MCU Fight: Black Panther Vs. Captain America

Cap preps and comes at him he could win.
Street clothes 1 on 1, I could see Cap winning, but it would be close.

Black Panther in suit vs Cap with Shield 1 on 1. Panther Wins
Panther with Prep time could beat Cap.

Since we already saw Cap re-treat and sacrifice most of his team save Bucky in CW. I give it to BP.
Cap preps and comes at him he could win.
Street clothes 1 on 1, I could see Cap winning, but it would be close.

Black Panther in suit vs Cap with Shield 1 on 1. Panther Wins
Panther with Prep time could beat Cap.

Since we already saw Cap re-treat and sacrifice most of his team save Bucky in CW. I give it to BP.

1 - Was not Cap's idea

2 - Only did it because them getting arrested wouldn't have stopped Zemo's plan that they were trying to stop

3 - Came back to free them right after the mission was complete (risking his own arrest)
Cap preps and comes at him he could win.
Street clothes 1 on 1, I could see Cap winning, but it would be close.

What kind of prep are we talking about?

I'm still trying to figure out if Cap can even hurt BP in his new suit, much less win.

I’ll say Panther because with his new suit I think he could take every hit from Cap and just send it right back at him. Only way he’d lose is a chokehold.

Hmmm... now that has some potential... so Cap isn't completely hopeless in the fight. Still, he doesn't stand much of a chance, as T'Challa's grappling skills have been well demonstrated with M'Baku and Killmonger (and Zemo?) it's very natural for him and he has some crazy moves, while Cap's grappling isn't nearly as prolific.
1 - Was not Cap's idea

2 - Only did it because them getting arrested wouldn't have stopped Zemo's plan that they were trying to stop

3 - Came back to free them right after the mission was complete (risking his own arrest)

That's all why I gave BP the win in that scenario. Cap would've kept going under normal circumstances to what I think is his own inevitable loss.

And remember Cap going there ended up being part of Zemo's plan. If he'd have surrendered Zemo would've sat there by himself because he'd already killed the other "Winter Soldiers". Tony also would've found out anyway via the news from Friday. They probably would've reconciled, then they could've gone as a united front with additional backup.

What kind of prep are we talking about?

I'm still trying to figure out if Cap can even hurt BP in his new suit, much less win

Enough to figure out how to damage or by-pass the suit. Just like T'Challa did against Killmonger. Or drown him I guess. Don't think he can breath under water in that version.
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I'm thinking Cap's only chance here is a knock down drag out street fight sans costumes where Steve can use his greater bulk and (seemingly) superior strength to wear T'Challa down.

And may I add......I love how well the casting (and the actors' work out routines) captures the relative sizes of the various heroes. MCU Thor may not be the man monster from the comics - you'd need an NFL lineman or WWE star for that - but he is bigger than Cap, who is more heavily muscled both the wirey T'Challa and the tall and lanky Vision. Those two are both larger than Iron and Ant Man, who are thicker than our Friendly Neighborhood Spider Man. Not everything in the MCU is "ripped straight from the comics", but in this they do a damn fine job.
I give it to Steve, for the following reasons:

1. Cap seems to be a little more superhuman than T'Challa, and specifically is stronger. This doesn't matter a huge amount in a fist fight, but it matters a lot of things turn into a grapple

2. The vibranium suit is not completely invincible, and in particular is shown as only helping a finite degree against vibranium weapons. . . like Cap's shield

Its not a huge advantage, but its enough that I think Cap takes it 6/10, maybe *slightly* more. Whoever is still standing at the end is probably going to want a visit to the hospital and a week off, though.
Cap is also strategic and will find a way to attack him. His shield being made of vibranium also may work on T'Challa's suit.
Cap is also strategic and will find a way to attack him. His shield being made of vibranium also may work on T'Challa's suit.

T'Challa was strategic when fighting a suit like his, and realized the only way to stop Erik was to turn the suit off. His Vibranium suit was not enough to get through someone else's.
I give it to Steve, for the following reasons:

1. Cap seems to be a little more superhuman than T'Challa, and specifically is stronger. This doesn't matter a huge amount in a fist fight, but it matters a lot of things turn into a grapple

2. The vibranium suit is not completely invincible, and in particular is shown as only helping a finite degree against vibranium weapons. . . like Cap's shield

Its not a huge advantage, but its enough that I think Cap takes it 6/10, maybe *slightly* more. Whoever is still standing at the end is probably going to want a visit to the hospital and a week off, though.

Why do people think Cap is stronger than Black Panther?

They've directly clashed with each other in Civil War and neither had a strength edge. Also suitless T'Challa cleaned Bucky's clock while shieldless Cap got overpowered and knocked down an elevator shaft.
I give it to Steve, for the following reasons:

1. Cap seems to be a little more superhuman than T'Challa, and specifically is stronger. This doesn't matter a huge amount in a fist fight, but it matters a lot of things turn into a grapple

2. The vibranium suit is not completely invincible, and in particular is shown as only helping a finite degree against vibranium weapons. . . like Cap's shield

Its not a huge advantage, but its enough that I think Cap takes it 6/10, maybe *slightly* more. Whoever is still standing at the end is probably going to want a visit to the hospital and a week off, though.

