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Picard 3x04 "No Win Scenario"


Pretty in pink
Dec 6, 2013
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"With time running out, Picard, Riker & crew must confront the sins of their past and heal fresh wounds, while the Titan drifts helplessly toward certain destruction within a mysterious space anomaly."
I had a problem with my stream I think on this one. Did anyone else's look way darker than usually. I know the show is already really dark, but this was even worse. I am not just talking about the ship, I know that was supposed to be dark, but even the flashback was really dark.
Screenshot (11).png Screenshot (17).png
Anyway the episode was very poorly written. They tried to explain why they have the holodeck running, but I don't buy that. Voyager actually did an episode that explained that the holodeck reactor power isn't compatible with the other power systems. So that explanation would have applied for this situation. Instead this show chose to say that they are using an independent power cell which is not a reactor. So, no one thinks to try and hook that into the ship for some power I guess. I really don't like the look of the changelings, they look like brisket or a slab of beef when morphing. Also I don't remember the changelings having to use a bucket, it was just what Odo chose. They can regenerate in anything.
I had a problem with my stream I think on this one. Did anyone else's look way darker than usually. I know the show is already really dark, but this was even worse. I am not just talking about the ship, I know that was supposed to be dark, but even the flashback was really dark.
The style went along with Riker's dark grave metaphor, but yeah, too much. We were watching floating heads for an hour.

I think it's kind of appropriate that the happy flashback was dark all along, given how that turned out to be where it all fell apart between Jean-Luc and Jack.
I really don't like the look of the changelings, they look like brisket or a slab of beef when morphing. Also I don't remember the changelings having to use a bucket, it was just what Odo chose. They can regenerate in anything.

Yeah, Odo gave up the bucket after meeting the Founders and learning how they accepted their natural state. Given that one (well, maybe there were two or more, taking turns) Founder successfully impersonated a high-ranking Romulan on a warship that was part of a fleet sent to exterminate the Founders, the Titan's infiltrator seemed hopelessly incompetent. This makes me think that Shaw is the real imposter, and that everything went according to his plan.

I liked Odo's early "translucent jello" appearance the best, before DS9 switched to the "opague melted plastic" look. The current "transporter accident" mess is just gross.
<darmok>"Wormtail, his hand a leash."</darmok>
...They tried to explain why they have the holodeck running, but I don't buy that. Voyager actually did an episode that explained that the holodeck reactor power isn't compatible with the other power systems. So that explanation would have applied for this situation. Instead this show chose to say that they are using an independent power cell which is not a reactor. So, no one thinks to try and hook that into the ship for some power I guess...

A geeky science digression ;nd:

It’s not clear how ST’s artificial gravity works. But it seems to be “electronic.” Somehow (?), gravity generators (“gravity plating”) built into the decks of starships create “mass” — which, in turn, creates gravity. (And, presumably, gravity cancelling generators are built into the ceilings. Otherwise, starships would have the attractive force of planet Earth and all manner of objects would crash into them. :wow:) In any case, one might assume that this fantastical tech consumes a great deal of power. But maybe not. Many times, various ships have incurred severe damage. At which point, the lights grow dim; shields, weapons, transporters and other systems go offline; and even life support may be threatened. And yet, the artificial gravity still works. :ebr: Of course, the real reason has to do with production budget. Having people and stuff realistically float around during those frequent power outages would be too expensive. So we just wink :cwink: and ignore the issue.

But unlike ubiquitous gravity, the holodeck would seem to be a more conspicuous, in-your-face consumer of precious power. (In addition to its high-definition audio/visual projectors, holodecks also incorporate force fields, replicator and transporter technology — not to mention the AI bandwidth for numerous “sentient” holo-characters). So in the event of energy rationing, the holodeck should be (one might think) the very first thing to shut off.

