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Do you think WB/DC will ever make a Wonder Woman movie?

so long as Gadot is well received, she'll get a movie
Wonder Woman's one of the characters I most want to get a solo movie. Might even be top of the list of all those who haven't already had a solo movie.
This always amazes me. I've only seen one WW comic out of the maybe hundred or so I've read where she battled a mythical creature.

you're saying you don't want to see Wonder Woman fight any mythical creatures in a solo film? I personally hope they play up her mythological origins. Mythological creatures would be a welcome addition, and would make perfect sense given her origins.

I want them to focus more on gods and goddesses, but I wouldn't mind a few Guillermo Del Toro designed monsters for her to face off against.

His design sensibilities are perfect for WW.
you're saying you don't want to see Wonder Woman fight any mythical creatures in a solo film? I personally hope they play up her mythological origins. Mythological creatures would be a welcome addition, and would make perfect sense given her origins.

I want them to focus more on gods and goddesses, but I wouldn't mind a few Guillermo Del Toro designed monsters for her to face off against.

His design sensibilities are perfect for WW.
I want them to play up her mythological backgrounds as much as works for the film. That's one of the reasons I like the character so much.
I think the decision to choose Gadot rather than a better known actress makes this something of an uphill battle. To build enough momentum to convince WB execs to greenlight her movie, she needs to be able to standout in a supporting role in BvS and in an ensemble role in JL. It remains to be seen whether or not she has the acting talent to make a sufficient impression or whether Snyder will give her the material she needs to work with.
Serious question: What does WW does in her superhero downtime asides from being a princess?
there's no excuse not to do one after Justice League finally comes out. Of course, it might be a thing like when Widow is used for a strategic guest appearances the first couple of times before she gets her "own" film. But count on a prominent male co-star.
you're saying you don't want to see Wonder Woman fight any mythical creatures in a solo film? I personally hope they play up her mythological origins. Mythological creatures would be a welcome addition, and would make perfect sense given her origins.

I want them to focus more on gods and goddesses, but I wouldn't mind a few Guillermo Del Toro designed monsters for her to face off against.

His design sensibilities are perfect for WW.

I'm a little divided on the issue. It is very convenient and an easy point of reference, but at the same time that makes it a generic myth setting, and it also, once again, throws out the character's setting for what people presume the character's setting is. That approach hasn't helped the character grow at all, her continuously being reset.

I think what puts the nail in the coffin for this idea for me is that the 'beat-up-all-my-problems' female heroine simply isn't appealing for most, and so having a Wonder Woman suplexing the Kraken really won't appeal to many people. It's not like it makes the character interesting.

Serious question: What does WW does in her superhero downtime asides from being a princess?

That is the right question, the unanswered question. The reason everyone loves Katniss and no one knows what to do with Wonder Woman except make her fight Cyclopses. This aspect of the character changes, sometimes dramatically with every incarnation. There is no wrong answer, and thus, no right one.

I think some of the most successful and critically acclaimed takes have had her in hiding, blending among the average citizens, running from gods of one stripe or other. What does Wonder Woman do in her spare time? She tries to survive. I think juxtaposing this with her compassion, being a sort of good samaritan social worker on the run could be really interesting, especially in a superhero story.
To each his/her own I suppose. but then I'm not the general audience.
Azzarello's Wonder Woman run is probably my favorite, something based on that would be ideal imo
^Yeah, on the run from the gods ie Hera, allows Wonder Woman to still kick butt in the JLA but be vulnerable and 'on the run' in her solo adventures. Azarello was really smart with that. I liked Zola, though Hermes didn't really do it for me, he was cool enough. I think at some point Lennox got placed before her in capability and effectiveness and I didn't like that so much.

And Steamteck, I'm just talking about the general audience. I would certainly go see Wonder Woman suplexing the Kraken, but I've also seen the Kill Bill movies, the Underworld movies, half the Resident Evil movies, Ultraviolet, both Tomb Raider movies, Salt, both Charlies Angels movies, Hanna and some others I'm sure, because I show up for women kicking butt in leading roles. Most others do not, the highest ranking of those where women solve all their problems like superheroes was Tomb Raider, with $131M domestic. The higher quality ones earned even less.

