Iron Man 3 The IRON MAN 3 News & Speculation Thread - - - - Part 13

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After credits scene has leaked on YT.

Looks like (I hope) they may be doing the reverse of what happened with Avengers internationally - the Thanos scene was shown internationally while the after-credits shawarma was only for the US release and Blu-ray/DVD.

That was a funny scene.
JAK®;25675479 said:
Are they better or worse than those frothing at the mouth, quick to defend any criticism of a movie they haven't even seen yet?

Seems to me that you've displayed much more fanboyism than anyone here who is unhappy with the twist.
It's called keeping an open mind and not being so closed off to new imaginings of old characters. Most are willing to accept it until they are able to see the movie for themselves and then see if it works within the construct on the MCU and IM movies. It'd be pretty boring if all they did was recycle old comic book stories for the movies.
This reminds me of the perma-white arguments before Dark Knight. I shall add the word twist next to perma-white into the SHH hall of fame.
I have to agree with this. Mandarin didn't have to be Fu-Manchu, but they could have kept the rest of his character and made an interesting story. Now it seems like they threw all that potential out the window.

Exactly, and I agree with everything.
It's called keeping an open mind and not being so closed off to new imaginings of old characters. Most are willing to accept it until they are able to see the movie for themselves and then see if it works within the construct on the MCU and IM movies. It'd be pretty boring if all they did was recycle old comic book stories for the movies.
It doesn't matter if the change works on film. For some people, the change goes against what they want to see from the character in a live action adaptation. And it is their right to have and express that opinion. In fact, these boards were designed precisely so that opinion can be given. Criticising people for giving that opinion is infantile. If you disagree, give your reasons why. They'd be all too happy to discuss it. Don't try to silence them.
Nice clean start on RT. 100% Avg 7.7 from 9 reviews.

Edit: wrong thread
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It's called keeping an open mind and not being so closed off to new imaginings of old characters. Most are willing to accept it until they are able to see the movie for themselves and then see if it works within the construct on the MCU and IM movies. It'd be pretty boring if all they did was recycle old comic book stories for the movies.

This, well said.
JAK®;25675479 said:
Are they better or worse than those frothing at the mouth, quick to defend any criticism of a movie they haven't even seen yet?


Seems to me that you've displayed much more fanboyism than anyone here who is unhappy with the twist.

That's because I've actually read the comics for the past 40 years. That's more than I can say for the "True-Believer Mandarin Fan Club" that abruptly sprouted up for the first time in comic-book fandom history in the last week.
I love Michael Smith(ESPN commentator) because he is always talking about IM3. He just ended his show Number Never Lie with how many times the last trailer has been viewed. Ha
That's more than I can say for the "True-Believer Mandarin Fan Club" that abruptly sprouted up for the first time in comic-book fandom history in the last week.
People don't tend to complain when they don't see anything wrong. We've learned more about the film since then, and opinions have been reevaluated.
I love Michael Smith(ESPN commentator) because he is always talking about IM3. He just ended his show Number Never Lie with how many times the last trailer has been viewed. Ha

he's a big nerd..he tweets quite a bit about cbm's

That's because I've actually read the comics for the past 40 years. That's more than I can say for the "True-Believer Mandarin Fan Club" that abruptly sprouted up for the first time in comic-book fandom history in the last week.

You don't need to be a "true believer"-type fan of the Mandarin to like the character's abilities and want to see him using those rings live-action.

Yeah I've never really been into Mandarin or Iron Man before the movies, but I have begun to like Mandarin over the years because I think he's the coolest Iron Man villain there is, which really isn't saying much but the Mandarin's still cool. Am I [BLACKOUT]disappointed that he's just an actor and won't be using the rings against Iron Man in this movie?[/BLACKOUT] Yes. Do I need to be some kind of super Mandarin fan to feel that disappointment? No.
T"Challa;25675665 said:
he's a big nerd..he tweets quite a bit about cbm's

That's awesome, I don't catch the show much cuz I'm usually at work or class but the couple times I do he always says something about the movie. I'm deffinately going to start following him now. Thanks for the info!
JAK®;25675657 said:
People don't tend to complain when they don't see anything wrong. We've learned more about the film since then, and opinions have been reevaluated.

