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Confession is good for the Hype. - - - - - - Part 15

My Walmart has a ten cent tax in every plastic bag used. It’s actually a tax set up by the town and people act like it’s the end of the world.

I work part time at an animal shelter and there is a young guy that has been there a month or so. He has a quick temper and makes some of us nervous. He’s been seen throwing cats if they annoy him. I once caught him shaking a cat carrier because the cat inside hissed at him. I told him to calm down and he went off on me, saying he’d be there for three weeks and it hadn’t gotten better. (It was an older sick cat that hissed at everyone.) He told me to handle it next time and I told him to let me know if he ever needed help. I did tell him that he might be in the wrong job. He’s still touchy but he seemed to have calmed down a little. He did chase one cat into another room and sat “I don’t know what I’ll do with you.” He’s yelled at the dogs and cats to shut up.

Apparently yesterday he had a complete meltdown because some of the feral cats wouldn’t get into the cat carrier. They got moved into another building away from him. Several of us have said he needs to leave but the boss says she doesn’t know what to do with him.
I know what to do with him -- fire his ass. He's clearly not suited to work there.
Dude sounds like a mental case who probably shouldn't be around animals.
They’re afraid of him. He’s a young black guy and they’re a bunch of old white women. The rest of us aren’t exactly brawlers. They would probably want someone there with them when he gets canned but I don’t know who it would be.
Way too hard. It’s always “me first.”

Dear Customer,

When you insist that we make a pair of large sandwiches, one of which isn’t in our menu, and then you cancel, it is a problem. When the employee tells you it’s “no problem,” that’s a lie.
I confess that a lot of my anxiety comes from watching too much news and seeing too many people being mean to other people. How hard is it to just be nice and respectful to each other? :(

This is why I canceled my cable service! Youtube premium, netflix and Spotify are my allies now.

I kinda live in a bubble, which I know it's not the best, but it works for me.
Do you want to be more social? Maybe join some clubs, find groups with similar interests?

I'm late responding to this but the reason I am is because after I made my initial posts, I kind of retreated into myself and as you all may have noticed, I've just submerged myself into my work.

The truth is, I have massive anxiety like many others and I've suffered from depression for some years now.

My problem now isn't necessarily being social, I'm just naturally very skeptical about some of my experiences and I'll explain why.

I've had a lot of instances of people I would expect to be able to trust turning their back on me. There was a point some years ago where everybody within my social circle always wanted my time, mainly because they felt they had something to gain from it.

I realize how this will sound but truthfully I'm not trying to make myself seem like this "all important" figure or anything like that. Being straightforward, I had a lot of friends that were in the streaming world & we were all connected through gaming & stuff like that. For quite some time, my head was definitely up my ass. The thing that got it out was when my dad got sick at the end of 2018. It came out of nowhere. One day things were fine, the next, he has a heart attack & we find out he had cancer. He went to treatment for a little while but then decided to stop going because he was just tired so I understood his decision. I was hoping he'd get better but I lost him in March of 2019 & I haven't ever been the same. It'll always haunt me knowing that I was sleep in the room above him. Waking up to my sister sitting at the edge of my bed & having that gut wrenching feeling of knowing exactly what she was about to tell me. That I feel like I should've been able to do more. That feeling of powerlessness...of knowing that he's no longer here.

In a lot of ways I wish I had been a better son, that I was more appreciative of the time I had with him. Because the truth is my dad was my hero, and even if it's been 4 years, it still hurts like Hell thinking back to seeing him sick & knowing there was nothing I could do.

What hurts more, and how this connects to everything else, is that all of those friends chose that time to thrust me into the middle of their drama and make me the center of it. After months of keeping to myself, I went to one of my streamer friends to talk about it, only for her to literally tell me "it's not my problem, go **** yourself."

This same person I went on to help a year later when she ended up stranded away from home, only for her to continue to try to smear my name in any way she can even to this day. Even after we talked and she said there was no hard feelings & I said she didn't owe me anything, that I just wanted to help out because it's the right thing to do.

I'm not trying to make myself out to be a saint, I'm definitely not. I've had a lot of struggles with various things. Losing my dad sent me spiraling down, especially when those so called friends thought that was a perfect time to stir up drama and put me right in the middle of it.

Since then I've dealt with so many things, I've pushed so many people away. I've dealt with addiction in various forms, including alcohol (I am currently 10 months sober) & that all led to me pushing away the one person I cared about most. The person who was actually there for me when I needed it the most & saved my life back in 2019.

I've been trying to rebuild that bridge, and it's been hard. I've often thought the people around me would be better off without me.

Don't worry, this isn't some sort of goodbye message and no one needs to be called. Because I'm realizing something I want more than to run away from everything. And it's to prove that I can do this. That I'm committed to self-improvement & paying it forward to my family and the people that matter to me the most. To rebuild those bridges and make them stronger than ever. I'm tired of entertaining the thought of giving up, the thought of not having a future because I don't feel I'm good enough for the things I want out of life.

I've seen so many people take their lives under certain circumstances. And I'm at a point where I want to do this to prove to other people that things do get better. I want to keep moving forward, to truly redeem myself, to make my father proud and to prove to myself that I'm not a failure. Most importantly, I want to be happy again. I experienced a great deal of that happiness between 2020-2021, but I couldn't get out of my own way & like I said I pushed away one of the people I cared about most.

So that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Sorry for the incredibly long post, just felt it was time to let all of this go and this community, even if I'm not as active as I'd like to be now adays, is one of the places I feel there are genuinely good people all around.

If you made it this far, thank you all for listening/reading. :heart:
Thank you for sharing and I'm sorry you had to go through all of this essentially on your own. They do say you find out what type of friends you have when people close to you pass. It's sad that you had to learn that the hard way. But it's good that you know how you are and you're making steps to get better no matter how long it takes. I hope things work out for you and the people you pushed away are understanding. Hope you have lots of luck.
Dude sounds like a mental case who probably shouldn't be around animals.
They fired him after he punched a cage. A cat scratched him and he hit the cage hard enough to dent it. He was proud of that. He warned the other worker to not tell anyone but she did, thankfully.
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Wildcard, I’m sorry for everything you went through. Nothing makes losing a loved one ok but now at least you know whom you can and can’t trust.
I confess that while her politics make me sick, I kind of find Maria Bartimoro to be attractive
I confess that while her politics make me sick, I kind of find Maria Bartimoro to be attractive

I feel the same way about Lauren Boebert and Catalina Lauf.

I’m very frustrated with my apartment complex. Two weeks ago they set up a new online rent payment website. Rent is due tomorrow but according to the site I don’t owe anything. A few months ago they threatened to evict me for nonpayment on my first two months. Then they said my cashier check bounced. Then they said it was a computer glitch and took the incident off my record. They don’t return calls and I work when the office is open. I’ll have to see the boss on my lunch.
She posted the rent last night, so I’m not having a heart attack anymore. I would think that it would be better to have a couple days notice with at least an estimate of what is owed but I’ll deal with it.
She posted the rent last night, so I’m not having a heart attack anymore. I would think that it would be better to have a couple days notice with at least an estimate of what is owed but I’ll deal with it.
That's a crappy set up if it's that's glitchy. :( Geez....
I like my apartment and I don’t mind my neighbors but the management always seems to be in chaos.
i confess and hate how vulnerable i feel right now
i don't even know how to describe it. i just feel more emotional and weak right now. it's probably fatigue and/or my back problems i'm dealing with at the moment

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