Justice League of America Movie in 2008?

Fanboy wishes aside, it just makes better business/practical sense for WB to open with a JLA film and then explore possible solo movies.

Let's say WB makes a JLA movie, and it's a smash hit because of the characters involved. Great. Knowing this, WB can then go ahead and either make more profitable JLA films, or turn to making spinoffs featuring some of the characters in the JLA movie...
Stop you right there. Read my post and then reread yours and understand exactly why what you just said makes no sense. Let's say this movie flops, which is a huge possibility with a film of it's nature. Then you ruin ALL, that's ALL, those character's potential properties, plus you risk dooming already successes like Batman and Superman.

If they make individual features, individual failures won't doom the group as a whole.

Business wise it's a horrible decision because you put all your eggs in one shakey basket. If Justice League flops, you can kiss Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and potentially Batman and Superman goodbye for a long time. See what Marvel is doing, gradually releasing Avenger solo films...seeing which one's work and THEN planning a potential ensemble. That's wise business planning...
The only reason DC is doing this is to launch other franchises for other heroes. With that said I don't think Batman should have no part of this movie. A breif cameo yes. But if this movie will indeed come out in 2009 that means it will interfere with Nolan's Batman Trilogy.

The only reason DC is doing this is to beat the Avengers into theaters.
Spider–Man;12544652 said:
The only reason DC is doing this is to beat the Avengers into theaters.
Yeah, more or less. They are so scared Marvel is beating them to the punch on everything they are willing to make rash decisions like this. The truth is they don't need a Justice League film. An ensemble film like Green Lantern, Wonder Woman or Aquaman could meet the same demand if it's well produced like Begins was.
I noticed people in another thread talking about details of the JLA script. So, anyone know where this alleged script may be found?
I don't think the script is available. But allegedly sites like AICN posted some plot points from the script.
Stop you right there. Read my post and then reread yours and understand exactly why what you just said makes no sense.

Just because you don’t like my answer doesn’t mean it doesn’t make any sense. You don’t think it makes sense in terms of future film potential for solo films IF JLA ends up flopping, and that’s true. Although, if JLA flops, future solo superhero films will fall into doubt anyway, I’d think. But I was referring to business sense, and the way that a studio’s action plan for developing DC’s pantheon of characters affects studios making MANY future big budget superhero films. We don’t live in a fantasy wishworld where WB will shell out enormous bucks just because we want to see a certain solo film. They want to make money, and they don’t want to have to bet the farm to do it. If making a successful JLA movie makes WB feel more secure about making future solo films, then I’m all for it. It’s much better than than the studio just being afraid to take any risks on future DC Comics films and not making anything.

Let's say this movie flops, which is a huge possibility with a film of it's nature. Then you ruin ALL, that's ALL, those character's potential properties, plus you risk dooming already successes like Batman and Superman.

Not necessarily. We learn (in theory) that people didn’t embrace those characters enough or desire seeing them enough to make solo films a success to begin with. So what’s the loss, exactly?

A failure like that would, from a business standpoint, tell a studio that would otherwise have sunk 2-300 million dollars a film on these characters into other movies NOT to do so, because they wouldn’t be proven earners. Good business decision all around. Not good for fans, but makes a lot of sense from a business standpoint.

My point is, starting with JLA gets WB to take a calculated risk that until now they have reluctant to do that could, in the long run, really get the ball rolling on future solo projects.

If they make individual features, individual failures won't doom the group as a whole.

Maybe, but just what are the odds of that happening? WB clearly doesn’t want to sink hundreds of millions of dollars into films they aren’t sure will be successful. Say they make THE FLASH and it completely flops. You think they’ll be keen on making WONDER WOMAN or GREEN LANTERN with suck risks involved? No. No they won’t. JLA will tell them something incredibly important: Do people accept and embrace these characters on film? And: Do people embrace and accept the way we're presenting them (I.E, serious take, lighthearted, etc).

Business wise it's a horrible decision because you put all your eggs in one shakey basket. If Justice League flops, you can kiss Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and potentially Batman and Superman goodbye for a long time.

Maybe, bu these are $150-200 million eggs we’re talking about here. Eggs that take YEARS to develop, and require a lot of compromise to make happen. And I very much get the impression that WB won’t bother with a second or third or fourth egg if the first one breaks. So, if THE FLASH flops, bye-bye GREEN LANTERN, WONDER WOMAN, etc. JLA is MUCH less likely to “break” than a Flash, Green Lantern, or Wonder Woman film. It’s pretty much that simple.

See what Marvel is doing, gradually releasing Avenger solo films...seeing which one's work and THEN planning a potential ensemble. That's wise business planning...

Yes, assuming those films HAPPEN and are any GOOD. In reality, Marvel is HOPING for an Avengers film in the future. They are hoping that their plan all comes together, and banking hugely on that in terms of making THE AVENGERS a reality.

But let’s look at what's actually going on. Like WB’s struggles to make WONDER WOMAN, THE FLASH, GREEN LANTERN and AQUAMAN take shape over the last few years, Marvel has had trouble making the solo hero films involved in The Avengers happen.

