I've got a bone to pick with you mods.


May 11, 2012
Reaction score
I made a thread a few nights ago that just got straight up deleted with no heads up to ME.

First of all, I'm pretty sure that thread was not breaking any rules. There were threads similar to that in the forum which I made it and those threads are still ongoing.

Second of all, for whatever reason it was deleted, why wasn't locked instead? Why was it so bad that it had to be deleted and there was no way around it?

Third of all, for whatever reason it was deleted, why was I not informed? Surely it is my right as a member here to know what is going on with MY contributions to it and to just delete my thread without a PM from the mod who did so is actually quite disrespectful and it makes me feel disregarded.

Forth of all, more often than not I have PMed mods and admins and got no response at all. So how exactly am I supposed to get through to you guys without getting in trouble (getting an infraction and I have one already). I'm not letting this go. I need an answer so I'm going to continue pestering about this if I have to. I PMed a mod who had a pinned thread in the forum which my thread got deleted and once again I've got no response. I hate being kept in the dark.

Fifth of all, this problem with the polls is still there. Where, a poll is displayed as if I can vote, but when I attempt it, it tells me the poll is closed. If that is the case then WHY aren't the results just displayed?! This is a really annoying problem and I feel like it is easy to fix, so please, fix it and stop doing nothing about it.
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Which thread?

2/3) Mods can and will delete threads with no notification because they can and they don't need to notify the creators. If it's considered offensive or rule breaking then it can just get the boot rather than be locked.

4) Sometimes they get busy or ask another mod to check it out and then sometimes it gets lost in the shuffle. It happens.

5) Polls do that if it's continued from one to another due to the thread managers magic ways. :p It's a bug that isn't really enough of an issue to bother with.

Mods are a lot busier than you'd think so you may not get a response to this from them soon or ever if they don't feel like it.
Amazing spiderman 2 vs Spider-Man 2. I made another thread of it and this time it actually got closed.

2/3 well I think that is a problem; they definitely DO need to let the creators know if tier contribution to this site has been erased and I'm offended that I wasn't notified. Speaking of which, I'm pretty sure that if my thread WAS offensive then I woulda have been notified by getting another infraction. Therefore I don't think my thread was offensive, if anything people probably started fighting in it but that is a really lame reason to get rid of it...

4 so what the hell am I supposed to do? Spamming their message box non stop until I get a reply? If they're expecting heavy inboxing then they should do a better job replyin.

5 I get that it is a glitch but I've been seeing it literally for years now and it's annoying to deal with... I've even pointed it out before and there are probably tens of thousands of members here already and it doesn't seem like the board gets bombarded with complaints... So when there actually ARE complaints, it would be nice if they actually have a ****.

I have no doubt that mods are busy. But they should know what they signed up for and if that doesn't include informing members involved in the situation.
Do you know how many threads they close a day in the CBM movie boards? I can imagine it's a lot if what I saw in the ASM2 board the other day was any indication. Most times, depending on the mod, they just close it and leave a message why. If it's removed altogether you can just assume that it was either against the rules or was a duplicate of a few other threads.

If a thread is considered inane or pointless sometimes they'll let it go if it's funny or interesting but if the board is busy enough I can't imagine that they'd want it cluttering up the boards further.

You know this is just extra work for them right? They don't get paid to do it and they have lives outside the Hype. If they get messages demanding attention from someone then they'll likely ignore it as do something if you pester them.

As for the Poll, I doubt that'll ever be fixed because all it is is just something that you'll be bugged by once and then never again in that thread. Maybe you'll run into it twice a year, maybe three times if you're unlucky or forgetful.
first off, i haven't gotten a single message from you, so i don't know who you are contacting.

as for your thread getting deleted. you are not always going to get a message if/when your thread is deleted. and if that offends you? i don't know what to tell you. we don't always have time to tell you why your threads get closed. if they break the rules, reveal spoilers, etc then they don't need a reason as it's obvious.

if you created a SM2 vs TASM2 thread, then i imagine that's pretty much the reason why it was closed, since we have reiterated a bunch of times to not do stuff like that to prevent arguments in the forum. too many incidents have occurred, too many have been banned, because of this and it's been made apparent multiple times to discuss raimi trilogy in the appropriate sections and tasm in its place.
I made a thread a few nights ago that just got straight up deleted with no heads up to ME.

