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Parts I and II (Spoiler Thread)

When you think about it, it makes sense that those dealing with Jedi hunting or the high ranking officers would have knowledge of it. Former Jedi or students who chose the dark side.

Except that wasn't the case. In the books post ROTJ, the Galaxy at large had no idea that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker until Leia revealed it in the reformation of the New Galactic Senate . Or that she was his daughter.
Its one of those things that wouldn't be hard to figure out, imo. Inquisitors have the most access to information on the Jedi.
I will say, I don't know whether I am beginning to get used to the stagecraft tech, or it was just used badly, but I am definitely beginning to see where the edges of the set are.

I think it's because of the way they move. It reminds me of that one scene from Loki where

Loki and Sylvie were racing through a city's streets to reach an escape craft. They're supposed to be weaving through streets, but since they filmed it on a set, they could only take like four or five steps in any direction before having to turn around. It makes things look unnatural. You can get a sense of the boundaries of the set because of how they move through it.
Except that wasn't the case. In the books post ROTJ, the Galaxy at large had no idea that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker until Leia revealed it in the reformation of the New Galactic Senate . Or that she was his daughter.

I figure Reva knows because she's (probably) one of those padawans from the beginning. She knows who Anakin is from her time with the Jedi, and probably pieced together that he's Vader over the past 10 years. Thrawn did it without as much information as she has.
I figure Reva knows because she's (probably) one of those padawans from the beginning. She knows who Anakin is from her time with the Jedi, and probably pieced together that he's Vader over the past 10 years. Thrawn did it without as much information as she has.
Some of them may have even seen him killing Jedi at the temple.
Its one of those things that wouldn't be hard to figure out, imo. Inquisitors have the most access to information on the Jedi.

It wasn't well knowledge that Anakin was renamed Darth Vader. That wasn't in the Jedi archives. Infact Anakin wasn't respected much by the Jedi Council, he wasn't even granted the rank of Jedi Master. He was known for being a reckless Jedi knight and apprentice of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
It wasn't well knowledge that Anakin was renamed Darth Vader. That wasn't in the Jedi archives. Infact Anakin wasn't respected much by the Jedi Council, he wasn't even granted the rank of Jedi Master. He was known for being a reckless Jedi knight and apprentice of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

As I said, figure out. And we know there is video of him killing Jedi.
Bail Organa, always asking for one last favour...

Now I'm imagining Bail like Dutch from Red Dead.

"You gotta have faith, Obi-Wan! Just. One. More. Job."

*Fifty hours of story remain*
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Except that wasn't the case. In the books post ROTJ, the Galaxy at large had no idea that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker until Leia revealed it in the reformation of the New Galactic Senate . Or that she was his daughter.

Books are irrelevant in live action. And as was mentioned already, ROTS showed Anakin's title became Lord Vader before the fight with Obi-Wan.
The Leia and Han relationships really feels icky when you realize this show and Solo more or less take place at the same time.

That's what I thought about while watching last night's episodes as well.


The Leia and Han relationships really feels icky when you realize this show and Solo more or less take place at the same time.
How so? They're both adults by the time they meet, and only about half a generation apart in age, just like a lot of real-world stable, mature, adult relationships.
I rewatched Part I & II with my wife, enjoyed the parts I liked more this time, and felt the same about the stuff I did not enjoy (Leia chase scene, Reva's character, The Grand Inquisitor's final scene... etc.) Ah well. That tease at the end is enough to get me excited for Tuesday.
It wasn't well knowledge that Anakin was renamed Darth Vader. That wasn't in the Jedi archives. Infact Anakin wasn't respected much by the Jedi Council, he wasn't even granted the rank of Jedi Master. He was known for being a reckless Jedi knight and apprentice of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The clones in the Temple massacre would have been calling Anakin Lord Vader just like they called Palpatine Lord Sidious after their chips activated so any Jedi in the Temple could have seen and heard Anakin being called Lord Vader. And just because some surviving Jedi or an Inquisitor knows Vader is Anakin doesn't mean its common or public knowledge.

The Leia and Han relationships really feels icky when you realize this show and Solo more or less take place at the same time.
They're both adults when they meet. Han isn't a pedophile, we know he began dating her when she was 21, and we know Han wouldn't have dated her when she was 10. So there's really nothing icky about it.
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I just dated a 23yo for a few months and I’m 33… it’s not weird. I went into it more hesitantly than her. Even her parents were ok with it.

I felt it was a shaky and weaker start than I was preferring. The characters and their dynamics felt more clunky and mismatched, to me, mostly. I thought the structure of things was off.

I think the character of Reva isn't intimidating, or interesting, so far, to me, and, to me, has clunky forced scenes, moreso. I'm not sure if it's the writing, directing or acting or some combination of those, but I don't think it has a lot of weight, to me, so far.

The Obi-Wan outright rejecting helping rescue Leia, a child, I thought was dumb. I think there's no reason to make it like that, in that way. I'd like to give the show the benefit of the doubt, that they were writing that as, 'Obi-Wan knows Inquisitors are nearby and that doing something could draw attention and get Luke killed/captured, maybe even draw them to Leia and her potential, though he is tormented by the past, but pushes himself to try and accomplish the final goal of securing Luke's destiny, thinking that's all he has left to do, that fighting can't help from his end, but ensuring Luke's survival will help', but I don't put my faith in normal humans, so I think it's more to justify and/or refer to TLJ's punk whiny pathetic coward loser Luke Skywalker.

Not opening the Obi-Wan show on Obi-Wan, in it's present, I thought was dumb.

