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15 Biggest Box Office Flops of 2011

For me IM2 isn't even a bad film, it's a good film. But it was such a huge let down from the first one. It suffered from the false theory that "bigger is better".

Also with the fact it was a giant Avengers commercial. Plus it got away from what made the 1st film unique. I still think replacing actors for war machcine was a bad idea.
I was wrong about the replacement thing. Don Cheadle was lost and totally out of place in Iron Man 2. I thought he would do well but he didn't and I'm woman enough to admit when I am wrong.
See, I don't see how it was an Avengers commercial... like, at all. SHIELD doesn't show up until 3/4s of the way in, and even then, to me it makes sense that a government agency would be involved with the affairs of Tony Stark/Iron Man.

And then there is the 5 minute scene at the end about the Avengers Initiative.

It's no more of an Avengers commercial than TIH or Thor. Which also weren't Avengers commercials.
Has an official budget for Hugo been released because I can't figure out just how big of a flop it is?
Has an official budget for Hugo been released because I can't figure out just how big of a flop it is?

I've read rumors of $150 to $180 million. They're definitely hoping for an awards push to bail them out, but I don't really see that happening to the extent necessary. 3D tv will probably have to be heavily courted.
See, I don't see how it was an Avengers commercial... like, at all. SHIELD doesn't show up until 3/4s of the way in, and even then, to me it makes sense that a government agency would be involved with the affairs of Tony Stark/Iron Man.

And then there is the 5 minute scene at the end about the Avengers Initiative.

It's no more of an Avengers commercial than TIH or Thor. Which also weren't Avengers commercials.

I dont have the official screen time numbers but:

- Black widow most of the movie, including her pointless fight at the end they felt the need to give her something to do.
- Then big part where fury shows up and talks to stark and colson as well to keep him under house arrest.
- in tony basement they use caps shield
- The coffee shop meeting between him and stark too with fury obviously talking about the other heros
- the ending scene too that felt like 10 minutes.

Granted in a 2 hour movie they arent much like you said but for me it really slowed down the movie when it had its own problems to begin with.
Has an official budget for Hugo been released because I can't figure out just how big of a flop it is?
Scorsese will get a new life award this year. plus he is one of the best known directors.plus he prooved that a good director can use 3D in a good way. i say f.... the BO from Hugo. :woot:
Anime is full of mismatched genres, absurd anachronisms (katanas vs. machine guns), robots, ninjas, samurais, Nazis, dragons, and hot teenage chicks in fetish uniforms wielding katanas and machine guns. It's what 13-year old boys dream about, all piled into one ball of confusion. So if people think Sucker Punch is stupid, then they might as well apply that to the genre as a whole. Because that's what Sucker Punch was: live-action anime.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is a fine example of ignorance. Remember it, write it down, take a picture, etc.

Scorsese will get a new life award this year. plus he is one of the best known directors.plus he prooved that a good director can use 3D in a good way. i say f.... the BO from Hugo. :woot:

Yeah I loved the movie... but don't think it deserves critics tripping over their tongues for it though.

It seems like two financial failures for Johnny Depp's production company so far.
Why Ron Pearlman WHY?!?!
I think he owes someone money or something :huh::cwink:

How is this the same actor from titanic who played a very good villian?

Billy Zanes career has been on a downward slide for a long time. Titantic temporarily gave him a career boost but since then his been on a downward trajectory ever since.
I LOVED The Phantom when I was a kid. He'll always be the Phantom and that sarcastic demon from the Tales from the Crypt movie to me.

Scorsese will get a new life award this year. plus he is one of the best known directors.plus he prooved that a good director can use 3D in a good way. i say f.... the BO from Hugo. :woot:

Agreed. Loved that movie. :up:
No, Gogo Yubari wore the schoolgirl uniform instead. ;)

I definitely think KB was a far better film than Sucker Punch, and that Sucker Punch was at best muddled and misguided; but I don't consider it a disaster, either. If Kill Bill was an homage to 70s chop sockey flicks, then Sucker Punch was an homage to anime. Same kind of scenarios, same kind of iconography, the usual fetishism with ass-kicking teenage girls in sexy uniforms. And since anime is muddled and misguided and frankly stupid (yes, I said it), then Sucker Punch doesn't stray far from the mark.

I wouldn't say SP is an homage to anime. It's just a pastiche of a bunch of fanboy interests (video games, anime, zombies, ninjas/samurai, young women/girls fetishized beyond belief, big explosions, etc.). It was just a mess.

Again, Kill Bill had a good story that had a well developed protagonist and several great antagonists at the heart of it and built in an intriguing and satisfying way to a finale with a bit of superfolous drama about child custody thrown in at the end. Sucker PUnch was just a lot of loud noise and was tedious for most people to sit through. That's the difference.
300 is still his best movie. Ive been meaning to watch watchmen again on bluray I just havent had time. He definitely has an eye for visuals but as far as depth Im alittle concerned for superman. His movies just seem to sit there upon theatrical release and come and go without making alot of money and I know a bunch of people who honest to god thought sucker punch was a prequel to watchmen. I do bow to him as well for somehow getting his hands on superman, Nolan most of saw something there.

