Batwoman Episode 01/09 "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Hour Two"


From parts unknown
Aug 19, 2010
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This is here as a placeholder - and to satisfy my obsessive compulsion for completion. :cwink: Of course, it’s likely that most commentary about the crossover will occur in its dedicated thread.

Scheduled airdate: (temporary move to Monday) December 9, 2019
Official description released today (MAJOR SPOILERS):

CAN THE REAL CLARK KENT PLEASE STAND UP? PART TWO OF CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS CONTINUES WITH SPECIAL GUEST STARS TOM WELLING, ERICA DURANCE AND KEVIN CONROY – The group uses Ray’s (guest star Brandon Routh) invention to track new recruits to help save the universe. The Monitor (guest star LaMonica Garrett) sends Iris (guest star Candice Patton), Clark (guest star Tyler Hoechlin) and Lois (guest star Elizabeth Tulloch) in search of a mysterious Kryptonian, while Kate (Ruby Rose) and Kara (guest star Melissa Benoist) head out to find Bruce Wayne (guest star Kevin Conroy). In addition, Mia (guest star Katherine McNamara) challenges Sara (guest star Caity Lotz), Rory (guest star Dominic Purcell) discovers a hidden talent, and Lex Luthor (guest star Jon Cryer) returns. Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Don Whitehead and Holly Henderson (#108). Original airdate 12/9/2019.
A little nervous that the 3 Supermen AND Conroy’s appearance AND Lex Luthor are all getting handled by the Batwoman team. Oh well, hope they’re up to the task, at least more so than the Arrow team and their godawful handling of Supergirl in the previous crossovers.
So, every ep from the pilot until now has been set in the past, probably by about half a year(?). I was assuming that by the time they hit the crossover that they would have caught up with the time frame of the other shows. But now I'm wondering if they are going to time-jump again.
I’m betting that Lex Luthor returns and battles all three Supermen. I wonder if he steals the Book of Destiny.

This is where Kara and Kate will develop their friendship more.
So, every ep from the pilot until now has been set in the past, probably by about half a year(?). I was assuming that by the time they hit the crossover that they would have caught up with the time frame of the other shows. But now I'm wondering if they are going to time-jump again.

It might be the case that Batwoman’s timeline is somewhat… “elastic.” :cwink:

The assumption is that Kate’s “Elseworlds” encounter occurred in the fall of 2018 (because that’s when the crossover aired). Therefore, the events of the BW pilot had to have occurred several weeks earlier (at least). And subsequent events/episodes seem to have transpired in more-or-less real time (no obvious jumps).

So, chronology question #1: When does BW catch up to “Elseworlds”? Well, it’s possible this already happened. Though, it’s maybe a bit odd that Kate hasn’t made even a passing/voiceover reference to her exploits with Green Arrow, Flash and Supergirl.

Chronology question #2: When does BW catch up to “present day”? Indeed, there’s only one episode left before the “Crisis” crossover starts. And it might be a tad awkward to squeeze in a bunch of exposition that clarifies the timeline.

My guess (and I could be wrong) is that they’ll ignore both questions. Like I said: “elastic.” :word:
So, chronology question #1: When does BW catch up to “Elseworlds”? Well, it’s possible this already happened. Though, it’s maybe a bit odd that Kate hasn’t made even a passing/voiceover reference to her exploits with Green Arrow, Flash and Supergirl.

Inbetween Batwoman Ep. #4 and Batwoman Ep. #5.

Just a question:
Since the 3 "Elseworlds" episodes happened before Batwoman Episode 5, is it me or Wayne's office was looking abandoned and partially run-down in "Elseworlds", while in the series it has been already rejuvenated?
Inbetween Batwoman Ep. #4 and Batwoman Ep. #5.

I stand corrected. Though it escaped my notice, apparently episode 5 mentions a “recent” escape of inmates from Arkham. And presumably, this refers to “Elseworlds.” But does this mean that episodes 6, 7 and 8 occur over an entire year - taking us up to the present and “Crisis”...?

Just a question:
Since the 3 "Elseworlds" episodes happened before Batwoman Episode 5, is it me or Wayne's office was looking abandoned and partially run-down in "Elseworlds", while in the series it has been already rejuvenated?

Continuity mistake? The series sucks! :argh:
Bad for you. It's a great series.

I’ve honestly lost all interest in the CW DC shows. I haven’t even seen an episode of The Flash or Supergirl this season and I don’t feel like I missed it. Despite the quality going up and down, the only show I will truly miss will be Arrow.
I’ve honestly lost all interest in the CW DC shows. I haven’t even seen an episode of The Flash or Supergirl this season and I don’t feel like I missed it. Despite the quality going up and down, the only show I will truly miss will be Arrow.

