means he just went with the lowest priced ones.

I have to say the man's quick on his feet, and hes deeply principled. I can respect that, even if I disagree with some of the ramifications of the sentiment of favoring the drives of the overall market rather than the needs of the country, support for locally hiring companies.

The market is determined by the needs of the country. "The needs of the country", on the other hand, are determined by politicians.
Well Obama is the shizzle dizzle...

First, I read that Norm says President Obama is awesome...and now, Kel is talking like this? There must be something in the water! :funny:
I respectfully disagree.

If Obama was born and raised in Chicago, it would have never been an issue.

It was, after all, Hillary Clinton's supporters that originally breached the topic.
I'm fully aware of Hillary's campaign dredging up the subject. (I was a contributor and camapaigned for her. :cwink: ) Unlike the GOP, she didn't overplay her hand and continue beating a dead horse.
That's because she joined her staff.

But if it wasn't racist for Hillary's staff to bring it up, why is it racist for the GOP to?

Is it partisan? Absolutely! If it was a GOP President who spent some of his childhood overseas and had the same factors at play that Obama has, the birthers wouldn't be saying a word. But it's not race driven.
As of now on Intrade, Perry has pulled a head of Romney by 0.1

Obama's relection intrade has dropped from the low 60s to mid 50s now as well.
Huntsman shares plunge 31 percent after profit miss

Jon Huntsman 2012 campaign: Inside the 'drama'
A blistering internal feud in the Jon Huntsman presidential campaign is erupting into public view, with dueling camps trading charges and an exodus of campaign officials.

And now, a longtime family friend tells POLITICO that Huntsman’s wife and father fret that his presidential prospects have been threatened by the turmoil — and he places the blame on John Weaver, Huntsman’s controversial chief strategist.
He described Huntsman’s campaign as disorganized and full of staff tension, disclosed new facts about the candidate’s announcement day mishaps, recounted tearful conversations with the recently departed Wiles and revealed other previously undisclosed resignations.

Fischer himself recently left the campaign after being asked to give up his operations post by Weaver, who the campaign said was acting at the behest of the candidate. In a subsequent email — one of several from Huntsman reviewed by POLITICO — Huntsman asked Fischer to stay on in an advisory role.
Well it's from people who are willing to put their money where their mouths are. It is traded so it's more like stocks than say what Gallup does. So it will fluctuate constantly.

But again, incentive is in the money. If they are wrong on their calls, their wallet get lighter.

And yea they do have a decent record. I am gonna look it up.
That's because she joined her staff.

But if it wasn't racist for Hillary's staff to bring it up, why is it racist for the GOP to?

Is it partisan? Absolutely! If it was a GOP President who spent some of his childhood overseas and had the same factors at play that Obama has, the birthers wouldn't be saying a word. But it's not race driven.

Hillary Clinton looked into it and found nothing. I think it was a legitimate question THEN, albeit desperate. The GOP took it to a whole other level and ran and ran and ran until they couldn't anymore. And then ran some more. Sarah Palin and others like her twisted the campaign into one of the most disgusting in recent memory. "He's not one of us", remember?

I also never saw anyone in a Hillary campaign rally parading around signs of Obama as a tribal witchdoctor or monkey. (And I know you're going to respond with - well, it was done to W Bush too. You're right, it was but it takes on a racial undertone when applied to a black man. If you can't see that then I don't know what to tell you.) I also never saw anyone at a Hillary rally with signs telling Obama to "go back to Africa". I'll concede that it's POSSIBLE when the birther issue caught on within the GOP that it wasn't racially driven, but there's no way you (or anyone else) can convince me that it didn't turn into something racially driven.
Hillary Clinton looked into it and found nothing. I think it was a legitimate question THEN, albeit desperate. The GOP took it to a whole other level and ran and ran and ran until they couldn't anymore. And then ran some more. Sarah Palin and others like her twisted the campaign into one of the most disgusting in recent memory. "He's not one of us", remember?

I also never saw anyone in a Hillary campaign rally parading around signs of Obama as a tribal witchdoctor or monkey. (And I know you're going to respond with - well, it was done to W Bush too. You're right, it was but it takes on a racial undertone when applied to a black man. If you can't see that then I don't know what to tell you.) I also never saw anyone at a Hillary rally with signs telling Obama to "go back to Africa". I'll concede that it's POSSIBLE when the birther issue caught on within the GOP that it wasn't racially driven, but there's no way you (or anyone else) can convince me that it didn't turn into something racially driven.
Well said, I agree 100%. :up:
The whole birther issue is more of a xenophobic issue than a racial one.
Hillary Clinton looked into it and found nothing. I think it was a legitimate question THEN, albeit desperate. The GOP took it to a whole other level and ran and ran and ran until they couldn't anymore. And then ran some more. Sarah Palin and others like her twisted the campaign into one of the most disgusting in recent memory. "He's not one of us", remember?