1. Based on what?

In the airport fight, Cap gets one knock down on T'Challa when he grabs him while he's running towards Barnes, when T'Challa engages Cap, he shows superior agility and downs him. Later we see a quick clip of him getting a down on T'Challa without context to qualify it. This is after we see T'Challa handle Bucky who is famously evenly matched.

We see them footrace, evenly. We see them in a match of strength which T'Challa wins, not Steve. We see T'Challa move with more agility.

2. Where?

The only weapons shown to fool with Vibranium are sonic weapons, of which Cap has none, nor is he aware of that weakness.
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Why do people think Cap is stronger than Black Panther?

They've directly clashed with each other in Civil War and neither had a strength edge. Also suitless T'Challa cleaned Bucky's clock while shieldless Cap got overpowered and knocked down an elevator shaft.

What's BP' s best strength feat? We've seen a bunch from Cap - including holding down a chopper, kicking a truck and throwing a motorcycle with enough force to smash a jeep.

Can't think of anything too impressive strengthwise from BP, but I've only seen his movie once.
Why do people think Cap is stronger than Black Panther?

They've directly clashed with each other in Civil War and neither had a strength edge. Also suitless T'Challa cleaned Bucky's clock while shieldless Cap got overpowered and knocked down an elevator shaft.

MCU Steve's bulkier and has one feat of extreme strength with the helicopter hold. And that's how it is in the comics. The comic Marvel Handbook had Cap capable of lifting 800 lbs with T'Challa at 700 lbs.
He chopped a car window and threw it at the Boko Haram goon. He took down a big ass rhino just by steering its horn sideways. Same with the car.
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He chopped a car window and threw it at the Boko Haram goon. He took down a big ass rhino just by steering its horn sideways. Same with the car.


Rassling 5K lbs creatures with apblomb and holding a 7K lbs car to the ground as it makes a 50+MPH turn. There's a reason this was shot:


And it wasn't because someone thought that Cap being vaguely more superhuman was a lock. And I don't think this can be understated:


...and then throws them back at him. Meanwhile, Cap's shield is getting more scratched up with every block. Even if he didn't have those strength feats, he'd still have feats of consistent brute force knockdowns of people with those feats, like Cap and Bucky.
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1. Based on what?

In the airport fight, Cap gets one knock down on T'Challa when he grabs him while he's running towards Barnes, when T'Challa engages Cap, he shows superior agility and downs him. Later we see a quick clip of him getting a down on T'Challa without context to qualify it. This is after we see T'Challa handle Bucky who is famously evenly matched.

We see them footrace, evenly. We see them in a match of strength which T'Challa wins, not Steve. We see T'Challa move with more agility.

2. Where?

The only weapons shown to fool with Vibranium are sonic weapons, of which Cap has none, nor is he aware of that weakness.

Exactly :up:

MCU Steve's bulkier and has one feat of extreme strength with the helicopter hold. And that's how it is in the comics. The comic Marvel Handbook had Cap capable of lifting 800 lbs with T'Challa at 700 lbs.

He easily took down an armored super rhino and held that car to the ground as it made that turn.

Not to mention, he's fought and grappled evenly with Cap and The Winter Soldier.
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If both were in civilian clothes it would be an awesome fight. Suited up BP wins. Skill wise, strength wise, speed wise and agility wise they are pretty much on par to varying degrees. Both are incredibly smart and resourceful. The suit gives T'Challa the advantage overall.

BP wins this.
this all the way
Weapon battle:

BP with suit > Cap with shield

Physical toe to toe fight:

BP's animal prowess and intellect give him the edge.

Heart and integrity:

I give this to Cap. T'Challa's royal status, genius and global power makes him somewhat arrogant and elitist. Where Cap will always be the humble weakling from Brooklyn with the heart of a champion.

I call this a tie overall.
Why do people think Cap is stronger than Black Panther?

They've directly clashed with each other in Civil War and neither had a strength edge. Also suitless T'Challa cleaned Bucky's clock while shieldless Cap got overpowered and knocked down an elevator shaft.

To be fair, BP was going in for the kill and Cap always holds back versus Bucky.
It still shows that their pretty evenly matched in the strength department.

Well, we're nitpicking here. Both Cap and T'Challa (and Bucky) are at the Super Soldier level of strength and athleticism so any differences folks read into their onscreen depictions are minor at best. But like the characters in the comics, Boseman's not as "swole" as a fully pumped up Evans so it seems reasonable to think of Cap as stronger with T'Challa having an advantage in speed and agility.
Well, we're nitpicking here. Both Cap and T'Challa (and Bucky) are at the Super Soldier level of strength and athleticism so any differences folks read into their onscreen depictions are minor at best. But like the characters in the comics, Boseman's not as "swole" as a fully pumped up Evans so it seems reasonable to think of Cap as stronger with T'Challa having an advantage in speed and agility.

Ridiculous take.

I mean that in a tongue in cheek kind of way, but that kind of assumption is baseless unfortunately. We go by feat, not physical appearance. haha.

Black Panther wins this. Poll seems to show so.

I'll be posting a new battle tonight everyone.

Gonna be Ironman vs Pre-Eternal Flame Surtur
As good as BP is Cap is a lot more skilled and stronger. Cap wins this with or without the shield with relative ease.

Plus he's fought imo a lot Longer than T'challa has.

For ME, i see it as a draw. As long as cap has his shield, BP can't hurt him, and cause of BP's suit, cap can't really hurt him..

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