Falcon and Winter Soldier Season 1, Episode 6: "One World, One People" (Series Finale)

Loved the part where Walker made a choice to save those civilians rather than go after Karli.

Was I supposed to care about Karli dying? It should have been sooner, what a waste of screentime.

Sam with the stop calling them terrorists BS. :whatever:

I'm sorry while some part of that Sam's speech was okay, most of it felt forced and the speech went on for too long. It did nothing for me.

Zemo asked his butler to take out the rest of the flash smashers. I should have expected this.

It's kinda adorable how much Walker wants to serve, he was so happy that Val gave him another opportunity to keep on fighting as the US Agent. This is a man that doesn't know what to do with himself if he's not fighting. And Black looks good on him.

Now the speech Sam gave Isaiah was perfect. Loved that Isaiah finally got his own place at the museum. Best part of the episode.

So that's it on the Buck/Yori arc. Wrapped it up in less than a minute. Underwhelming

Of course Bucky is invited to the cookout. He looks happy and at peace.

That was an okay finale and the worst episode of the whole show. Best episode was the fourth one. For someone that was looking forward to this show I'm kinda disappointed. Sam's arc was okay same as Bucky's but nothing compelling enough. John Walker had a better arc than the both of them.

I was looking forward to Bucky's talk with Yori and it was rushed, they shouldn't have Introduced the character if they weren't going to resolve it satisfactorily, it's like they just gave up on the storyline. Sam had good enough writing but I'm sorry the character still doesn't grab me that much. I like him, but he's never been my fav and this show did not change that for me. Walker and Zemo were the MVP of the show.

Overall Wandavision was better than this. And to think this was my most anticipated marvel series smh. Looking forward to Loki, wish marvel never moved it.
Good maybe even great finale. Only things that held it back:

- I don't think the show truly capitalized on the Flag Smashers. There's something that felt undercooked about that entire arc. Unfortunately they felt more like a plot device for the rest of main characters like Sam, Walker, Zemo and Sharon.

- I thought Sam's monologue with the GRC was way too on the nose. I feel like there's a way they could've condensed it while maintaining its coherency. It was a cringy 3 minutes which sucked because the concept of what he's saying is important, just felt like the writers approached it in a clumsy manner.

Other than I felt it was a more satisfying finale than Wandavision because we checked in with all the major players and nobody turned out to just be a Bohner.
I can really see both Sam and Bucky showing up in Black Panther 2. It kinda makes sense, if not
Captain America and the Winter Soldier season 2
Black Panther would make sense but Bucky was told to stay away from Wakanda for a while.

I do think there'll be a season 2 at this point though.
I like to add a missed opportunity for me: Rhodey should have watched Sams speech as well in the television, nods with a glimpse of a smile on his face. It would concluse his appereance in this show more and its such an easy shot to add. I wish we would appear in that final too to make at least 2 episodes.
Sam with the stop calling them terrorists BS. :whatever:

I'm sorry while some part of that Sam's speech was okay, most of it felt forced and the speech went on for too long. It did nothing for me.

I guess I will be the one to fight you on this. I understand you are most likely coming at this from a narrative angle rather than a political angle, but I think its an incredibly stretch to say Sam's words are bull ****. In real life, at any given time in history there are displaced people all over the world fighting to feed their families. There are always people who fight established regimes because they are oppressed. There are people even in the US who are called terrorists because they are standing up against broken criminal justice system or economic disparity.

Are the Flag Smashers terrorists? Sure. But if you are calling his statement bull ****, you are missing the point. Calling them terrorists fuels their cause. Leaves them left misunderstood and without recourse. Understanding their plight and committing to do something about it is the only way to get the violence to stop. When you have people without homes or food or power with nothing else to lose you will always run the risk of them standing up and forcibly taking it.

It's kinda adorable how much Walker wants to serve, he was so happy that Val gave him another opportunity to keep on fighting as the US Agent. This is a man that doesn't know what to do with himself if he's not fighting. And Black looks good on him.

Now the speech Sam gave Isaiah was perfect. Loved that Isaiah finally got his own place at the museum. Best part of the episode.

The idea that you side more with Walker and call him adorable says a lot imo. It's a bit disconcerting. Both are villains. They are both responsible for unnecessary deaths.

Except Walker just wants revenge, while Karli wants to change the world to help the downtrodden.
Black Panther would make sense but Bucky was told to stay away from Wakanda for a while.

I do think there'll be a season 2 at this point though.

BP2 comes out next year? Assume Marvel goes with real time that’s more than enough time lol
Perhaps it's nothing but might some of these characters show up in Secret Invasion? I say this because outside of Nick Fury and Talos (also may Abigail Brand if she's played by Emilia Clarke), we don't know if any other good guys show up, although we assume Monica will although nothing has been announced and Monica I would assume won't be the only superhero to show up if she does.
Loved the part where Walker made a choice to save those civilians rather than go after Karli.

