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Sequels Loki spinoff - Yea or Nay?

Considering how important Loki is and will be in the Thor movies, I don't think a Loki spin-off would be necessary.

A Sif and/or Warriors Three spin-off, on the other hand, would be fantastic.

now that, would be interesting

do they have stories together in the comics, standalone from thor?
^there's going to be a thor 3 and thor himself said he'd do more
I say nay. Loki is a great character & I want to see more of him, but I don't see a spinoff working out too well.
I'm open to the possibility.
I'd be open to a Loki spinoff as well, but only as long as they're going to get a team together that puts in the full effort required to make it what it needs to be.

As for a female lead, I'd rather they use the Amora/Enchantress character than Sif. Leave her to the Thor films.
I'd say "yay" to a Loki one shot or animated film, not "nay" to a live action one
^I'd be on board with that. Although if we get an Asgard-related one shot, I'd like for it to be the Warriors 3 on a mission, or (as I suggested elsewhere) Volstagg and Sif stop at an intergalactic pub on the way back from taking the Aether to the collector and get into a space-bar fight! (I'd also have Fandral and Hogun there... let's pretend they were waiting in Starjammer when Sif and Volstagg dropped of the Aether.)
A Loki movie? Sure.

He's the best thing about the Thor movies, and one of the best actors in the MCU. Giving him his own movie, and giving him his own journey would be a great chance to really delve into his character. Plus, there'd be no Jane, Darcy, or Selvig... which means no Earth scenes. It would be a great opportunity to really explore the nine realms.

I'd also love a Sif & the Warriors Three movie for the same reasons. The fact that Darcy gets more screen time than them is insulting.
I think yea, the problem is with Loki at the moment is that he's never had much of a chance to be a full -on antagonist/ villain, (except in Avengers, but even then the movie centred more around the group coming together more than him. Plus he was working for Thanos straight off the bat.) what I mean is hes never really had a chance to show just how powerful he really is. The movies can never be more about Loki than Thor in his own series, so a spin off with him at the heart of it would give a good chance to see that. The problem is making it work a) without Thor, or with him as a secondary character. And b) make it interesting enough and as someone else said, make it central to the happenings of MCU. They could easily fit a movie Loki centric between Thor and Avengers, or if in Thor 3 ragnorak happens, then one that takes place before Loki gives his life, which I doubt will happen in the MCU verse, or one after the events if he survives. They could show Loki's childhood, Loki taking down someone more villainous then himself, but for his own workings. Enchantress and Hela could be included. Him finding his daughter on earth etc. Theres plenty of possibilities they could go with it.
No. I hope he dies in Thor 3 and this is it! Actually I predict that very soon the Loki hype will disappear considering that most of his fangirls understand nothing about this character or his portrayal, they are just attracted to the bad guy. The new hype around the Winter Soldier is the best proof.
I also support a Sif & Warriors Three spin-off, it would be great!
I'm really intrigued by Loki's character (or rather perhaps Hiddleston's portrayal of Loki), but what makes Loki so interesting for me is his interactions and dynamic with Odin, Frigga, Thor. I'm not so sure Loki could actually stand all on his own in a movie without Thor, when his family relationships seem to be at the very core of his motivations and actions.

But I kinda regret my hasty "nay" vote, because though Loki would be more interesting in a Thor movie, I definitely wouldn't mind seeing a solo Loki spinoff anyway (whether one-shot or movie).

The coolest thing would be for Loki to get a bit more screen time in the next Thor movie than he did in TDW, and for the story to develop his character even more. Which is likely, as his usurping the throne suggests he'll be once again a primary antagonist.
I'm going with no... just focus a lot on Loki in Thor 3!
Why does Loki have fans? He's a villain. He plays the villain very well, but he is the most deceitful person in the Marvel universe. He's not a good guy at all. Not now, not ever. If he aligns with good guys, it's strictly to gain the upper hand over them or eliminate a common foe. That people are actually acting like they were sad when he appeared to die is so ridiculous. He killed thousands of people in the Avengers lol. He's a great villain, but, like all villains, he needs to be dealt with and meet his end in Thor 3. Sometimes I think none of the fans of the MCU ever picked up a comic in their life.
Why does Loki have fans? He's a villain. He plays the villain very well, but he is the most deceitful person in the Marvel universe. He's not a good guy at all. Not now, not ever. If he aligns with good guys, it's strictly to gain the upper hand over them or eliminate a common foe. That people are actually acting like they were sad when he appeared to die is so ridiculous. He killed thousands of people in the Avengers lol. He's a great villain, but, like all villains, he needs to be dealt with and meet his end in Thor 3. Sometimes I think none of the fans of the MCU ever picked up a comic in their life.

