A song of ice and fire = Jon Snow & Dany?

Jon, after finding out he's the true heir will probably stick to his bend the knee word to Dany and not take the throne.

If Dany gets pregnant AND they find out their nephew/aunt, I think they'd have no other choice but to wed to prevent the baby being born a bastard.

Danny if she is true about her convictions should bend the knee to jon.
Or they just get married.

Are the writers idiots though? Why would rhaeger name his son aegon when he already had a son called aegon?
I would have dreaded Ned's position too had he got to keep his word and tell Jon the truth. Sorry son, but you're not actually my son......you're eh, er.....the legitimate son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lynna Stark and heir to the Iron Throne....well, would have been. Don't brood on it too much on your trip back to the Wall.
I do feel like they really made the whole pregnancy thing way too obvious. Many references to it and stuff, so there has to be some sort of bitter twist...Right?
Okay, that voiceover revealing the truth about Jon's parentage dampened that scene for me just a little bit. It wasn't epic as well, it was more sweet.

I thought it was in poor taste, really
Jon: *makes out with his aunt*

Also their chemistry wasn't nearly as good as in last's episode. And Tyrion's worried glances which already began the flood of 'he loves Dany!' theories made it even worse
I thought it was in poor taste, really
Jon: *makes out with his aunt*

Also their chemistry wasn't nearly as good as in last's episode. And Tyrion's worried glances which already began the flood of 'he loves Dany!' theories made it even worse

I didn't take Tyrion's concerned expression as being one out of jealousy, can't see how anyone can think that!! To me it was the fact that he can see this pact consolidating between Jon and Dany, which can only spell doom for the Lannisters. Cersei, as far as Tyrion knows, has committed a major act of goodwill. Perhaps he thinks he can broker a peace once the dead are dealt with.

Dany and Jon being together makes that harder for Tyrion to do. Hence his dismay.
I didn't take Tyrion's concerned expression as being one out of jealousy, can't see how anyone can think that!! To me it was the fact that he can see this pact consolidating between Jon and Dany, which can only spell doom for the Lannisters. Cersei, as far as Tyrion knows, has committed a major act of goodwill. Perhaps he thinks he can broker a peace once the dead are dealt with.

Dany and Jon being together makes that harder for Tyrion to do. Hence his dismay.

Well yes, I'm just saying how many perceive it and I cannot blame them with this editing and all of the romance being sucked out of the scene with the approach they took
I didn't take Tyrion's concerned expression as being one out of jealousy, can't see how anyone can think that!! To me it was the fact that he can see this pact consolidating between Jon and Dany, which can only spell doom for the Lannisters. Cersei, as far as Tyrion knows, has committed a major act of goodwill. Perhaps he thinks he can broker a peace once the dead are dealt with.

Dany and Jon being together makes that harder for Tyrion to do. Hence his dismay.

I agree.

Tyrion loves Dany. But he isn't IN LOVE with Dany like Jorah.

He's trying to do his job and is stuck dealing with hormonal/angsty/emotion driven early 20 something monarchs.

Example A: Dany flies off risking her life and dragons for her Baephew

Example B: Jon can't tell a lie to save his ass thus ****ing them all and forcing Tyrion to fix things.

Now said monarchs are restoring the targ dynasty, and while normally Tryion would be happy for them, but they have enough problems to deal with as it is. The last thing they need is more drama.
Danny if she is true about her convictions should bend the knee to jon.
Or they just get married.

Are the writers idiots though? Why would rhaeger name his son aegon when he already had a son called aegon?

You just answered your own question. The writers were being idiots. Jon's birthname should've been Jaehaerys.

And yes, Jon & Dany should just get married.
Also I actually really liked Jon's spiel on telling the truth. It was kinda meta...but he brought up a really good point. Especially since they want to build a better world, the backstabbing and lying has to stop.

Was it dumb? Yes.

Did Dany make him sleep on the couch later? Probably.

Will it get him killed...again? There is a chance.

But he wasn't wrong.
Danny if she is true about her convictions should bend the knee to jon.
Or they just get married.

Are the writers idiots though? Why would rhaeger name his son aegon when he already had a son called aegon?

was that ever revealed on the show? I ask bc if its simply from the books, well they arent canon to the show
was that ever revealed on the show? I ask bc if its simply from the books, well they arent canon to the show
yes, it is canon to the show. this is an officially released diagram from HBO last year showing familial relations. and it includes Rhaegar's other children.

