Arrow ARROW Season 4, Episode 3 "Restoration

I really wish we hadn't had known about all this months ago....

Anyway, I'm most interested in whether or not there's another Pit that Malcom can track down.

Like most comics or shows/movies based on comics, if the writer needs there to be one then there will be one. I assume yesterday was to up the stakes. Now, and at least for a while, people will not be able to be brought back by the pit (in the future if the writers want to bring back a character I am sure they will find a way, be it another pit or some other form of magic) but for now Oliver and his friends cannot just bring back anyone they want whenever they feel like it.
Fantastic episode. Felicity was funny in this episode, like the old S1 and S2 days. They shouldn't have killed MS. Mina Fayad....she looked like an interesting character.

ARROW is so much better than the Flash, this season. The writers have stepped their game up, and has potential to be good as Season 2.

The pit got destroyed, i imagine they might be secret pits, which malcolm is not aware of. If not, Malcolm might try to steal the water from Damien, i imagine he has a pit of his own.

As for this bloodlust cure thing, that its gone after killing your killer, why the hell they didn't use it on Oliver in Season 3? He would be back to normal after killing Ra's.
As for this bloodlust cure thing, that its gone after killing your killer, why the hell they didn't use it on Oliver in Season 3? He would be back to normal after killing Ra's.
This is the second time I see this brought up. Uh, Ra's killed Oliver, what makes you think he'd allow for him to be brought back in his pit? :huh:
This is the second time I see this brought up. Uh, Ra's killed Oliver, what makes you think he'd allow for him to be brought back in his pit? :huh:

Maseo could have bring the pit water to him or something.
Oliver knew that there would be risks when he brought Thea back and that he might not be getting the same person back from the pit (after Malcolm told him this) but he didn't listen to anyone and was having none of it. He just wanted his sister who he loves so much and would do anything for back and Laurel is the exact same.

At least in Ollie's case, he was holding his still breathing sister in his arms. It's much harder to make the right call, when the person you love is right there in front of you, barely clinging to life. But Sara was dead for over half a year. Laurel had time to grief and cope. And she's got way more warnings about the effects of the Pit, than Ollie ever did.

I mean, let's all be honest here, ever since the day where we heard that Caity Lotz was going to be a cast member in LoT, we knew that her resurrection was going to be a little forced. I don't think there was any avoiding that, but I think we can all agree the means justify the ends as long as Sara is back in the show. She should've never left in the first place and I think the producers obviously agree that they messed up.

They are just going about it all wrong. And once again it's Laurel's character who suffers from the writer's laziness. We have Damian Darhk. For whatever reason Quentin is working together with him. That reason could have been that Damian revived Sara, and is using her to manipulate Quentin to work for him. But no, instead Cassidy is being told to put her crazy eyes on, and to play Frankenstein.
In regards to Oliver killing Ra's after being brought back from the pit, perhaps the writers hadn't already come up with the whole "killing the person who killed you will quench your bloodlust" a year ago when they were writing Oliver vs Ra's. Its not like they can plan out everything in advance or have every little detail planned out. I am sure that there are still things that they don't have planned for the middle and end of this season right now, let alone season 5.
This is the second time I see this brought up. Uh, Ra's killed Oliver, what makes you think he'd allow for him to be brought back in his pit? :huh:

Uhm... because he was looking for a successor? It would have made way more sense, had Ra's used the Pit on Oliver, and relied on the effects of the Pit to properly brainwash him. Instead we get a stupid prophecy and Oliver faking being brainwashed.
Maseo could have bring the pit water to him or something.
HA! I can just picture Maseo running with buckets of Lazarus water through the snow.
Uhm... because he was looking for a successor? It would have made way more sense, had Ra's used the Pit on Oliver, and relied on the effects of the Pit to properly brainwash him.
Yes, because we all know crazy, irrational rage monster are far easier to control.
Instead we get a stupid prophecy and Oliver faking being brainwashed.
Most of S3 was stupid, anyway.
At least in Ollie's case, he was holding his still breathing sister in his arms. It's much harder to make the right call, when the person you love is right there in front of you, barely clinging to life. But Sara was dead for over half a year. Laurel had time to grief and cope. And she's got way more warnings about the effects of the Pit, than Ollie ever did.

They are just going about it all wrong. And once again it's Laurel's character who suffers from the writer's laziness. We have Damian Darhk. For whatever reason Quentin is working together with him. That reason could have been that Damian revived Sara, and is using her to manipulate Quentin to work for him. But no, instead Cassidy is being told to put her crazy eyes on, and to play Frankenstein.

Oh snap, I actually really like that idea. Touche, good sir.
It's really just about as much missed potential as not using the Pit on Ollie in Season 3. All the story beats are there, and they are pointing to one logical path and a storyline with great potential. But no, in Season 3 we get Ollie "surviving" a stab wound and fall from a mountain, and now Laurel, after having been through the entire grieving stage, decides to bring her sister back, even with the chance that what'll come out of it will be a monster.
They had so much potential in Season 3.....but whats done is done.
Season 4 is epic so far, and i want the next episode right now.
Yeah man. I'm more excited about this show than Flash right now. I hate to admit it but Oliver's relationship with Felicity is bringing out the best in him. I much prefer this more light-hearted but still hard edged version of Ollie than the super serious over dramatic Ollie from prior seasons.
This season is already much better than the last. Interested to see where they take this.
Let's not forget, Geoff Johns said at Comic Con another "major" DC villain is coming apparently.
Felicity scolding the boys was hilarious. I like this direction where the one revived by the pit will go after the one who killed him/her. Poor Nyssa. She's the only one who was using both her heart and her head. The less said about Laurel's actions, the better. One step forward, ten steps back for the writers.
last nights episode was solid just finished watching it. this season is vastly greater than last season. Writing team really listened to the fans and have definitely stepped their game up.
If she says she wouldn't wish such a fate on her worst enemy, yet alone her beloved, that should make you think. But Laurel's entire counter argument is pretty much "I don't care."

which is MY GRIPE with this *censored* .....

the other thing about the hottub ..... the hottub is poisoned , NOT THE SOURCE where the water is trickling down in the back of the set.
which is MY GRIPE with this *censored* .....

the other thing about the hottub ..... the hottub is poisoned , NOT THE SOURCE where the water is trickling down in the back of the set.

LMAO. So true!
So the c writers totally throw out all the delevopment they gave to the Laurel/Nyssa friendship and now we are suppose to believe that Laurel is fine with Nyssa being locked up and treated as a criminal? How do they plan on redeeming Laurel? If they don't have her break Nyssa out and apologize I'm going to go all lima heights on MG/WM.
If I can nitpick for one second,

An excavator that can somehow be hacked remotely?

Come on now. Really pushing their limits on Felicity as a deus ex machina with that one.
Lol I can't at Malcolm feeding Thea's thirst for blood. Is he just going to keep sending his men for her to slaughter? "Hey honey, here's your dinner!" lol.

Being fair, I suspect he hoped that once the truth were accepted by Thea, she'd be willing to take care of it herself. Or hey, he could provide some imprisoned criminals for her to murder, that would work, too.

Sending assassins was just to require she do the killing, and because he's got an army of suicidal fanatics on hand.
What I'm still wondering about is why didn't that Ghost Operative shoot/kill Diggs when he had the chance at the start of the episode?

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