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Picard 3x03 "Seventeen Seconds"


Pretty in pink
Dec 6, 2013
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"Picard grapples with an explosive life-changing revelation, Titan & crew try to outmaneuver a relentless Vadic, and Raffi & Worf uncover a plot from a vengeful enemy Starfleet has long since forgotten."
Well, I guess I know how its a DS9 continuation.
Yeah when they mention the changing faces in the previous episode that was my first thought.
So it seems they want to just turn this into a DS9/TNG thing. DS9 is my favorite, but that isn't TNG. They are different. I think too much time has passed that now everyone who grew up with DS9 are just trying to make Star Trek an extreme version of that.

So with Kirk we had the cowboy captain, Picard we got the Stern, diplomatic, thinker with Riker being his mini Kirk. Then we got Sisko who has the tragic loss mix with being a single father raising a son. This season turns Picard into a father with the tragedy of loss, in not raising his son. So it feels like they just mushed everything together.

So this season is just going to be about Parents and their kids, which makes me wonder what they do about Worf and Alex. I don't like the Worf and Raffi teamup, I wish they would just ditch her. Everytime they cut back to Raffi it just brings the show down.

I thought LaForge's daughter talking to seven was forced drama. She may have gotten into Starfleet because of Geordi, but you don't become an officer because of it. It still takes merit. So i don't buy her backstory, they should've left it with just the crashing shuttles. Not everyone needs some tragic backstory. I also don't buy that the chief medical officer on the Titan can't recognize that her patient has internal bleeding. That scene would've worked more with a lower ranked medical officer. I also didn't like the way Shaw gives up command, they could have done that differently. It was very spiteful, and not very Starfleet. Usually a Captain has to be forced by medical or someone to relieve command, even when injured. The captains that have been doing it for a while don't just hand over the ship so easily. I know they needed to get Riker and Picard in command for the show but they could've done it better.

I am not yet sold on the rogue faction of changlings though and what they have to do with Picard. Maybe as a borg he killed some or something who knows.
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So this season is just going to be about Parents and their kids, which makes me wonder what they do about Worf and Alex. I don't like the Worf and Raffi teamup, I wish they would just ditch her. Everytime they cut back to Raffi it just brings the show down. [/SPOILER]

While this season 3 is a huge improvement over the last two seasons, Raffi also brings this season down a bit for me. I do wish the character would be abandoned - she has never felt like a character who fits into the Star Trek universe.

That said, this is the best Star Trek we have gotten since 2005. It actually feels like Star Trek. However, it's not perfect. This season so far is a solid 7.5/10 for me.
First Contact references in this episode:
  • Picard accuses a sensible man of cowardice for wanting to run instead of fight.
  • Raffi expresses frustration exactly like Lily did.
  • They get Picard to shout "Heah!"
I do love the concept of a show dealing with something that was first introduced in another series. I jumped on the Enterprise E Dominion War books back in the day. I am however, torn on the use of the Founders. The idea of radical Founders is an interesting one, considering the whole idea of breaking with the Great Link is an anathema of what they are trying to recreate. However, without Rene Auberjoinis and Odo, it feels like a grave mistake. It is going to be missing a big piece of that story line, that just makes it harder to do. Much like how a DS9 reunion will always have a big hole in it now. Worf's roundabout mention of Odo really hit me hard.

The episode was great in getting Crusher and Worf the screentime to bring them up as being in the show. I loved Crusher being back in sickbay, and seeing Jack being useful in sickbay. The talk between Crusher and Picard was great, with pretty much all the reasons I suspected she left being mentioned.

Dorn was great as Worf. His voice has definitely changed, but I'm glad they leave it as it is. No digital fakeness needed. "Son of Mogh, House of Martok" etc, etc, was great. I still like the Worf and Raffi pairing. Let them bond over being bad parents.

It was fun seeing the reversal of the Picard and Riker dynamic. It is good to remind people that Riker had his own command, and he doesn't need to blindly obey Picard. He was a bit rough on Picard, though.

I did like the Sydney/Seven scene. It was good to see that not all the crew followed Shaw's lead in terms of attitude. Besides, you gotta keep setting up that Seven spin off, now...
Dorn was great as Worf. His voice has definitely changed, but I'm glad they leave it as it is. No digital fakeness needed.
Worf's voice has a Godfather quality now. It suits his new role as someone who pulls strings.
I wonder if the Founders are a distraction, and that the vengeful, forgotten enemy are the berserker machines from season 1. The Daystrom Station theft could be a prison break, if the self-aware megalomaniacal computers were recently transferred there from Okinawa. Lore being Lore, he'd get involved to play both sides in order to resurrect Data from B-4's memories.
I also don't buy that the chief medical officer on the Titan can't recognize that her patient has internal bleeding. That scene would've worked more with a lower ranked medical officer.
I'd guess that sickbay has specialists in human medicine, just that they were busy or injured at the time. That sign of internal bleeding might be something peculiar and counterintuitive about human physiology that the Trill doctor wouldn't be expected to know. Dr. M'Benga only knew about the vital role of pain in the Vulcan healing trance because he interned on a Vulcan ward, and that's medical knowledge that would probably seem obvious to any Vulcan.
I'd guess that sickbay has specialists in human medicine, just that they were busy or injured at the time. That sign of internal bleeding might be something peculiar and counterintuitive about human physiology that the Trill doctor wouldn't be expected to know. Dr. M'Benga only knew about the vital role of pain in the Vulcan healing trance because he interned on a Vulcan ward, and that's medical knowledge that would probably seem obvious to any Vulcan.
M'benga is from a different time, So by the TNG time there is much more knowledge about various aliens races. Especially ones in The Federation. Also Shaw is human and this is Starfleet. The Trill doctor is head medical officer on a Starfleet Vessel, she would know all about human physiology or else the doctor would be another Human. This is of course conjecture, but I think a pretty good assumption.

