Game of Thrones season 5 grades


Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score

"The Jaime Lannister and Bronn tag-team is all I’ve ever wanted out of both characters, and I didn’t even realize it until it happened. They have both come from such different backgrounds but yet are kinda like separated twins personality-wise and share the connective tissue that is their relationship with Tyrion.

One of the interesting things about Game of Thrones is how they like to pair up the odd-couples in previous season. Jaime and Brienne, Arya and The Hound and Tyrion and Bronn, the magic of most of the previous storylines has been the uniqueness of the characters that populate the central storylines.

What that has done is make the pairing of Bronn and Jaime that much more interesting, as we have yet to see the obvious tandem of similar personality types. Pairing the two swashbuckling, romancing, swordsmen is something that in a lesser story would come off as stale, but in Game of Thrones season 5 it just pops off the screen and is so obviously awesome.

Jaime Lannister’s Han Solo jacket is easily the MVP of Game of Thrones season 5 at this point. It shows a remarkable attention to detail to highlight the incredible character changes that Jaime has gone through over the course of his five season run in the show.

He’s gone from an overly handsome, but cocky and borderline evil man, to a humbled and sympathetic figure who doesn’t really have a place in the world anymore. All he has is his courage and honor and he’s out to make things right. There’s no better way to signify a change in character than a change in gear, and Jaime’s new gear certainly comes off as more heroic.

Bronn as well is an early MVP candidate. Not knowing anything from the books and only going off of the show, I was a little worried that since the Tyrion/Bronn story had seem to come to it’s natural conclusion that Bronn would slowly be phased out of importance in Game of Thrones season 5. However, like any good story that knows when they have an awesome character, they’ve found ways to continue to incorporate him and use him to his strengths.

Bronn in some ways seems like the long lost brother Jaime never had, he’s got all the cockiness and arrogance an Lannister could ever hope to have, and he’s maybe Jaime’s equal as a swordsman and a lover…..Plus he’s killing it with the one-liners right now.

Ultimately, Bronn might not have enough of an impact role in the story to be the MVP of Game of Thrones season 5, but he’s kinda the ultimate heat-check player to give his team a lift when the offense is stuck in the mud. Bronn is defintily no Lebron, and probably not Kyrie or Kevin Love, but I think he’s kinda the JR Smith of Game of Thrones right now…And I mean that as a compliment. Bronn is good for a 6/6 on three-pointers type game every couple episodes and keep the offense going while Tyrion is depressed, Daenerys is lacking confidence and Jaime is re-prioritizing his life.

Mid-Term Grade: A"
Last season was much better. B- for this season. The ending was crap!
If I'm rating this strictly on the show's merits without considering the source, I'd say this season is my favorite since...well, last season. This one, last season, and the first season are the top 3 for me.

This one certainly emphasized two things: Winter is Coming, and, The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors. Terrors abound this season.
I'd give this season an "A" based on its own merits, and it had my favorite finale episode of the show, and it had my favorite episode 9 of the show. My enjoyment of the season was brought down by the constant *****ing by the book readers and the people that after 5 seasons suddenly took issue with the morality of Westeros, but I'm not going to hold that against the season.

I'd rank the seasons:

Ranking the seasons:
1. S1 and S4
3. S3
4. S5
5. S2

The season was as badly put together as season 2, as least on the back end. The same odd characterizations. A lot of build up to nothing really. Hardhome was fantastic though.
I'd give this season an "A" based on its own merits, and it had my favorite finale episode of the show, and it had my favorite episode 9 of the show. My enjoyment of the season was brought down by the constant *****ing by the book readers and the people that after 5 seasons suddenly took issue with the morality of Westeros, but I'm not going to hold that against the season.

I'd rank the seasons:

Better then Baelor, Blackwater, The Rains of Castamere and Watchers on the Wall? Better then Fire and Blood and The Children? I guess to each their own.
So much of the finale felt rushed and unearned to me. It was like a bunch of bullet point "shocking moments" that weren't given time to breathe, and it hurt the characters involved.
So much of the finale felt rushed and unearned to me. It was like a bunch of bullet point "shocking moments" that weren't given time to breathe, and it hurt the characters involved.
I completely agree. The exact opposite of the finales for season 1 and 4. Those were well earned and nature endings to their respective seasons. Plus, they are fantastic episodes.
This season had no constructive build up in a alot of cases and simply rushed in the last episodes to give as much shock and horror to the audience without proper build up while assination of characters like Brienne, Stannis, possibly Prince Doran and etc alike.

