Hype Survivor Hype! Survivor 29: Spy vs Spy - Day Two : Going Off Grid


Congrats White Spies on a job well done, and a special shout out to Kane. Without your fantastic grid and avy skills, we would have had no chance in hell! You rock! :)

Now, are the host avys part of the base challenge scoring, or were they a side item like the GTFO pic?

Also, why can't we see both grids! :cmad:

No the bonus (GTFO) picture was in a different pm and this was the Challenge pm.

Hello Spies, it's time for the second challenge, your mission is to create a game grid using the theme as a guide, the avatars you asign players must be from either espionage TV shows or movies, good guys/gals for the white spies and bad guys/gals for the black spies.

The second part requires you to create an avvy for myself and Matthew, for me a badass Jack Bauer avvy, for Matt a stylish Jason King avvy.

The final task is to make a team flag using the theme as your guide.

The flag and grid will both be marked out of 10 by 3 judges, so there are 60 points on offer.

There will be a further mark out of 10 each from me and Matt for the avvies.
Heh, not to mention I think you added the points incorrectly Hunter. :p

Judge 2 for the black tribe should be 25/30 (you have 21/25).

That would bring us 62 points.

I checked everything and it should be correct (for both tribes), except that error.
Ahhh, the double post monster got me...

Congrats White Spies on a job well done, and a special shout out to Kane. Without your fantastic grid and avy skills, we would have had no chance in hell! You rock! :)

Now, are the host avys part of the base challenge scoring, or were they a side item like the GTFO pic?

Also, why can't we see both grids! :cmad:

you are welcome :woot:

and yeah i want to see the host's avys and the black spies grid
This will be very interesting.
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That PM doesn't say how much host avys or even the team avys are worth, though. It just says how much the grid and flag are worth. So, maybe they just had us do those for fun?

But, we won!!! :oldrazz:
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That PM doesn't say how much host avys or even the team are worth, though. It just says how much the grid and flag are worth. So, maybe they just had us do those for fun?

But, we won!!! :oldrazz:

Actually...it does for the hosts avvies. :oldrazz: But the "team" avvies aren't worth anything, he just meant having an image on the grid as that was the first part of the challenge

Hello Spies, it's time for the second challenge, your mission is to create a game grid using the theme as a guide, the avatars you asign players must be from either espionage TV shows or movies, good guys/gals for the white spies and bad guys/gals for the black spies.

The second part requires you to create an avvy for myself and Matthew, for me a badass Jack Bauer avvy, for Matt a stylish Jason King avvy.

The final task is to make a team flag using the theme as your guide.

The flag and grid will both be marked out of 10 by 3 judges, so there are 60 points on offer.

There will be a further mark out of 10 each from me and Matt for the avvies.
I missed that part :csad:

So...that means results are not final? What is going on!

My brain hurts :csad:

I'd also like to see both grids :up:
No the results shouldn't be final, just an oversight on what was to be included.
Recap for those late to the game:
Black Spies points

White Spies points

We are still waiting for the points to be awarded for the Host avvy's.

We are also waiting to see who wins the GTFO pic challenge.
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Who were the judges BTW? I am guessing CC is the 3rd judge. :)
I don't agree with the decision to keep the judges anonymous. When I played in New Challengers, and anytime that I have judged, the judges' names were always revealed with their scoring and comments. I can remember getting several PMs from players thanking me for paying attention to their tribe submissions. (Matt was one of those who thanked me.)

As for the actual scores, Judge 1...are you kidding me? Your scores for both tribes were ridiculous. Perhaps you should have read the rules of the challenge a little more closely. Tribes always put a lot of hard work into these challenges and for you to dismiss them the way you did is very disappointing.

I'm also glad to see that the White Spies publicly thanked (former Black Spies member) Kane for doing the large majority of their work in this challenge.

Overall, this has turned out to be an incredibly close challenge! For both tribes to only be seperated by 1.5 points with points still to be awarded with the host avvys is pretty interesting.
TEDDY did our flag, so I want to give the bear props, too :up:

Also props to Bnight for making a flag draft, even if we used TEDDY's :)
Judge 1 acted completely within the judgement parameters that I sent the judges.

Anyhow, I don't think the judges were meant to be kept anonymous, I think Hunter was just crunched for time. Two of them were part of the Hype's Brangelina and the other is a Hype Survivor Champion.