So I re watched the episode....Jon straight up licked her during #boatsex

How Emilia didn't start laughing is beyond me lol
Also I actually really liked Jon's spiel on telling the truth. It was kinda meta...but he brought up a really good point. Especially since they want to build a better world, the backstabbing and lying has to stop.

Was it dumb? Yes.

Did Dany make him sleep on the couch later? Probably.

Will it get him killed...again? There is a chance.

But he wasn't wrong.
I do feel like they really made the whole pregnancy thing way too obvious. Many references to it and stuff, so there has to be some sort of bitter twist...Right?

Personally I hope she does not become pregnant, because it is just too cliche. They established she cannot have babies, and now when it is what everyone wants, she can? That Jon even broached the subject directly causes me to hope it doesn't happen that way. But it probably will.

And that to me means one of them will die, because they can't live happily ever after ruling together with everything they could possibly want. So for me, that means Jon is likely the one to die, because Daenerys actually seems like a ruler while Jon is very much his father's son. And I mean Ned when I say that.
I kind of feel like Dany has to become pregnant now. in episode 6, Tyrion went on that whole schpiel about succession. Then that pointed conversation about her not being able to have children. Jon's question was basically the Westeros equivalent of, "Ya sure? Ya didn't think to maybe ask for a second opinion from a lady who wasn't a witch and killed your husband?"

It seems to be foreshadowing 101.
Personally I hope she does not become pregnant, because it is just too cliche. They established she cannot have babies, and now when it is what everyone wants, she can? That Jon even broached the subject directly causes me to hope it doesn't happen that way. But it probably will.

And that to me means one of them will die, because they can't live happily ever after ruling together with everything they could possibly want. So for me, that means Jon is likely the one to die, because Daenerys actually seems like a ruler while Jon is very much his father's son. And I mean Ned when I say that.
They established that she thinks she cannot get pregnant. And just because something is cliche doesn't mean it's bad; it depends on execution. For example, I dunno if video games are your thing, but one game from 4 years ago called the last of us, a lot of people call it cliche but it's also considered one of the greatest games of all time.
They established that she thinks she cannot get pregnant. And just because something is cliche doesn't mean it's bad; it depends on execution. For example, I dunno if video games are your thing, but one game from 4 years ago called the last of us, a lot of people call it cliche but it's also considered one of the greatest games of all time.

I think establishing that Daenerys cannot have children, and the dragon are her only children, and then revealing, nope she can have children with her dreamboat nephew is cliché in that it is the happy ending everyone would want. I personally liked Daenerys living an unconventional life (very Elizabethan too, yes) where she doesn't have children or possibly a husband, yet can rule gloriously and usher in a golden age.

We also know she cannot get pregnant since she was able to with Khal Drogo, but after plenty of trying with Daario Naharis and (in the book) her second husband, she never became pregnant. I admit that Jon Snow could be the loop hole since he too is a product of blood magic now like Daenerys post-season 1, and additionally Viserion has died which might have loosened the rules on Dany's fertility.

But Jon, Dany, and a baby ruling at the end just does not fit this show at all. And I am thinking maybe they won't got there, because they foreshadowed it too much, with even Jon wondering if she is wrong. If they wanted it to be a surprise, I feel like they would have only hinted about it once during the Tyrion succession discussion in episode 6, and not brought it up two more times after that.

But I am probably crediting D&D too much. Without Martin they really can be that heavy handed and obvious. But if they do get pregnant, that means one of them has to die, because this is not going to have the storybook ending. And in that case, my money is on Jon, because he has a hero complex and shows not a real interest or passion for ruling.
I kind of feel like Dany has to become pregnant now. in episode 6, Tyrion went on that whole schpiel about succession. Then that pointed conversation about her not being able to have children. Jon's question was basically the Westeros equivalent of, "Ya sure? Ya didn't think to maybe ask for a second opinion from a lady who wasn't a witch and killed your husband?"

It seems to be foreshadowing 101.

I agree. Plus the symbolism of him giving her a baby dragon skull...Jon Snow does know some things :sly:

you don't repeat the same beat four times in two episodes unless your hinting something....and after all...the Dragon has three heads. :sly:

Another thing to think about that hints in the direction of babies is just look at the foreshadowing in the NW vows.

hold no lands/I shall wear no crowns and win no glory

Dude's KitN and won glory by taking back his home.

I shall take no wife... father no children.

Time will tell about this part but its all leading up to it.