First of all, I'm pretty sure that thread was not breaking any rules. There were threads similar to that in the forum which I made it and those threads are still ongoing.

Not a Tech problem.

Second of all, for whatever reason it was deleted, why wasn't locked instead? Why was it so bad that it had to be deleted and there was no way around it?

Not a Tech problem.

Third of all, for whatever reason it was deleted, why was I not informed? Surely it is my right as a member here to know what is going on with MY contributions to it and to just delete my thread without a PM from the mod who did so is actually quite disrespectful and it makes me feel disregarded.

Not a Tech problem.

Forth of all, more often than not I have PMed mods and admins and got no response at all. So how exactly am I supposed to get through to you guys without getting in trouble (getting an infraction and I have one already). I'm not letting this go. I need an answer so I'm going to continue pestering about this if I have to. I PMed a mod who had a pinned thread in the forum which my thread got deleted and once again I've got no response. I hate being kept in the dark.

Not a Tech problem, and boy do you whine a lot. :o

Fifth of all, this problem with the polls is still there. Where, a poll is displayed as if I can vote, but when I attempt it, it tells me the poll is closed. If that is the case then WHY aren't the results just displayed?! This is a really annoying problem and I feel like it is easy to fix, so please, fix it and stop doing nothing about it.

A Tech problem, but one that should have been in its own thread.
first off, i haven't gotten a single message from you, so i don't know who you are contacting.

as for your thread getting deleted. you are not always going to get a message if/when your thread is deleted. and if that offends you? i don't know what to tell you. we don't always have time to tell you why your threads get closed. if they break the rules, reveal spoilers, etc then they don't need a reason as it's obvious.

if you created a SM2 vs TASM2 thread, then i imagine that's pretty much the reason why it was closed, since we have reiterated a bunch of times to not do stuff like that to prevent arguments in the forum. too many incidents have occurred, too many have been banned, because of this and it's been made apparent multiple times to discuss raimi trilogy in the appropriate sections and tasm in its place.

It was a mod in the amazing spiderman 2 forum that I pmed. I'm not asking for the thread to be brought back but do you have access to the deleted threads? I just want to know the names of some of the people I was conversing with in the thread so I can PM them, I forgot what their usernames were.

also, a similar thread exists there, this thread, which is being allowed to stay. It is not the exact same caliber of a versus thread but it is similar. I get that it may have started some sort of argument or whatever but why does that give merit to DELETING it? Closing it fine, and I understand you guys have a lot of work on your plates and you don't get paid but perhaps that means this board needs more mods than the average person thinks because if people start to get unfriendly and problematic they should be approached personally instead of ridding the thread of where the problems originated, ESPECIALLY if good, positive ongoing discussion was also existing in said threads.

Not a Tech problem.

Not a Tech problem.

Not a Tech problem.

Not a Tech problem, and boy do you whine a lot. :o

A Tech problem, but one that should have been in its own thread.

You don't think I knew that the majority of this thread was not technical when I made it? I had to do SOMETHING to get the mods' attention. Why does everyone have to be so damn hurtful to me? Why can't I be different? I'm sorry I can't be a sheep in line with everything that goes on with superherohype. I like it here but it ain't perfect.

And as a matter of fact, I did make the tech problem its own thread but even THAT one got barely any attention. What did EYE do wrong.
Calm down it's the internet.....IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS.

And when you start a thread containing the phrase "I've got a bone to pick", you're coming off as confrontational and the mods would just as soon ban you than explain what may have gone wrong and how to address your concerns in the future.
You don't think I knew that the majority of this thread was not technical when I made it? I had to do SOMETHING to get the mods' attention. Why does everyone have to be so damn hurtful to me? Why can't I be different? I'm sorry I can't be a sheep in line with everything that goes on with superherohype. I like it here but it ain't perfect.

And as a matter of fact, I did make the tech problem its own thread but even THAT one got barely any attention. What did EYE do wrong.

Oh my God. Get over yourself. If your attitude here is anything like your attitude in your PMs to the mods, then I can't blame them for ignoring you.
Not a Tech problem.

Not a Tech problem.

Not a Tech problem.

Not a Tech problem, and boy do you whine a lot. :o

A Tech problem, but one that should have been in its own thread.