Well I can only speak for myself as to why I like Loki even though he's a villain. True, I hardly even heard of Thor, let alone set eyes on a Thor comic, prior to the Thor movie. I always assumed the characters in the MCU existed in kind of an alternate universe from the comics (which are always full of alternate versions and universes anyway), and so I base my understanding of MCU characters solely on what I get from their movies, not on what is in the comics.

I don't know but I get the idea that comics Loki is portrayed in a much more negative way than MCU Loki? In Thor (2011), I felt like the movie was deliberately directed to have the audience empathize with Loki's distress and feelings of inferiority. To me, sometimes it appears like he's conflicted between good and evil, and though I realize he will always choose the evil, it's this show of conflict - accompanied by how emotional Loki often seems to be - that interests and draws me to his character.

In Craig Kyle's words: "Odin and Thor cast large shadows. It was easy for Loki to be lost in the darkness. But because of his mother Frigga’s honest love and—before the big breakdown—Thor’s love for him as a brother, there’s a strength of good in Loki that he can’t shake no matter what he wants to do. And that makes him a complex character."

Mind, I'm not excusing his actions. I'm only saying that I think Loki's a really interesting character, and villain, because he seems conflicted with himself and emotionally disturbed. Hey, if folks find a villain entertaining to watch, is it surprising if he has fans?
Yeah, I think that's where the disconnect is. They are trying to portray him as a victim when he's just downright evil. He killed hundreds - maybe thousands - of people in New York. So it's not funny when Jane Foster punches him and says, "That's for New York!" I mean, we have to decide. Was what Loki did in New York a big deal or not? You can't have it be a big deal in the Avengers and a punchline in Thor 2. He's not funny, he's not likeable. He's just a great villain. But you're not supposed to cheer for him ever. And, if you do, then the movies have seriously screwed up one of the greatest villains in comics.
Yeah, I think that's where the disconnect is. They are trying to portray him as a victim when he's just downright evil. He killed hundreds - maybe thousands - of people in New York. So it's not funny when Jane Foster punches him and says, "That's for New York!" I mean, we have to decide. Was what Loki did in New York a big deal or not? You can't have it be a big deal in the Avengers and a punchline in Thor 2. He's not funny, he's not likeable. He's just a great villain. But you're not supposed to cheer for him ever. And, if you do, then the movies have seriously screwed up one of the greatest villains in comics.

I don't think they are trying to portray him as victim in the movies, it is perfectly clear that he is cruel, arrogant, selfish, jealous of his brother. He is funny, but his actions are not and in TDW nobody is amused or happy when he is out of prison. Not a likable guy at all.
We find out from the first Thor movie that he is not very popular and he does not have Thor's attractiveness (I'm not talking about the physical appearance because even if Thor is perceived as a handsome guy we have no clues about how Loki looked compared to him).
Do I think they should make a Loki spinoff movie? No. Would I still pay money to see it? Probably.

I just think he's been used so well so far, they've been giving us just the right ammount, leaving us to want more. There's only so many movies they can make a year, and I'd rather see Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Inhumans, Hawkeye, Black Widow etc first, I'd also rather see sequels to GotG, CA, Thor, Avengers etc, I don't mind seeing him pop up in any of those however. I just don't think a spinoff movie is necessary at this time.

Twitter: @MadMovieBro
For the past few weeks, I’ve had a one-hour commute each way to work, so I’ve had a lot of time to think about this! I decided that what I’d love instead of a Loki spin-off is a mini-series called:

Tales of Asgard

It would take place between the current MCU and Thor 3, with Loki and Sif having equal-sized leading roles, with a lot of inspiration coming from the 4-issue Loki comic, which explores what would happen if he actually got his wish to rule Asgard (hint: he’s not a great ruler…). It could be an 8 episode mid-season filler for AOS a la Agent Carter, if that model proves successful, and air the winter before a Thor 3 early summer release.