I disagree. 300 is pretty much a more streamlined version of Sucker Punch--a very fanboyish fantasy told with super slick video game-esque visuals to the nth degree. Because it was based on an interesting historical event (very loosely) it had a better premise and was a better film but...meh. It also doesn't help that the pro-neoconservatism themes from the book that Miller wrote at one of his wackiest points carried over into the movie.

I much prefer Watchmen, as very flawed as it is, and Dawn of the Dead. I now credit DOTD working more because of James Gunn's insanely, eccentrically twisted screenplay, but it is his best overall movie to date.
Yea DotD and Watchmen are his best films. I actually really like the directors cut of Watchmen. It does take some liberties with the source material, and I don't think the symbolism of the comic carried over to the film as well. But I don't think anyone else could have done a better job. Watchmen is pretty much unfilmable, Snyder had a decent crack at it.

And Dr Manhatten's death/rebirth part was beautifully done.
I'm not ripping him. I'm simply saying that I thought that his last two movies were bad, thus I'm not looking forward to his other films. I wasn't expecting the greatest movie ever, I was expected a pretty good movie like the first one was.

Being better than Steel, Catwoman and Batman and Robin is not a difficult feat and still means that a movie can be bad. I'm cool with you thinking that Iron Man 2 wasn't that bad but it was to me. I watched it twice to come to that conclusion. Batman Forever is a better movie than Iron Man 2 in my opinion.

It's not the worst but I do think that it is quite bad.

Hey, I'm not trying to tell you what to like. I just think that some fans (not you specifically) built IM2 up in their minds that it would be The Dark Knight of Marvel films and then when it wasn't, they declared it an outright failure. There were plenty of things in it that didn't quite work (Scarlett's character was worthless, Mickey's villain needed a little more development and screentime) but overall, I still thought it was a great movie. Not as good as the first, but no Superman IV either.

Since you brought it up - I don't get how anyone could enjoy Batman Forever. Now THAT is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It might not have been as excruciating as Batman and Robin, but it was damn close. Tommy Lee Jones was every bit as f***ing cheesy and pathetic as Arnold was in B&R. Actually, I would argue that he was worse because Tommy is actually capable of good acting when he tries. Arnold is usually a lost cause unless he's playing a robot or a moron.
sucker punch & green lantern were two movies that after i left
I went to the box office and demanded i get my money back

Did you get a refund for both movies? My theatres rarely give refunds after someone watches a movie, no matter how bad it was. I lucked out with Green Lantern and got a free pass to another movie. Sucker Punch no luck.
Yea DotD and Watchmen are his best films. I actually really like the directors cut of Watchmen. It does take some liberties with the source material, and I don't think the symbolism of the comic carried over to the film as well. But I don't think anyone else could have done a better job. Watchmen is pretty much unfilmable, Snyder had a decent crack at it.

And Dr Manhatten's death/rebirth part was beautifully done.

I'm right there with you, man. I loved me some Watchmen. I hope it reaches cult status in the next ten years.
I think 300 is his best or closely tied with watchmen. DOTD really only had a good opening 15 minutes and the rest was meh aside from the zombie baby.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is a fine example of ignorance. Remember it, write it down, take a picture, etc.


All right, what's ignorant about it?

I've watched anime. Good anime, bad anime. I've tried to understand it. I've tried to "get" it. I've tried to like it. But it keeps getting lost in translation again and again and again. Please enlighten me about what exactly I got wrong about the generic description. What, exactly, is it that you anime fans love about the genre beyond the fact that geek chic tells you you're *supposed* to love anime? Because I can't ever see it as anything more than cookie-cutter one-size-fits-all Japanese attempts to try to take everything they can from American and Japanese pop culture and mash-up the hell out of it into some bizarre smorgasbord of incomprehensible nonsense.

Seriously, enlighten me. I've been trying to figure out what anime is all about for decades now, and nobody's given me a straight answer yet.
We get it you don't like anime. I or anyone else could care less as to why you don't get it but don't make broad generalizations about something you're unable to comprehend/understand for whatever personal preference.

You answered your own question. You think it's a hodgepodge of "American and Japanese" pop culture thus you don't like it. Now end your trip on that slippery slope that you seem to take every time you write a post about anime as you've made your point. Enjoy reaching the end of a brick wall.
I never got into Anime that much, everytime I walk into FYE I see that section and its a bit overwhelming to people who arent familiar with it. Whats really creepy is the adult anime.
I I see that section and its a bit overwhelming to people who arent familiar with it.

A tragic story.

You poor thing. I send my deepest condolences.

Whats really creepy is the adult anime.
Guess what so is some porn if not more so. Which should be more creepy seeing as it's actually real.

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