Learned more yes, but haven't actually SEEN the film or seen how it plays out in the context of the film.
Learned more yes, but haven't actually SEEN the film or seen how it plays out in the context of the film.
Context is irrelevant. It's the detail that they take issue with. Even if it works in the film, it doesn't matter to them because it is different from what they wanted. You seem to think that their objection to the change is a condemnation of the quality of the movie.
JAK®;25675573 said:
If you disagree, give your reasons why. They'd be all too happy to discuss it.

Tell that to the guy with the bursting blood vessels swearing he's never subject his family to the film. You act like some of these people aren't completely unreasonable to begin with.

The ones that can rationally discuss things, do so. No one ever really notices because even if they're critical it remains relatively calm. The ones that fly off the handle into fits of righteous nerdrage and get mocked are the ones that get remembered.
You don't need to be a "true believer"-type fan of the Mandarin to like the character's abilities and want to see him using those rings live-action.

Yeah I've never really been into Mandarin or Iron Man before the movies, but I have begun to like Mandarin over the years because I think he's the coolest Iron Man villain there is, which really isn't saying much but the Mandarin's still cool. Am I [BLACKOUT]disappointed that he's just an actor and won't be using the rings against Iron Man in this movie?[/BLACKOUT] Yes. Do I need to be some kind of super Mandarin fan to feel that disappointment? No.

As everyone else keeps saying, it would certainly help if you actually *saw* the character in context in the movie instead of having some other wankers *telling* you you should feel disappointed with the way they portrayed Mandarin. Who knows, you might actually *like* Kingsley's take.
As everyone else keeps saying, it would certainly help if you actually *saw* the character in context in the movie instead of having some other ******* *telling* you you should feel disappointed with the way they portrayed Mandarin. Who knows, you might actually *like* Kingsley's take.

And if you see it in context you might decide you DON'T like it after all. We all make tentative opinions about the film based on the info we have. Neither opinion is more valid than the other.
Link me to that comment. It sounds amusing.
Here's his comment:

Well my friend, if that was the case, Marvel should've been smarter and used one of IM's NUMEROUS nobody villains rather than ruin his greatest adversary. Even worse, play the "Mandarin" up to get the REAL fans excited about this movie and then lay this crap on us?! What did they think? We were gonna sit there and laugh it off and say it's "a genius twist"? They offended and basically made one of the premiere villains in the Marvel Universe into a damn joke and I'm supposed to have my wishes all shut up because of this continuous need to dumb down Marvel physics/science/magic for the General Audience's sake?

Every year I take my entire family to see every Marvel movie. Its an event for us. Thank God almighty I read the spoilers otherwise I would've popped a vein in the theater in rage! I've been Marvel's biggest supporter but this was the final straw. They lied to all of us (longtime fans) and thought that we'd all be ok with it? I'm done. Take your sorry excuse for an Iron Man coated Lethal Weapon movie Marvel and shove it. This from someone who drops $200+ a month on your books and watched all your movies in theaters no less than 8 times each. Thanks for your loyalty to you're real fans. Hopefully your flash in the pan fans remember your characters when your movies wear out their welcome.

There had to get that off my chest.
As everyone else keeps saying, it would certainly help if you actually *saw* the character in context in the movie instead of having some other wankers *telling* you you should feel disappointed with the way they portrayed Mandarin. Who knows, you might actually *like* Kingsley's take.

I don't expect to hate Kingsley's take. I expect to like it, however, that doesn't change the fact that I still wanted to see an actual Mandarin with the ten rings battling Iron Man.

You make it seem like once I see the movie, I'll be like, "Oh! Well that was a smart twist so I'm not disappointed anymore!" It won't be like that. It'll probably be more like, "Oh! Well that was a smart twist, but I still wish I could have seen the actual Mandarin."

The twist could very well work in the context of the story, which I don't doubt, but I still hate that the Mandarin had to be given that treatment to achieve it.
After credits scene has leaked on YT.

Looks like (I hope) they may be doing the reverse of what happened with Avengers internationally - the Thanos scene was shown internationally while the after-credits shawarma was only for the US release and Blu-ray/DVD.

I really want them to add a plot moving post credits scene.
I really want the recent rumor to be true regrading a tease for Avengers 2
Link me to that comment. It sounds amusing.

Oh it was very amusing haha. And whiskey is right, there's some who can reasonably discuss these things. And can have civil debates, as opposed to others who just flip a **** and are a loose canon.
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