Ideas for how to bring The Justice League together?

No problem, but if they decide to do a team up between 2 characters that is not batman and superman these 2 would be the best bet
Brave and the Bold movie team ups.
The Brave and Bold movies could be used to introduce the characters, team up characters that have been in movies with those that haven't to help establish them and launch their franchises.
Batman, Superman, GL, have had their own movies and most people know about them now. Wonder Woman had a successful TV series, and that might help. But maybe not. Those with movies would help those without and launch those solo movies that have been a long time coming.

It would depend on the story, but I would like to see Superman and Martian Manhunter. Because they are both the last of their kind, the only survivors, and both incredibly powerful. But Superman looks human so he is more accepted and free on Earth than Jonn is.

I'd like to see Flash and GL. A Crime Scene Investigator and a Space Cop.

I'd like to see GL and GA, like the Neal Adams run, a space cop and a robin hood radical.

Batman and Wonder Woman might be fun, show a developing love interest like in the comics.
Brave and the Bold movie team ups.
The Brave and Bold movies could be used to introduce the characters, team up characters that have been in movies with those that haven't to help establish them and launch their franchises.
Batman, Superman, GL, have had their own movies and most people know about them now. Wonder Woman had a successful TV series, and that might help. But maybe not. Those with movies would help those without and launch those solo movies that have been a long time coming.

It would depend on the story, but I would like to see Superman and Martian Manhunter. Because they are both the last of their kind, the only survivors, and both incredibly powerful. But Superman looks human so he is more accepted and free on Earth than Jonn is.

I'd like to see Flash and GL. A Crime Scene Investigator and a Space Cop.

I'd like to see GL and GA, like the Neal Adams run, a space cop and a robin hood radical.

Batman and Wonder Woman might be fun, show a developing love interest like in the comics.

Honestly, if they want to be original with it, a Brave and Bold introduction would be a nice welcoming. Now, we don't need origin story for both characters, maybe have one origin story and leave the next hero origin as a prequel. I know it sounds stupid but I'm saying just for the sake argument. In reality Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman have had a shot on the big and small screen in regards of their origin unless WW needs to be updated. As opposed to Green Arrow and the Flash neither one them has had a real origin story (the Flash TV show didn't do justice to the Flash origin either). Go ahead with the Brave and Bold theme!

As for a way to bring the JLA as a whole Superman should be their may spokesman and Batman should do what he does best...stay in the shadows watching and waiting.
I guess zombies will be more suitable for a single superhero, who's not on Superman's power level. It leaves us with Green Arrow and Batman.
The same goes for werevolves.

But does it really matter, as the hero saves the day anyway?
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A few potential interactions I'd like to see include...

While looking for allies for an impending attack on Earth,Martian Manhunter showing up in his human form Detective John Jones for a cameo in a Batman movie as a way to determine if the Dark Knight is to be trusted. Also doing something simular in his alien form in a Superman movie. Maybe reference that Abin Sur may have tried to save Mars in order to connect him with Green Lantern.

Superman or Green Lantern accidentally first encountering Aquaman and the rest of the Atlanteans near the Earth's core after a group of Parademons try to plant a weapon to destroy a large portion of Earth at the bottom of the ocean.

Superman or Green Lantern injured in battle crash landing on Themescaria and first encountering Wonder Woman and the Amazons.

Batman and Clark Kent both investigating alien weaponry that can harm even Superman being sold on the black market in both Metropolis and Gotham City. Intergang having access to weapons that can emit red sun rays can serve as partial justification as to why Superman may need help.

Batman or Superman working with police forensic scientist Barry Allen.
I think that Darkseid is a good way to put the JL together and is more suited for a JL movie than for superman
Starro would be perfect for a world conquesting movie that would get Martian Manhunter to recruit everyone.

Amazo could be created to destroy all the heros,so a secret organization can take over the world.
Here's how i think it should be
If they decide to use this movie to show new versions of the characters for them to later have their oun movies then they should use Aquaman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter and have them fight starro.

If they use superman and batman then they should go the marvel way with Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Flash having their oun films before a JL movie with Darkseid as the villain
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If they want to do a JLA movie, I don't think it can be done anytime soon because they'll have to reboot Batman after TDKR, and WB will have to wait a few years to do it so audience won't get confused. And if DC makes good on their word on not doing it the Marvel way i.e. no crossover between movies, then there is no reason for each superhero to have an introductory movie in the first place. It'd be better to just have a JLA movie first, then spin-off each superhero into his or her own movie afterward.
I been suggesting for nearly three years, Darkseid should be the villain for JL, and many said no, save him for a Superman trilogy. So what changed. News that the Avengers may have an ending scene with Thanos. Now every one wants to follow that model and bring in Darkseid.

Well, I glad to see many of you change your mind. Welcome aboard.

Justice League
Funny, since Thanos is a rip off of Darkseid.

I think the way to go is have the Batman franchise gradually work in more fantastical elements. If MOS is a huge sucess, then dovetail the new Batman with MOS and use those guys to introduce the League. Much the same way that Timm did it. And I think WB really should push ahead with GL2. You can make references to Gotham, Metropolis, Central City etc in all these movies without the heroes having to interact until it's JLA time.
Actually i want Darkseid in the JL movies becaue the superman movies already need lex Luthor, Brainiac, Metallo, parasite and many more.
And because the reboot is using him as their first villain

I'd say do it very gradually. Lay out a multi-picture metanarrative, and instead of getting everyone out on their feet, even with simplistic films like Thor and Captain America, start with your Batman and Superman and build a stable with them as a base over time. In theory, a Justice League movie should be to Avengers what Batman Begins is to Captain America. Broader, deeper and better in every conceivable way.