Sets and establishing shots of Asgard can be re-used from previous Thor films, and any sort of SFX budget could be kept to around ABC’s Once Upon a Time level. Serious casting for new roles in Thor 3 can be creatively worked around (like Skurge can wear his full-face helmet until the actual film), except for one or two key roles (like Amora).

I haven’t sketched out each episode, but Episode 1 would be something like this:

The first episode begins with “Odin” dedicating a memorial statue/shrine to Frigga, in an opulent ceremony. After the ceremony, Odin returns to his chambers and looks at himself in a mirror, in which the audience sees that it is really Loki. For the rest of the series, we only see Hiddleston’s Loki, but understand that the rest of the characters are seeing Odin.

Loki has Lorelei imprisoned, and tells her that although her ability to make men think they are in love with her is impressive, he wants Lorelei to lead him to her sister: a true enchantress, who could enslave a whole population if given the right opportunity, and whose magical prowess is amongst the greatest in the nine realms. Lorelei reveals that her sister Amora is being held captive as well, heavily guarded by the Valkyrior in Nornheim.

Meanwhile, we see Sif and the Warriors Three returning from a mission in another realm. They are at the pub we saw in TDW. Sif notes how Odin has kept them so busy since Thor left that they have barely been in Asgard at all. Fandral replies that perhaps Sif doesn’t mind being sent on mission after mission, because it takes her mind off a certain someone and his mortal lover. Volstagg states that the tone in Asgard and other realms seems to have shifted lately. He has been on diplomatic missions and has noticed a strain in “international” relations as of late. Hogun speculates that Odin just isn’t the same since losing Frigga. As the quartet departs, we follow Sif down an Asgardian street and inside her dwelling, which is sparsely decorated except for trophies of war. This is our first time seeing Sif, defenses down, on a personal scale.

The next day, we find Loki on the throne overseeing the day-to-day matters of the crown. Loki is clearly bored by the tedium of ruling, and his advisors are surprised at “Odin’s” newfound lack of patience with this minutia. When a member of the court returns with news of the recently quashed restlessness (as seen in TDW) once again arising across the 9 realms (in addition to name dropping several realms, threatening activities from Muspelheim are mentioned), Loki shows his extreme frustration and dismisses all present without suggesting any sort of resolution. As the throne room empties, Sif arrives. Loki had summoned her earlier. He allows her to approach and tells her he must send her on yet another important mission: to rescue an Asgardian POW from Nornheim (with a surprise in store for Sif in a few episodes when she finally liberates the prisoner, only to discover that she has just sprung Amora the Enchantress!).

And that would be the first episode. In the rest of the season, Sif would begin questioning “Odin” based on his decisions (like breaking into their ally’s prisons, and freeing the villainous Amora, among other things), and she would become concerned as she saw Asgard descend into a dystopia. Concurrently, the series would follow Loki as he gets exactly what he’s always wanted: rule of Asgard. We’d see that he is a cruel and petty king, who is childish when he does not get his way and even worse when he does. Instead of fair play and diplomacy, Loki relies on sorcery, fear, and brute force (we’d see Skurge the Executioner recruited to his side along with Amora). By the end of the series (ending on a cliff hanger), Asgard would basically be enslaved to Loki through Amora’s powers; the Warriors Three would be exiled; Sif would begin allying herself with Nornheim before leaving for Earth to bring Thor back home; and Muspelheim’s presence would be repeatedly foreshadowed as a looming threat.

This would all lead directly into my ideal Thor 3 plot.

It would be a long shot for something like this to happen (especially something that so specifically ties in to my Thor 3), but in fanboy dreamland, I think this would be pretty cool. What do you guys think?
Loki could make for a great spin off. Honestly I'd like to see him and Warriors 3. I think that Quartet + Loki would be awesome.
Considering how important Loki is and will be in the Thor movies, I don't think a Loki spin-off would be necessary.

A Sif and/or Warriors Three spin-off, on the other hand, would be fantastic.

Wouldn't mind Loki getting a spin-off, but i would also like it to lead into something, like Loki starting to gain power again, and then him being the end game of another Phase. A Loki/ Dormammu team-up could be kick-ass, like that story in the 70s when they put the Avengers against themselves.
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