If it was artistically/metaphorically important for Jean-Luc and Jack to have their heart-to-heart in a bar, why not just use the Titan’s version of Ten-Forward? That way, no exposition needed about a (implausible and unlikely) independent power source. :shrug:
when Riker used a tractor beam and hurled that asteroid into the other ship
I legit clapped at that!
Commander Taggart’s best scene: "And what you fail to realize is my ship is dragging mines!”
A geeky science digression ;nd:


If it was artistically/metaphorically important for Jean-Luc and Jack to have their heart-to-heart in a bar, why not just use the Titan’s version of Ten-Forward? That way, no exposition needed about a (implausible and unlikely) independent power source. :shrug:
That particular bar is Jack’s Wolf 359, so I think their reconciliation needed it, but yeah, a line about "Impulse engines are offline, and the pulses keep collapsing our warp field" would’ve sidestepped the power source issue.
RMB said he's watched the episode 5 times and teared up every time. One the best episodes of Star Trek for him. I kind of agree. It was brilliant. Not even getting review bombed at IMDB. 9.3 rating currently.
Star Trek: Picard Season 3, Episode 4: "No Win Scenario"

First things first I'm glad Riker and Picard made up, I was stressing they long this out, so good to see they both on the same page again and the Bromance continues. Riker still suffering from his loss of his Son and changed his outlook on life, is so real and I can relate, so glad they showing the lingering effects of grief. That depression can affect anyone even someone like Riker.

Picard and the Enterprise Crew vs Hirogens is a match up I never thought I'd expect but sure damn wanna see now.

Loving the dynamic between Seven and Shaw, they don't like each other but they make a great team, we haven't really seen a Captain and First Officer clash so much since Captain Jellico and Commander Riker (probably explains why I like this dynamic and why Shaw becoming my new fave character in Trek). As guessed in my Baggers Theories, Shaw was in the Battle of Worf 359, and explains why he hates Borg so much (nice mention of last Season about Jurati-Borg and that the "real" scary Borg still out there. I liked that as we didn't know for a 100% how the Jurati-Borg and Borg Borg fit in together) and why he doesn't want to put his Crew at risk. Shaw story was harrowing and in such a small moment we know who Shaw is and why he the way he is, his line "At some point, asshоlе became a substitute for charm" sums him up so well.

The Changeling having an Odo style bucket made me think, this just now become a Changeling thing? And not just an Odo thing?! Don't remember it being mentioned in DS9 or when a Changeling was lose on the Defiant in "The Adversary" I could be mistaken tho...

More weight on my Baggers Theory of Vadic being a version of a Vorta as when the floating skeleton like head made from Changeling goo was saying her and her Crew was expandable makes me think they been made by the Changelings. If Vadic was a Changelings she wouldn't be expandable as they see every Changelings like as special and important to The Great Link, but then saying that they are a splinter sect and at War with the Solids so anything could be at stake.

Who would have thought Picard was such a player in his younger days!!!

Great seeing Bev, Riker, and Picard (with Jack in tow) working as a Team again, was great seeing they haven't missed a step as a Team.

Riker using an asteroid to cripple the Shrike was great comeuppance. Vadic with her monologue before it happened was priceless, not knowing in this situation the Shrike was the Prey, love it!!!

Another Baggers Theory only half right I said hatchery of the Encounter at Farpoint style Jellyfish Aliens but the way they got out of the Nebula I got wrong, so close dammit lol.

Jack with those creepy visions again making me still think it's Changeling related, like they asking him to return to the Link (mentions of branches giving me this vibe) but I heard fan theories it could be Orb related, either way the mystery continues (the red giving me Pah-wraiths mixed with Will's visions of The Mind Flayer in Strange Things vibes).

The first Arc of Picard Season 3 is over now onto the next Arc next week, exciting to see what's next!!!

*Baggers Theories: https://youtube.com/shorts/9csgh7uaq3A?feature=share

While discussing how much I’m enjoying Captain Liam Shaw and how he becoming my new fave Trek character, I thought why not do a Top 5 of my fave New Trek Characters:

5) Saru
4) Cleveland Booker aka Book (and Grudge!!!)
3) Gabriel Lorca
2) Cristóbal Rios

Honourable Mentions:

*Ash Tyler
*Philippa Georgiou (Mirror)
*Katrina Cornwell
*Carl (Guardian of Forever)
*Brad Boimler
*Jack Ransom
*Jack Crusher

1) Captain Liam Shaw

Who’s your fave New Trek character?
Goodness that scene where Picard
recollects meeting Jack 5 years previously was powerful. I really had sympathy with Jack in that moment... seeing Picard playing to the crowd and looking rather smug at his own comment. I love Picard and you can tell he was saying what he thought he had to say, but his eyes told a different story. I'm looking forward to seeing the development of these two and their father/son dynamic.

