The Last Jedi Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron (VIII)

I love Poe and Oscar. I hope he gets to interact with Rey...its hard to say considering she'll be training with Luke elsewhere on a remote island. Do you think they'll interact? It was the one things that I felt disappointed with TFA but I got over it pretty quickly cause it is what it is. I just hope but maybe, TLJ could make up for it. :)
Not sure about that, I didn't even think about it until you just said it. Now I'm all concerned
I really can't see them killing off Poe. He just isn't important enough to kill off. They'll give him an interesting arc but otherwise the main story stuff will involve Rey, Kylo, and Finn. Poe's more of a second-tier character who supports the main characters. He might go through some big challenges - they shouldn't waste an actor of Isaac's caliber after all - but in the end I think he'll be one of the survivors who go on to rebuild after the dust settles.
I really can't see them killing off Poe. He just isn't important enough to kill off. They'll give him an interesting arc but otherwise the main story stuff will involve Rey, Kylo, and Finn. Poe's more of a second-tier character who supports the main characters. He might go through some big challenges - they shouldn't waste an actor of Isaac's caliber after all - but in the end I think he'll be one of the survivors who go on to rebuild after the dust settles.

you're under the impression that matters these days, the only people who get killed are ones who are no longer narratively important
NME - Actor Oscar Isaac On War Drama ‘The Promise’ and Star Wars movie ‘The Last Jedi’

Like Bale you’ve entered the world of film franchise mega fame. Given your increased profile since Star Wars and X-Men what’s the worst and best things about it?

“I seem to be signing stuff a lot more these days! Though for me it’s always fun when kids come to visit the set of a film like The Last Jedi. Even though it’s Star Wars, you’re still at work and like any work it gets boring. But then when you see the magic of what your hoping to create with the film through their eyes it’s very exciting and makes me realise how lucky I am. It’s a weird phenomenon where kids that haven’t even seen all the films are still obsessed by them.”

Thanks to playing Poe Dameron, has achieving a level of fame where you’re instantly recognisable taken getting used to?

“I’m actually grateful for it because it’s afforded me the opportunity to do a lot of different films. My lifestyle in New York and the way these things go hasn’t felt like a major shift for me personally. I can see it professionally with the parts I’m in contention for but I get left alone pretty much so I can still walk down the street.”

What can we expect from The Last Jedi? Is there a chance that Poe could drift to the dark side of The Force?

“The heroes get challenged very specifically. It’s almost like you get to discover their character flaws and those things get tested. Out of that I think you’ll get a much better sense of who Poe, Finn and Rey are because you get to really know somebody in a crisis. Star Wars is fixed in my calendar until at least 2020 so watch this space…”

We’ve recently learned that Gary Barlow will be appearing in the film…

“Who’s he?”

He was in a ’90s boy band called Take That. Did your paths cross on set?

“Unfortunately I was not part of that scene (laughs).”
How the **** does he not know who Gary Barlow is? I'm 26 and know - vaguely - who he is.
Two of the new trio of heroes Poe and Rey don't have that [first meeting], we never saw them meet on film, it happened off camera?
So how do people want their actual first on film meeting to play out?
I love Poe and Oscar. I hope he gets to interact with Rey...its hard to say considering she'll be training with Luke elsewhere on a remote island. Do you think they'll interact? It was the one things that I felt disappointed with TFA but I got over it pretty quickly cause it is what it is. I just hope but maybe, TLJ could make up for it. :)
For anyone who hasn't read it, and still curious this is how their first meeting happened in the Novelization


As others indicate, Last Jedi will pick up with her training with Luke, and I imagine Poe will be sent on his own adventure it may be a while before we actually see them in any scene together.

Not sure about that, I didn't even think about it until you just said it. Now I'm all concerned
Well it has to happen eventually.

What do people want to see as far as Poe and Rey's actual first on screen meeting?
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One of the rumors I believed was that he upgrades his Black/Orange X-wing in this movie. I was hoping to see the next iteration of the X-Wing since it was said that the TFA X-Wing's were of the previous Gen.
He better cause we already saw it blow up! :woot:
MSW is reporting the same, a new next-gen one-man fighter for Poe, that makes the most sense, that's his thing, and leading the Rebel squadron in it.
Don't need to see him pilot the Falcon that clearly went to Rey.

