Worst Marvel Studio's movie so far?

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Iron Man is my least favorite of the solo films. I have only watched it twice - and the second time for an independent study I was doing on the MCU-and found it to be an unpleasant experience. I can see why people like it, but it is not for me. Even though it is considerably flawed, I prefer IM2 over it immensely.
I enjoyed The Dark World a lot. However, no matter what MARVEL or Alan Taylor says, I definitely think they had some disagreements. I think Taylor wanted to focus on both aspects(visuals and story) equally. I believe MARVEL just wanted a more fun movie visually and Loki driven. I'm sure the Loki side of the story will serve its purpose in the future. But I think they sacrificed a deeper plotted/multiple character driven story to appease the general audience. They don't have to appease the fans entirely all the time, but more in depth dialogue would've made this more of a classic and not just a very good MARVEL film. I say all this with one viewing, so who knows, with multiple viewings I may start thinking differently. But for now, my least favorite is a tie between IM2 & TIH. I enjoy them about the same.
Captain America is my least favorite
I think Captain America was the one with the most wasted potencial, the first half was amazing, now the second was very weak. I think it had to do with trying to show Cap's entire life in WWII, and Red Skull being painfully generic. I didn't read many comics with him but from what i see he could have been much more interesting
Iron Man's sequels sucked. I've been happy with everything else so far.
It's between Iron Man 2, and Thor: The Dark World for me. At worst, I'd say they're only decent. But they're not good either. I used to have Iron Man 3 on their same level but I don't think it really is. That being said, it is the third worst MCU movie.
I have to wait for the home-video release of TDW and watch it with the other MCU films, to make a decision whether its the worst MCU movie or not.
I think Captain America was the one with the most wasted potencial, the first half was amazing, now the second was very weak. I think it had to do with trying to show Cap's entire life in WWII, and Red Skull being painfully generic. I didn't read many comics with him but from what i see he could have been much more interesting
I'm glad they decided to get through Cap's WWII life in one movie, tbh. Not just for the obvious Avengers set-up reason, but because his most interesting stories are set in the present, and his origin, while obviously hugely essential, is also just kind of that thing you have to get out of the way before you get to the good stuff, imo. Not that I don't love WWII Cap adventures, but in the comics I like them best when used as flashbacks to inform what's happening in the present.

Agreed about Red Skull though.
Iron Man 2 was my least favorite. Although, I do think Iron Man 3 and Thor: TDW aren't good as well.
Captain America, Iron Man 2, and The Incredible Hulk. All were weak
Easily Thor 2. The other films, while flawed, I still think had enough redeeming qualities to be pretty good. But Thor 2 was just a mess of a film.
The Incredible Hulk gets my vote, no doubt.
Is the X-Men series off topic? Cuz I really felt that the 2013 The Wolverine movie was the worst of all. I mean really.
After seeing The Dark World, the answer is still The Incredible Hulk.
Is the X-Men series off topic? Cuz I really felt that the 2013 The Wolverine movie was the worst of all. I mean really.

Well, it's not a Marvel Studios flick, but I agree that it's worse than anything MS has put out. Thor 2 isn't that far behind, though.
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I have no idea how anyone can think Captain America is weak. It's in my top 10 comic book movies of all time.
I have no idea how anyone can think Captain America is weak. It's in my top 10 comic book movies of all time.

Its definitely my favorite solo Marvel Studios film. Its pure Awesome with a capital A.
I have no idea how anyone can think Captain America is weak. It's in my top 10 comic book movies of all time.

It's one of my favorites as well, but the movie had its flaws. The pedestrian portrayal of Red skull and the hokey missions are what hurt the film more than anything else, but I do think that the attention to character depth was enough to overcomes that. For as much as I enjoyed it, TFA was far from perfect.
It's one of my favorites as well, but the movie had its flaws. The pedestrian portrayal of Red skull and the hokey missions are what hurt the film more than anything else, but I do think that the attention to character depth was enough to overcomes that. For as much as I enjoyed it, TFA was far from perfect.

I think as a character study, it's one of the most wildly successful comic book movies of all time. You truly come out of there with a full understanding of Steve Rogers, and who he is. They created an impossibly earnest movie in the age of soulless action movies. Every character moment in Captain America: The First Avenger rings true, which to me is enough to compensate for any perceived deficits it has as an action film.

I guess to me, the fact that it sold me on literally every character in that film and made me care about them, means more than the fact that "none of the fights were as cool as Hulk vs Abomination."
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I have no idea how anyone can think Captain America is weak. It's in my top 10 comic book movies of all time.
Agreed. Not sure where all this anti-CA:TFA sentiment comes from. An excellently acted and really well constructed film overall. Among the Marvel Studios films, it's only behind The Avengers and Iron Man for me. And I REALLY liked both the Phase 2 films we've gotten thus far.
I think as a character study, it's one of the most wildly successful comic book movies of all time. You truly come out of there with a full understanding of Steve Rogers, and who he is.

I couldn't agree more, and it's a travesty that so many people trivialize this aspect of the film, especially with all of the pseudo-intellectual babble that gets tossed about regarding TDK and others. One would think that people with an appreciation for the nuance and subtlety in one set of films would recognize those same qualities here, but apparently not.

All I'm saying is that for as good as it was, and for everything it did right, it did make some crucial mistakes that, at the very least, should be acknowledged, if for no other reason than the hope that they won't happen in the future.

It would be nice if the Divine Order of MoS could realize this as well.
I couldn't agree more, and it's a travesty that so many people trivialize this aspect of the film, especially with all of the pseudo-intellectual babble that gets tossed about regarding TDK and others. One would think that people with an appreciation for the nuance and subtlety in one set of films would recognize those same qualities here, but apparently not.

All I'm saying is that for as good as it was, and for everything it did right, it did make some crucial mistakes that, at the very least, should be acknowledged, if for no other reason than the hope that they won't happen in the future.

It would be nice if the Divine Order of MoS could realize this as well.

When Peggy and Cap talked over the intercom as he crashed the Valkyrie, I felt a legitimate sense of loss. I'd never felt that in a comic book movie before that point, and haven't felt it since.

The action itself isn't terrible. The chase scene with Steve and Heinz Kruger is great. Steve sneaking into the hydra camp was a blast, and the moment when Cap flies the bomber into the back of the Valkyrie is exhilarating. People get so bent out of shape over the montage, but there are moments of excitement in the film.
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