A lot of the reasons superheroes are the way they are, that is, primarily physical and only secondarily social if that, is because of the Male Power Fantasy. Without testosterone, the fantasy of physical power loses it's luster. It's nice, but it's not the most appealing fantasy anymore. So a female power fantasy that is about physical power appeals to a much smaller audience.

Another aspect, which I neglected to mention earlier is that we live in a very misogynistic society. That's not to say that society is not also misandric, it certainly is, just in different ways. But on the topic of female superheroes, there is a possibly significant chunk of the audience that simply resents female power, and have very strict expectations of femininity. A female hero who is not "powerful" ie Katniss, Pris, Bella, doesn't awaken these resentments.

Often the counter is: well if they just make the films great, success will come. Not only do we have examples of that not happening (Kill Bill), but the same thing that keeps the audience from showing up also keeps filmmakers from showing up and/or giving their best. It's a cumulative effect, not isolated incidents.
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Diplomacy is only 'exciting' if there are immense social stakes involved. Would a failure in her diplomacy immediately begin World War III or result in the destruction of her people? The world? Day to day normal diplomacy doesn't make for good storytelling, see: Prequel Trilogy. Aggressive Negotiations or bust.

But now that you've said it, I really do like the idea of Diana trying to prevent World War III.
^And Steamteck, I'm just talking about the general audience. I would certainly go see Wonder Woman suplexing the Kraken, but I've also seen the Kill Bill movies, the Underworld movies, half the Resident Evil movies, Ultraviolet, both Tomb Raider movies, Salt, both Charlies Angels movies, Hanna and some others I'm sure, because I show up for women kicking butt in leading roles. Most others do not, the highest ranking of those where women solve all their problems like superheroes was Tomb Raider, with $131M domestic. The higher quality ones earned even less.

I understand. I'm rarely the target audience but your list at least is encouraging in what has been made even if they weren't runaway hits.
Often the counter is: well if they just make the films great, success will come. Not only do we have examples of that not happening (Kill Bill), but the same thing that keeps the audience from showing up also keeps filmmakers from showing up and/or giving their best. It's a cumulative effect, not isolated incidents.
Not sure that Kill Bill should be counted as any thing less than a success; vol 1 and 2 were each made on a budget of 30 mil and grossed $180,949,045 and $152,159,461 respectively world wide that is more than 6 and 5 times the budget respectively and that's as R rated ultra gory Martial Arts revenge epics that are 8th and 9th highest grossing wire fu movies domestically(not adjusted for inflation)
Not sure that Kill Bill should be counted as any thing less than a success; vol 1 and 2 were each made on a budget of 30 mil and grossed $180,949,045 and $152,159,461 respectively world wide that is more than 6 and 5 times the budget respectively and that's as R rated ultra gory Martial Arts revenge epics that are 8th and 9th highest grossing wire fu movies domestically(not adjusted for inflation)

Good point. Allow me to elaborate: if Kill Bill had had a $150M budget it would not have been a success. Again, just making a great film isn't enough. In this case, you have to make a great film for cheap, so that what would be considered a failure elsewhere will be a success. And I don't think an R rating hurt Kill Bill financially, but the opposite in fact. I severely doubt the entertainment value of a PG13 Kill Bill, or a PG13 300 for that matter, which made significantly more money, with a significantly lower RT score.

I think if WB/DC made an outstanding WW action movie for say $75M, it would be successful. But a $150M WW adventure movie has a shot at making a billion dollars like Katniss.
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Ugh, Goyer.

We live in a misogynist society. There's a reason Kill Bill, the highest acclaimed and most truly successful (thanks for the correction) all-action heroine starts with her getting raped. Goyer's lack of awareness of anything She-Hulk beyond how sexable she is is simply a symptom of that. Another writer may handle her, or Wonder Woman, even worse. :/
It's a bit disturbing that Goyer doesn't seem to be aware that She-Hulk and The Hulk are cousins.

Or maybe he does realize it?
Ugh, Goyer.

We live in a misogynist society. There's a reason Kill Bill, the highest acclaimed and most truly successful (thanks for the correction) all-action heroine starts with her getting raped. Goyer's lack of awareness of anything She-Hulk beyond how sexable she is is simply a symptom of that. Another writer may handle her, or Wonder Woman, even worse. :/

Somedays I wonder if he has a vendetta to any who hated Blade:Trinity?
It was a light hearted dicussion. and he is sticking to his dayjob, making more than most of us will in our lifetimes, haha.

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