Was I supposed to care about Karli dying? It should have been sooner, what a waste of screentime.

Sam with the stop calling them terrorists BS. :whatever:

I'm sorry while some part of that Sam's speech was okay, most of it felt forced and the speech went on for too long. It did nothing for me.

Zemo asked his butler to take out the rest of the flash smashers. I should have expected this.

It's kinda adorable how much Walker wants to serve, he was so happy that Val gave him another opportunity to keep on fighting as the US Agent. This is a man that doesn't know what to do with himself if he's not fighting. And Black looks good on him.

Now the speech Sam gave Isaiah was perfect. Loved that Isaiah finally got his own place at the museum. Best part of the episode.

So that's it on the Buck/Yori arc. Wrapped it up in less than a minute. Underwhelming

Of course Bucky is invited to the cookout. He looks happy and at peace.

That was an okay finale and the worst episode of the whole show. Best episode was the fourth one. For someone that was looking forward to this show I'm kinda disappointed. Sam's arc was okay same as Bucky's but nothing compelling enough. John Walker had a better arc than the both of them.

I was looking forward to Bucky's talk with Yori and it was rushed, they shouldn't have Introduced the character if they weren't going to resolve it satisfactorily, it's like they just gave up on the storyline. Sam had good enough writing but I'm sorry the character still doesn't grab me that much. I like him, but he's never been my fav and this show did not change that for me. Walker and Zemo were the MVP of the show.

Overall Wandavision was better than this. And to think this was my most anticipated marvel series smh. Looking forward to Loki, wish marvel never moved it.

I was really disappointed with the Bucky amends storyline. I feel like they could have shown him happy at the cookout without needing to add the part where he gives his book to his therapist with the names crossed off. I'm not sure how long the time jump was supposed to be between Sam's big speech and the cookout, but if it wasn't at least a few months that would be crap to me. Sam told Bucky to be of service, not just to say sorry. I would have liked to see him helping Yori with something. For him to be done amending at the end was kind of lame.
I was really disappointed with the Bucky amends storyline. I feel like they could have shown him happy at the cookout without needing to add the part where he gives his book to his therapist with the names crossed off. I'm not sure how long the time jump was supposed to be between Sam's big speech and the cookout, but if it wasn't at least a few months that would be crap to me. Sam told Bucky to be of service, not just to say sorry. I would have liked to see him helping Yori with something. For him to be done amending at the end was kind of lame.
In regards to Yori, what Yori needed help with was knowing why his son died, that had been the thing plaguing him for years and it was something that Bucky could do something about, it wasn't just him saying sorry, it was telling him the truth about what happened to his son (even though it would likely mean the end of their friendship)
Liked every episode. Except that last one. It was a bit sh**.
Overall I thought this show was pretty underwhelming, and weak writing at times as the points they wanted to convey were often way too on the nose, lack of subtlety.

The plot involving Enfys Nest, oh wait Karli, was dull, just a very boring actress.

Walker, Battlestar, Zemo, and even Sharon were more compelling and interesting than Sam and Bucky. Mackie and Stan have been good in supporting roles, but I thought this showed they aren’t really leads, Stan in particular at times came across as a male model out of his depth at acting.
Oh no i feel you man. The character took a dark turn, but i think it is what it is. I’m not sure how or why a skrull would choose her of all people to infiltrate. They couldnt have predicted the series of events that took place in this show occurring.
She seemed to have a lot of power already before this show as the Power Broker.

I still say she’s a Skrull. The people who turn out to be Skrulls are gonna be the smaller supporting players who’ve worked their ways up over the years while we weren’t looking, imo. She fits the bill perfectly to me.
Much like with WandaVision, I would assume that they had to change things in the finale due to the Pandemic.
Some established characters are going to be revealed as skrulls. Sharon seems logical given the random heel turn.

I really liked Sam's scenes with Isaiah in this episode.
I don't know if they'll go the skrull route with Sharon, but just in general it's okay for some skrulls to be antagonists. Not every human is a good guy, after all. But agreed on the tech thing.

In the comics there are various factions of skrulls, kree and so on.

The villainous skrulls are most like the ones loyal to the emperor.
There’s no way they would do Secret Invasion without villainous Skrulls, imo. Even if it’s a different faction or whatever (which I think is likely).
It seemed like they were trying to make the FS like Hydra in the end with people whispering “One world, one people” to surprise us as to who was secretly a bad guy, but it just didn’t work. I lost track of which ones had the serum and which ones were just regular people.