Daenerys' plot was a huge misstep, what did she learn at the end of the day? Not to mention why would Melisandre ever forsake Stannis like that? Why did Prince Doran assinate Myrcelle in such a weak way or was his nod for Ellaria just to say she can say goodbye and he did not expect her to kill Myrcella? Jaime's character development dragged and Bronn was there just to please fans.

Sansa on the last season was shown as more confident and certain, but then Littlefinger lets her stay with the Boltons all alone and she gets raped so Theon Greyjoy's character can learn motivation, but why take the hit for Sansa's growth?

R.I.P Shireen Baratheon who was killed for nothing but shock value.

I don't get why people rate season 2 so low, i'd watch season 2 anyday over season 5.
Ranking the seasons:
1. S1 and S4
3. S3
4. S5
5. S2

The season was as badly put together as season 2, as least on the back end. The same odd characterizations. A lot of build up to nothing really. Hardhome was fantastic though.

Agree with your assessment!
I'm impressed they managed to pull a decent season out of those two books that consisted almost entirely of sight seeing and food porn, and changed things so that death would still have meaning; however, I the show is being progressively dragged down by their leather pants wearing shirtless dual wielding infallible wunderkind of a sadism flavored Gary Stu. Every time I see him I feel like I'm watching a C grade anime. Many of the best, and most colorful, characters in fiction are villains and they can be a pleasure to watch (Tywin anyone?) but in his case his inability to be wrong reduces so many of the greatest movers and shakers of GoT into gibbering idiots and thereby reduces the show.
Hate to write it but while I still like the series it's just not appointment programing for me anymore as seasonal rot has clearly set in.

Overall grade for season 5 is B-
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True, and Ramsay has some pretty dope armor in the books. Looks like striated musculature, flayed of course. That said, I still enjoy Ramsay a bit more than Twyin as a villain (and Roose/Euron more than him, so fingers crossed for next season).

I think Sansa could have still been moved north if they had her and LF and the Vale lords touring around, with Sansa being captured by the Blackfish and the Brotherhood Without Banners. Then have them moving north to Winterfell. Or even have Melisandre reach out to Thoros after having her vision of daggers in the dark that she warned Jon about. And you can even tie this into Jaime (possibly Brienne, too) by having Jaime sent into the Riverlands to help Lord Frey get a handle on peasant dissenters, bandits etc.
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This season had no constructive build up in a alot of cases and simply rushed in the last episodes to give as much shock and horror to the audience without proper build up while assination of characters like Brienne, Stannis, possibly Prince Doran and etc alike.

Daenerys' plot was a huge misstep, what did she learn at the end of the day? Not to mention why would Melisandre ever forsake Stannis like that? Why did Prince Doran assinate Myrcelle in such a weak way or was his nod for Ellaria just to say she can say goodbye and he did not expect her to kill Myrcella? Jaime's character development dragged and Bronn was there just to please fans.

Sansa on the last season was shown as more confident and certain, but then Littlefinger lets her stay with the Boltons all alone and she gets raped so Theon Greyjoy's character can learn motivation, but why take the hit for Sansa's growth?

R.I.P Shireen Baratheon who was killed for nothing but shock value.

I don't get why people rate season 2 so low, i'd watch season 2 anyday over season 5.

Agreed with your assessment as well. Overall. I was disappointed with the decisions the showrunners Benioff and Weiss made for this past season 5.

B- for me
Ranking the seasons:
1. S1 and S4
3. S3
4. S5
5. S2

The season was as badly put together as season 2, as least on the back end. The same odd characterizations. A lot of build up to nothing really. Hardhome was fantastic though.

