The Dark Knight Rises Best Third Act in the Trilogy

Batman taking down the mercs with poison tipped batarangs and then a flaming Bat symbol to show the city he's back isn't F Yeah enough? Ok then...

What was your F Yeah moment in TDK? Especially in the 3rd act.

The flaming bat symbol was definitely cool, but I agree with those that say everything after that felt kind of rushed. If I had one wish, it would have been an additional action sequence (one of either: fighting with Bane's men/gliding/gearing up) leading up to the Bane fight containing a variation of the Batman theme we've grown accustomed to (I'm a big believer that the music is a huge part of what makes the final scenes in the first two movies so good). Finally, the scenes with the Bat were visually cool, but seeing a flying vehicle in lieu of Batman himself during the final action sequences kind of took the impact out of the them for me - it felt more like a sci-fi action movie instead of a superhero movie. Don't flame me - it's all subjective - i'm actually glad to read that many here enjoyed TDKR the best.

In TDK, I would say the F Yeah moment(s) were the entire Prewitt building sequence, beginning with Batman arguing with Gordon and then jumping off the building despite Gordon's attempt to stop him, and then the entire sequence with him taking out Joker's men along with the cops. And to cap it off, Batman tossing Joker off the building was a pretty awesome sequence.
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If not for the stabbing that followed, I would say that Bats beating Bane to a whimpering mess and then saying "and then you have my permission to die" is arguably the biggest 3rd act "**** yeah!" moment of the trilogy.
Agreed, also if the fight beforehand was longer.

I'd rank them:

1. TDK
2. BB
BB definitely has the weakest 3rd act for me. TDK has the best. The ferry scenes are a bit awkward, but they make a crucial point. And it has one of the great movie endings.
The stabbing doesn't really take-away from the 'badass/F yea' quality of the line for me, though. Maybe Im just not seeing or understanding what some of you mean by that.

Whichever moment you choose for TDK he still gets shot afterwards also.
Batman taking down the mercs with poison tipped batarangs and then a flaming Bat symbol to show the city he's back isn't F Yeah enough? Ok then...

What was your F Yeah moment in TDK? Especially in the 3rd act.

I wouldn't say the Batarangs were because there wasn't realy that big booming moment however I have to concede that the fire symbol was probably the closest "**** yeah" moment as I certainly wasn't expecting it and I couldn't help but smile. However, if we had more than just a reaction shot from Foley (and maybe one from Selina and Blake as well and some ordinary citizens it would have had a greater impact. The kids excitement was probably my favourite moment of it as that is what everyone should be feeling.

The stabbing doesn't really take-away from the 'badass/F yea' quality of the line for me, though. Maybe Im just not seeing or understanding what some of you mean by that.

Whichever moment you choose for TDK he still gets shot afterwards also.

But with TDKR it's pretty much "THENNNNN you have my permission to die!!" then a quick cutaway moment and then BAM pretty much stabbed by the knife. At least TDK's moments had time to shine for example the moment where he kicks the SWAT members from the roof isn't immediately followed by him floored by Joker there is a few minutes between them. TDKR has about under a minute from the line to him back down again.

I think overall TDK may have a better ending. I remember the moment where the civillian boat guy has the trigger and the camera lingers on him with Zimmer's rising tone in the background. All I could think of was "Well they've killed off the girlfriend, Batman is beat down, the city is in chaos, Joker blew up someone with a phone, burnt someone on a pile of money, someone was killed with a pencil, faked killed off Gordon, assassinated the Commssioner and pretty much destroyed this City's only hope maybe Nolan is actually gonna kill off a boatload of prisoners".
I think overall TDK may have a better ending. I remember the moment where the civillian boat guy has the trigger and the camera lingers on him with Zimmer's rising tone in the background. All I could think of was "Well they've killed off the girlfriend, Batman is beat down, the city is in chaos, Joker blew up someone with a phone, burnt someone on a pile of money, someone was killed with a pencil, faked killed off Gordon, assassinated the Commssioner and pretty much destroyed this City's only hope maybe Nolan is actually gonna kill off a boatload of prisoners".

