Legend of Zelda Zelda On Wii U

I do get a sense that more and more fans are slowly coming around on the idea.

Possibly because they are seeing more and more good games implement it in ways that really enhance gameplay.

Ten years ago, it wasn't even a topic, now even Nintendo is pondering it.
I'm all for giving characters voices. I think it'd elevate the Zelda series. It's not like it'd detract from the game. Would Skyward Sword suddenly be bad if the characters had voices? No.
It won't bug me at all. but I'm having flash backs to when they gave samus a voice in other M and how some people didn't dig for a while when I was on other gaming forums. and how they kept saying they wish she would shut up and they went on and, on and on . we'll have see how it would go if it was done.
You know there's a real simple solution to all this - have it be an option that can be turned off.
yeah that would work. but some people are just overly picky and only want things one way Their way. I'm all for options. the problem is those that say "I only care about what i want," that are the problem when it comes to something like this. Other wise i say if it's doable and doesn't take away from too much, it should be done.
People didn't whine about Other M because Samus spoke, they whined because of her characterization.
People didn't whine about Other M because Samus spoke, they whined because of her characterization.
Not the ones I saw. what they said was oh man and they said some stupid stuff. Your forgetting this is the web, there are as many that say stuff that is stupid as much as there smart people, but it's the stupid ones, unfortunately that speak up more and in more place like ign and youtube and at some point even when reviews on the run /Ep daily had one. there was some one that that said they hated she was talking period "and she went on for ever " according to him when he made a thread, just for that reason, just to complain about it and went on about it for ever him self. lol that was an interesting thread on that site.
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Nah, I think Spidey-Bat is right, it was mostly due to the way they characterized Samus in Other M that upset most fans. The real stupidness in that was the fact that a lot of them talked about how 'out of character' it is when Samus had never actually had a character before.
well I tried to use way back machine as I said Ep daily /Rotr had a forum which around up to 2011 but victor took to twitter more and never looked back during some of the revamps of his sites. any way all I can pick up since I remember the title was the I'm Drunk review: Metroid other M this was put in the your own reviews section there.

and that's as far as way back machine will let me show you on what he really said lol believe me I know what he said back then and he managed to type it well for some claiming he was drunk even though what he said was well / I already explained. Anyway. lol oh man.

damn I wish i could show it. or mae to pick up the quote. If only I could. bah.
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Nah, I think Spidey-Bat is right, it was mostly due to the way they characterized Samus in Other M that upset most fans. The real stupidness in that was the fact that a lot of them talked about how 'out of character' it is when Samus had never actually had a character before.

THANK YOU! I was saying that the entire time when people complained about it.
So, I do not know how accurate this kind of thing is so early on, but I'm seeing this Wind Waker HD remaster on places like Amazon and GS for a full $59.99 price tag. That's just nuts, but I guess people will pay it.
It's time for the series to grow up, and just have Link talk. Just don't make him into an idiot and you'll be fine. I don't think the 'silent character' works in games unless you can create him or her. Even though, I feel like it still doesn't draw you into the story because you don't have any thoughts, conflicts or arcs of your own within the actual narrative. You make choices' but that's not compelling enough.
I hope this Zelda game isn't, as hard as skyward sword. Cause that game was very hard
I'm replaying Skyward Sword at the moment and I definitely hope the new one is more Ocarina/Majora/Twilight than it is Windwaker/Skyrward sword. I feel like this is the game that Nintendo ABSOLUTELY has to pay homage to their hardcore fanbase.
I'm most excited for a next gen Zelda game that doesn't have MOTION CONTROLS. I hate them so ****ing much. I like Skyward Sword well enough as a game, but the ****ing motion controls annoy me. I want to sit and veg out when I play games. I don't want to flap my arms the whole damn time.
Yeah, I played a little of Skyward Sword but couldn't do the motion control stuff. I never really finished Twilight Princess, though. I think I've sort of lost my taste for Zelda over the years. I'm kind of curious about A Link Between Worlds, though.
I can still play Ocarina, Majora's Mask, ALTTP without any trouble. I still love those games. You throw motion control in though, and that's a recipe for a bad time. Motion Controls are the video game equivalent to 3D movies. Doesn't add anything to the experience.
I haven't really tried to go back and play the older games. I was never a huge, huge fan, but I bought and enjoyed them. Somewhere in Twilight Princess, that just left me. I didn't even bother with the DS game in the style of Wind Waker, which I love to death. I was thinking about picking up Oracle of Ages/Seasons, though. Only $5.99 on the VC for 3DS, maybe giving it another shot.
I didn't like the DS Zelda games because the only thing I find more bothersome than motion controls is stylus/touch screen controls. Zelda games don't need a gimmick to be good.
I thought Phantom Hourglass was ok but I despised Spirit Tracks.
I agree with that. Phantom Hourglass wasn't awful, I just would be having way more fun if I didn't have to use the stylus
I just would be having way more fun if I didn't have to use the stylus

Yup, exactly my issue with both Zelda DS games and maybe DS games in general. There are alot of games I would enjoy more if it didn't utilize the stylus. I can say the same about the Wii and its motion controls.
Here's the updates to Wind Waker for the HD release:

- Triforce quest – the five Triforce pieces can now be grabbed directly
- Only the remaining three require translated charts instead of eight
- Hero Mode available from the start
- Picto Box has been upgraded
- Upgraded camera could still be used to snap photos of unsuspecting villagers or enemies
- Pictures can go up on Miiverse
- Link can also take funny self-photographs
- Switch between happy, sad, and surprised emotions
- Get the Swift Sail at the auction house after completion of the first dungeon
- No alert via an in-game prompt to signal the special sails availability
- No longer possible to accidentally skip Tingle’s island, as the developers have inserted an introduction to the quirky character into the main quest
- Enhanced first-person camera
- Can now have full movement in that perspective
- Can travel through hallways and shoot arrows like you’re in a FPS

So, looks like it is more than the typical remaster, though I'm still not sure a full $60 price tag is warranted.
The train killed the game for me. It made exploring a tedious chore.
Really? I'll take it over sailing any day.

Don't get me wrong, it's not my favorite Zelda, but I did enjoy the game a lot.

First Zelda game I played where money actually mattered.

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