Anyway, I think we will see the Picard Maneuver to solve this ship battle. Now that we know they are changelings I hope we see some of them turn into those space creatures we saw from DS9 Chimera episode. I always thought that was a cool concept seeing them fly in space.

That moment between Picard and Beverly was intense.

Even though Worf is older and wiser, he still got that flare.

Damn it Riker vs Picard argument was golden
I wonder if the Founders are a distraction, and that the vengeful, forgotten enemy are the berserker machines from season 1. The Daystrom Station theft could be a prison break, if the self-aware megalomaniacal computers were recently transferred there from Okinawa. Lore being Lore, he'd get involved to play both sides in order to resurrect Data from B-4's memories.

I wouldn't necessarily rule out an alliance with someone else, I doubt the Founders are anyone's underlings. Also, I believe Lennox already removed Data's memory engrams, and he used them to create the daughters with Soong. The engrams that were then deleted at the end of season 1.

I'd guess that sickbay has specialists in human medicine, just that they were busy or injured at the time. That sign of internal bleeding might be something peculiar and counterintuitive about human physiology that the Trill doctor wouldn't be expected to know. Dr. M'Benga only knew about the vital role of pain in the Vulcan healing trance because he interned on a Vulcan ward, and that's medical knowledge that would probably seem obvious to any Vulcan.

I think it is less not being familiar with human anatomy than it was trusting her instruments. As Crusher said, the scan wouldn't predict future internal bleeding. Crusher, being Crusher, was just able to come up with the answer quicker than the Titan doctor.
Buzzing from this week’s Episode!!!
I always hoped for the Changeling to return but never thought I’d see it, when I read the synopsis of this Week’s episode I thought of the Parasitic Beings from TNG’s “Conspiracy” but never thought it be Changelings. After the Treaty and Odo (love Worf’s shout-out too him) joining the Great Link I never thought they come back as enemies but now knowing this a renegade splinter cell of Changelings it all makes sense!!!

Nice to see a variant of the First Contact Era Uniform (still my fave).

The Khan theme and battle in the Nebula was a nice touch, Season 3 definitely ticking off all Star Trek’s Greatest Hits.

Bev and Picard convo was intense, glad Picard got angry, I was scared he would take it all on the chin.

Sidney La Forge such a dork and fanboy for her Dad, makes sense as Geordi was a bit of a Dork too.

Captain Liam Shaw grown on me so much that when I thought he was dying I got actually worried, so hope he ends up okay.

Picard saying you can call me Number One and Riker smile made me so happy, it’s sad within the same episode Riker and Picard have a falling out…breaks my heart…

Worf introduction was fun saying his many titles and Greatest Hits then ending to ask if Raffi like sugar in her Tea was funny. Worf hasn’t missed a beat and his sense of humour still dry as always, beheading Wednesday anyone?! Lol. Was good seeing someone believe and trust in Raffi again, the look of confidence she gave is something she’s been missing.

Was Lore what The Changelings stole from the Daystrom Institute?! Or is somehow Lore and Moriarty TNG Crew saviours? As in what the best defence against Changelings?! To have something that’s can’t be replicated, something you know can’t be used by a Changelings?!

Also could Jack be a lost Changeling? Like Odo? I know he wouldn’t be affected by the gas if he was, but if he thinks his human, he could well be affected by things that would hurt humans, like a placebo effect? Would explain the trippy scene with 7 and the branches?!

The question now is how does Vadic fit into all this? Is she just working for The Changelings? Is Vadic a Changeling herself, and her Crew a variant of Jem’Hadar? Or is a creation of The Changelings: a deadly version of a Vorta?!! Or is this a Supergroup of Starfleet enemies coming all together to form a new Alliance?!

What was your views on Episode 3?
Now The Changelings are back, it’s time Sisko came back to help out I think!!! Also need the main Doctor that dealt with them too: Bashir. O’Brien needs to appear being like Worf a man of TNG and DS9 and to fight espionage and terrorism you need Garek, Kira and Quark back too, it’s time to get the big guns back. A shame Odo can’t return, unless with a new face? Or Deepfake?! All I know for DS9 Fans like me this very exciting times!!!
the Worf's tea line had me on the floor I missed Worf
****, there is the Jean-Luc I know and love! One of the things that bugged me about Stewart's performance from what I saw of previous seasons before giving up was that it was too soft, warm, and wisened. More like his Professor X than Picard with his standoffish-ness, temper, etc. When Picard and Crusher are arguing in sick bay, it finally felt like the real Picard. Here is hoping for more of that!

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