Think about it. IRON MAN has been “in production” for what, four years now? And Marvel has not gotten even a WHIFF of CAPTAIN AMERICA, THE WASP, ANT-MAN, THOR, etc, all films they claim to be developing. Yes, IRON MAN is happening, and so is THE INCREDIBLE HULK now, but neither of those films are proven earners yet, and can they bank on Robert Downey Jr. returning for THE AVENGERS? Or Ed Norton? And if so, when will THE AVENGERS happen? Between IRON MAN and IRON MAN 2? Between THE INCREDIBLE HULK and THE HULK 3?

You want solo films? Fine. Allow a year for production (best case scenario, this would be rushing it a lot), and assume WB will go with say, something like four a year. We’re already in the middle of Batman and Superman franchises. That makes a slate that looks something like this:



(All which cost a TON of money)




I’d much rather see JLA in 2009-2010 with the possibility of seeing more future solo films. Although I’m all for waiting until Nolan’s Bat-franchise is over before JLA. However, I’m not against re-casting the role of Batman, either.

I love talking about this stuff.
I’d much rather see JLA in 2009-2010 with the possibility of seeing more future solo films. Although I’m all for waiting until Nolan’s Bat-franchise is over before JLA. However, I’m not against re-casting the role of Batman, either.

I love talking about this stuff.
Business takes patience. You just want a JLA movie and your fast food mentality of now is blinding you. Yeah, gradually, you may not see a film until 2014. Whoop-de-do. Cry me a river.
Just because you don’t like my answer doesn’t mean it doesn’t make any sense. You don’t think it makes sense in terms of future film potential for solo films IF JLA ends up flopping, and that’s true. Although, if JLA flops, future solo superhero films will fall into doubt anyway, I’d think. But I was referring to business sense, and the way that a studio’s action plan for developing DC’s pantheon of characters affects studios making MANY future big budget superhero films. We don’t live in a fantasy wishworld where WB will shell out enormous bucks just because we want to see a certain solo film. They want to make money, and they don’t want to have to bet the farm to do it. If making a successful JLA movie makes WB feel more secure about making future solo films, then I’m all for it. It’s much better than than the studio just being afraid to take any risks on future DC Comics films and not making anything.
Actually if you read any of the news (something you obviously haven't done) you'd realize all the leaked information shows WB is no more behind this film than any of the other previous projects. In fact Iris reported the support was "astoundingly low". DC wants this film because Marvel is making a fool out of them with the potential Avengers film right now. One great trailer at ComicCon and DC flies off the deep end.
Not necessarily. We learn (in theory) that people didn’t embrace those characters enough or desire seeing them enough to make solo films a success to begin with. So what’s the loss, exactly?
Money. A flop film could kill multiple franchises from EVER materializing. Including "Shadow of the Bat" and "Man of Steel".
A failure like that would, from a business standpoint, tell a studio that would otherwise have sunk 2-300 million dollars a film on these characters into other movies NOT to do so, because they wouldn’t be proven earners. Good business decision all around. Not good for fans, but makes a lot of sense from a business standpoint.
No, all it would prove is rushing an ensemble film without testing the characters first is unprofitable. Nothing we didn't know before.
My point is, starting with JLA gets WB to take a calculated risk that until now they have reluctant to do that could, in the long run, really get the ball rolling on future solo projects.
True. But more likely is it kills all those future properties. Spinoffs are untested as of yet. Wolverine, Magneto and Hulk (sidequel) haven't even seen theatre's yet, so therefore the risk is much much greater.
Maybe, but just what are the odds of that happening? WB clearly doesn’t want to sink hundreds of millions of dollars into films they aren’t sure will be successful.
They also aren't willing, at this point to support this film enough either. They cannot even muster up enough cash to get Bale or Routh it seems.
Say they make THE FLASH and it completely flops. You think they’ll be keen on making WONDER WOMAN or GREEN LANTERN with suck risks involved? No. No they won’t
DareDevil, Ghost Rider, FF didn't hurt Marvel. They keep making films. But they are smart enough not to put all their eggs in one basket. Ghost Rider is distinct enough from Spider-Man to leave it unaffected. JLA however ruins 7 MAJOR characters, in fact it ruins basically the entire DCU.
JLA will tell them something incredibly important: Do people accept and embrace these characters on film?
No it won't. How would a sucky JL film ever tell them what Wonder Woman's or GL solo stories could be.
And: Do people embrace and accept the way we're presenting them (I.E, serious take, lighthearted, etc).
You'll still never know.
Maybe, bu these are $150-200 million eggs we’re talking about here. Eggs that take YEARS to develop, and require a lot of compromise to make happen. And I very much get the impression that WB won’t bother with a second or third or fourth egg if the first one breaks. So, if THE FLASH flops, bye-bye GREEN LANTERN, WONDER WOMAN, etc. JLA is MUCH less likely to “break” than a Flash, Green Lantern, or Wonder Woman film. It’s pretty much that simple.
Not at all. Flash can flop on it's own merits (or lack thereof) without reflecting on other characters. Just like Ghost Rider or Daredevil.
Yes, assuming those films HAPPEN and are any GOOD. In reality, Marvel is HOPING for an Avengers film in the future. They are hoping that their plan all comes together, and banking hugely on that in terms of making THE AVENGERS a reality.
Already planning it. They aren't hoping for anything anymore. They have the market cornered. DC is coming in way too hot.
But let’s look at what's actually going on. Like WB’s struggles to make WONDER WOMAN, THE FLASH, GREEN LANTERN and AQUAMAN take shape over the last few years, Marvel has had trouble making the solo hero films involved in The Avengers happen.
Marvel didn't start seeking solo Avengers movies until 2004. 3 years, that's not that long.
Think about it. IRON MAN has been “in production” for what, four years now?
2 or 3.
And Marvel has not gotten even a WHIFF of CAPTAIN AMERICA, THE WASP, ANT-MAN, THOR, etc, all films they claim to be developing.
Thor has a director attached. Michael Vaughn. Captain America has a writer. Ant-Man has a writer. Thor is entering pre-production.
Yes, IRON MAN is happening, and so is THE INCREDIBLE HULK now, but neither of those films are proven earners yet, and can they bank on Robert Downey Jr. returning for THE AVENGERS? Or Ed Norton? And if so, when will THE AVENGERS happen? Between IRON MAN and IRON MAN 2? Between THE INCREDIBLE HULK and THE HULK 3?
I'd guess it'll happen in 2010 when they said.
Ant Man is the same character as Giant Man. He changes size, from small to very large, kind of like Giganta. Marvel has been planning a comedy based on the character, who is a member of the Avengers.

