After The credits (spoiler warning)

I wish Xavier 'died' a different way instead of disintegrating. She could have snapped his neck or impaled him. Not just "POOF". Its very harry potter like and I didnt like it.
haha..snapping his neck...that would be cool...But, what I felt from that scene was that he knew his "death" was near so he was telling her that he could help her and to not let Phoenix control her. It was one of my favorite scenes.
danuser21 said:
I wish Xavier 'died' a different way instead of disintegrating. She could have snapped his neck or impaled him. Not just "POOF". Its very harry potter like and I didnt like it.

Ya but anybody has the ablity to snap necks who else can disinigrate people?
I think it was awesome when people were exploding, I wasn't expecting that at all.
Meridx said:
I think it was awesome when people were exploding, I wasn't expecting that at all.

Well I was so excited when quill psylocke and arclight disinigrated. I thought quill was useless. I was also upset with the multiple man screen time.
That was Psylocke that died? I thought she had that purple stuff that she used as a weapon, not that she went invisible. And I thought she was good.

And she died?

God that is a horrible move.
well, technically, we didn't see Jean "die" at the end of X2

she just got covered in water. Nobody really believed she was "dead"
danuser21 said:
That was Psylocke that died? I thought she had that purple stuff that she used as a weapon, not that she went invisible. And I thought she was good.

And she died?

God that is a horrible move.

Did you even see the movie she did not have a role at all I called it a simple cameo she was there just to be there she also has the ablity to kind of move through the shadows meaning cloaking her self she is a nija you no.
I mean ninja for some reason it wont let me edit my post's :(
my friends were mad for making them wait till the end credits just to see that one last scene.
Well if she was, then that sucks.. Such a good character in the comics.

Was it her for sure? Name mentioned? or someone similar to her?
BigMac said:
If you look at the body, it almost looks like Stewart with a beard. I can see it now.

"I sensed that my death would come, so we cloned me."

danuser21 said:
Well if she was, then that sucks.. Such a good character in the comics.

Was it her for sure? Name mentioned? or someone similar to her?

No it was her and belive me I was so pissed when there was no psionic knives being whipped out and I freaking almost screamed bull s*** when mystique got cured that early and that wolverine took out Phoenix I am a wolvie fan but comon.
to say i enjoyed the way proffesor x is died would make me sound evil, so let me put it this way, i felt very sad when he died, and i thought they did it very well. very tragic.

now to the after credits scene. i saw it this way. he wasn't technicaly alive. his power is to read minds and has the psychic ability is what transfered into the body of the man in a coma. when u see the man laying tehre you don't actualy see him moving, you hear hime speak, but we don't know exactly how it happened. my theory on it is his power lives on his sub consciiounce and is able to transfer into peoples thoughts and minds.

and when he talks about being able to transfer a mans mind/sould into a man in acoma gives it all up. that's what happned. at least how i saw it.
I don't remember Moira from the cartoons? And I never really read too many comics...

I am confused...

Moria Mactaggert if you watch the cartoon have you seen the proteus epidodes? she is proteus's mother and she owns the island of muir island.
Scott, Jean and Xavier all were sent to the astral plane and are fine! Haha, crazy theory don't mind me

Moira is Xavier's long time friend and ex fiance.
Sketchee said:
Scott, Jean and Xavier all were sent to the astral plane and are fine! Haha, crazy theory don't mind me

Moira is Xavier's long time friend and ex fiance.

well shadow king?

actual the brain dead dude did move if u watch close he moves his head to look at moira as they're zooming into to her. if i remember my stuff right from the books (alt time lines some weird stuff) didn't xavier have a twin that was born brain dead? and didn't he have it as a host body for just such an occasion?

also i've been hearing lots of stuff about other alternate endings. 3 to be exact. 1 involving cyclopes, 1 with colussus, and another with magneto and mystique. and according to a friend who had seen the movie lastnight and saw the xavier coma moira scene, a different one was played tonight the 1 featuring colussus. has anyone else seen these or heard about them. im gonna go do some research on it. i guess original hear say is they were story borded and never filmed but apparently that's untrue.
Thankyou to everyone who informed me of who Moira is:)


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