Agree for the most part except I think season 5 was worse than season 2. Both suffered from having a lot of plots run in parallel but I felt season 2 was handled better in giving each enough time to breathe. There was too much rushed in season 5. For example, barely anything happened with Brienne and Pod between the first and last episodes. They could have used this opportunity to introduce Howland Reed and the crannogmen (dropping more R+L=J) hints. Instead, they end up in Winterfell and lead into the broken tower candle plot which leads to an old lady being flayed and Sansa being raped for pure shock value. Season 5 is when the the show went from "anything can happen" to "let's cheat for the bad guys to win" which isn't what the series is about.
So much of the finale felt rushed and unearned to me. It was like a bunch of bullet point "shocking moments" that weren't given time to breathe, and it hurt the characters involved.

That's what I thought too. Not the best way to end the season for me.
I watched about half the season before giving up. It sucked royally.

Grade: F
I thought it was a very weak season. It was boring, it had no direction, and it seems a lot of great scenes were just that: great scenes, but they didn't mean a lot without the proper build up.
Season 5 should've slowed the hell down. After the end of Season 3 and all of Season 4 we had all these massive game changing moments. Season 5 should've been like AFFC and ADWD in being the hangover of ASOS.

I'm not good with grades, but it's not a pass.
Some people were raving about season 5, but for me was not very satisfying, excepting the big action beats, like Hardhome. Even Arya's story, which I've been looking forward to was merely serviceable. I really want this show to pick up the standard set by s1 so it can all end in a good place. We shall see.
Hardhome seems to be the agreed-upon high point of the series, which is rather good for a story created almost from whole cloth for the show. But dropping the remaining segments of the War of the 5 Kings during this season was a mistake; a lot of the chaos of the show in its various setting would have made more sense in a world where the Kingslanding crowd are celebrating a bit prematurely. Cersei's maneuvering ticks up a bit more on the short-sightedness department when two of the kings are still at large, and even just a token review of the Iron Islands would have done a good job of keeping that plotline in mind for next season.

Just show a short segment of Stannis or Roose cleaning out some of the last holdouts and hearing that Baelon is dead would have been an interesting hook, and having Baelon's death recorded would have helped to remind the audience of why Stannis has any faith in the Red God.

Seriously, they dropped the ball on Stannis. They went for maximum emotional impact with Shireen's death via giving the two of them some red herring hope and then just pulling a 360 out of their butts for her burning, and that cost them what would could have been a very nerve wracking and thrilling part of the season. Dillane is a great actor; imagine if he'd had multiple episodes where Melisandre and Selyse argue in the favor of the Red God and keep bringing up king's blood, over and over, without outright saying what they want, all while we see him use Jon and Davos's advice to build up a legitimate chance at taking the North with secular man-power. The audience would then have all sorts of time to debate Stannis's mental state, and his turning on his daughter could be that much more horrifying. Instead, what we got made the whole plotline feel like a waste of time, with just a surface level of character development leading up to the horror of an action that may turn out to be radically different in the books. Seriously, if the books come out and it's Selyse and Melisandre burning the girl with Stannis unawares, that's a major freakin' change in that entire subplot.
1. Season 3 (10/10)
2. Season 4 (9.5/10)
3. Season 1 (9.5/10)
4. Season 2 (9/10)
5. Season 5 (8.5/10)

Funny how this is the year the Emmys noticed. Oh well, I will take the win.
Probably the worst season so far in terms of it's relationship with the source material, e.g. Jamie's story is very messed around and Tyrion's post-storm of Swords story is majorly chopped and sped up, and lost some of the impact it could have had, but one of the most exciting one's for people who don't care about that. And I think they're getting back to some of Jamie's actual book plot in season 6 anyway so.. Book adaption rating (C-) TV season rating (B+).
1. Season 3 (10/10)
2. Season 4 (9.5/10)
3. Season 1 (9.5/10)
4. Season 2 (9/10)
5. Season 5 (8.5/10)

Funny how this is the year the Emmys noticed. Oh well, I will take the win.

I guess they finally started to watch the show and woke up. I take the win as more a win for Game of Thrones S1-present, than S5 alone.. but that's just me.
I thought season 5 completely sucked. After 4 great seasons it just seemed to lack direction, and introduced nonsense plots - The High Sparrow ffs!!!
Season 5 was the absolute worst. Its hard for me to remember what happened in each season bc after the memorable season 1, 2-4 kind of blend together for me. 1 was definitely the best with 5 being the worst

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