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Noah Hawley To Write & Direct Next ‘Star Trek’ Film


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Jan 6, 2009
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Paramount Setting Noah Hawley To Write & Direct Next ‘Star Trek’ Film


EXCLUSIVE: Paramount Pictures is in final talks with Noah Hawley to write and direct the next Star Trek film. Through his 26 Keys production banner he will produce along with JJ Abrams and his Bad Robot banner. I don’t have too much more to report on the film, but my understanding is Hawley will helm the fourth film in this iteration of the venerable franchise, with the Enterprise crew led by Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg and Karl Urban.

In addition to his groundbreaking series Legion, Hawley serves as executive producer, writer, director and showrunner on FX’s Emmy-winning limited series Fargo. He currently is in production on the fourth season, which stars Chris Rock, with Hawley directing the first episodes. Both series are produced under Hawley’s 26 Keys.
Yeah I’m up for this. I think it was a crime that we’ll never get his Dr Doom film, and this franchise is in dire straits so let’s see what he’s got.
I love what Noah Hawley did with Fargo. Love it
I hear Legion is great too and it's on my list to watch.
But I heard his first sci fi movie, Lucy in the Sky wasn't it. I was looking forward to it, but it wasn't even released in theaters around me.

With how shaky the Star Trek cinematic franchise is in terms of box office...I wouldn't put my faith in someone like Hawley yet if I were a studio.
But we'll see. I love Hawley's work from what I've seen and I'm glad he's getting a shot.

I wonder how well this will do. I think the 4 year wait between 09 and STID was a terrible move and ruined the momentum. This looks like at least another 4 or 5 year wait between Beyond and ST4. And with Beyond underperforming that wait won't be good.

I also wonder if Pine will come back. He left the production before because of salary disputes
As much as I loved Fargo and Legion, it is bizarre that they gave him this after how bad he crashed with Lucy in the Sky. It wasn't a small mistake, it is a disaster. There is no reason to think he can work in the realm of film, and unless they are going to hold his hand I don't know how this is going to work out.
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I wonder what this will mean for QT's Star Trek film.
I wonder what this will mean for QT's Star Trek film.

He said in a recent interview he's going to do a bunch of stuff before his next/final film, including a book and some TV episodes... Hopefully Paramount just want to keep ST active in the meantime and he'll come to it when he's ready...

As for this movie, I have no opinion yet since I haven't seen any of Hawley's work. Super glad this cast gets another bite of the apple, though.

Thank God. Bury that terrible idea and start fresh. Ideally, Hawley can make a proper ST film so long as they lay off the Abrams sensibilities. I want an intelligent ST film that is trying to say something, not an action blockbuster.

I wonder what this will mean for QT's Star Trek film.

I'll be shocked if directs it. Do we really think that will be Tarantino's supposed final film?
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I'm down for this. I'll check out Lucy in the Sky when it comes to digital next month.
More Star Trek films and an interesting director choice! I dig it
Will it be the same cast? I thought they were let go after the salary dispute.

I hope they do a new story and stay away from any retreads.
Please let there be a focus on the Klingons. I want a war element in this. Beyond was terrible (in my opinion anyway) and was just a generic Trek film.

Both the first two films mentioned or featured the Klingons, and I loved their redesign; they looked menacing, rather than laughable (hello Discovery).

I wouldn’t be opposed to a reworking of TUD, but with higher stakes and more explosions. Do away with that Klingon bird of prey and replace it with a Romulan one; they’re always trying to disrupt the peace.

Maybe a rouge element of Admiral Markus’ group could be working with the Tal Shiar and a few Klingon houses to ensure a disrupted Quadrant.
I didn't like Legixn.

But I miss having new Star Trek movies, the last three were quite entertaining. So I really want a continuation. So this is good news.
Right now I could take or leave this. I'm getting my Trek fix from Discovery, and Picard is coming out soon.

But I do still want Tarantino's R rated Trek. I'd like to see a Trek film that's a bit grindhouse and isnt concerned with naval gazing. Maybe make it about a crew of mercenaries or criminals and put the Federation and Starfleet in the antagonist role.
^ Tarantino confirmed that his version was about the "Chris Pine cast", as he put it.
I had nothing but disdain for the 2009 film. In many ways it was the complete opposite of what I want Star Trek to be, and was character assassination of Kirk. Haven't watched Into Darkness or Beyond because I assumed it would be more of the same.


I am a big Noah Hawley fan, Fargo and Legion are two of my favourite televisons shows, up there with ST:TOS.

I'll try anything by Hawley, I hope they let him off the leash.
Star Trek is a weird one for me. I remember when ST ‘09 came out, I was really stoked for the future because even though the story was a little lacking, the main cast was great and the movie looked awesome. Then STID came out and killed the hype for me, I think because it showed that JJ & Co. didn’t have many original ideas. It was just a weird rehash of Wrath of Khan and oddly his last Star Trek movie. And Beyond was just meh. Another villain POed at Star Fleet, the Enterprise gets ambushed (again) and it culminates in a race against time to save a space station (standing in for earth this time). But hey, Kirk finally wins a fight!

I hope Hawley can do better.
Noah Hawley 'Star Trek' Movie Likely to Include New Cast

"To call it Star Trek IV is kind of a misnomer. I have my own take on the franchise as a life-long fan," Hawley told The Hollywood Reporter podcast TV’s Top 5, in an interview set to bow in April.

Asked if the film would involve a new cast, he responded, "Yeah, I think so. Yeah."

Pressed if anyone from the cast last seen in 2016's Star Trek Beyond would return, Hawley added, "It's early days. I don't know. But new characters often involve new cast."

Hawley also expounded on his vision somewhat, referencing 1982's Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn, widely considered to be a high point for Trek.

"It's William Shatner putting on his reading glasses and lowering Kahn's shields, which cost like $9.50. There's no big action sequence. He's just more clever," Hawley said, recalling a key scene. "There's something really uplifting about that feeling. I went to Paramount and just had my own ideas for what I wanted to do with it. So that's the direction that I'm going in. It's still very early days, so I can't really be more specific. But it's going to be different."
Personally, would very much welcome a 4th film in the ‘new’ series with continuation of the actors in the roles, really hope it happens. Not exactly keen on the QT proposed film.
If it's a new cast why not just make it a TNG reboot?

Personally thought I loved the previous 3 movies so really hope Pine et al return and we have a continuation.

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