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Doctor Strange has found a director

Has there been any news on writers for this?

If not it's up in the air whether this or Thor 3 are the second 2016 film, since Thor 3 has writers but no director, and DS has a director but no writer(?).

Even after all the crap that just happened with Edgar Wright? My worry is Marvel doesnt seem to learn from its mistakes, and the hiring of this guy as director of one of their biggest new properties just screams of Marvel wanting someone they can control to me.

The fact is I cant help but be negative with Marvel, the way TDW went was a joke, and this was after TIH and IM2 had already happened. Phase 3 isnt off to the best start with Wright leaving Ant-Man and his replacement left a lot to be desired. I will probably still see it as I see every CBM movie, but right now my anticipation for Ant-Man is way down.

Conveniently ignoring how things went/are going with the Russo's, Black, Whedon & Gunn......
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So you're going to ignore TWS, which was excellent, and focus on just what happened on TDW? I'm sorry man, I think that is a poor mentality. Especially when James Gunn also hasn't had any issues with Marvel, either. So, that makes TWS, GotG, and AoU without issue. 3 out of 4. Bad way of looking at things.

But, but, but, but TDW! You must only concentrate on that one film in a universe comprised of 8 films going on 9 in August. LOL

This Phase 2 has been stellar for the most part. Early reviews of GOTG has me really pumped to see it.
I don't even agree with how TDW has become this black mark people seem to hold up as a sign of failure. I actually liked Thor: The Dark World, thought it was an improvement on the first film. It just had some shortcomings that meant it's not quite on the level of the other Phase 2 films.
I don't even agree with how TDW has become this black mark people seem to hold up as a sign of failure. I actually liked Thor: The Dark World, thought it was an improvement on the first film. It just had some shortcomings that meant it's not quite on the level of the other Phase 2 films.
Same here. I had no problem with this film really other than wishing we had more Malekith and less Darcy. I liked it a smidge more than Thor.
My two cents: I don't see how a degree of controlled studio interference is necessarily a bad thing. Sure, it could impose limits on an auteur's creativity; at the same time it could foster sandbox ingenuity and the director has to be extra clever in making his story fit within an established universe. It's a marriage between the studio's vision and the director's ideas, and like any marriage, some work out, some don't.
Personally, even though I'm not very familiar with Scott Derrickson cinematic work I am a Dr. Strange fan and have an interested in seeing how a horror themed marvel movie could work.
So you're going to ignore TWS, which was excellent, and focus on just what happened on TDW? I'm sorry man, I think that is a poor mentality. Especially when James Gunn also hasn't had any issues with Marvel, either. So, that makes TWS, GotG, and AoU without issue. 3 out of 4. Bad way of looking at things.

*lovingly pets and strokes Spider-Fan's post… over and over again…* :hrt:

The thing is that Marvel's "formula" is winning people over worldwide. The BO on each movie has increased, certainly internationally, and overall, Marvel's superhero movies have been well-received by the majority of critics, three of which hit the cream of the crop (two of those movies having been released in the past two years).

Their track record is not perfect, but, for me, the Wright stuff was really crazy unusual, especially considering Feige and Co. have such a strong relationship with Whedon, Gunn, Black, the Russos.

But we all have our opinions Mine is just more righter than yours :cwink::woot:
I don't even agree with how TDW has become this black mark people seem to hold up as a sign of failure. I actually liked Thor: The Dark World, thought it was an improvement on the first film. It just had some shortcomings that meant it's not quite on the level of the other Phase 2 films.

TDW was not perfect, but for me it was HELLA entertaining (and, um, better than the first Thor…) All of Marvel's movies have been generally well-received by the public, as I stated already.

But for fans, I guess, it has become this symbol of the failings of the MCU -- even though it was profitable and increased on the performance of Thor 1.

Just think about the dark ages of comic book movies. We've had so many stinkers that now that we're getting some great ones, the "merely" fun/entertaining/mixed reception films get forever lambasted on these forums, LOL! We've been spoiled!
I don't even agree with how TDW has become this black mark people seem to hold up as a sign of failure. I actually liked Thor: The Dark World, thought it was an improvement on the first film. It just had some shortcomings that meant it's not quite on the level of the other Phase 2 films.

