Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - S2E2 "Heavy Is The Head"

Initial ratings are in:

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
18-49 Rating: 1.7
Viewers (millions): 4.54

(edit: just to point out, this is not the first time AoS has had a 1.7 in initial ratings. Both "TAHITI" and "Turn, Turn, Turn" were also 1.7 in initials - those were adjusted up in final numbers to 1.8 & 1.9 respectively. Given that the majority of the time AoS has adjusted up in final numbers, hopefully this keeps with the trend and adjusts up by at least .1)
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Here's the dialogue from the flashback prison scene...
Garrett: The quartermaster at your military school's an old buddy of mine. He told me about a pissed-off young cadet with off-the-chart eye-hand coordination who went awol, stole a car, drove over a thousand miles home only to try and burn the place down.?

Every time that line of dialogue comes up in a thread it screams Taskmaster. The way the MCU disregards tradition and origin stories for their characters seems to allow for Tony Masters = Grant Ward. Much as I dislike Ward, handled correctly he could become my favorite overnight in that scenario.

Well, besides Skye :hubba
or he pulled them out at he last minute, because he didn't have the stomach to kill them.

That's an interesting take, and one that makes more sense with pre-Garrett Ward. I like it!

EDIT: Although, honestly, I see the older brother as being more setup for a future appearance than the parents.

The show certainly focused on Ward's older brother's sadistic attitude towards him and his younger brother more in the beginning, but by the end of last season they started dropping hints on a bigger picture. We found out Ward's parents are worse than the older brother and that he also has a sister, of which we only know about is her existence. I'd be pointless to build up a family of six for Ward if the showrunners weren't going to develop a "family war" kind of storyline for the Wards, so I'm fully expecting them all to show up at some point in the season.
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I'm just gonna leave this here.

(First posted in the General Discussion thread.)
Side note: as far as a future appearance of the older brother goes, I'm on a half mind whether of not we haven't already met him. When Simon Kassianides was announced to be playing Bakshi on the show, I thought the actor's looks (similar enough to Brett Dalton IMO) and age (about 4 years older than Dalton) as well as the character's description (major recurring role, confident right-hand man who's not afraid to do the dirty work) were such a good fit for the older brother that I wondered if 'Bakshi' wasn't a placeholder name. Of course, since then the press release for "Shadows" added the first name of "Sunil" to the character and the episode airing has shown Simon playing Bakshi with a non-American accent, so I'm not so sure anymore. Then again, to my knowledge they haven't outright stated the name "Sunil Bakshi" on the aired episodes yet, so I'll likely be keeping a slim hope for the time being.

One thing that supports that theory is that Skyes was iced before she completed the facial recognition. From a production perspective, I think it was intented to show that there is something important to Bakshi, and it would be to soon for the audience to discover it.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear

Yup, I even deleted the excerpt you quoted above because of this news. Wasn't expecting Ward's older brother to be SO much older that HE'd be the senator, though. There's what, a 20 year old age difference between Tim DeKey and Brett Dalton? Wow!
There's what, a 20 year old age difference between Tim DeKey and Brett Dalton?

It didn't look like that big age gap in the flashback in "The Well". Perhaps they will make Tim DeKey look a bit younger. He certainly looks younger in the picture on that article.
Wasn't expecting Ward's older brother to be SO much older that HE'd be the senator, though. There's what, a 20 year old age difference between Tim DeKey and Brett Dalton? Wow!
That would be pretty big. I'm the oldest of five, and there's a 14 year gap (I think) between me and the youngest.
It didn't look like that big age gap in the flashback in "The Well". Perhaps they will make Tim DeKey look a bit younger. He certainly looks younger in the picture on that article.

It's possible, but in all likelihood it'll still be a big gap. Of the current 100 members of the US Senate, 11 are younger than 50, 7 are younger than 45 and none are younger than 40:

We can expect, then, at least a 10 year old gap between Maynard and Grant.
Do we really know exactly when this takes place? I mean...Skye seems to have become a fairly confident field agent (when last we saw her she was a newbie fresh out of training) and it's reasonable to assume that the nervous liar Simmons has been trained to be a good undercover operative...but theoretically this could be taking place during the time when the government is rounding up Hydra agents. I tend to doubt it though...its probably some new senator, if we ever meet them at all.

EDIT:....and nevermind...should have read the current page.
Every time that line of dialogue comes up in a thread it screams Taskmaster. The way the MCU disregards tradition and origin stories for their characters seems to allow for Tony Masters = Grant Ward. Much as I dislike Ward, handled correctly he could become my favorite overnight in that scenario.

Well, besides Skye :hubba

Aren't the characters from this show now incorporated into the Marvel Comics Universe? That would mean that Taskmaster is in the comics AND Grant Ward exists in the making them the same guy in the movie/tv universe seems a bit odd.