Judge 1 was AndthePickles
Judge 2 was Colossal Spoons
Judge 3 was ComicChick

Now, my internet was acting up all morning so let me sift through my PM box, figure out whats going on, then I will reveal the reward challenge results and send tribal PMs.
I figured by the lack of capital letters 3 was CC, LOL!
Knowing that a former player could judge so poorly for both tribes is even more shameful. Anyone who has played this game knows how much work goes into these submissions, and to completely dismiss those submissions is just... :dry:

Thank you to CC and Spoons for showing both tribe's submissions the respect they deserve.
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I have yet to see your submission, but I thought the judging was fair on ours :)

At the end of the day, these come down to opinion of the judge!

Though Pickles judging here after missing judging chances in my game so many times makes me sad :csad:
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Okay, I see the complaint appears to be over the avatars and judging.

From the Host Announcement Thread:

Matt said:
Heads up guys:

The PM says you will be judged out of 60 points, but you will be judged on a scale of 1-5 for three categories (Theme, creativity, and quality) for your flag and your grid each (in other words, 15 total points for grid, 15 total for flag) by three judges. So there are in reality ninety points offered.

As for the reward challenge, Hunter and I will simply confer and pick the ones we like best. There will not be a definitive scoring system.

Neither avatars nor GTFO pictures factor into this challenge. To be quite honest, I'm not sure why you made yourselves avatars as the challenge PM was talking about your avatar on the GRID needing to be represented by certain characters. Not your Hype Avatar.

Anyhow, as for the Reward challenge results:

Hunter and I conferred on the avatars and GTFO picture (which as I said, was simply us picking our favorites).

In regards to the GTFO pictures, neither of us cared for the black tribe's. It is something I can do. If we wanted something I can do, why the hell would we have assigned you to do it? In fact, its not even creative. Its frankly a rip off of the one I made for Day 1 with a different scene. Disappointing :down:

While we liked the White Tribe's a bit better, it also didn't blow us out of the water. That said, it was creative and unique and I think that gave it the edge. :up:

Now as for the avatars, the first thing that came up is that neither of us were very impressed by your avatars. They ignored the game entirely (with the exception of the black tribe sticking GTFO on mine). That disappointed us.

Hunter liked the black tribe's the best. He felt the avatars were better from a technical stand point and would've taken far more work to make.

That said, I preferred the White Tribes. The Black Tribe's looked like something that could be found on any generic avatar site. The White Tribes, while not exactly mind blowing, were at least a bit flashier and appealing to the eye.

In the end, I voted White Tribe as I liked their avatars and GTFO pictures better. Hunter voted Black as he felt the technical work on the avatars trumped everything else. So we brought in a third, "honorary host," to break the tie and that was, former Hype Survivor Champion, Comic Chick.

And in the end, she liked one tribe's avatars better (White) and one tribe's GTFO picture better (Black), however...in the end...



Intersect choices will be posted in your forum as your reward.
And for those that are curious, here are the challenge submissions:

Black Spies:



Hunter avatar

Matt Avatar


White Spies:



Team Flag:




Host Avys:

Hunter Rider


Alright, now that this is cleared up, congratulations White Spies on winning the game's first tribal immunity. PMs will be sent shortly.
Immunity AND reward!!!

Go White Spies :word:

Thank you Squirrel and your humor for winning us the day on the reward :heart:
The Host avvy's were seperate from the GTFO and worth 10 points each, right?
According to the Challenge PM, yes.
Hello Spies, it's time for the second challenge, your mission is to create a game grid using the theme as a guide, the avatars you asign players must be from either espionage TV shows or movies, good guys/gals for the white spies and bad guys/gals for the black spies.

The second part requires you to create an avvy for myself and Matthew, for me a badass Jack Bauer avvy, for Matt a stylish Jason King avvy.

The final task is to make a team flag using the theme as your guide.

The flag and grid will both be marked out of 10 by 3 judges, so there are 60 points on offer.

There will be a further mark out of 10 each from me and Matt for the avvies.

Good luck!

The way it reads to me is that the points for host avvys is/was to be added to the judges scores for a grand total out of 110. (30 per judge, 10 points per Host.) It says that the scores are OUT OF 10, not 10 OR NOTHING. Hunter then sent the other PM saying that the GTFO was for the 'intersect' bonus reward.
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It warms my heart to know that I'm better than Marx once again. :heart:
Hunter picked yours and Matt picked ours. Even if it counted to the base challenge and not the bonus, we split the hosts. So, we'd still be up 1.5.
According to the Challenge PM, yes.

Then the Host's should choose their favorite and give out the points accordingly. CC (not too crazy that she was a judge and honorary host, but oh well) liked our GTFO picture better so we should win the bonus.

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