This is the forum for both Tech and Forum Support. His questions do fall under the second half of what this area is intended for.
Oh my God. Get over yourself. If your attitude here is anything like your attitude in your PMs to the mods, then I can't blame them for ignoring you.
The name says it all.
Calm down it's the internet.....IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS.

And when you start a thread containing the phrase "I've got a bone to pick", you're coming off as confrontational and the mods would just as soon ban you than explain what may have gone wrong and how to address your concerns in the future.
Ya, I know this is just the internet. The things that go on here don't make me lose sleep at night or affect my daily routine.

But while I AM here, it would help me out if I could have a word or two with the peeps in charge. And this wasn't meant disrespectfully so I'm sorry if the "bone picking" came off as offensive. Honestly, if I said it any nicer I don't think it would have caught the attention and even now it's not really getting any.
Oh my God. Get over yourself. If your attitude here is anything like your attitude in your PMs to the mods, then I can't blame them for ignoring you.
Oh MY God. What is YOUR problem? Nothing you're saying here is helping me, it seems like you came here just to insult me further and how is that supposed to help anyone? Why do you have to be so MEAN about it? Why are you acting like you know me? As if my tone in the posts in this thread reflects the thousand other posts I've contributed to SHH
This is the forum for both Tech and Forum Support. His questions do fall under the second half of what this area is intended for.
thank you. I feel like these days I gotta be cautious about what anyone says about me here so it is relieving to see once in a while that someone ain't bashin me.
The name says it all.
And what is THAT supposed to mean? You never liked me either so I'm guessing you're here to add to the hate
Nope, just pointing out someone with the name "XtremelyBaneful" with a thread titled "I've got a bone to pick with you mods" is probably not the most laid back poster.

And your attitude so far has not changed that perception. You don't merely post, you criticize and complain. Looking at your post history, many of them come off confrontational, so you are surprised when people respond in kind?
Nope, just pointing out someone with the name "XtremelyBaneful" with a thread titled "I've got a bone to pick with you mods" is probably not the most laid back poster.

And your attitude so far has not changed that perception. You don't merely post, you criticize and complain. Looking at your post history, many of them come off confrontational, so you are surprised when people respond in kind?

My username doesn't define me at all. I made it 2 or 3 years ago because I was hyped up about DKR.

I do criticize but I don't call out other members, and if I do I'm not the one who started it. And if I'm complaining it is because I see there is something going that needs fixing, if nothing is going to be done about it well at least I tried but if my voice is not going to even be heard then I've got a right to be upset.

Once again, I like it here but it ain't perfect, and I don't see why everyone has to take it so personally when I say something like this... it really is madd hurtful
just a heads up XB, if you don't want everyone else to take it so personally, you can't take it as personally as you are yourself

fwiw, in my opinion, if there was already the thread linked above, then there was no need for the duplicate thread you created, so that in itself would have made it end up as merged or moved were I in that forum.
I don't hate or dislike you but the impression from you is one that's aggressive and defensive. You didn't ask so much as demand. So I made the obvious comment, your name is one that says you want to confront others aggressively.

This is the internet, impressions are based on a username and whatever bits of context we can gleam from your words. Even then people are going to apply their own perception of what you mean from how you say it. Starting off with an aggressive style is only going to provoke a similar response.

Maybe a name change is in order. I get it's meant to be a tie into Bane from TDKR but the guy was a villain who chose the name Bane for a good reason.
Whenever a thread is deleted, the creator should be warned about it and given a reason for why it was deleted
Maybe it was not a mod. Maybe Thread Manager is becoming self aware & is just deleting **** now. Which would explain the no warnings
teelie answered your question. i didn't feel the need to reiterate their answer, but i just did.
The thing is I made that thread in the beginning of this year and the problem itself has been lingering for years but yeah I guess I shouldn't continue making it a big deal
just a heads up XB, if you don't want everyone else to take it so personally, you can't take it as personally as you are yourself

fwiw, in my opinion, if there was already the thread linked above, then there was no need for the duplicate thread you created, so that in itself would have made it end up as merged or moved were I in that forum.
Yeah I know I'm sorry for being so harsh with my words admittedly in real life I actually am a lot harsher with my words (I curse a lot) but I feel like If I am not the least bit aggressive then the things that I do want to get across to someone like you will never reach the light of day. If my thread title wasn't so mean it probably wouldn't have caught on much attention right?

and the old thread I made disappeared with time I could only find it through searching for older threads in the forum. But I thought the reaction would have been 'oh, this is a problem, perhaps it is a simple problem so let's try to fix it' but it was pretty much ignored once my question was answered.
I don't hate or dislike you but the impression from you is one that's aggressive and defensive. You didn't ask so much as demand. So I made the obvious comment, your name is one that says you want to confront others aggressively.

