Discussion: The REPUBLICAN Party VI

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Nihilistic Zombie Ninja
Feb 23, 2010
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Texas Governor Rick Perry's christian-only "prayer service" is being held today in Houston. :dry:
I think we're seeing the birth of American fascism folks.I used to be a Republican , but after all the s*** they've been pulling since Obama became president , I can't in all good conscious be part of them anymore.I read they were willing to burn America to the ground over the debt crisis and I was disgusted because they were willing to destroy this country. For a bunch of idiots who have that conman , Glenn Beck , as a leader ? F*** the GOP. They're the lapdogs of the Tea Party and the corporations.
In the end, the results are the same: people get ****ed.
On this, we can very much agree.
Republicans need to put someone electable on the table. So far it looks like Romney is their man and he just doesn't seem like the guy.
Republicans need to put someone electable on the table. So far it looks like Romney is their man and he just doesn't seem like the guy.

Actually polls have Romney being the Republican that is almost guaranteed to beat Obama. Romney beats Obama in New Hampshire, Florida, and Pennsylvania, along with beating him in Michigan in a lot of polls. There are rumors that the White House is starting to give up on wining Indiana and North Carolina again. And Romney is within the margin of error in Virginia, Ohio, and a couple of other states Obama won in 2008.
According to the AP, former Senator Mark Hatfield has died at the age of 89.
Remember, people completely forget about checks & balances and think the President should fix everything. Despite the fact that it's Congress that writes the laws.

I'm just so tired of this petty partisan blame game. You know?

I was just pointing out how Romney can use this as part of his Presidential campaign, and how it can work on voters. Because voters either forget, or don't understand, how our government works.
A lot of the failures of George Bush from 2007-2009 fall on the Democratic Congress. That didn't stop Obama from blaming Bush, did it?

I'm not saying that Obama is entirely to blame, but he does hold his fair share. And this is the job that he asked for. Remember, "The buck stops here?" Truman kept a sign with that slogan on his desk. Obama should get a sign that says, "Passing the buck since 2008."

Seriously, I've never seen a president so unwilling to take responsibility for his actions. Everything is always someone elses' fault. If it isn't George Bush's fault, it is Congress' fault. If it isn't Congress' fault, its the Supreme Court's fault. If it isn't SCOTUS' fault, it is the fault of the state government, if it's not their fault, it is the fault of the corporate sector. If it isn't the corporate sector's fault, it is the Tea Party's fault or Fox News' fault or the American people's fault for unrealistic expectations (running a messianic campaign couldn't have had anything to do with that, could it?). Obama is completely unwilling to ever take responsibility. The buck stops with him. That is the job that he asked for. I am so sick of hearing both him and his supporters constantly pass the buck.

I was just pointing out how Romney can use this as part of his Presidential campaign, and how it can work on voters. Because voters either forget, or don't understand, how our government works.

I know what you mean Wieg.

Let's just continue to ignore that S&P said the majority of the blame for the downgrade falls on CONGRESS.

Let's also ignore that Romney came out in full-throated support of the plan last Monday after it cleared the House. He became Mr. Supporter of the plan that led to this downgrade and gave sole credit to John Boehner and HOuse Republicans, saying this was not Obama's big tax plan.

But luckily for Romney, voters tend to ignore such gaping hypocrisy. Oh well.
Let's also ignore that Romney came out in full-throated support of the plan last Monday after it cleared the House. He became Mr. Supporter of the plan that led to this downgrade and gave sole credit to John Boehner and HOuse Republicans, saying this was not Obama's big tax plan.

But luckily for Romney, voters tend to ignore such gaping hypocrisy. Oh well.
Romney flip flopping??? Surely you jest.


Let's just continue to ignore that S&P said the majority of the blame for the downgrade falls on CONGRESS.

What candidate wouldn't hit Obama on this issue? He's the first President to oversee the US' credit rating go down by any ratings agency. It's a goldmine for a candidate to use in showing how America has been worse off since Obama took office. And Romney has been very effective in this kind of tactic.

If we had a Republican President, and this happened, I guarantee that Democratic candidates would be doing the same thing that Romney just did. You really can't blame them, it's only natural for candidates to do such a thing.
It's wrong to lay sole blame on the president for this situation, regardless of the party affliation. It's incredibly opportunistic and very dishonest.
It's wrong to lay sole blame on the president for this situation, regardless of the party affliation. It's incredibly opportunistic and very dishonest.

It's wrong to lay sole blame on the president for this situation, regardless of the party affliation. It's incredibly opportunistic and very dishonest.

Yeah, it is opportunistic and dishonest, but I'm not going to get angry at someone for doing something that EVERYONE does, including Obama himself.
I never understood the big deal with flip flopping.

Changes ones opinion/mind >>>> pure stubbornness.
I never understood the big deal with flip flopping.

Changes ones opinion/mind >>>> pure stubbornness.

I think there's a big difference between changing one's opinion/mind and just being an opportunist like Romney.
Yeah, it is opportunistic and dishonest, but I'm not going to get angry at someone for doing something that EVERYONE does, including Obama himself.

It's definitely a political trait.

No comparison. The guy you show above was handed an economy with a surplus. He then proceeded to trash it (for political gain) and left this current President with an economy near depression that he has to fix.
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