Business takes patience. You just want a JLA movie and your fast food mentality of now is blinding you. Yeah, gradually, you may not see a film until 2014. Whoop-de-do. Cry me a river.

One, try showing some respect. Two, try to understand. WB is extremely reluctant to pour close to $200 million dollars a film into concepts like THE FLASH, GREEN LANTERN, and WONDER WOMAN. But they want to use these characters. And you have a problem with them using them in a JLA film?

Actually if you read any of the news (something you obviously haven't done) you'd realize all the leaked information shows WB is no more behind this film than any of the other previous projects. In fact Iris reported the support was "astoundingly low". DC wants this film because Marvel is making a fool out of them with the potential Avengers film right now. One great trailer at ComicCon and DC flies off the deep end.

I read every single bit of news that comes out. There is absolutely no reason for you to act like an ass toward me simply because we disagree. If support for JLA is low, how low do you think support is for THE FLASH, GL, WW, etc?

Do you, or do you not, want to see those other heroes onscreen?

Money. A flop film could kill multiple franchises from EVER materializing. Including "Shadow of the Bat" and "Man of Steel".

This is my point. If JUSTICE freaking LEAGUE OF AMERICA doesn't make money, why the hell would those other films?

No, all it would prove is rushing an ensemble film without testing the characters first is unprofitable. Nothing we didn't know before.

It would show that people don't like the concepts of those characters. If people don't like Flash in the context of the JLA, they're unlikely to like him on his own, either.

True. But more likely is it kills all those future properties. Spinoffs are untested as of yet. Wolverine, Magneto and Hulk (sidequel) haven't even seen theatre's yet, so therefore the risk is much much greater.

Those future properties aren't exactly guaranteed winners anyway. It stands to reason that if JLA flops, a FLASH film isn't going to do very well.

They also aren't willing, at this point to support this film enough either. They cannot even muster up enough cash to get Bale or Routh it seems.

It's not all about cash. It's about Bale and Routh not wanting to derail potential franchises for a Justice League film, and being reluctant to sign onto a film that will do just that.

DareDevil, Ghost Rider, FF didn't hurt Marvel.

But DAREDEVIL and THE FANTASTIC FOUR weren't failures at the box office. Even GHOST RIDER made back it's budget and marketing once DVD sales are factored in. What's your point, exactly?

They keep making films. But they are smart enough not to put all their eggs in one basket. Ghost Rider is distinct enough from Spider-Man to leave it unaffected. JLA however ruins 7 MAJOR characters, in fact it ruins basically the entire DCU.

You seem to be assuming people would not embrace a JLA film. Why exactly?
Lost on some of you is one very important fact. MARVEL, while it does have an in-house movie department now, is still producing its major motion pictures through different studios. Other studios are putting up much of the cash to make these movies happen. WB, by virtue of owning DC Comics, cannot do that. WB has to foot a lot of the bill (with Legendary Pictures, I assume). So whereas Marvel has the luxury of doling out their properties, DC/WB does not.
Which is why Marvel have more films out there with better results.
Quantity doesn't equal quality. WB seems to be somewhat interested in that, at least.
Quantity doesn't equal quality. WB seems to be somewhat interested in that, at least.

I guess but I find that Marvel have more good films out than compared to how many good DC films are out.
True, in part because MARVEL got a heck of a jumpstart on WB/DC. But so what?

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