Can't wait to see Poe's new star-fighter!

Plus they are gonna need a new Rebel Star-fighter to $ell more toys and models:oldrazz:
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At the Celebration conference Johnson actually specifically lists two films having been required watching for his crew ahead of shooting;
The Bridge on the River Kwai and Twelve O’Clock High.

Bridge on the Kwai may speak to the idea of (prisoners of war involved in the construction, defense of another super-weapon/means of navigation(I can see either Poe or Finn (rumored to infiltrate the 1st Order, roped into a scenario like this, where they will ultimately help destroy it).
Kwai very interestingly has characters with conflicting interests on both sides(ie Finn to his once fellow Storm Troopers, if that is the case).

Twelve O’Clock High however which features a leader trying to win over and revitalize an exhausted squadron of fighter pilots, tasked with the near suicide mission of flying raids over Germany, may speak more specifically to Poe's role.


This sounds about right. Good point. :up:
I really liked Oscar Isaac in Ex Machina, he was one of the highlights of the movie. I felt he was kind of underused in TFA. So seeing him get more screentime and development is good....he certainly deserves it.
I do wonder how Poe might have been used in TFA if they hadn't written it originally with the idea that he was going to get killed in the first twenty minutes.
I do wonder how Poe might have been used in TFA if they hadn't written it originally with the idea that he was going to get killed in the first twenty minutes.

At minimum he would have needed some kind of personal challenge, character arc/growth, other than - hey he's back he didn't die! Which was all very thrilling, but not enough.
-On a personal level Rey obviously goes from being someone who is waiting for someone to define her path (who she is), stumbling upon it, running away from it, to finally taking it into her own hands, (literally when the saber flies into her hands) and she tracks down her father demanding to be trained. (that is the story people, the entire internet need to stop deluding themselves.)
-Finn is actually more personally active in pursuit of his own identity from the get go, willingly breaking rank and changing his situation by any means necessary, his choices come in what he is going to do with that freedom and identity, jump ship again or belong to something bigger.
-Poe has none of that, other than a few physical obstacles, who he is is never challenged, he is who he is from start to end.(and we love him for it:cwink:)
But with more time he likely wold have had a more personal antagonist, and at minimum a more personal challenge growth arc.

With what little he got though, he managed to snag allot of attention.:woot:
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At minimum he would have needed some kind of personal challenge, character arc/growth, other than - hey he's back he didn't die!
On a personal level Rey obviously goes from being someone who is waiting, for someone to define her path (who she is), running away from it, to finally taking it into her own hands, (literally when the saber flies into her hands) and she tracks down her father demanding to be trained. ( that is the story people, the entire internet need to stop deluding themselves.)

His first line in TLJ is "Who are you?"

Also, if she is a Skywalker, that will be tremendously anticlimactic. Why not just tell us in TFA? She is not a Skywalker.
These proportion probably won't bring about the steamy collapse as Sawyer's image above:woot:, but here is the first Pic Of TLJ Poe Dameron Minifig

I hope he gets a lot more screentime in TLJ and has many scenes with the big guys.
He will probably have a much bigger role in Episode 9 due to Carrie Fisher's death.
He should have a much bigger role, since he was supposed to die in the first movie and had to be shoehorned into the back half of the film. He didn't have an arc or story because he wasn't supposed to stick around.
He’s playing Hamlet on stage in NY right now. It’s sold out...but I’m trying to win the ticket lottery for it. Fingers crossed.
He should have a much bigger role, since he was supposed to die in the first movie and had to be shoehorned into the back half of the film. He didn't have an arc or story because he wasn't supposed to stick around.

Shoehorned...:huh: his role in the second half of the film made perfect sense. He's the best pilot of the Resistance. Why wouldn't the best pilot of the Resistance lead the battle at Maz's castle and the assault on Starkiller base?
He’s playing Hamlet on stage in NY right now. It’s sold out...but I’m trying to win the ticket lottery for it. Fingers crossed.
Good luck! Although you seem to have good luck in this kind of stuff. ;)

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