I cant blame anybody for this, i watch here and there stuff(Batwoman regular because it somehow pleases me and has this "new" feeling to it)...but the shows imo have just become too boring.
The formula and drama doesnt really change, the style is always the same and its overall nothing you truly miss out on.
I can't blame anybody for this, I watch here and there stuff (Batwoman regular because it somehow pleases me and has this "new" feeling to it)...but the shows imo have just become too boring.
The formula and drama doesn't really change, the style is always the same and it's overall nothing you truly miss out on.

I’m liking Batwoman’s smaller scope and “back to basics” approach. Now, part of this comes from just being new (and having less time to mess up); another has to do with the titular character being mortal (therefore, the threats don’t need to involve alien supervillains or time-travel shenanigans). An additional aspect I appreciate: BW is kinda a loner :csad: - no family or friends that are really close, no large crew à la Team Flash or the DEO.

Of course, if Arrowverse precedent is any indication, Batwoman will eventually devolve into a convoluted soap opera. :word: But until that happens, I’ll continue to enjoy.
I’ve honestly lost all interest in the CW DC shows. I haven’t even seen an episode of The Flash or Supergirl this season and I don’t feel like I missed it. Despite the quality going up and down, the only show I will truly miss will be Arrow.

My 2 cents is in general the first season or 2 of all these DC shows are the best, then they start coming up with convoluted storylines. My actual favorite though is the Legends because it doesn't seem to be over the top with the soap opera aspect and has a bit more fun
Very true. The first couple of seasons of all the shows are the best. I really enjoyed Arrow for the first two seasons, first half of the third, and then the fifth season. Season 4 was at its lowest point for me. Now I’m sure Batwoman season 1 is not that bad but I’m 99% sure the quality will go down. That’s business as usual for most of Berlanti’s superhero shows.
Supergirl bucked that trend, though. S4 is pretty widely considered its best. So ya never know.
Supergirl bucked that trend, though. S4 is pretty widely considered its best. So ya never know.

That was last season, right? By far the worst one for me...except for Lex who was only in 3 episodes.
That was last season, right? By far the worst one for me...except for Lex who was only in 3 episodes.
Yes, it was the last season. And that doesn't seem to be the popular consensus, so to each their own. It jettisoned the clunky romance that drove the plots of the previous three seasons, Kara grew as a character in taking on a proper mentor role, streamlined the plot, and had solid villains not just in Lex, but in the Elite and Agent Liberty as well, and all those plots fed into each other organically. Critics for the most part declared it the strongest season yet, and there were articles about how the show "found itself" last season. To me, it was the best season of all the Arrowverse shows last year, as Black Lightning hit a bit of a sophomore slump. But as I said, to each their own.
I do commend the show for not giving the main character a love interest all season...especially for a show on the CW. Their political push just didn’t click with me. It was pretty clear they were trying to capitalize on the immigration issue and I just didn’t care for it, but like you each their own.
Last season I loved Supergirl. This season is awful. The stupid "Lena Luther Fall From Grace" is just annoying. Oh no she had people lie to her SHE MUST NOW TURN EVIL!! Give me a break...

The best part of Lena's character was her fight to prove she WASNT like all other Luthers. Now...she openly is doing the same type of thing her brother would do and lying...after she spent all this time upset because...PEOPLE WERE LYING!

I honestly wish she would go away, which sucks because I loved her character.
AS cool as it sounds to have the idea of 3 Supermen being in one scene together, it could also be Greg Berlanti overhyping due to Tom Welling doing only one scene.

If Tom does suit up, I hope it's not like the SV finale with CGI and close-ups. Can you imagine Tyler and Brandon in live-action standing next to a CGI Superman?
Last season I loved Supergirl. This season is awful. The stupid "Lena Luther Fall From Grace" is just annoying. Oh no she had people lie to her SHE MUST NOW TURN EVIL!! Give me a break...

The best part of Lena's character was her fight to prove she WASNT like all other Luthers. Now...she openly is doing the same type of thing her brother would do and lying...after she spent all this time upset because...PEOPLE WERE LYING!

I honestly wish she would go away, which sucks because I loved her character.

Oh yeah, its one of the dumbest reasons to have a character be a villian imo.
Its so clumsy done, i mean its not the worst idea but the way they handle it is really as if a child is throwing a tantrum because of something minor.
I get the reason and all, but the execution just looks dumb.

As for the supermen...
I think people expect way too much in this all, but there is not enough time for it all.
I expect smallville superman to have at best 2-3 scenes and none with the suit...i dont expect all supermen on one screen.
I literally expect the least possible because even for a 5 part event, there is way too little time for all.

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