I felt the previously on was forced. I felt it'd have worked more, to me, if it's used more as a nightmare Obi-Wan is having and the nightmare reaches the part where Anakin is burning alive, intercut with Padme dying and Obi-Wan agreeing to watch over Luke, Bail saying he'll take Leia, Obi-Wan giving Luke to Beru and Owen, then showing Anakin burning alive, more and more, with the music rising and getting more intense, with Obi-Wan saying he loves Anakin, and Anakin screaming that he hates Obi-Wan, SMASH CUT to Obi-Wan waking up from his nightmare, as the words "I have failed you, Anakin" echoing in his head, and then show him going on about his day. The deal with the other stuff.


Continuity wise (and maybe they'll do this, but in a different way, but I'm not sure if it's pointed in that direction), I think it could've worked more if Leia doesn't know he's a jedi and he tells her his name is Ben and she never learn a lot much else about him. They can still bond, she can begin to trust him (she doesn't fully know how, but she can feel his emotions, his pain, the fear he has of being caught, how closed off he is because of these things and his desire to protect someone close to him and that he helps her in spite of it), he likes her (maybe her sassyness reminds him of Anakin). Leia, someone who had no real idea of the outside galaxy's suffering and those who take heroic action in spite of it, is inspired by this man's heroic actions. Obi-Wan is reminded of the drive to fight (having thought that all his destiny was left was to teach Luke) in this little girl's drive and resilience. The story concludes...

Then in ANH time, her dad tells her to get Obi-Wan Kenobi's help. Leia doesn't know who this is, though she agrees and gets the death star plans, goes to tatooine to give them to him, but gets captured. Then later, when Luke comes in, he tells her, "I'm here with Ben Kenobi." Leia's moment of surprise with the line, "Ben Kenobi?!" is now re-contextualized as a realization that the man who rescued her as a child, who went by Ben, IS Obi-Wan.


LEIA: The Leia actress I feel like, was probably 8 or something when they filmed this, if she's 9 now, like I've read. I'm put off by that. Cast a 10 year old to play a 10 year old. Why not do that? Or, at least, set this 7 or 8 years after ROTS, instead of 10.

BREHA ORGANA: In theory, I can understand not necessarily casting the actress who played Breha Organa in Revenge Of The Sith (Rebecca Jackson Mendoza), as she's not an active actress, as far as I've read (even though she's done a few other things or so and, as far as I've read, is still capable of performing), but they race changed the character: The Breha Organa actress is filipino, not maori. This is a thing I could understand if there was some shortage of filipino actresses, or it being harder to find as far as more active actresses go, but as far as I think I've seen in the past, there's not. If you can't get her, at least cast her sister, who is a more active actress (Natalie Mendoza)or, at the very least, cast another filipino actress.

I may not care that much about racial issues, like this, but I prefer consistency. The bare minimum I push for is that the characters be the races their characters are supposed to be.

I think either...

Natalie Mendoza

Nia Peeples


Lea Salonga

Are all more race accurate castings, for example, than who they cast for Breha Organa.
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I was one of Book of Boba Fett's most vocal haters when that show was running, and that hurt my enthusiasm entering this show. I watched both episodes today, and not bad at all. I hated the prequel films, and the flashbacks here don't help my personal enjoyment. But the core story of the show I actually quite like so far. I don't think it has been Mando good through 2 episodes, but this feels like a show I can watch until the end and enjoy.
I will say for all the criticisms I gave over the Grand Inquisitors make up, I am quite pleased with the cg used on his eyes. Just enough when we get good look at his eyes, the resemble the Rebels model.

I'm liking the little bits we got about Reva. My personal theory, based on how the other Inquisitors look down on her, she was a failed applicant to the Jedi Order. Or someone with talent that Obi-wan refused to train because she was too old.
Some of the conclusions being jumped to are interesting and funny. We don't yet know for sure the GI is dead. Maul got cut in half and came back, so no reason to think the GI couldn't have survived. It's hard to think they'd make that big of a continuity error, since they are using him here and know he comes from Rebels lol. Also, just because Reva knows Vader is Anakin doesn't mean the other inquisitors do. If few people are supposed to know, seems she's one of those few.

I just recently started on Clone Wars, and never saw all of Rebels (that's next after CW). Was this the first time we've seen subtitles for the Jawa's language, or did that happen on one of the animated shows?
I enjoyed it. The Grand Inquisitor scene is... concerning. But for now I'll hold on to hope they're not so incompetent as to **** over continuity THAT throughly.

Ewan was great. The brief moment of Joel were great. I must mourn for the version of this show that was wholly a Western set on Tatooine. But we've got what we got, and I remain hopeful that, if nothing else, we get quality McGregor content for the next 4 episodes.
I will say for all the criticisms I gave over the Grand Inquisitors make up, I am quite pleased with the cg used on his eyes. Just enough when we get good look at his eyes, the resemble the Rebels model.

I'm liking the little bits we got about Reva. My personal theory, based on how the other Inquisitors look down on her, she was a failed applicant to the Jedi Order. Or someone with talent that Obi-wan refused to train because she was too old.
One of the youngling's was a little black girl. That flashback has to be connected to one of the main characters and Reva seems the most likely.

My guess is she is bitter because Obi-Wan abandoned her and the other younglings. Telling everyone to go into hiding. She and possibly other younglings were captured, she was tortured into executing the other younglings, and she fell to the Darkside, and she hates Obi for all of it. Thats how it played out for Trilla in Fallen Order.

I had never given it much thought, but Obi, and Yoda in particular, were pieces of **** for abandoning the children. Yoda was the Grand Master and the first teacher of everyone in the Temple. The children were his responsibility, and he just abandoned them like they didn't matter.
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