On a side not, Ed Speelers does not pass for 23 years old. I wish they'd kept Jack the actor's actual age and just accepted the continuity error
RMB said he's watched the episode 5 times and teared up every time. One the best episodes of Star Trek for him. I kind of agree. It was brilliant. Not even getting review bombed at IMDB. 9.3 rating currently.

Bringing all nerds together in harmony lol

Seriously though, I don’t think I’ve seen so many cynical fans be so happy with Star Trek since the 1990s. It certainly seems to be satisfying new and old Trek fans.
I thought the episode was okay, fine, decent. But it didn’t knock any socks off. Probably because I’ve never really revisited the (TNG) series or movies. So the callbacks, references, Easter eggs, etc. that True Fans™ recognized and appreciated mostly went over my head. Those True Fans™, however, do seem to be impressed — some (as noted) calling this episode amongst the best ST ever… :ebr:
I thought the episode was okay, fine, decent. But it didn’t knock any socks off. Probably because I’ve never really revisited the (TNG) series or movies. So the callbacks, references, Easter eggs, etc. that True Fans™ recognized and appreciated mostly went over my head. Those True Fans™, however, do seem to be impressed — some (as noted) calling this episode amongst the best ST ever… :ebr:

I think less callbacks and easter eggs and more the emotion behind it is what people are responding to. The relationships between the characters coming to a head.

And the essence of Star Trek summed up in this episode, basically people really good at their job working together to get out of a situation. Also, to seek out new life and new civilization…
That was a fantastic episode. Kind of had to sit on it for a bit.

Just some fantastic performances from Stewart, Frakes, and even JL JR.

Shaw being a survivor of Wolf 359 feels like it was the most obvious and lazy way to go. It was good, and Picard seems to handle survivors a lot better than he did back with Sisko. Shaw was good this episode, though I still don't want him in the Seven spinoff.

I enjoyed Crusher being the bridge to between Picard and Riker, to help them get back to the same page to save the ship.

I am really, really not a fan of the Changeling effects. I mean, I get it. It kind of makes logical sense to include blood in there, given basic anit-changeling tests. But it looks bad. And while I understand you don't want to go back to 90's tech, just go with the orange appearance, please. And while I accept these changelings may not be the most experienced, do you keep having to bring up Odo. It just feels weird in this show.

I will say, a look at the end of the credits has me forming a bit more of an idea of what JL JR's relevance will be. Anyway, can't wait for the rest of the crew to join up.
And the essence of Star Trek summed up in this episode, basically people really good at their job working together to get out of a situation. Also, to seek out new life and new civilization…


What's made all of nu-Trek so awful thus far, has been the complete abandoning of rationality, intelligence and problem solving, in favour of trite over emotional caterwauling, and solving problems via the medium of getting in touch with one's feelings. Terrible, terrible stuff, written by people who have no clue what Star Trek is meant to be about.

This episode was classic Trek in every sense of the term: competent, intelligent, professional people, working in collaboration with one another to find a solution to a seemingly unsolvable problem. And within that collaboration we get character development and relationships dynamics, shaped by the need to problem solve.

Plus the bonus of discovering new life.

It was the best hour of Star Trek since Ds9 ended. By far(point).
I loved that when Riker said we should Boldly get the hell out of there lol
Really enjoyed this episode and Seventeen Seconds. I feel like Frakes' direction has been the best fit for this series and does the best job of giving that old TNG feel. I think he also gets the best performances out of his old castmates.

I like that they are providing some answers to questions I had previously, such as Jack's name, but some things still feel quite off to me. Despite how well-executed this episodes have been, the whole reunion with old flame and meeting with secret son, as well as the cat-and-mouse battle in a nebula feels way too reminiscent of Wrath of Khan for my tastes personally. Especially the whole moment of awww at creation as they are escaping.

It feels like the Trek creative teams since 2009 have been way too in awe of Wrath of Khan. I really wish the franchises are would move away from the homages and references to same.
I really liked this episode. The intensity, the raw emotion, the pacing, everything worked. Star Trek actually feels like Star Trek again.

On a side note, after watching this episode, I would love to see a Star Trek: Titan series with Liam Shaw and Seven of Nine as the leads. Shaw is becoming a favourite character (He feels like a mix of Jellico and Sisko), and I quite like what Terry Matalas and crew are doing with Seven in this season. And this bridge crew actually comes across like a bridge crew that not only knows what they are doing, they all work well together.

Give me Star Trek: Titan with Terry Matalas showrunning it.
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