The Last Jedi Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron (VIII)

Johnson said Bridge on the River Kwai was an inspiration. I don't want to look into it too much, but what if Poe is put into a First Order prison camp and has to help liberate it.

I honestly see Poe still biting it at some point. Probably in the ninth movie.
Johnson said Bridge on the River Kwai was an inspiration. I don't want to look into it too much, but what if Poe is put into a First Order prison camp and has to help liberate it.

I honestly see Poe still biting it at some point. Probably in the ninth movie.
At the Celebration conference Johnson actually specifically lists two films having been required watching for his crew ahead of shooting;
The Bridge on the River Kwai and Twelve O’Clock High.

Bridge on the Kwai may speak to the idea of (prisoners of war involved in the construction, defense of another super-weapon/means of navigation(I can see either Poe or Finn (rumored to infiltrate the 1st Order, roped into a scenario like this, where they will ultimately help destroy it).
Kwai very interestingly has characters with conflicting interests on both sides(ie Finn to his once fellow Storm Troopers, if that is the case).

Twelve O’Clock High however which features a leader trying to win over and revitalize an exhausted squadron of fighter pilots, tasked with the near suicide mission of flying raids over Germany, may speak more specifically to Poe's role.

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He's back partnered with BB8, although apparently they are going to need a new ship!


Is this going to be a running gag with him?
I think Luke had the same X-Wing for three movies, Poe can't hold on to one!:woot:
Curious to see what star-fighter he pilots next.
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Poe I wonder if they will make him the new Han in the sense of him basically becoming more like Han personality-wise
Poe I wonder if they will make him the new Han in the sense of him basically becoming more like Han personality-wise

That would be cool. I just hope that Poe has a much bigger role this time around
I hope Poe was the one who piloted the Millennium Falcon in the teaser. Quite frankly, Poe just doesn't feel like one of the main characters; he's like Wedge Antilles with more screen time right now, and Rey & Finn are the true main characters. I hope TLJ will address this issue with more clarity.
I hope Poe was the one who piloted the Millennium Falcon in the teaser. Quite frankly, Poe just doesn't feel like one of the main characters; he's like Wedge Antilles with more screen time right now, and Rey & Finn are the true main characters. I hope TLJ will address this issue with more clarity.

I'd like to see him fly the falcon. I think his part is supposed to be bigger, right? I didn't think he felt like a main character either. With all the merch and advertising he got for TFA. I expected him to be bigger. They probably should've marketed Rey/Finn/Kylo to be more accurate.
Poe flying the Falcon would be amazing. They'll probably turn it over to Rey though. The Falcon will be hers.
By birthright, next of kin, etc, the Falcon belongs to Kylo Ren ;) .
I get the impression Rey and Chewie will be flying the Falcon together.
Let's be real here folks. The Falcon should go back to Lando.
The Falcon seemed clearly passed to Rey and Chewie
The only one who should challenge that is Lando!(and it'd be fun to see him try).
Although he might fly it in a scrap, Poe has nothing to do with the Falcon.
Waiting for Poe to fly it next to somehow define him, has the reverse effect and diminishes his character into a wanabe Han, he needs to be and is defined without that.

Poe seems more a one man star-fighter pilot type. He doesn't need Rey's seconds, it's not him. His new one-man star-fighter should be on the cutting edge, leading the Resistance fleet!
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I don't think Poe's interested in flying a big, bulky freighter. He's a single-person starship kinda guy!
Business Insider - Oscar Isaac remembers shooting a 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' scene with Carrie Fisher 25 times

The Guardian - Oscar Isaac on Star Wars, Guatemala and his Dylan-esque backstories

He completed shooting on the new Star Wars movie, The Last Jedi, last year, and can offer only the usual heavily redacted clues. “The characters that you know already: their specific character flaws or their weaknesses get tested. And out of that, I think, you get to see a bit more of who they are. The best way to learn about somebody is to see them in a crisis.”
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He's back partnered with BB8, although apparently they are going to need a new ship!


Is this going to be a running gag with him?
I think Luke had the same X-Wing for three movies, Poe can't hold on to one!:woot:
Curious to see what star-fighter he pilots next.

One of the rumors I believed was that he upgrades his Black/Orange X-wing in this movie. I was hoping to see the next iteration of the X-Wing since it was said that the TFA X-Wing's were of the previous Gen.
I don't think Poe should pilot the Falcon; that's Rey's gig and giving it up to Poe at some point would feel sexist, IMO. However, he will definitely need a new ship (again). Maybe he'll steal another TIE fighter. Regardless, I do hope he has a bigger role this time around. He was cool in the last one but most of his scenes in the second half of the movie felt more like an afterthought.
I don't think Poe should pilot the Falcon; that's Rey's gig and giving it up to Poe at some point would feel sexist, IMO. However, he will definitely need a new ship (again). Maybe he'll steal another TIE fighter. Regardless, I do hope he has a bigger role this time around. He was cool in the last one but most of his scenes in the second half of the movie felt more like an afterthought.
Did they not say he was supposed to die in the last movie, but they changed it because they liked Oscar's performance? I wouldn't mind Poe piloting the Falcon. It's like when Lando did it in ROTJ.
Yeah but I feel like if they did that, they'd only be doing it to appease chauvinist fans who were like, "DURR A WOMAN SHUDNT PILOT THE FULCON CUZ THATS A MAN'S JOB DURR."
He's a pilot. It's only natural if the need arises, that he pilot the falcon.
Did they not say he was supposed to die in the last movie, but they changed it because they liked Oscar's performance? I wouldn't mind Poe piloting the Falcon. It's like when Lando did it in ROTJ.

He told JJ that he was tired of dying in every movie he was in and that was literally enough to convince JJ to change his fate.
Whatever the reason was, I'm just glad it worked and Poe survived TFA! He may still get killed off in episode 9 but in this one, I sure have hopes that he becomes established as a main character.

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