I remember watching it for the first time and a little part of me was genuinely thinking "Uh-oh... Dent might actually shoot this kid in the head!"
TDKR is definitely has the weakest which is a shame because it had all the elements that could have made it the best. Batman returning, Batman Vs Bane, Catwoman deciding to be selfless, Batman's sacrifice etc. All these elements could have been fist pumpingly awesome however the overall result felt, to me, a little half arsed at times. It's not horrible and at times can be quite good but it could have been so much more. Which really sums up the entire film for me.

I think the third acts of BB and TDK are about even to me. I'm not a huge fan of the ferry sequence but nothing in BB or TDKR comes close to the confrontation between Batman, Two Face and Gordon. That is spine chillingly good.
TDKR. TDK is better, but the third act, like BB, isn't as good as what came before. While I love Two-Face, it is such a dense third act that it doesn't maintain the intensity of the middle of the movie and the two boats thing is just not nearly as good as the hospital, Harvey and Rachel, and original Joker threat to Batman earlier in the film. TDKR actually pays off the first two acts and is the best part of the movie.
Which has the best 1st act then?

I dunno BB's is just stunning however with TDKR I personally felt the weight of those 8 years. Bane also feels like a threat that is just bubbling under the surface plus little set touches like the rusty Batsignal, everything in Wayne Manor still uncovered as well as bits of dialogue "Overdue library books", Gordon's old and experienced dialogue with the repetition of "son" and "rookie" and just the overall look of the actors. I had no pacing issues and I feel they nailed the first act.

Tie with BB and TDKR for me. TDK had quite a generic first act for a sequel.
When I watch a film ,
I rarely break it down into acts.
I will give it a shot though
Both BB and TDKR had a lot of suspense in their 3rd acts ,
But ,TDK felt the most personal to me .
First two acts: BB
Final act: TDKR slight edge over BB

Someone mentioned earlier that they felt incredible tension in TDK while watching the ferry scene and Dent holding the Gordon't hostage. I didn't though. I never thought, not even for a second, that one of the ferries would blow up or that Dent would actually shoot a child in the head in a PG-13 Batman movie. Still love that hostage scene, don't get me wrong, but I thought the suspense was more about when and how Batman was going to show up and punk Two-Face.
Yes, this is the best third act in the trilogy.

Bruce Wayne finally Smiled, a real, genuine smile, and he knows Gotham is safe. He can take the weight of 30 million people off his shoulders.

That final act summed up the three movies, plus looked towards the future, just like the ending of the other two.
TDKR. TDK is better, but the third act, like BB, isn't as good as what came before. While I love Two-Face, it is such a dense third act that it doesn't maintain the intensity of the middle of the movie and the two boats thing is just not nearly as good as the hospital, Harvey and Rachel, and original Joker threat to Batman earlier in the film. TDKR actually pays off the first two acts and is the best part of the movie.

I noticed you mentioned the hospital, which I would normally consider a part of the third act (the first act ending with Lau's capture in Hong Kong and the second ending with Rachel's death and Dent being scarred).

Anyways, I vote for TDK. Dent's fall is the best story in the trilogy and the climatic standoff with Two-Face in the burned out warehouse is my favorite scene in the whole Batman series. I also found Joker's plot more interesting and unique than the standard 'let's blow up Gotham' threat of the other two films.

TDKR has a great ending too though. Batman Begins is the only one of the three where I felt the climax didn't really live up to the setup.
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The 3rd act for Begins was just predictable and anticlimactic because you already knew how they were going to stop the train because Batman and Gordon were discussing it. Other than that though, I agree that the first 2 acts are brilliant
The 3rd act for Begins was just predictable and anticlimactic because you already knew how they were going to stop the train because Batman and Gordon were discussing it. Other than that though, I agree that the first 2 acts are brilliant

Actually, my problem with BB's third act is it basically becomes a standard comic book movie.
Actually, my problem with BB's third act is it basically becomes a standard comic book movie.

Yeah pretty much this, its a well done comic book movie ending but its nothing new or different, especially after what came before it with Bruce becoming Batman, which made so much sense and is the best origins story done so far. I guess the Nolans just got better at doing third acts the next two times around.
We can quibble over the 3rd act, (my vote goes to this third movie).

But I cannot think of a superhero movie, period, that had a more memorable ending than TDKR.

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