Frankly I would actually rather have the final conflict of the series be between Jon and Dany over the future of their child. Maybe during the war against the NK and Cersei, people start rallying more to Jon than her and she becomes slightly paranoid and ultimately a fight breaks out and the resultion is instead of ruling maybe they decide to just leave to go find the house with the red door and the lemon tree in Braavos. That would be one way of breaking the wheel.
You also had that friendzoned guy tell Jon to pass down ''Claw'' to his children.
I think establishing that Daenerys cannot have children, and the dragon are her only children, and then revealing, nope she can have children with her dreamboat nephew is cliché in that it is the happy ending everyone would want. I personally liked Daenerys living an unconventional life (very Elizabethan too, yes) where she doesn't have children or possibly a husband, yet can rule gloriously and usher in a golden age.

We also know she cannot get pregnant since she was able to with Khal Drogo, but after plenty of trying with Daario Naharis and (in the book) her second husband, she never became pregnant. I admit that Jon Snow could be the loop hole since he too is a product of blood magic now like Daenerys post-season 1, and additionally Viserion has died which might have loosened the rules on Dany's fertility.

But Jon, Dany, and a baby ruling at the end just does not fit this show at all. And I am thinking maybe they won't got there, because they foreshadowed it too much, with even Jon wondering if she is wrong. If they wanted it to be a surprise, I feel like they would have only hinted about it once during the Tyrion succession discussion in episode 6, and not brought it up two more times after that.

But I am probably crediting D&D too much. Without Martin they really can be that heavy handed and obvious. But if they do get pregnant, that means one of them has to die, because this is not going to have the storybook ending. And in that case, my money is on Jon, because he has a hero complex and shows not a real interest or passion for ruling.

Agreed. Its one of the biggest problem the show has now and its that it comes across as fan fiction. This seasone specially has become very cliched and predictable and they planted the seeds to continue on with that but hopefully critcism will get them to think otherwise. The execution for this Jon/Dany pairing has been rushed and executed sloppily IMO
I think establishing that Daenerys cannot have children, and the dragon are her only children, and then revealing, nope she can have children with her dreamboat nephew is cliché in that it is the happy ending everyone would want. I personally liked Daenerys living an unconventional life (very Elizabethan too, yes) where she doesn't have children or possibly a husband, yet can rule gloriously and usher in a golden age.

We also know she cannot get pregnant since she was able to with Khal Drogo, but after plenty of trying with Daario Naharis and (in the book) her second husband, she never became pregnant. I admit that Jon Snow could be the loop hole since he too is a product of blood magic now like Daenerys post-season 1, and additionally Viserion has died which might have loosened the rules on Dany's fertility.

But Jon, Dany, and a baby ruling at the end just does not fit this show at all. And I am thinking maybe they won't got there, because they foreshadowed it too much, with even Jon wondering if she is wrong. If they wanted it to be a surprise, I feel like they would have only hinted about it once during the Tyrion succession discussion in episode 6, and not brought it up two more times after that.

But I am probably crediting D&D too much. Without Martin they really can be that heavy handed and obvious. But if they do get pregnant, that means one of them has to die, because this is not going to have the storybook ending. And in that case, my money is on Jon, because he has a hero complex and shows not a real interest or passion for ruling.

I never said anything about a happy ending. I think they will have a baby, but one of them will die. I definitely do not think they're going to be a full King/Queen/Prince/Princess by the end.

Thats so awesome.

Something i was thinking about the scene when Jon knocked on Danys door and Tyrion was watching in the shadows...looking grim. I think that knowing Cersie wasn't even in the slightest going to help Jon/ dany fight the bigger threat which Tyrion knew off the bat was a big fat lie, i feel he was going to tell Dany himself but up until Jon showed up, he held himself back thinking damn...maybe not the best time. Hmmm.
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Thats so awesome.

Something i was thinking about the scene when Jon knocked on Danys door and Tyrion was watching in the shadows...looking grim. I think that knowing Cersie wasn't even in the slightest going to help Jon/ dany fight the bigger threat which Tyrion knew off the bat was a big fat lie, i feel he was going to tell Dany himself but up until Jon showed up, he held himself back thinking damn...maybe not the best time. Hmmm.
Then Tyrion would've told Dany during the day and not at night around bedtime. Also Peter Dinklage said in an interview that Tyrion standing outside Dany's room suggests that the Jon/Dany union could spell trouble or along those lines.

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