The Rise of Skywalker JJ Abrams is Writing and Directing Episode IX


I'm ok with this but they could have chosen someone else. They are playing too safe.

Ron Howard for Han Solo is too safe. JJ is just logical.
I love how some people act like playing it safe is such a bad or horrible thing. When sometimes it can actually be the best thing and turn out very well.
I love how some people act like playing it safe is such a bad or horrible thing. When sometimes it can actually be the best thing and turn out very well.

That does make me laugh. I don't care about safe or risks. I care about if it's good or bad. That's all i care about. You can take all the risks you want and fall off a cliff.
It could work out really well, or it could be lackluster. We shall see.

All this heavy backlash for The Force Awakens didn't really start until about when Rogue One came out, despite the movie striking a chord with audiences and getting great reviews. When the George Lucas helmed prequels had everyone on the internet in a tizzy and bashing Star Wars.

I think there's definitely an issue of indecisiveness at Lucasfilm where they are doubting themselves and not sure of what they want to do. Or they not on the same page with their directors. If they don't want the new crop of younger directors to take charge on these projects, then they really shouldn't hire them.
So, IX moves to December 2019.

Thought it would happen. So I guess now the logical step would be to move Han Solo to December, 2018 so that the gap of 19 months between the two films can be shortened, while keeping the Christmas release tradition at the same time.
Releasing Han Solo five months later is a bad idea anyway. A year gap is better. Breathing room and all that.
I think JJ is a good director, much better than Trevorrow. What I don't like - he's a writer too.
What's wrong with his writing? Not that I can think of anything he both wrote and directed.
Releasing Han Solo five months later is a bad idea anyway. A year gap is better. Breathing room and all that.

It works for the MCU. No reason it couldnt work for star wars.

But Im not surprised the film has been delayed until December. I said when the May release date was announced that the film would be bumped back to December.
The bad idea is releasing it a week after WW2 imo.
The bad idea is releasing it a week after WW2 imo.

You say that like Wonder Woman's not about to have a release date change now.
All this heavy backlash for The Force Awakens didn't really start until about when Rogue One came out
I noticed this as well.
]I think there's definitely an issue of indecisiveness at Lucasfilm where they are doubting themselves and not sure of what they want to do. Or they not on the same page with their directors. If they don't want the new crop of younger directors to take charge on these projects, then they really shouldn't hire them.
The underlying problem is that their prime motivation is just to make money. They hire those type of directors because that is what Marvel does, and Marvel makes money. I am not getting a sense of any overarching creative impulse or direction at the top (besides maybe including more women and minorities.) I don't think that was completely clear or confirmed for a lot of fans until Rogue One came out. Hence why the honeymoon period came crashing down as it came out.
It works for the MCU. No reason it couldnt work for star wars.

But Im not surprised the film has been delayed until December. I said when the May release date was announced that the film would be bumped back to December.

I think it works for the MCU because the other movies are separate franchises within themselves and they are at least different from one another. Doctor Strange is quite different from something like Civil War. Ant-Man is different than Age of Ultron.

I'm not saying it won't work, but look they've already pushed back Episode IX. Giving Han Solo more time after they fired the directors in the middle of production would only help Ron Howard and the whole production. Sometimes you got to just bite the bullet. They already replaced two fan-friendly directors who were a popular choice who make popular entertainment. So after going that far, do what's best for the film and push it back.
What's wrong with his writing? Not that I can think of anything he both wrote and directed.
The Force Awakens. It's world-building and story don't make much sense, even though they're redeemed by likable cast and characters they play, and overall well-executed adventurous tone.
I'm kinda indifferent to Abrams returning. The new release date though is a kick to the head for Wonder Woman, no way that film stays where it is now.
No problem with this whatsoever. At the very least I expect IX to have the same strengths as TFA, which will probably be enough for me. My only worry about IX, having not seen TLJ, is that we might get another Starkiller, but that's not related to JJ specifically because I've had that thought before.
What's the point of having a weapon like that?
What's the point of having a weapon like that?

Whats the point of any weapon of mass destruction? They are weapons of mass destruction, can defend, can intimidate etc. For megalomaniacs like Palpatine, Tarkin, Krennic, Hux, Snoke etc a weapon like that is irresistible.
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Well... Good. Now I can go back to anticipating TLJ.
If they start hitting the same general beats again I see it being an issue for some people . Not everyone likes the idea of the ring theory.
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If they start hitting the same general beats again I see it being an issue for people . Not everyone likes the idea of the ring theory.
The ring theory is a myth.
If they start hitting the same general beats again I see it being an issue for some people . Not everyone likes the idea of the ring theory.

As long as there are Rebels and Empire or any kind of semblance thereof, Star Wars beats will always be the same.
Would have much preferred Rian, but JJ's not a bad alternative. I do hope Rian still contributes to the script/story, though.

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