This is the internet, impressions are based on a username and whatever bits of context we can gleam from your words. Even then people are going to apply their own perception of what you mean from how you say it. Starting off with an aggressive style is only going to provoke a similar response.

Maybe a name change is in order. I get it's meant to be a tie into Bane from TDKR but the guy was a villain who chose the name Bane for a good reason.
Demand? I am in no position to demand dude. I can't make anyone do anything. I just had some questions and I felt like my *internet* voice was being unheard so I thought had to be a little controversial.

And I wish you'd be more honest about what you think of me instead of sugarcoating it. You (along with some others) called me out pretty hard in the racism thread, for either my poorly written post or some thing or both and the fact that you or whoever else couldn't look past my poor writing skills in a post I made at 2am in the morning on an internet forum to see my actual points made me upset. Also the people laughing in my face without actually REALLY thinking about what I wrote and obnoxiously telling me I am wrong about everything.

and yeah I'm not too fond of my username but what about, then, my avatar? It's blue from blues clues and it adds a visual to my face-value personality, and if what you're saying about my username is true then my avatar should have countered some of those beliefs.
Whenever a thread is deleted, the creator should be warned about it and given a reason for why it was deleted
Yes, thank you (hope that's not sarcasm though :( ) Someone earlier on stated that dozens of threads get deleted daily by mods but well... with great power comes great responsibility. It's not fair to delete someone's contribution with no reason. That's my opinion.
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I wasn't being sarcastic, i understand that mods have a lot of things to worry about, but posters do deserve to know why their threads are being deleted. Some of the times it's not even the problem of the idea of the thread itself, it's that those that answer it don't know what a "discussion" is and start flamming.
The posters don't "deserve" anything. The Hype is a free site that is probably very difficult to moderate on a daily basis. If they deleted your thread you can rest assured it was either redundant (another thread already existed), antagonistic or just off-topic. They can't be expected to PM everyone whose threads they delete, especially when some of them might fly off the handle.
The posters don't "deserve" anything. The Hype is a free site that is probably very difficult to moderate on a daily basis. If they deleted your thread you can rest assured it was either redundant (another thread already existed), antagonistic or just off-topic. They can't be expected to PM everyone whose threads they delete, especially when some of them might fly off the handle.

This x100.
Demand? I am in no position to demand dude. I can't make anyone do anything. I just had some questions and I felt like my *internet* voice was being unheard so I thought had to be a little controversial.

And I wish you'd be more honest about what you think of me instead of sugarcoating it. You (along with some others) called me out pretty hard in the racism thread, for either my poorly written post or some thing or both and the fact that you or whoever else couldn't look past my poor writing skills in a post I made at 2am in the morning on an internet forum to see my actual points made me upset. Also the people laughing in my face without actually REALLY thinking about what I wrote and obnoxiously telling me I am wrong about everything.

and yeah I'm not too fond of my username but what about, then, my avatar? It's blue from blues clues and it adds a visual to my face-value personality, and if what you're saying about my username is true then my avatar should have countered some of those beliefs.
I'll be honest and say I barely even remember you let alone what you are talking about. I only remember the name because it sticks out but the rest of it, not so much.

I might have called you out on something but you're hardly alone. I call out a lot of people and a lot of people call out me, and call out others. It's the nature of a discussion board. People get into spats, they make a lot of noise and then they move on.

Some people hold a grudge, others just forget it and move on. I have more of a problem with Charl Huntress than I do you and I get along fine with her outside of the occasional difference of opinion.

The way you brought this up and JJJ's response asking why you felt you deserved something, that is the only reason I even bothered to respond.

JJJ is right though, and there have been responses from moderators saying why you didn't get a response. You won't always get told why something was deleted or closed. I don't think they do it for fun or laughs so it's usually for a good reason.

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