I agree, I thought TDW was pretty entertaining overall. The main shortcoming of TDW (aside from Malekith not getting much development) is not spending enough time on developing the Warriors 3 and Sif. Sif I can understand since Jaimie injured her back during filming so they weren't able to do as much with Sif as they wanted (and she did get an AoS ep afterwards), but I really wanted to see more of the Warriors 3, and not as much of Darcy (I don't hate her like a lot of people on this forum do, I just wish there had been more with other supporting characters).

The TDW script had quite a few rewrites by different writers and it showed...since Thor 3's script is being written by just 2 people this time (Yost and Kyle), I hope it'll flow better and fix some of the shortcomings that TDW had. I also hope that whoever directs will be a fan of Thor and will have some awesome ideas for all the characters.
What's the old saying: "Opinions are like butt-holes, we've all got'em and they all stink". :oldrazz:

When did THOR 2 (TDW) become the poster child for a bad MCU movie? You got the very surprising [BLACKOUT]death of Frigga[/BLACKOUT], a really cool opening battle that was major Lord of the Rings meets Star Wars, and Loki at his most deceptively likeable self, the sudden [BLACKOUT]disappearance of Odin (personally I think he gave Loki the throne and took a vacation)[/BLACKOUT] and a new set of villains (from a now extinct alien race?). My only problem was being underwhelmed by the old song and dance that CBM's have suffered from: here's a major villain, now watch us under use him and then quickly kill'em off.

Oh and by the way, I personally love the DARCY character, but I'm biased being married to a similar quirky brunette that does science stuff. Haters can .. well you know. :BA (I secretly hope Jane dumps Thor or dies off soon though. Love the actress, but am bored with the character.)
TDW was awesome. A movie can be hugely entertaining despite it's faults, unless you're in internet land, where everything is either perfect or garbage, apparently. Same with IM3, that thing was wickedly entertaining yet you have people on here acting like it's the cause of death of cinema itself. Ridiculous.

End result: haters gonna hate. So let 'em. They're powerless. All they can do is complain ineffectually, they can't change the movie itself.
Conveniently ignoring how things went/are going with the Russo's, Black, Whedon & Gunn......

If reports are to be believed Whedon is out of the game after Avengers 2, will be interesting to see what happens.

But, but, but, but TDW! You must only concentrate on that one film in a universe comprised of 8 films going on 9 in August. LOL

Now you are conveniently forgetting movies, TIH and IM2? Even IM3 has a lot of people that dont like it.

This Phase 2 has been stellar for the most part. Early reviews of GOTG has me really pumped to see it.

Wow, Phase 2 has been stellar? And obviously only your opinion counts on this web-site? Phase 2 was poor until TWS came along, for me and A LOT of other people. IM3 and TDW were average AT BEST.

Though I am looking forward GOTG, the problem with that movie is, no one other than fans seems to care to see it. I spent an hour the other night trying to convince my brother and his friends its going to be good because they didnt like the look of the trailer.

But wait, I hate Marvel and only love DC movies, why would I do this :wow:.
If reports are to be believed Whedon is out of the game after Avengers 2, will be interesting to see what happens.

That was just a baseless rumor by another journalist with 'sources'. Hasn't been confirmed by any trades or any reputable website

Now you are conveniently forgetting movies, TIH and IM2? Even IM3 has a lot of people that dont like it.

Show me one person who has said the MCU is perfect. Like every single other studio in Hollywood, they have had missteps but they have also done a lot of good things which you refuse to acknowledge for whatever reason.

Wow, Phase 2 has been stellar? And obviously only your opinion counts on this web-site? Phase 2 was poor until TWS came along, for me and A LOT of other people. IM3 and TDW were average AT BEST.

Though I am looking forward GOTG, the problem with that movie is, no one other than fans seems to care to see it. I spent an hour the other night trying to convince my brother and his friends its going to be good because they didnt like the look of the trailer.

But wait, I hate Marvel and only love DC movies, why would I do this :wow:.

Yes Phase 2 has been great for a large number of people. I can go online and give you critic scores, audience reviews, cinemascores, box office numbers etc to prove that people liked IM3 and TDW. You think they are average and that is fine, you are more than entitled to that opinion but you make a concerted effort to villify the studio when they have frankly done way more good than bad and constantly focus on the negative.
T"Challa;29024261 said:
That was just a baseless rumor by another journalist with 'sources'. Hasn't been confirmed by any trades or any reputable website

Whedon negotiated a 3 year contract. He was waffling a little bit until Marvel decided to give him "consigliere" status and influence over all of the MCU. Does anyone really believe in their right mind that Whedon would agree to anything longer than that? That takes his power of negotiation right out of his hands should he want more money ...... and it'll be important to have that ability once the Avengers trilogy ends.