2013- Man of Steel
2014- Batman Reboot
2015- World's Finest (Batman, Superman), Wonder Woman
2016- Man of Steel 2, Batman Reboot 2
2017- Trinity (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman), Flash

Continue this trend, every even year release sequels, and every odd year release a team up and a new character. For instance, with these four characters, you could have a Brave and The Bold movie. Once you add Green Lantern back in, you could call that the Justice League. Once you add Aquaman, that could be Justice League 2. Eventually you'll build up to a large Justice Leage with sequels that just keep adding on people so you can have a sprawling Potter-like cast, with three people right in the middle of it. All of it riding solidly on the backs of the two juggernauts who can carry it. Superman and Batman.
I got two ideas I feel would be best. One of them is just make a film with them already established as a team, like "Watchmen". It'll save the time and risk of making solo films (potentially bad solo films). Have there be little flashbacks to each of the hero's origins within the film. As far as the villain thing goes, yeah I agree that the full scale alien invasion thing is way overdone and predictable as ****.

If we were to go with the other idea I had, the film could show them as separate heroes coming together to stop Vandal Savage. I'd have it take place after a Superman/Batman film to already have one superhero partnership formed (or just have hints in the film that Supes and Bats already met and teamed up before). I'd have Lex Luthor as president and Vandal Savage as Secretary of Defense. Centuries ago Savage led an army to invade the island of Themyscira to conquer the Amazon women and seize their weapon, a gigantic Purple Ray which was given to them by the Martians who landed there years before to help with advancements in technology. Present day, Vandal is trying to convince Luthor that Themyscira is a danger to society as they have weapons of mass destruction so they need to invade them. Ambassador Hippolyta and her daughter Diane are speaking on behalf of the island at a conference. News of the US preparing to invade Themyscira is starting up and Lex recruits superheroes to the cause, namely Superman. He forms a team and on the team is pilot Hal Jordan who is secretly the Green Lantern and former police scientist who is now working with STAR Labs (or Cadmus) to help crack a code to the Speed Force again (which he already did once).

I've had this idea for a while now so I forget how I was gonna have the Martian Manhunter get in on this, but Batman was gonna be in the background of the battle, doing investigative type stuff looking into Lex's ulterior motives.

For a sequel I would have the team battling Aquaman in the opening and have Hawkman and Hawkgirl land on Earth to warn them of Darkseid. Have it end with Hal's hometown getting destroyed and he loses it, flying off into space where he becomes Paralax, leading him to become the threat for a part 3.
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With that said, if TDKR could film an after credit scene just showing Bruce, Alfred, and maybe Lucius looking at a breaking news report of a scout ship entering Earth’s atmosphere.

No. just, absolutely no.
Kar: Why would the team battle Aquaman? Is he some sort of villain in your vision?

Well, I guess he's quite powerful, but I don't think they need several other superheroes to take him down. Unless it's Atlantis that will be a threat to the surface world, and a lot of the other atlanteans have similar powers too.
Airwings: Yeah I guess I should've elaborated. But basically they're battling him and a team of Atlanteans (or sea creatures) who are attacking an oil rig in an attempt to stop the drilling before there is an ecological disaster. He would later become an ally.
Kar: Your idea sounds fresh and suitable for a film. :)
Aquaman has his telepathy, he's super strong and he can take punches and smaller bullets. But for a live action film, I guess he should be able to manipulate water too. Be a "water bender" to some degree (without the martial arts element).
Then perhaps only Superman can take him in a fight, not the others.
I like Mongul as the main bad guy, not just because you can have a Darksied character while leaving Darksied for a Fourth World movie. But You can also bring Mongul, a Darksied type, in without having to bring in all of the Fourth World like Daseed, Kalaback, Granny Goodness, all of Apocalypse, or all of the Fourth World, or just the idea of the Fourth World.
However that could spin off into a Fourth World movie.
But with Mongul you bring in this powerful warlord dictator who is way more powerful than Superman, rules a planet called War World, and thats all. No other characters you really have to worry about.
If Justice League is going to happen in my own opinion only, I think Batman needs to be changed ( this may be the wrong word to use) because I think he would need need it show that he is capable of being an equal with the other members who has superpowers.
Not saying that the he should have superpowers but the style of the film would have to be able to convince audiences that he can be as dangerous as the others since he would be facing villains that are mostly super humans.
An invasion is the best way IMO. It gives all of these solo heroes a reason to team up. It'll start with a few villains committing crimes that don't fit their M.O. and then it's revealed that some sort of parasite has taken them over. Batman notices that the creatures have been seen in other cities and contacts the other heroes to investigate.
I don't think Batman needs to change at all; certainly not the tone. Each individual film's tone is a window to each personality; and, would be a great way to show the conflicts of their different personalities.

As far as the human aspect of fighting superpowered villains, show his techno side, in developing technology, shields, and weapons, that allows him to not only compete with such beings; but also, be a contributing factor to the team itself.
Here's my idea: Many of the founding members of the Justice League have worked with one another on different occasions prior to its formation, and the League is designed to be an organized network of superheroes to facilitate communication and cooperation. This way, members can call on other members for assistance, spread information to prevent misunderstandings, et cetera. I think that works great for modern audiences, and it's a bit more inspired than some old alien invasion. Thoughts?

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