What if Fox had bought the MCU?


Krakoan native
Oct 31, 2006
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ok everyone so we all know about the what if’s in the comics so let’s have fun with this.

As we know, fox bought some marvel properties a few decades ago and the results were...not great. Disney ended up buying the rest of marvel and soon they’ll buy the foxverse characters to.

But what if fox had bought all the marvel characters? Not just the FF and xmen. I’ll go first.

- wakanda isn’t a country, it’s a city block in New York
- thanos isn’t purple. He’s normal coloured who gets tipped in a vat halfway through and we see him briefly looking almost comics accurate. He doesn’t do the snap.
- Valkyrie and scarlet witch don’t talk
- captain America is just called the captain
  • Ironman is made of pure Aluminium and Stark's suits keep getting corroded.
  • Thor doesn't own a Hammer, instead, he has a pneumatic drill (that requires a power supply to use).
  • Pepper Potts has a Pepper allergy.
  • Quicksilver is actually the slowest and laziest person in existence.
  • Ultron is actually a time (and reality) displaced Cylon
  • Loki is an Introvert.
  • The Mandarin (IM3) is actually a sentient Orange from another planet that wants vengeance against humanity for all of his brothers and sisters we've thrown into blenders.
  • Daredevil is … just that, a [blind] guy who does stunts for cash and often ends up in hospital after failing said stunt because he couldn't see what he was doing.
I don’t wanna invite those kind of negative thoughts in my life but Wakanda being a city street is HILARIOUS.
Nick Fury is kidnapped/injured/killed off before the Third Act of every movie.
Most movies involve some new big bad comes along that the Avengers can't stop by themselves, so they turn to Loki, who betrays them and ends up being the villain at the end.
Zemo is made into a lead Avenger while Cap, Thor, etc. are stuck on the sidelines with a couple of lines in each movie.
Aside from Zemo, Iron Man is made the lead character in every movie and gets a whole trilogy of his own films while again Cap, Thor, etc. get nothing.
Everyone wears black leather. EVERYONE!
Peter Quill and the Guardians of the Galaxy are turned from space adventurers into a dark and gritty take on a guy and his friends who work at a video arcade in the 80s. No place for outer space in any of these films. After it flops, Director/Producer/Writer Simon Kinberg spends the next ten years insisting the sequel will begin shooting any day now.
Thanos is turned into an evil corporate executive.
Squirrel Girl gets a parody series that strangely ends up being closer to the comics than any of their other movies. It also ends up being the most popular with critics and at the box office.
Ok I'll play along.

Bruce Banner is a body builder who occasionally experiences 'roid rage.

Doctor Strange is beloved General Practitioner/Family Doctor who moonlights as a magician doing kids birthday parties on the weekends.

Ant-Man is a highly respected entomologist.

Vision is an optometrist. A true hero who makes sure everyone can see the world with at least 20/20 vision. He could also be a Lasik surgeon I suppose, but that might be too fantastical and futuristic for Simon Kinberg. You all know how he likes to keep it "grounded".
Avengers (Cap, Hulk, Thor get Iron Man to join)
Avengers 2 (More Iron Man)
Avengers 3 (Iron Man saves the day)
Iron Man Origins
Original Avengers (More emphasis on Hawkeye, Hulk & Black Widow)
Iron Man: Armor Wars
Avengers: Kang (More Black Widow)
Iron Man: Extermis
Avengers: Thanos (Black Widow leads the team,takes place on Earth only)
Ant-Man 2
The avengers all wear black and cap doesn’t have a shield. He has a gun with a shield on it.

Iron man doesn’t wear his mask at all.

Thor dies in the third movie

Black widow only had two throwaway lines each movie.

Hawkeye is just in the background.

Hulk shows up at the end of each movie to give the finishing blow.

Thanos is a bald man in a suit who is trying to find the six computer discs code named infinity to wipe out America.