I dont read the comics anymore, so I might be wrong.
Neat episode. It was both intriguing and unnerving to see Coulson going through that phase with the alien writing while May recorded it. Clark Gregg also did a great job of depicting Coulson as being severely under pressure throughout the whole episode, though he also got some moments to be calm and collected too, like in his final scene where he talks to Talbot. It was also exciting to see the various intersections of conflict between the Absorbing Man, Hydra, Raina, the US military, and SHIELD. The season's off to a strong start.
Clark Gregg also did a great job of depicting Coulson as being severely under pressure throughout the whole episode
For me, one of the moments that this came through so well was just after his confrontation with Skye (where he tells her to clean out Hartley's quarters), as she's leaving the room, he says something that was clearly intended to be more light-hearted or humorous (I don't even remember what it was) and it completely fell flat and even he seemed to tell it was forced. Almost like he was going through the motions of trying to be Coulson, but without having his heart in it. It was a great portrayal!

though he also got some moments to be calm and collected too, like in his final scene where he talks to Talbot.
I am totally digging the Talbot/Coulson "mortal frenemies"/"best buds" relationship. I'm hoping that by the end of the season, Coulson is able to win Talbot over by his repeated good actions, and sheer force of personality.

It was also exciting to see the various intersections of conflict between the Absorbing Man, Hydra, Raina, the US military, and SHIELD. The season's off to a strong start.
Absolutely! It's going to be interesting to see what happens now that we have a new player, in terms of Team Raina/SkyeFather (can I call him SkyeFather?). Really curious to see how they know so much about the Obelisk, which has baffled SHIELD and HYDRA for decades.

I also really loved Mack's interactions with Fitz. It's really great that he's got the patience to treat Fitz with such respect. And as an amateur musician, I liked his play-by-ear vs. sheet-music analogy for his engineering skills -- it's a good mental image of the difference between them.
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For me, one of the moments that this came through so well was just after his confrontation with Skye (where he tells her to clean out Hartley's quarters), as she's leaving the room, he says something that was clearly intended to be more light-hearted or humorous (I don't even remember what it was) and it completely fell flat and even he seemed to tell it was forced. Almost like he was going through the motions of trying to be Coulson, but without having his heart in it. It was a great portrayal!
I believe it was the Yoga. Skye told him to try it and as she's walking out of his office he kind of says quietly "I tried it, but I'm really not flexible..." and then "But thanks." after she's already closed the door.

I also really loved Mack's interactions with Fitz. It's really great that he's got the patience to treat Fitz with such respect. And as an amateur musician, I liked his play-by-ear vs. sheet-music analogy for his engineering skills -- it's a good mental image of the difference between them.
Agreed, I like that Mack kind of found a way to work with Fitz - he doesn't have history with him so it's probably easier because he's not constantly comparing Fitz to what he used to be which kind of allows him to address Fitz how he currently is. If that makes sense.
Hey guys.. where is the thread for Ep.3?
or he pulled them out at he last minute, because he didn't have the stomach to kill them. We really don't know who his parents are, and by the way his brother was I can see them being real "a-holes" too

I think the "did you know your brother was in the house" kind of implies he didn't pull anyone out.

Anyway, his brother is apparently Maynard Ward. There's a Senator Stewart Ward in the comics. I wonder if they'll say it's his dad or just ignore the name. Seems too good to pass up, although I'm seeing a lot of Spider-Man connections so I suppose he's taken (not that people are going to fight over him).
The episode seemed a bit disjointed at the end. Coulson seemed to appear out of nowhere to stop Creel almost as if he had teleported in. Henry Simmons also seems a bit of a waste in his current role. No Dalton at all this week I see. Was his name still in the cast?
Aren't the characters from this show now incorporated into the Marvel Comics Universe? That would mean that Taskmaster is in the comics AND Grant Ward exists in the making them the same guy in the movie/tv universe seems a bit odd.

Good point. Have we been told with certainty MCU parallels 616 or whether the AoS title is even in 616? To be honest, other than Headpool I am purely 616-centric. You may be right on. To be honest I would much rather see them use the traditional TM identity and backstory but would take him however the gave him to us!
Its a very average episode but I liked this episode better than the premiere. Though when Caulson started carving those circles again, I laughed, there's something very weird about it and I don't really like Caulson as a lead.
Really awesome episode, one of my favourites yet! So much set-up and so much pay-off from the premiere :)

Love this new dynamic within the team. Tripp continues to be awesome (Aw hell no :D ) and Mack and Fitz's dynamic is really neat. I hope that continues and they work together as Science Bros, there's a nice brains and brawn aspect to them.

The obelisk continues to be a great macguffin. Really wonder what Skye, Raina et al actually are. Kree tech perhaps, but why are they immune? And what's the thing for other than indiscriminately killing people who pick it up??

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