Box Office Predictions - Part 1

The bottom line is that it did well enough to get a sequel and also encourage them to try more risks in future.

Very true and point taken. Ultimately, that's what we all hope for. The box office numbers are just a fun, little thing we toss around. Here's to AM and the Wasp......but I wish they didn't push Captain Marvel back.....again.....
Actuals after the weekend:

21 Ant-Man $146,365 -22% 161 -20 $909 $179,750,975 18 Disney

That 22% drop is actually 6th best out of the 26 movies in limited (100-999 theaters) release and the $909 per theater 12 of 26. Jurassic World came out on blu ray Oct. 20 and it's still in 109 theaters. So who knows how long it putters along? Might beat 180 yet.
Oh, one other note: how good are Ant-Man's legs? Of those 26 films it's the 4th longest in release at 18 weeks. Only Minions (19), Inside Out (22) and JW (23) have been out longer and are still playing in about the same number of venues.
Very true and point taken. Ultimately, that's what we all hope for. The box office numbers are just a fun, little thing we toss around. Here's to AM and the Wasp......but I wish they didn't push Captain Marvel back.....again.....

Actuals after the weekend:

21 Ant-Man $146,365 -22% 161 -20 $909 $179,750,975 18 Disney

That 22% drop is actually 6th best out of the 26 movies in limited (100-999 theaters) release and the $909 per theater 12 of 26. Jurassic World came out on blu ray Oct. 20 and it's still in 109 theaters. So who knows how long it putters along? Might beat 180 yet.

That IS actually pretty impressive. About 133K to go.....Hunger Games is going to kill next weekend, but shouldn't have any effect on AM's numbers.

Oh....$#!T, I just got caught up in that numbers game.
Post-weekend estimate is $179,974,528 at That seems like a really big jump this late in the game, though, and the last few weeks' estimates have been overly optimistic. But I think it's probably safe to say Wolverine is now in the rear-view mirror.
Ant-man has out grossed Wolverine. Lol.
Go Marvel.
Weekend estimate revised upward to $180,072,603! Still an estimate so we will see if it holds.
Weekend estimate revised upward to $180,072,603! Still an estimate so we will see if it holds.

According to BOM, it is 179,887,604; about 4K more than Wolverine. WW it's not even close. So, were the "Ant-Man bombed" people saying the same about Wolverine???
Yup, just after I posted that revised it back down to $1 below (lol) that number:

19 Ant-Man $98,075 -33% 146 -15 $672 $179,887,603 19 Disney

Hold is still the fourth-best out of the limited group of 25 movies and per-theater number is 15/25.
The marketing/trailers for GotG were just brilliant. The soundtrack also really pulled people in. I went from :huh: to :ilv: in a very short period of time.

The marketing for Badlands leaves much to be desired IMO. :oldrazz:

GOTG was like one of those pop songs on the radio that get the hell played out of them.

As a film, I found the movie to be EXTREMELY immature (drunk dialing Ronan, the dick message, Nebula flat out calling Gamora "stupid", etc etc). It also spent too much time having other characters verbally tell us who someone else was and what they were capable of.

Gunn even stole one of Whedon's beats from The Avengers by having Groot maliciously slam those Sakaarans over and over (ummmm Hulk/Loki scene?). Then there's Chris Pratt fan. I'm a huge fan, but I could barely stand him in it. What was with all the "bro" talk? He was completely off the leash. Thank God for the Thanos scene as that's really all I cared for. Seeing two heavyweights like he and Ronan in a heated argument, t'was a total geek out moment. Just wish it would've last longer.

Pratt's performance in GOTG was almost a complete opposite from Paul Rudd - who's comedic style I felt was muted a bit in Ant-Man.
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It's official now $180 mil for Ant-Man--$518WW. That's 78% of the WW take of Man of Steel.
OMG! When did it cross the $180M DOM total? I gave up any chance of it doing so.
Yup, officially over the $180M mark. Actuals after Sunday from

16 Ant-Man $111,585 14% 131 -15 $852 $180,070,613 20 Disney

While it was 16/20 in the "limited" release category (100-999 theaters) that 14% holiday bump was 5/20 and its per theater number was 14/20. At 20 weeks only Minions and Inside Out have been charting longer.
GOTG was like one of those pop songs on the radio that get the hell played out of them.

As a film, I found the movie to be EXTREMELY immature (drunk dialing Ronan, the dick message, Nebula flat out calling Gamora "stupid", etc etc). It also spent too much time having other characters verbally tell us who someone else was and what they were capable of.

Gunn even stole one of Whedon's beats from The Avengers by having Groot maliciously slam those Sakaarans over and over (ummmm Hulk/Loki scene?). Then there's Chris Pratt fan. I'm a huge fan, but I could barely stand him in it. What was with all the "bro" talk? He was completely off the leash. Thank God for the Thanos scene as that's really all I cared for. Seeing two heavyweights like he and Ronan in a heated argument, t'was a total geek out moment. Just wish it would've last longer.

Pratt's performance in GOTG was almost a complete opposite from Paul Rudd - who's comedic style I felt was muted a bit in Ant-Man.

Someone, somewhere isn't going to like any movie. GotG was probably my favorite. I liked all the stuff you didn't. It was lighthearted, not to be taken too seriously, and (for me) fun. Ant-Man felt closer to it than other Marvel movies.
$180M+ US DOM, woo *wolf whistles*. And we're done.

Now time to watch that 3D Blu ray.

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