And honestly having all the action at night just made it visually hard to see. That new Cap costume deserves to be seen in daylight and surprised we didn’t get one shot of that. Instead the dark lighting made it feel cheap like an Agents of Shield episode.
There’s no way they would do Secret Invasion without villainous Skrulls, imo. Even if it’s a different faction or whatever (which I think is likely).

Roles likely played by Kingsley Ben-Adir and Olivia Colman. I tend to think that Emilia Clarke is going to be Abigail Brand. I would think that there will be some superheroes on Secret Invasion though, perhaps even some from this show.
Sam's speech was bit cringy almost Martha like in some moments. I feel writers basically gone all Hollywood during Oscar's speech on that one. Could have being bit shorter, quicker, snappier without being cringy.

On some moments episode felts Avengers like event and in some moment we got CW moments. I also feel we didnt need "thanks doc" scene from Bucky. And I am also underwhelmed with whole Sharon is Power Broker situation and as well end credits scene.

I will say I like US Agent outfit. But I can't say I much like Sam's new costume. It has potential to be amazing, but to me something felt bit off. Maybe color meshing or design they choose to with it. It's not major complain but Captain America outfit was always hard to replicate to look good in real life while being functional so I guess we need to go with it.

I also like Walker's arc at the end where he choose to save people instead going after Karli. He truly isnt bad guy he is just really flawed who lost his rock. Not suitable by any means to be Cap but he isnt villain. And could really be character which operates fully in grey.

Couldnt overall care less for Karli. That whole Flag Smasher arc felt to me like plot device to move characters forward in storyline. There was something missing in that arc. Like good part of story was cut in drawing board or writers room. Beside Karli all her followers were just not characters and just extras.

Overall show was really good on moments, felt high budget, good writing with good action and character development and on other felt really bad television like with cringy moments or underdeveloped storyline. I felt even action from episode to episode didnt feel consistenly good. In some better in some worse.

Ill just say I was entertained and that's what matter I guess. Could have being better? It certainly could have.
Loved the part where Walker made a choice to save those civilians rather than go after Karli.

Was I supposed to care about Karli dying? It should have been sooner, what a waste of screentime.

Sam with the stop calling them terrorists BS. :whatever:

I'm sorry while some part of that Sam's speech was okay, most of it felt forced and the speech went on for too long. It did nothing for me.

Zemo asked his butler to take out the rest of the flash smashers. I should have expected this.

It's kinda adorable how much Walker wants to serve, he was so happy that Val gave him another opportunity to keep on fighting as the US Agent. This is a man that doesn't know what to do with himself if he's not fighting. And Black looks good on him.

Now the speech Sam gave Isaiah was perfect. Loved that Isaiah finally got his own place at the museum. Best part of the episode.

So that's it on the Buck/Yori arc. Wrapped it up in less than a minute. Underwhelming

Of course Bucky is invited to the cookout. He looks happy and at peace.

That was an okay finale and the worst episode of the whole show. Best episode was the fourth one. For someone that was looking forward to this show I'm kinda disappointed. Sam's arc was okay same as Bucky's but nothing compelling enough. John Walker had a better arc than the both of them.

I was looking forward to Bucky's talk with Yori and it was rushed, they shouldn't have Introduced the character if they weren't going to resolve it satisfactorily, it's like they just gave up on the storyline. Sam had good enough writing but I'm sorry the character still doesn't grab me that much. I like him, but he's never been my fav and this show did not change that for me. Walker and Zemo were the MVP of the show.

Overall Wandavision was better than this. And to think this was my most anticipated marvel series smh. Looking forward to Loki, wish marvel never moved it.

I'm with you on most of what you said. I think I enjoyed the show more than you though haha. I enjoyed both Wandavision and this one about the same.

I was really glad to see Walker save the people!
worst post credit scene ever...
Some established characters are going to be revealed as skrulls. Sharon seems logical given the random heel turn.

I really liked Sam's scenes with Isaiah in this episode.
It wasnt a random heel turn. She hasnt been seen in years and I think this series really set it up well why she would be disillusioned and change. Its not like she got a whole lot of development before as I always found her to be generic. She actually has a personality and internal motivation now. Making her a Skrull would be too obvious and a copout for me. People in this universe should be allowed to do messed up things and live with the consequences of them and that includes our (former) heroes. The MCU is showing that this is something they are willing to do as we saw with Wanda. Not everything should be black and white and the setup for Sharon as a morally gray character is a good direction for her. It would be a waste to make her a skrull and have this development be for nothing
Loved the season finale.

Some of the critiques posted her are kinda nitpick-ish, but we're at that point with the MCU. The level of quality is so high, the best folks can do is fray at the edges.
I haven't thought much of the MCU's quality.

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