I also never saw anyone in a Hillary campaign rally parading around signs of Obama as a tribal witchdoctor or monkey. (And I know you're going to respond with - well, it was done to W Bush too. You're right, it was but it takes on a racial undertone when applied to a black man. If you can't see that then I don't know what to tell you.) I also never saw anyone at a Hillary rally with signs telling Obama to "go back to Africa". I'll concede that it's POSSIBLE when the birther issue caught on within the GOP that it wasn't racially driven, but there's no way you (or anyone else) can convince me that it didn't turn into something racially driven.

Partisanship is what drives all of it. PARTISANSHIP.

It's really not any different than going to a big college football rivalry. You ask Georgia fans about Florida players and they are thugs and criminals and morons. You ask Florida fans about Georgia, you get the same thing.

It is racist when the GOP does it because the left is convinced the GOP is racist. It is communist or socialist when the Democrats do it because the right is convinced they are pinko-commies. Nothing deeper than that.
The left constantly bashed Michael Steele. I guess that means that the Democrats are racist too.
The left constantly bashed Michael Steele. I guess that means that the Democrats are racist too.

You see the left totally loves to play the race card, even when it isn't appropriate. Since they really haven't found a real way to counter the Tea Party, despite the Tea Party giving them MANY opportunities to do so, they have resorted to demonizing the Tea Party as a bunch of racist loonies.

Hell, they even play the race card on the birther movement, even though that movement is completely based on xenophobia instead of racism. Instead of showing how xenophobia is just as ignorant and bigoted as racism, they just go for the racism route.
Texas Governor Rick Perry's christian-only "prayer service" is being held today in Houston. :dry:
About time you stop worry about Sarah "Republican's own Nancy Pelosi" Palin and start looking at Perry. Cause right now at intrade he is starting to pan over even Romney. 31.9 vs 31. Huntsman is in a DISTANT third at 8. Given his money troubles as of late, that won't help.
Perry flat out scares me.
You see the left totally loves to play the race card, even when it isn't appropriate. Since they really haven't found a real way to counter the Tea Party, despite the Tea Party giving them MANY opportunities to do so, they have resorted to demonizing the Tea Party as a bunch of racist loonies.

Hell, they even play the race card on the birther movement, even though that movement is completely based on xenophobia instead of racism. Instead of showing how xenophobia is just as ignorant and bigoted as racism, they just go for the racism route.

And the right loves to play any victimization card they can.

-Look at clips of the language about Hillary Clinton on Fox News in 2007 and 2008. She is a shrewd, lying woman. She only stayed with her husband for power. When she cried at one of her rallies (like sweet ol' John Boehner), Dick Morris said it was fake or she can't handle this job for "big girls" and should "get out of the kitchen. They even lauded Barack Obama as a victim to evil-Hillary before Iowa because they thought she was the nominee. And remember the '90s rumor about her being a lesbian who had political opponents murdered.

Then along comes Sarah Palin and they played the "sexist" card faster than you can say 'the lamestream media.' Charlie Gibson made her look bad? Sexism. People say she's unqualified? Sexists. Katie Couric made her look like a idiot because she couldn't name a single newspaper she's read? Super-sexist. They're so sexist, Palin has made a career off whining about how she's been victimized--by David Letterman, by Rahm Emmanuel, by Barack Obama, by....

-Just last month after Jon Stewart made Chris Wallace look like an idiot and humiliated the Fox News brand on Fox News Sunday, a 'non-existant' memo seemed to go out because everyone was talking about how racist Jon Stewart was for making fun of Cain's asinine platform that he wouldn't pass any bill longer than three pages. Desperate, much?

-The entire culture of right wing media with Fox News, talk radio, National Review, etc. is about how isolated and victimized conservatives are in this country. How, they must turn to these numerous media outlets to find relief from liberal bias from all other media and persecution by an evil secular world.

Again though, I never saw any Democratic politicians say they thought there might be some truth to Bush being behind 9/11 like Republicans in the House and Senate said about the birther issue. That is the biggest difference I see...the most vile conspiracy theories are embraced instead of denounced on the right. But they exist on both sides.
Texas Governor Rick Perry's christian-only "prayer service" is being held today in Houston. :dry:
I think we're seeing the birth of American fascism folks.I used to be a Republican , but after all the s*** they've been pulling since Obama became president , I can't in all good conscious be part of them anymore.I read they were willing to burn America to the ground over the debt crisis and I was disgusted because they were willing to destroy this country. For a bunch of idiots who have that conman , Glenn Beck , as a leader ? F*** the GOP. They're the lapdogs of the Tea Party and the corporations.
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