No other heroes make appearances. Only small cameos. Nick fury is only mentioned
Also, they cast the perfect people for inappropriate roles eg: Samuel l Jackson is Spider-Man
Jennifer Lawrence is cast as Thor, Captain America: Civil War pit the Avengers against, BP, War Machine and Falcon, Guardians of the Galaxy is a rock band and Thanos is warlord from Africa.
I bet they would have made rocket a bunny rabbit or something and then said “oh you wanted a raccoon? Wait for the sequel”.
Considering FOX's version of Galactus, I think it's safe to assume Thanos would be an asteroid...
Iron Man & Avengers movies
The GOTG based on the Tim Story F4 flicks would be Peyton Reed Ant-Man tier before they reboot The Incredible Hulk-style
As for Daredevil...
X-Men prequels...
something something SHIELD-related
Deadpool?...uh, Spider-Man
Proxima Midnight is a spooky grandfather clock

Red Skull would just be a motor cycle helmet

Killmonger would have been played by Chris Evans

Ronan the accuser is nyc prosecutor

Just think in an alternate universe out there, this is their reality and it's happening this year.
Fox I think mainly started looking into more individual based X-Men properties as comic films became so abundant in recent years primarily due to Marvel Studio's. Without this, I think they'd aim more for an event film every 3 years or so but that's going by how the movie industry was over a decade ago so who knows...

They simply would try to buy certain properties but doubt they'd do an MCU phase type approach. As far as if some bizarro situation played out where Rupert Murdoch was brainwashed into desiring a Marvel Studio's purchase above all else and Disney was brainwashed by some unknown alien technology into selling it off at a low enough price, things would be weird indeed.

I think they'd try and do some sort of direct crossover with the X-Men films then and say Feige is in charge while sort of meddling in terms of what's greenlit after a while. I don't know... They'd focus on individual based movies sooner rather than later as just not as much $$$ sources as Disney has.

Going back to how things actually played out with Disney purchasing Fox... Most recently, it seems Disney perhaps is considering utilizing Fox into developing films they otherwise couldn't per Alan Horne. I think there's reason to be satisfied there. It allows Marvel Films to continually expand some more.
Would Feige still have been in charge? probably kept in good hands, if so.
First off, this shared universe would not be a thing. It would be deemed as too "silly for Marvel characters" while DC brings out Crisis on Infinite Earths with a digitally resurrected Christopher Reeve and de-aged Michael Keaton and Lynda Carter. There would just be solo film after solo film not really going anywhere and each one is in its own universe. Plus Avi Arad would be in Kevin Feige's position. Imagine that.

And if there were "Avengers movies" they would play out as that. Just starting at 1 and so on and so forth, not really doing anything.

Also the source material for tone and story ideas would draw from this(I'm surprised no one bought this up):

Also the source material for tone and story ideas would draw from this(I'm surprised no one bought this up):

The MCU did do the whole Nick Fury & SHIELD rounding up the heroes for the Avengers Inititative. 10 years later not only did we get Ultimate Spider-Man, but we're getting that Nick Fury meets Spider-Man movie this year. Just one little tidbit though, the production of Fox's Marvel movies predate this source material by 5 or 6 years.
Would Feige still have been in charge? probably kept in good hands, if so.

If Fox took over this year then yeah probably just to keep fans goodwill at least at the outset. Whether he'd want to stick around of course another question entirely...

If Fox took over years ago though like pre-2012 then probably his role would be more noticeably reduced.
The MCU did do the whole Nick Fury & SHIELD rounding up the heroes for the Avengers Inititative. 10 years later not only did we get Ultimate Spider-Man, but we're getting that Nick Fury meets Spider-Man movie this year. Just one little tidbit though, the production of Fox's Marvel movies predate this source material by 5 or 6 years.

What I mean is the way the characters were depicted as the "flawed people" they are. We'd actually get a Captain America who says "F is for France" etc and Iron Man would sleep with Black Widow, along with Hank Pym abusing his wife etc.

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