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The Dark Knight Rises Adapting Knightfall

I say no, as personally I think it is the worst Batman storyline DC ever put out!

then i gotta say you should read a bit more before making statements like that. This storyline humanized bats in a new way which showed what the man is without the bat. me thinks you dont read any title in the dc universe anyway but hey, its ur opinion but personally its one of the greatest storylines to me
then i gotta say you should read a bit more before making statements like that. This storyline humanized bats in a new way which showed what the man is without the bat. me thinks you dont read any title in the dc universe anyway but hey, its ur opinion but personally its one of the greatest storylines to me

KNIGTFALL was an interesting and exciting (at the time) idea. The problem with it is that despite the whole intended message of the story(a hero with compassion will never and SHOULD never go out of date) the main character came out of the storyline colder than ever.

As a result you're left with a story that, like THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN and Hal Jordan becoming a villain that year, functions as the cheap marketing gimmick many fans complained it was on release.

It was one of many 'Batman learns not to be a cold, obsessive bastard' stories writers inflicted on us yet each and every time such stories were wrapped up the status quo was returned.
KNIGTFALL was an interesting and exciting (at the time) idea. The problem with it is that despite the whole intended message of the story(a hero with compassion will never and SHOULD never go out of date) the main character came out of the storyline colder than ever.

As a result you're left with a story that, like THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN and Hal Jordan becoming a villain that year, functions as the cheap marketing gimmick many fans complained it was on release.

It was one of many 'Batman learns not to be a cold, obsessive bastard' stories writers inflicted on us yet each and every time such stories were wrapped up the status quo was returned.

Your problem seems to be with how the aftermath was dealt with not the Knightfall story line itself.

Knightfall may have been a gimmick but it was a gimmick which could be entertaining with the proper execution. They don't have to use the same aftermath, either.
I love the Knightfall storyline, and I think it could be adapted to a film. Everyone seems to think that Batman should come back into the good graces of Gotham and become a hero again, but I think it would really break the mould if he actually fell further into despair.
Your problem seems to be with how the aftermath was dealt with not the Knightfall story line itself.

Knightfall may have been a gimmick but it was a gimmick which could be entertaining with the proper execution. They don't have to use the same aftermath, either.

With the exception of Bruce's final confrontation with Jean Paul I don't find it overall very well-written. IMO it's powered by it's central idea(s) not the dialogue.
I was thinking that a storyline similar to Knightfall should be used for one of the movies as well but then I realized how redundant setting all of Arkham free again would be. I agree with Roegele. Use elements but don't outright copy. I don't think that Bane should be revealed at the end though but earlier. I think seeing a man that massive would already be enough of a shock without him pumping venom into his veins. That should be something that surprises even Batman and causes him to lose their first fight.

A nice twist would be having Bane actually lift up Batman like he's going to break his back so everyone expects that to happen only to be surprised that Bane is stopped right before he gets to do it.

This sounds a bit similar to how The Kingpin was used in Daredevil.
what would be great is if Bane is a criminal genius not shown until the end of the film, and when Batman confronts him at the climax, he's revealed to be this enormous man mountain who no-one (except fans obviously) would expect to be such a mastermind.

This sounds very slightly similar to how The Kingpin was used in Daredevil.

Sorry for the double post. I accidentally quoted the wrong post in my first post.
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In The DARK KNIGHT, Bruce proclaimed Batman has no limits. Who better to put him up against in the third film than the man who proved him so very wrong?

Anyone else agree? Take out the Azrael storyline and I think we have ourselves a winner. Venom would work well in Nolan's more realistic Batman universe as just some enhanced steroid that Bane could try to sell on the streets in small, watered down doses. And let's not forget about probably one of the most emotionally trying arcs in Batman's career...the day Bane broke his back. I can see Christian Bale humbled in a bed or wheelchair believing he'll never walk again as crime once again ravages Gotham. he begins to question himself on if he ever really had what it took to make a true difference or if he really was just some messed up kid with a creative deathwish.

Alfred can be there again as his anchor, telling him that he should know better than anyone that obstacles have arisen before and will continue no matter what happens in this line of work...it's up to Bruce whether he wants to accept defeat or prove that this cause has and will always be worth fighting for. Then comes the triumph return where Bruce works to regain his ability to walk and with it, a renewed resolve that nothing will stop him in his quest for justice in Gotham City.

Granted, there is a lot to add to the plot for it to be a full on film, but I can definately see potiential in something along these lines. Can you?
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I think it's way too early for Batman to be broken.
How many more Batman films do you think Nolan is going to make?
For some reason, if Knightfall is used, I see it being mixed with No Man's Land.

Idk why, but those two seem to fit hand-in-hand for me.
I read Knightfall several years back and realy enjoyed the book. One of the more entertaining Batman stories I have read, but I do prefer No Man's Land. Bane plays a role in each story, but is far more significant in Knightfall.

I'm one of those fans who wants to see Bane portrayed correctly, and a story like Knightfall could really do the character justice, particularly in lieu of the tragedy that befell his characterization in B&R.
No Knightfall. Yes Bane. I just don't like Jean-Paul Valley.

My Bane is a Colombian Wrestler who was disqualified after his use of a new Steroied, Venom, was discovered. He pumped himself too full, and killed everyone at the wrestling headquarters. He was sent to Santa Prisca, and became the only man in history to ever escape, and he used his wits to do it, being deprived of Venom at the time.
You could have bane, just dont have him brake batmans back, just let him beat the shi_t outta him

Knightfall was a gimmicky storyline designed to draw readers in after the Death of Superman arc finished. It was just for shock value. Same as Batman R.I.P. which prepped readers for a death that could've been shocking without the lead-in.

There are elements of it that would be cool to see onscreen. Just the visual of Batman actually being PHYSICALLY devastated for once. That can be more powerful than seeing Bruce Wayne weep quietly in a chair since we've never seen that before. Bane taking over Gotham for a prolonged period (as opposed to The Joker's 2-3 hour reign in TDK) is something I'd like to see as well.

Still...This Bruce would never leave Gotham in anyone's hands but his own. He'd sooner hand the Batsuit over to Alfred or Lucius than some stranger. The idea of Batman and Gotham being totally defeated is cool, and Knightfall is a good title to follow TDK. There are some useful elements that can be mined from the Knightfall story. But ultimately this is a story that's just too much--both in terms of story and gimmick--for a film.

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