But of course someone obviously tries to spin this as a bad thing since he didn't sign for a 100 years.
Phase 2 was a vast improvement over Phase 1. I'm not strictly talking just in terms of quality, but also in terms of tone and overall world building. We are finally at a point where not only does each property feel like it has its own identity, as opposed to most titles feeling like Avengers promos, but references to the rest of the MCU no longer feel forced or shoehorned in. Contrast the way they used SHIELD in TWS to the way it was used in IM2 and Thor, as well as even the minor things like the callback to the IM2 senator and the Stephen Strange namedrop. They all feel a lot more natural to me. I also love the way Agents of SHIELD expanded on certain backgrounds in the universe, where you really the see impact the events of the films had.

But even if we're strictly talking film quality, I'd still rank Phase 2 over Phase 1. IM3 and TWS were vast improvements over IM2 and TFA respectively, with TWS being their best film IMO. I can't say the same thing about TDW, but going back to what I said before, at least it felt more like a Thor film.
IM3 average at best? IM3 is the best Marvel film, alongside The Winter Soldier in my eyes.
Whedon negotiated a 3 year contract. He was waffling a little bit until Marvel decided to give him "consigliere" status and influence over all of the MCU. Does anyone really believe in their right mind that Whedon would agree to anything longer than that? That takes his power of negotiation right out of his hands should he want more money ...... and it'll be important to have that ability once the Avengers trilogy ends.

But of course someone obviously tries to spin this as a bad thing since he didn't sign for a 100 years.

Also Drew Pearce hinted that Whedon would direct Avengers 3. Yes, it isn't confirmed and nothing is signed, but I would be shocked if he didn't do it. Especially after AoU makes a boatload of money again.
I thought IM3 was good. I wouldn't say it's great or a 5/5 effort, but I definitely think it's above average. There's a lot of really good things in it, but not enough for me to consider one of the best in the genre, which is what a great film is to me.
These people who "I FEEL NEGATIVE WITH MARVEL BLAH BLAH BLAH", just sit back, relax and wait for another PHASE of the MCU, there's no perfect film / movie and that is what will make this MCU great, it has its flaws which will be fixed by them in the next phases.

The issue with Edgar Wright is just a lesson they need to face and learned from, much as like the issue with the RDJ contract a few years ago and guess what? They've found a solution for that, that's why all the incoming actors in the MCU have a MULTIPLE PICTURE-DEAL.

You're NEGATIVITY will not help you, just be POSITIVE and enjoy the MCU.
At least for the duration of Joss Whedon's tenure my faith in Marvel is unshakable.
Has there been any news on writers for this?

If not it's up in the air whether this or Thor 3 are the second 2016 film, since Thor 3 has writers but no director, and DS has a director but no writer(?).

I'm guessing that Derickson will take on writing duty. He's written a few of his past films.
If reports are to be believed Whedon is out of the game after Avengers 2, will be interesting to see what happens.

Christopher Nolan also talked about how he was thinking of being done with Batman after THE DARK KNIGHT, but they got him back for a third film too. And Whedon said he wasn't sure if he'd be back for this 2nd film. A lot of the time it's just posturing to work towards negotiating a better deal.

Wow, Phase 2 has been stellar? And obviously only your opinion counts on this web-site? Phase 2 was poor until TWS came along, for me and A LOT of other people. IM3 and TDW were average AT BEST.

Disagree. IRON MAN 3 was, for me, the best solo film since the first IRON MAN film at the time of its release. And yes, it had its haters, but the gonzo box office would suggest it had plenty of fans too.

Though I am looking forward GOTG, the problem with that movie is, no one other than fans seems to care to see it. I spent an hour the other night trying to convince my brother and his friends its going to be good because they didnt like the look of the trailer.

But wait, I hate Marvel and only love DC movies, why would I do this :wow:.

You must be hanging out with the wrong people then, as everyone I know who follows films, even the ones not remotely into comics, are drooling with anticipation over GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. For many it seems to tick all the right STAR WARS buttons.
Sorry but anecdotal evidence is zero indication of anything. You have to look at more objective stats, buzz, etc. GOTG looks like it is gaining some decent momentum with the public.

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